The Real Unmelted Bone

A few days later, Wang Yu sat quietly on the sofa.

“Urgent news: There was a major murder in this city today. Six people died, and their deaths were horrific. According to detailed information, the deceased was an independent group of hooligans.”

“The murder weapon is suspected to be some kind of slender object. According to our bold guess. It may be a fight between two underworld groups. In recent days, citizens should not go out casually at night…”

After watching half of it, Wang Yu lost interest.

Compared to these, there is a terrible thing in front of him now.

On the first day, the heartbeat returned to normal and began to supply blood to the body.

The next day, the internal organs completely returned to normal.

On the third day, Wang Yu’s body temperature began to rise, and he felt hungry and tired.

Originally speaking, he should be happy.

But sadly, the Qi in his body disappeared.

Yes, it completely disappeared.

This once made him want to cry.

Without energy, it means that all his abilities can’t be used.

Even bone soldiers can’t be used.

Lying limply on the sofa, Wang Yusheng looked at the ceiling hopelessly.

Is this the fate of going against the protagonist?

The only thing that comforts him is that his physical strength is still there.

This comforted him a little.

It is also possible to be a pure strength fighter if it is not possible.

Just when Wang Yu was wandering around.

Liu Yanyan quickly ran over from the outside.

“Important news, the Tianshi Mansion announced the Luotian Dajiao.”

Xia He, who was lying on the bed, heard Liu Yanyan’s words, his eyes flashed brightly, and then he returned to his idle look.

And Wang Yu acted as if he didn’t hear it, and his attention didn’t know where his mind wandered.


Liu Yanyan was very happy to convey the news, but she didn’t expect that these two salted fish would not even turn over.

Can’t bear it, absolutely can’t bear it!

Liu Yanyan clenched her fists, “You guys… at least give me some reaction!”

“This is the Tianshi Mansion, do you understand the Tianshi Mansion?”

Liu Yanyan panted heavily, staring at the two salted fish angrily.

Wang Yu: “Oh, does it have something to do with me?”

Xia He: “I’m not very interested. My current interest is all in your good brother.”

Glancing at Wang Yu pointedly, he found that Wang Yu’s face was still stiff, and he felt a sense of frustration in his heart.

Depend on! Thinking about how many years Xia He has been in love, even a monk can be fascinated by her.

I didn’t expect to be defeated by this unusual zombie.

But the more she did this, the more she raised her fighting spirit.

There is a saying that goes well, things that are easy to get are often not cherished.

And the more you can’t get something, the more you want it.

It is for this reason that the current Xia He has already regarded Wang Yu as the target of conquest.

“Hey, this Luo Tian Dajiao is very lively. It is said that strangers from all over the world were invited, and the first place can inherit the position of celestial master. Are you all not interested?” Liu Yanyan shouted.

Wang Yu stared at Dead Fish Eyes: “I’m not interested at all.”

At this time, Xia He was looking at Wang Yu seriously, thinking about a new conquest plan in his heart.

“Wait! You said that there will be many strangers participating this time?” Wang Yu asked suddenly.

“Yes!” Liu Yanyan nodded.

Wang Yu thought about it again, this is an aboveboard opportunity to collect all kinds of stunts, it would be a pity to miss it.

But what made him hesitate was the issue of Qi. Without Qi, his strength would have shrunk by more than half.

And as a villain, he should think carefully about appearing in a place like Longhu Mountain where there are a lot of masters.


With a stomachache, Wang Yu got up and ran into the bathroom with a changed face.

Liu Yanyan looked bewildered: “What’s wrong with him? Is it a stomachache? No way,How do you feel that he is becoming more and more human. ”

Xia He didn’t feel anything at first, but after being reminded by Liu Yanyan’s words, she suddenly felt something was wrong.

Thinking about it, there was indeed something wrong with Wang Yu these days. If it wasn’t for Liu Yanyan just now, Xia He hadn’t noticed it yet.

“Little sister, do you know the level of zombies?”

“Zombie level? Of course I know. But why are you asking this?” Liu Yanyan asked puzzled.

Xia He blinked, feeling as if she had guessed something great, and immediately urged her.

Liu Yanyan thought for a while, and said, “The levels of zombies are divided into: walking corpses, black zombies, white zombies, jumping zombies, flying zombies, wandering corpses, crouching corpses, and boneless.”

“It is said that the masters of the four ancient zombies are all in the realm of not melting bones, but that realm has always been just a legend.”

“Hey! If I could have a boneless head, I would be invincible.” Liu Yanyan said enviously.

Xia He frowned, and continued to ask: “Then, can you tell me in detail about the realm of not melting bones?”

“Yes, it is possible, but I don’t know much about it.” Liu Yanyan said: “However, non-melting bones only exist in fairy tales. There are dead bodies everywhere.”

When talking about zombies, Liu Yanyan immediately became interested. He kept nagging Xia He about what he knew, but Xia He listened with interest.

On the other side, Wang Yu, who was squatting in the pit, has also finished.

At this moment, he was leaning against the wall with a pale face.

He assured that this was the weakest moment in his life experience.

“Damn it, this is the rhythm of getting rid of the kidney!”

Leaning weakly against the wall, Wang Yu reached out to wipe the sweat off his head.

Wang Yu really didn’t understand what happened to his body.

“I don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing.”

Wang Yu said to himself.

He felt that the changes in his body didn’t stop, and some changes were happening in his body all the time.

Judging by this posture, it will take a few days to completely stop.

Half a month later.

In a certain jungle.

The huge sun hangs in the sky, shining on all things and the earth.

Suddenly, the sky gradually darkened.

The boundless dark clouds slowly coalesced.

The sun was covered, and within the huge dark clouds, faint traces of thunder and lightning flickered.

“Sister Xia, was it really caused by Wang Yu?”

In a small wooden house in the distance, Liu Yanyan had an unbelievable expression. Looking at the dark clouds above his head, he was shocked.

Xia He was also taken aback by the situation. Even though she had made every preparation, she was also stunned by the scene in front of her.

“This… can’t be wrong. The legendary Thunder Tribulation, I didn’t expect it to be so terrifying.” Xia He said with a little worry: “Looking at Lei Yun, I really don’t know if that guy can survive it.”

Liu Yanyan was not only not worried, but excitedly said: “Flying zombies evolve into wandering corpses. It’s so exciting. I can actually see wandering corpses one day.”

Glancing at Liu Yanyan who was looking excitedly at the sky, Xia He murmured in his heart, “Wandering corpse? If it’s true, I’m afraid the old celestial master might not even be able to beat him.”

Thinking that when Wang Yu didn’t evolve, beating her was like playing games, Xia He was in a bad mood.


At this moment, a huge lightning flashed across the sky.

It lit up the whole sky.

Finally, it landed in the middle of the woods.

Lightning fell, and countless dazzling electric arcs flickered in the woods, and it took a long time for them to be exhausted.

Liu Yanyan grabbed the window frame with both hands, and said nervously: “Sister Xia, did he succeed?”

“How do I know, you have been dealing with zombies all year round, and you still ask me?” Xia He rolled his eyes and said speechlessly.

“This… It’s also my first time to come into contact with wandering corpses. I heard that our flying zombie was also going to evolve into a wandering corpse before. Unfortunately, the power of the thunder calamity is so powerful that it almost knocked his soul out of his wits. He hasn’t recovered after recuperating for a long time.” Liu Yanyan said.

“It is said that at that time, flying zombies crossed the catastrophe, and the entire five kilometers were shrouded in thunderclouds. The scene was terrifyingly grand.”

“Five kilometers?” Xia He glanced at the sky, and the corner of his mouth twitched. Is this riding a horse for five kilometers? She can’t see the side at a glance, that is to say, she believes that it is twenty kilometers away.

Just as the two were talking, the second wave of thunder disaster was brewing.

A few thunderbolts roared across the sky like sharks galloping in a raging sea.

In less than half a breath, it all fell on Wang Yu’s body.

And Wang Yu in the middle of the forest is in a very strange state.

The clothes on his body were already wiped out in the first wave of lightning. His pale skin was exposed, and the pulse in his arms kept beating.

There was a dim red light in his eyes, and his whole body was shrouded in blue electric light.

With excitement in his eyes, Wang Yu really wanted to cry up to the sky.

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