Supernatural Incarnation

People are afraid of comparison. Before Zhang Chulan always thought he was miserable.

Unexpectedly, this brother Wang Yu is still a virgin in his thirties, so he is only nineteen, don’t worry, don’t worry.

This night, Zhang Chulan went to sleep with a smile on her face.

It’s good to have a worse one…

If Wang Yu knew that he had such an idea, he would definitely be ridiculed.

Still compare with brother, brother is a great time traveler. If he really wanted to, he could find many beauties just by looking around.

Early the next morning, Wang Yu woke up.

He turned over and continued to sleep on the surface.

In fact, he is settling yesterday’s harvest.

Name: Bai Qi (Zombie)

Strength: no bones

Abilities: Summon Bone Soldiers, Thunder Power, Light Body Art, Stellar Qi, Tai Chi, Tai Chi Cloud Hands, Tai Chi Strength, Invite God Art (disabled), low-level space travel (5%)

Mission point: 1422

【Conversion function】

Looking at the rich system interface, Wang Yu felt much happier.

Sure enough, too many skills do not overwhelm one’s body.

The ancients did not deceive me!

He hesitated for a moment. With so many good things, Wang Yu really didn’t intend to sell them to the system.

Originally, there were only 22 mission points left, but suddenly he piled them up to more than a thousand.

“It’s better not to sell it.”

Wang Yu seems to have good abilities, so I think I should keep them for now.

“Hey, it’s detected that the host has bad thoughts. Before returning, the host can carry up to three stunts. Please think calmly.”

Wang Yu: “…” Uh? Is this threatening me?

Hehe… I really think I was made of clay figurines.

With a thought, besides summoning bone soldiers and the power of thunder, he sold the rest in a blink of an eye.

Watching the task points rise to break through 2,000 in an instant.

“Ding, the host has achieved the goal of 2,000 mission points, and rewards the incarnation of supernatural powers!”

Then, an incomprehensible golden text came from my mind.

Slowly, the golden characters slowly condensed, forming a huge egg shape after a while.

Wang Yu, who was secretly observing the dome, only felt a pain in his consciousness, his soul was sucked in by the dome, and he lost consciousness for a short time.


In a few seconds, the giant egg began to gradually burst.

A virtual white figure, holding a long sword, with white hair reaching down to the waist, and sharp eyes. Vaguely, it seems to be seeing a white phoenix that wants to take off.

Playing a few swords and flowers in the void, Wang Yu rarely smiled in his eyes.

With a thought, after confirming that there is no one outside.

Appearing in the outside world in an instant, staring at Bai Qi’s body that would lie motionless on the bed, Wang Yu looked at his incarnation.

I learned from the system that once an immortal cultivator reaches the state of transforming gods, he can divide his own consciousness.

There can be up to three distractions, corresponding to the three realms of the God Transformation Realm, and there are many uses for distractions.

For example, attaching to a magic weapon and cultivating the spirit of the natal weapon. Refining avatars, cultivating Yuanshen Yangshen, etc. can all be used.

So, there are many benefits to being distracted.

If used well, it can save lives at critical moments.

Completely immersed in this incarnation, Wang Yu had a strange expression on his face. Looking at the body lying on the bed, it was obvious that it had become an empty shell.

His face darkened, and he questioned the system: “Don’t pretend to be dead, the system, come out and explain. Didn’t it mean that a divine consciousness was separated from the soul and refined into an incarnation outside the body? How come my body has become an incarnation!”

“If you don’t explain clearly today, you and I will never end!”

Wang Yu scratched his head for a while.

What is this called? Wang Yu was quite happy to get the incarnation of Feng Qiuhuang.

I never thought about how the soul body has become an incarnation.

Facing Wang Yu’s question, the system seemed to be thinking about how to answer.

Just consume each other like this.

After a while, the system explained:

“The answer is obvious, because the host is distracted.”


Wang Yu was shocked, how could this be possible. How can I be distracted, I am not the body.

After a pause for a few seconds, the system organized the language, and said: “This system is a subsystem of the strongest auxiliary system, and it is separated from this system. Of course, the host is the same.”

“Because the host used the Moonlight Treasure Box to go back to the past, in the process, he was noticed by Heaven. Therefore, the main body system arranged for the host to enter a state of serious injury, and the main body was closed for up to three years.”

“So, the main body soul of the host and the main body of the system are still sleeping in the fox demon world.”

“This, this… that isDoes that mean I’m just a distraction? “Wang Yu panicked, how could this happen.

Could it be that after three years, when I go back, I will meet another main body, Wang Yu. Is he really just a distraction?

For a moment, Wang Yu was in a mess. He no longer has any interest in martial arts competitions or collecting stunts.

If one day you know that the world you live in is fake. And you are just a game character with wisdom, after the game is over.

You want to face the player who has been controlling you.

The distrust of the world and the confusion about the future.

Wang Yu suddenly didn’t know what to do.

“So I was just distracted.” Wang Yu’s eyes were confused, and his heart was very tangled.

At this moment, the system said again:

“To be precise, the host is not a pure distraction.”

A gleam of hope appeared in Wang Yu’s eyes and said, “Is there any difference?”

“Correctly speaking, the host is now a distraction with consciousness.”

Wang Yu: “???”

Confused, Wang Yu is now extremely confused.

“Every practitioner in the Transformation God Realm has three distractions. Even if they are separated by thousands of miles, the main body can be connected to the distractions. Simply put, the separated Transformation Gods have no consciousness.”

“Basically, it is controlled by the ontological consciousness, and the ontological consciousness cannot be separated. The ontological consciousness and the ontological soul are not inseparable. The ontological consciousness can come to every distraction as it pleases. As long as the strength is strong enough, even if the distraction and the soul The main body is separated by a world, and the consciousness can come here completely.”


Wang Yu seemed to half understand what he said about his digestive system quietly.

After being silent for a while, Wang Yu said again: “You mean, my consciousness descends into this body with the help of distraction, and my soul is still sleeping in the fox world? Isn’t consciousness the soul?”

“No, the soul and consciousness are not exactly the same. They are complementary, just like the soul and the body, they are dependent on each other. When a person is born, the soul and consciousness are a blank sheet of paper, and after a period of survival , white paper has been added with various dyes.”

“And with the passage of time, the soul level will gradually increase.”

“But soul and consciousness are extremely difficult to separate. Even an immortal can’t separate soul and consciousness if he doesn’t specialize in soul cultivation. For example, Kaisha in the super god world, even if her body is shattered and her soul is shattered. But as long as Give her time, and her consciousness will gradually condense the broken soul fragments, and thus gain rebirth.”


Wang Yu said that he did not understand at all.

But it doesn’t matter, at least he knows one thing. That is, he is him, even if he goes back, he is still him.

If I said that earlier, it would be over.

Wang Yu raised his middle finger to the air in contempt.

After working on it for a long time, you can just say that I am still I.

“Sister Bao’er, let me tell you, that brother Wang Yu is simply my bosom friend. I don’t know if he has gotten involved.”

Zhang Chulan’s voice came from outside the door.

Wang Yu saw that his current appearance was not good, so he had to quickly slip back into Bai Qi’s body.

What if Zhang Chulan opened the door and found a handsome guy he didn’t know, lying on the bed with Ruan and Bai Qi, motionless and lifeless.

Then you’ll be fucked.

Not long after, just after Wang Yu’s avatar entered Bai Qi’s body, Zhang Chulan opened the door and brought Feng Baobao in.

Seeing Wang Yu who was still lying on the bed startled, Zhang Chulan helplessly called him up.

“I said, big brother, why are you still sleeping? It’s almost eight o’clock, and at nine o’clock all the contestants who have advanced to the next round will have to gather.”

Wang Yu pretended to have just woken up, “What’s wrong? Was there an earthquake?”

Zhang Chulan slapped his head: “My big brother! Hurry up, the game is about to start!”

“All right, all right, you guys go out first, and I’ll get up right away.” Wang Yu shrank under the quilt and said to Zhang Chulan and the others.

Zhang Chulan looked at Wang Yu with contempt, but she didn’t say anything after all, and walked out with Feng Baobao.

During this period, Feng Baobao’s eyes were always cute. Decadently hunched over, as if he had no interest in anything.

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