Deng Youcai’s Hole Card

His expression calmed down, and he said stubbornly, “It’s just that he is strong. He can’t beat my defeated generals.”

“Old sister is still so stubborn.” Feng Xingtong narrowed his eyes and smiled.

On the other side, Zhang Chulan saw that Feng Shayan seemed to be very indifferent towards Wang Yu, who had met once, and unconsciously thought of a sense of gossip.

Leaning close to Feng Xingtong’s ear, she asked in a low voice, “Your sister seems to look down on him a lot!”

“Eh…how should I tell you this?” Feng Xingtong found that the old sister’s attention was not on his side, and explained in a low voice: “The main reason is that my old sister heard Feng Baobao say that he is very strong, and she felt a little bit dissatisfied. Convinced.”

“Let me tell you! My elder sister is jealous. Think about it, being praised by your enemy for being strong, how does that feel…”

Feng Xingtong blinked at him halfway through his words.

Zhang Chulan nodded understandingly.

Clutching her chin with one hand, she pondered: “Your sister, who was defeated by Sister Baoer because Sister Baoer said Wang Yu was strong, has a heart.It’s a little out of balance. ”

“Let’s see, I think, the old lady might make a mistake this time.” Feng Xingtong said solemnly.

Zhang Chulan was stunned for a moment, and turned her gaze back to the playing field.

Just the fluttering demeanor of the white clothes suits him very well.

A picture unconsciously formed in my mind.

Wearing a black cloak, Zhang Chulan stood on the huge roof of the Forbidden City.

On the other side, Wang Yu, who was dressed in white fluttering like a fairy, looked at each other with him.

Two peerless masters competed for the title of the world’s number one master above the Forbidden City.

Thinking about it, Zhang Chulan drooled unconsciously.

At this time, the game is still going on.

King Kong, who was repelled by Wang Yu’s punch, was not discouraged at all, but inspired the opponent’s fighting spirit.

Crazy attack on Wang Yu.

The pair of fists emitted a khaki golden light, and each fist was accompanied by the vibration of the air.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for comprehending the stellar qi!”

Wang Yu only defended him and did not attack him until the system prompted him to fully comprehend the opponent’s aura.

Taking a step back suddenly, a fist carrying strong energy was thrown out by him!

The punching wind that feels like tearing is coming!

King Kong turned pale with shock. Isn’t this the stellar energy that he is extremely familiar with? How could the other party do it too!

There was no time to think about it, King Kong gritted his teeth, circulated the qi in his body, and greeted him.


There was a loud bang like a bell, and accompanied by a scream, a figure flew out backwards.

Rolled a few times on the ground, and reluctantly knelt on the ground with one leg.

The figure was King Kong, and he was extremely miserable at this time.

The whole arm was drenched in blood, limply drooping in the air.

With cold sweat streaming from his forehead, the pale King Kong looked at him with fear in his eyes.

No one knows better than him what happened.

His strength is not half as strong as that man’s.

Although the stellar qi he cultivated is not a unique skill, few people would practice it.

Because if you want to practice stellar qi, you have to boil your body first. This process is very painful and difficult, and it may take ten or eight years if it is fast, and it may take fifteen to twenty years if it is slow.

Just imagine, for ordinary people who practice qi, they can feel the qi in their bodies in March and May.

And to practice stellar qi, you can’t have qi in your body. Only after going through a certain level will the body produce Gang Qi.

King Kong never expected that the other party was also a master at cultivating stellar qi.

No…at least to the level of his brother.

Maybe stronger than his brother.

“I…I surrender!”

Even though he was very unwilling, he understood. With one arm already crippled, he has no chance of winning even if he faces the other two.

After King Kong was eliminated, Wang Yu turned his attention to the other two.

Deng Youcai did not expect that Wang Yu would be so troublesome, so he said in a deep voice, “Let’s go together, deal with him first!”

“it is good.”

The bearded man took a deep breath and moved his foot slightly.

The body rushed out quickly, so fast that in the blink of an eye, it was already in front of Wang Yu’s eyes.

Lifted one foot and swept towards Wang Yu’s face.

Wang Yu subconsciously blocked the opponent’s attack with his arm.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for comprehending part of the light body technique!”

Just as he was about to fight back, suddenly a few flashes of golden light that were as fast as lightning emerged from the ground under his feet.

Wang Yu hurriedly pulled away to avoid it, but he didn’t expect that those golden lights turned out to be living creatures.

After realizing that Wang Yu was dodging, he quickly flew over again.

Wang Yu used Gang Qi to knock them down with a few punches.

It wasn’t until their bodies fell to the ground that Wang Yu saw what they were.

It turned out to be a few little snakes with golden flower bodies.

The little snake is not big, but there are several golden patterns engraved on its body.

Even if Wang Yu wrapped his fists with gang qi, he could feel the terrifying power generated by their impact.

With the same ability, different users have different powers.

If it was King Kong just now, a few of these little snakes would give him a headache.

If it wasn’t for Wang Yu’s sensitive perception that something was wrong, he increased the output of stellar energy.

I’m not afraid that I will be bitten by them.

Depend on! Who knows if this thing is poisonous.

Wang Yu looked in Deng Youcai’s direction, and noticed that the other’s temperament had completely changed.

At this moment, Deng Youcai was filled with a gloomy and cold aura.

His eyes were red, his pupils were like snake eyes, and there was a faint red light around him.

The old celestial master standing on the high platform was slightly taken aback, “It’s strange, isn’t Deng Youfu the number one genius of their shaman clan? Why is it that Deng Youcai’s upper body spirit seems to be stronger.”

Lu Jin nodded: “Indeed, this elf is definitely better than Deng Youfu’s, and more than that. It’s interesting, as expected, the masters are all among the people.”

“Quack quack…”

Deng Youcai on the field had an unpleasant laugh from his throat. Like something stuck in the throat, extremely ugly smirk.

Wang Yu looked at him with a very unhappy expression.

You laughed when you said you laughed, and you actually made such an ugly sound.

The scalp is numb, this sound is too harsh.

It’s like scratching the blackboard with your fingernails, which makes people’s hearts tremble.

Fortunately, this voice didn’t last long. Deng Youcai kept looking at Wang Yu with his red snake eyes.

Sticking out her tongue, like a snake, extremely cold.

“What a breath of fresh air. You are this kid’s target, right?”

Taking a few deep breaths of air intoxicated, Deng Youcai said in a cold tone:

“That…Senior, I’m not, he is!” The bearded man gasped when he saw Deng Youcai’s appearance at this time.Take a breath.

As if he recognized something, he subconsciously took two steps back and waved his hands repeatedly to explain.

“Really?” Deng Youcai sized him up slightly, with a thoughtful look in his pupils.

Just when the bearded man thought that Deng Youcai understood, his body relaxed slightly.

In the next second, Deng Youcai’s figure disappeared instantly.

A cloud of dust was left in place.

Appearing again, one hand grabbed the bearded man’s neck and lifted him up.


The bearded man had a pained expression on his face, and he wanted to shout ferociously.


There was a scream from outside the arena, and a woman in a red uniform wanted to jump off the arena.

However, they were stopped by a few Taoist priests maintaining order in Tianshi Mansion.

“That’s right! Bearded man, you actually want to lie to me. Hmph! Deng Youcai, that little bastard, invited the old man over to deal with this kind of bastard.”

As he spoke, Deng Youcai’s hands began to exert force.

“I…I surrender…surrender!”

Difficult to break open a gap with his hands, the bearded man said with a flushed face.

“Cut! This kind of small fish needs to be shot by the old man. No wonder he has been suppressed and beaten by that kid Deng Youfu. How could I sign a contract with him?”

Deng Youcai… Oh no, it was the snake spirit in his body, muttering ironically.

With a wave of his hand, he threw the bearded man in his hand out.

Slowly turned around and faced Wang Yu.

Sticking out his tongue, he made a “hissing” sound.

Snake Spirit said in a gloomy tone: “You kid… you are very strong!”

“What kind of trick is this? It feels like a different person.” Wang Yu’s eyes were three points curious and seven points solemn.

Just now, Wang Yu secretly used the ability of both hands.

You must know that having both hands in Lu Liang’s hands is a means to play with other people’s souls.

Wang Yu, who already has a strong soul, is even more aware of Deng Youcai’s changes.

A giant gray snake wrapped around Deng Youcai’s body.

“Is this possession?”

Wang Yu sniffed and gained some understanding of his methods.

The expression returned to calm. Wang Yu thought that the other party should be possessed by a soul, temporarily controlling Deng Youcai’s body.

If he uses both hands, the strength he is using now should be enough to deal with him.

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