Feng Baobao’s Awei Eighteen Forms

This is very cool.

“Bang bang bang…”A shovel is handy in Feng Baobao’s hand.

They kept attacking Wang Yu, but they were easily blocked by him.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for comprehending part of the power of longevity.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for comprehending the power of longevity.”

Seeing the attacking shovel again, Wang Yu took the opportunity to grab the handle of the shovel and lightly flick Baobao Feng on the forehead.

Feng Baobao let out a cry of pain, squatted on the ground and touched the slightly raised red bump on his forehead.

“How about it, are you ready now?”

Wang Yu touched the shovel, feeling very strange. The shovel that had attacked him so many times did not show any signs of damage.

But after inspection, it was found that this was an ordinary shovel.

“Since it’s not a problem with the shovel itself, it’s a human problem.” Wang Yu thought to himself.

“It’s over, I can’t beat him.”

Feng Baobao muttered, and stared at the front with unloved eyes.

“Hey, are you okay?” Wang Yu shook Feng Baobao’s eyes with his hand.

no response.

This…can’t be hit so easily, right?

“It’s over, Zhang Chulan is hopeless this time.”

“Hey, can you hear me?”

“It’s over, Zhang Chulan’s first place can’t be kept.”

Wang Yu: “…”

“It’s over, Zhang Chulan…”


Wang Yu roared loudly.

Feng Baobao’s autistic mode finally stopped. He looked up, then lowered his head again, “It’s over, Zhang Chulan is going to lose.”

Covering her forehead with one hand, she wanted to ignore her, but no matter what, he was responsible.

Just leaving like that, his conscience was greatly disturbed.

But it’s impossible to comfort others, and it’s impossible to comfort others in this lifetime.

Wang Yu gradually realized the essence of supremacy, showing affection and dying quickly. Single dogs can’t afford it.

This put him in a dilemma for a while.

However, at this moment, Feng Baobao, who was squatting on the ground with a dazed expression, revealed a little light in his eyes.

Seeing the defenseless Wang Yu, his body suddenly exploded.

Quickly bent down and came to Wang Yu.

“Find out the flaws and hit your soul with one blow!”

When Wang Yu was shocked, he placed his hands on his chest.

A huge force knocked Wang Yu out.

“Damn! I’m careless.”

After tapping his feet in the air a few times, Wang Yu’s body quickly landed on the ground.

Although this palm didn’t hurt him, it was very embarrassing. He was unexpectedly attacked by Feng Baobao, too careless.

Who would have thought that her appearance just now was a fake.

Who would have thought that Feng Baobao had pulled back from the very beginning. The speed of that blow just now was definitely faster than when he was fighting.

Wang Yu exhaled, feeling a little stuffy in his chest: “This trick is quite interesting, does it have a name?”

“Yes.” Feng Baobao nodded and said, “This trick is called, the old man pushes the cart!”

“Pfft! Cough cough cough…”

Wang Yu coughed violently a few times, “What? The old man pushes a cart? Your name really is…”

He didn’t even know how to describe it.

“Any other tricks?”

He had a hunch that there might be more than one kind of this weird move.

Sure enough, Feng Baobao nodded repeatedly.

Afterwards, his qi sank to his dantian, Feng Baobao suddenly squatted down with both legs, and jumped up violently.

Sitting cross-legged in the air, pinching the orchid fingers, her body sank sharply.

“This move is called, orchid weight drop!”


Wang Yu quickly dodged.

Feng Baobao was not disappointed in not hitting him.

“Come again, King Qin circles the pillar!”

Afterwards, Feng Baobao started running around Wang Yu.

One lap, two laps, three laps…

Wang Yu: “…”

Wonderful! A wonderful flower!

Feng Baobao: “Eh? You didn’t get dizzy, it’s really hard to deal with. It seems that you can only use my Okamoto zero.01.”

A short knife slipped out along the cuff.

Afterwards, Wang Yu experienced the full set of Awei’s 18 styles, all products are not discounted.

The vertigo technique is the king of Qin’s circle around the pillar, the old man pushing the cart in the middle lane, the monkey stealing peaches in the bottom lane, the **** in the top lane, the poisonous dragon drilling, etc…

Wang Yu was completely speechless.

Talent, the person who invented this set of moves is definitely a Scorpio.

It was as if I could hear a whining little train speeding towards my ears.

“Sister Bao’er, don’t!”

In the distance, Zhang Chulan came galloping quickly.

When Feng Baobao saw Zhang Chulan, he was obviously taken aback, “Zhang Chulan, why are you here?”

Seeing the knife in Feng Baobao’s hand and the traces left by the fighting around her, Zhang Chulan felt a chill in her heart.

He stammered and said, “Sister Bao’er, you guys have already fought, right?”

Before Feng Baobao could speak, Wang Yu nodded and said, “Yes, we’ve finished the fight.”

“Sister Bao’er, are you not injured?” Zhang Chulan said with concern.

Feng Baobao shook his head, “No!”

Zhang Chulan obviously breathed a sigh of relief, “That’s good, that’s good. Don’t do such dangerous things in the future, you can’t beat him alone.”

After hearing this, Wang Yu nodded in relief. This Zhang Chulan is still very thoughtful.

It seems that this time it was just Feng Baobao’s own act of self-assessment, and Wang Yu couldn’t say anything more.

Originally, Feng Baobao’s brain was different from that of ordinary people. Who knew what was going on in her head.

After all, I have already obtained some benefits. That is the power of immortality, so I don’t care about that much.

Wang Yu thought so generously.”Sister Bao’er, I don’t even know what to say about you. You have to estimate the opponent’s strength, at least bring me along!”

Feng Baobao nodded seriously, “No problem, I must remember to bring you with me next time.”

“However, what is he going to do now?” Feng Baobao said in a low voice, not forgetting to look at him from the corner of his eye.

Zhang Chulan was very guilty and did not dare to look at him, and slowly made two mouth shapes in her mouth.


Wang Yu’s face darkened. Since the two of them have reached a consensus after a while.

He had no doubt that if he had been tied up now, Zhang Chulan would definitely bury him with Feng Baobao according to Feng Baobao’s plan.

Black-bellied, two black-bellied people mixed together, what should I do? The other two protagonists, it is definitely not possible to kill them, they are waiting online, it is urgent…

Zhang Chulan came to Wang Yu with a cheeky smile and said, “Oh, brother Wang, we meet again.”

“Stop, back!” Wang Yu stretched out a hand calmly, “Keep a Feng Timo distance from me.”

As he spoke, he took two steps back and distanced himself from Zhang Chulan.

Staring at him vigilantly, Wang Yu had already grasped the dog charm tightly.

Zhang Chulan: “…” What the hell is Feng Timo?

Was he exposed?

“Brother Wang, what are you doing? We are our own people!” Zhang Chulan rubbed her hands with a lewd smile, and moved forward slowly.

“Go forward, I don’t mind sending you back with one punch.” Wang Yu said in a cold tone.

Zhang Chulan really didn’t dare to move forward, and stopped about one meter and five meters away from him, looking at Wang Yu pitifully.

Pretending to be pitiful with me?

He was afraid that he was thinking too much.

She turned and left without moving her head, leaving behind Zhang Chulan with an embarrassed expression, and Feng Baobao with a bewildered expression.

Feng Baobao: “Zhang Chulan, is this what you mean by outsmarting?”

Zhang Chulan coughed dryly twice, “Sister Baoer, don’t worry, everything is in my plan. He is too defensive against us now, and if he makes a rash move, we may not succeed. It may also attract others. When the time comes I would be ashamed.”

“Are you still afraid of losing face?” Feng Baobao said, “Didn’t you lose your face in the first match?”

Zhang Chulan: “…”

I can’t chat anymore, can I stop tearing things up in person.

He did it for the plan too!

“Sister Bao’er, don’t worry, there is an old saying that is good. The world is uncertain, and you are all dark horses. I have a wonderful idea, so let Zhang Lingyu deal with it.” Zhang Chulan smiled sinisterly.

It’s night, when the night is quiet, some special small animals always like to move around during this time.

Outside the door of the old heavenly master, a furtive figure slowly approached the old heavenly master’s room.

At this time, the oil lamps in the house were still on. Obviously, the old heavenly master did not rest.

The man came to the door and looked around vigilantly. After making sure that no one had noticed, he knocked on the door lightly a few times.

“come in.”

The calm voice of the old Tianshi came from inside the room.

The man was overjoyed immediately, opened and closed the door in one go.

Zhang Zhiwei: “???”

what happened……

“Ye Xing, what are you doing here if you don’t sleep at night?” Zhang Zhiwei asked.

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