The Tragic Mysterious Zombie King Wang Jian

“Hi! How are you all?”

Lu Linglong greeted her very ladylikely.

Xia He looked at Lu Linglong, nodded and said, “Okay! The little sister is so beautiful.”

I have to admit that Lu Linglong is really beautiful.

Lu Linglong smiled slightly. In this way, she could hear a lot every day.

His eyes lingered on Xia He for a while, and then looked at Wang Yu who was wearing a different kind of clothes.


Thinking for a moment in his eyes, he suddenly pointed atWang Yu, “You…you are the last dark horse brother yesterday!”

“Brother Dark Horse?”

A black line appeared on Wang Yu’s forehead, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he looked at her with an unfriendly expression.

How can there be such a description of people?

Lu Linglong probably also felt that her description was a bit swearing, and then kept apologizing.

Little stars appeared in his eyes, and he looked at Wang Yu with adoring eyes.

“Big brother, you are so powerful. You knocked down a snake as big as yesterday.” Lu Linglong said in an adoring tone, “My grandpa said that your strength is expected to be among the top three.”

Although it is a very happy thing to be admired by others, Wang Yu, who is superficially cold, can’t show his joy without image.

Even though he kept laughing wildly in his heart, on the surface, Wang Yu was smiling.

Just when he wanted to say a few words of modesty, a man in black robe passed by them.

Xia He’s eyelids moved, and his gaze unconsciously shifted to Wang Yu.

A note appeared in his hand at some point, and he glanced at it briefly.

Wang Yu put the note in his pocket in an instant, and chatted with them as if nothing happened.

But the attention has been focused on the man in black.

After seeing the man in black walking out of the arena, Wang Yu made up an excuse and followed.

Thinking of what was said on the note, Wang Yu felt anxious in his heart and body.

Looking at Wang Yu’s leaving back, Xia He pondered for a moment, greeted Liu Yanyan, and walked out of the arena in a leisurely manner.

At this time, Zhang Lingyu’s competition was at a fever pitch.

“Woo…” There was a slightly sad roar.

On Liu Yanyan’s head, a beaked beast as big as a small turtle looked at Wang Yu’s leaving back with a sad and indignant expression.

I think it is conscientiously serving this little aunt, and is completely satisfied with her orders for the past two days.

As a result, those who have shrunk now are not as big as fists, and finally saw Wang Yu, the irresponsible master again.

I never thought of it, I didn’t notice it at all.

This is a sad story of a sad beaked beast…

In the woods outside the tournament arena.

Following the man in black from a distance, Wang Yu was very puzzled.

I was a little puzzled, who is he? How do you know he is white.

That’s right, on that note, only the word Bai Qi was written.

Others may not take it seriously, but Wang Yu, who occupies Bai Qi’s physical body, cannot ignore it.

The two walked through the woods at a very high speed. Gradually, Wang Yu suddenly realized that he had unknowingly used his full speed.

In the vast jungle, the two figures one in front of the other are like two bullets passing through.

The figures of the two were no longer visible to the naked eye, so one could imagine how fast the speed was.

Wang Yu saw that the distance between him and the man in black in front of him didn’t shrink much.

This surprised him a little. He slowly circulated the Qi in his body, and the speed increased by more than one layer.

Unexpectedly, the other party also accelerated.

Wang Yu’s eyes were full of fighting spirit, and he had a hunch that this person’s strength would definitely not be much worse than his.

This is definitely a master.

No longer suppressing his strength, almost at the instant of thunder, Wang Yu, who was at least a hundred meters away from him, instantly shrank to ten meters away.

The black-robed man’s eyes were horrified, and he gritted his teeth. A pair of black boots under his feet gave off a black-red light.

Stepping on the ground with one foot, a complex blood-red light appeared under his feet, which flashed past.

In the next second, the figure of the man in black appeared several hundred meters away.

This was a pain for Xia He who had been following behind. On the one hand, she didn’t dare to use her energy. On the other hand, she felt that even if she used her energy, she might not be able to catch up with these two perverts.

Leaning helplessly under a tree with one hand, Xia He looked at Wang Yu who had disappeared in front of him with complicated eyes.

“Could it be that this is your real strength?”

You must know that Xia He’s strength is not weak.

Xia He, who couldn’t keep up with the speed of the two of them, took a short rest and moved forward slowly.

However, there was no trace of frustration in her eyes. Instead, she looked like a professional reporter, full of gossip.

“This time, we must find out your identity!”


With one punch, a tree as thick as a human was smashed into pieces.

The man in black took two steps back to distance himself from him.

Staring at Wang Yu vigilantly, a very ugly and hoarse voice came from his mouth, “Who the hell are you?”

Wang Yu withdrew his fist, did not attack again, and said indifferently: “I should be asking you this question. This should be the second time we have met.”

The man in black was silent for a moment, then looked at him quietly.

“Strange, I thought you were a descendant of General Bai. But I didn’t expect you to be so fast. Is it a special ability?”

Wang Yu’s eyes moved, this guy probably regarded him as a descendant of Bai Qi.

Afterwards, Wang Yu pretended to be surprised and said, “How do you know! Who are you?”

“My name is Wang Jian, have you heard of it?”

The man in black raised his masked face, staring at him with a pair of empty eyes.

“Wang Jian?” Wang Yu pondered for a long time, then raised his head and said, “I’ve never heard of it, is it famous?”

Wang Jian choked violently.

This kid probably hasn’t studied history.

He, Wang Jian, was at least a general during the Great Qin Dynasty, leaving a strong mark in the history books.

Wang Jian’s face was not very good. “We have investigated you, but there is very little information. We only know that your name is Wang Yu. If it wasn’t for the last timeSensing a familiar aura in your body, I’m really not sure that you are a descendant of General Bai. ”

Although Wang Yu’s speed surprised him, Wang Jian still subconsciously believed that he was a descendant of Bai Qi.

She didn’t think in the direction that the other party was Bai Qi.

This is a kind of habitual thinking, witnessing Bai Qi committing suicide and being buried.

In addition, when he met Bai Qi, the other party was already a famous general in his thirties.

And the current Wang Yu, after being baptized by Lei Jie, has transformed into a truly indestructible bone. The dead energy in his body dissipated, and the vitality brought by Thunder Tribulation flourished in his body.

After the remodeling of his bones, he was like reborn from the ashes. His complexion was fair, his body had degenerated into a twenty-year-old appearance, and there was no trace of a zombie on his body.

This also led to Wang Jian’s sensory misjudgment. He simply thought that he looked a little like Bai Qi.

“You…investigate me?”

Wang Yu tilted his head, and the next moment, his body had disappeared in place.

Wang Jian’s pupils, which were covered under the mask, shrank sharply, and said badly to himself.

In the next second, a fist the size of a sandbag gradually enlarged in his eyes.

A crisp sound sounded, followed by a huge roar.

I saw the black-robed man Wang Jian’s body shooting backwards like a cannonball. After smashing a lot of trees, it stopped.

The power of a punch is so terrifying!

This is Wang Yu’s deliberate control of strength. If he goes all out, he will definitely be able to kill this half-step zombie.

This is the difference between not melting bone and half step not melting bone.

A difference of half a step is like the sky.


Under the tree with broken limbs, a bronze-colored hand stretched out.

Slowly clenched his fist, and then there was a low growl.

The trees under him were instantly shaken away.

At this time, Wang Jian looked very miserable on the outside.

The mask on his face has been broken, revealing that ferocious bronze face.

Two protruding long teeth hang from the corners of the mouth on both sides. The black robe has been scratched in many places by branches.

A head of pale hair fluttered in the wind.

Wang Jian’s eyes were red, and he growled in a low voice, “Boy, what do you mean?”

His hands were clawed, and his purple-black nails shone brightly in the air.

Make an appearance that if you don’t give me a satisfactory answer, I’ll tear you apart.

But Wang Yu didn’t care about this, but looked at him with interest.

“I have to say, you look… really ugly.”

Wang Yu’s words made Wang Jian’s expression extremely ugly, and he stared at him firmly.

The two looked at each other like this.

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