Conjecture from Lu Liang

Seeing that Zhang Chulan was not cooperating, Feng Baobao held his head with one hand and pressed his head down.

The hand holding the handle of the knife fell quickly.

“Forgive me!”

Zhang Chulan yelled miserably.

“Okay, it’s okay.” Feng Baobao said suddenly.

Zhang Chulan raised her head in a daze, and looked at a small bug on Feng Baobao’s knife.

“this is?”

“I control the Gu worms you use.” Liu Yanyan sat on the ground disheartened and said.

“It’s you!”

Zhang Chulan only noticed Liu Yanyan and the others.

When he saw Lu Liang, he laughed loudly and said, “Hahaha…Feng Shui takes turns, now you are in my hands.”

Lu Liang: “…”


Zhang Chulan covered her head and said aggrievedly, “Master, why did you hit me again?”

Feng Baobao stared at Zhang Chulan with malicious eyes, “Slave, they are my sister’s prey, do you want to kill me?”

Zhang Chulan quickly waved her hand and said, “Master, I misunderstood, how dare you, kid.”

“It’s not the best. Xu Si said that anyone who wants to snatch the prey must be killed!” Feng Baobao said.

The three of Zhang Chulan swallowed crazily.

Afterwards, Zhang Chulan followed Feng Baobao with a depressed expression.

Xu San has already escorted Liu Yanyan and the two into the car.

“It’s strange, I’ve been rescued, why don’t I feel happy at all.” Zhang Chulan looked at her hands mockingly: “Grandpa said that luck will flowIf it turns bad, it will become better when it is extremely bad. It’s all a lie, and it’s obviously gotten worse. ”

“I’m also really stupid. I actually believed that someone would take the initiative to throw herself into my arms…”

Feng Baobao tilted his head and said, “Is this why you were depressed all the way?”

“No one will always be unlucky…”

Zhang Chulan was taken aback, and looked at Feng Baobao full of hope: “Are… are you comforting me?”

Think about it carefully, from the beginning to the present. He has basically never hurt me, no, it should be said that he has been helping him.

Whether it’s looking for Grandpa’s body or coming to rescue me, it means she won’t hurt me.

Thinking of this, Zhang Chulan inexplicably felt a lot better.

Although she looked gloomy and crazy, at least she was comforting him now.

“The reason why you are so unlucky is not because you are unlucky.” Feng Baobao put his hands in his pockets and said with a serious expression.

Listen, listen.

Zhang Chulan suddenly felt that life was full of hope again.

At least there are people who understand him, that’s enough.

Just when Zhang Chulan was so excited, Feng Baobao’s next words were like pouring a pot of cold water on his head, which made his heart feel cold.

Just listen to Feng Baobao’s righteous words: “Bad luck is not the reason you use to cover up. The real reason is that you are an idiot!”

“Huh?” Zhang Chulan was stunned.

The next second, Feng Baobao turned on the mocking mode.

“How stupid are you to believe that a girl like you will fall into your arms.”

“Look at your unlucky look. You can spend 200 yuan for a suit…”

“Strangers will always plan something if they want to be with you, but you are useless…”

Feng Baobao stared at his lower body with contempt, raised his middle finger and said, “Or do you think you have diamonds on your bottom?”


Zhang Chulan instantly petrified and fell to the ground.

“Oh, yes, I caught both. That’s it, we’ll be right back.”

After Xu San hung up the phone, he looked at the petrified Zhang Chulan on the ground with a different expression, “Baby, what is this?”

Feng Baobao said: “No, I just comforted him.”

“Uh…Okay.” Xu San felt a little strange, when did the baby learn to comfort others? I remember that Zhang Chulan was fine just now, why is he lying on the ground now.

Shaking his head, Xu San put these things aside for the moment, the most important thing now is to escort those two back.

Liu Yanyan and Lu Liang, who were handcuffed and sitting in the trunk of the car, look very miserable now.

Lu Liang said with a dead face: “It’s over, this time it’s really over.”

Liu Yanyan didn’t care, she looked at it openly.

“What are you afraid of? Sister Xia will come back to save us.” Liu Yanyan said.

Lu Liang’s face was calm, his heart was ashamed and he said: “If you think too much, she won’t come to save us.”

“How come? We are all her subordinates!”

“It seems that you still don’t understand the essence of Quanxing.” Glancing at Liu Yanyan, Lu Liang said with a downcast expression: “All people are selfish and selfish. Some people can be said to be murderous.”

“This…isn’t true?” His words made Liu Yanyan very unbelievable.

“It’s true. At this point, I won’t lie to you.”

Lu Liang rationalized his thoughts, and then slowly said: “You are young in the industry, and you don’t have a clear understanding of Quanxing. Quanxing is crazy. Except for sister Xia, everyone has a lot of blood on their hands.”

“The reason why I joined Sister Xia’s camp is because Sister Xia has never killed anyone, and her character is the best among the four. What’s more, the place we are going to, even if Sister Xia goes in, she may not be able to get out .”

“But don’t worry, since you’re joining for the first time, they won’t do anything to you.” Lu Liang chuckled lightly.

Liu Yanyan was bombarded heavily by this series of messages.

It took a while to recover, and Liu Yanyan asked softly, “What about you?”

“Me?” Lu Liang said with a wry smile, “After all, I killed someone, and I’m still a relative of mine.”

“This…” Liu Yanyan was struck by lightning on the spot, “You, you, you… have killed someone! Is this true?”

“Whether it’s true or not is not important anymore.”

Lu Liang looked up at the white roof of the car, and said with a dejected face, “They already believe that I killed it, so the truth is no longer important.”

Looking at his appearance, Liu Yanyan instantly realized something.

“Could it be that you were wronged?”

“Is this important?” Lu Liang asked. Then he said mockingly: “Let’s not talk about me, anyway, I’m dead this time.”

“Don’t worry, that guy will come to save us.” Liu Yanyan, you confidently gave him an air of confidence.

“I hope so.” Lu Liang didn’t have much confidence. He still didn’t understand Wang Yu, a zombie.

Flying stiff, maybe it is really possible.

Lu Liang thought of this and asked, “By the way, how long have you known each other?”

Seen by Lu Liang, Wang Yu might be the flying zombie from their Xiangxi corpse-hunting family.

As for what Liu Yanyan said before, Lu Liang didn’t believe a single word.

Just kidding, zombies are notoriously emotionless. Because the soul is incomplete, there will be no emotions at all.

As the best of them, the flying zombie can speak and think, but this does not mean that it has emotions.

On the contrary, the zombies who have reached this point have become more cold-blooded.

LowSuper small zombies are like beasts, they have instinctive bloodthirsty, and also some instinctive fear.

For example, fear of the sun, or black dog blood or something like that.

But the flying zombies are definitely not afraid of these things. Lu Liang dare not bet on whether Wang Yu will come to rescue them.

That’s why I asked this question.

Liu Yanyan didn’t think as much as he thought, so she told everything about her encounter with Wang Yu.

Lu Liang: “…”

Looking at Liu Yanyan strangely, Lu Liang really didn’t know what to say at this moment.

Will a small person be buried in a bronze coffin?

It was also engraved with the curse of gathering evil spirits, even a fool can guess that the people inside must be either rich or noble.

This child can no longer be described as simple.

After holding back for a while, Lu Liang opened his mouth and said, “I conclude that Wang Yu is definitely not his real name.”


Before Liu Yanyan could react, she asked with a puzzled face.

Sighing, Lu Liang told her his guess.

“What! That bastard dared to lie to me.” Liu Yanyan immediately turned into an angry little tiger, with raging fire in her eyes, as if she wanted to burn someone.

Lu Liang frowned, feeling as if he had overlooked something.

After thinking about it carefully, he said stupidly: “By the way, you just said that you used your family’s secret method, the five-finger joint mind-controlling corpse curse, on him, and it succeeded?”

“It seems to be a success.” Liu Yanyan said uncertainly.

“Impossible, no matter how perverted the method is, it is impossible to succeed when your strengths are so different.” Lu Liang immediately denied it.

“What you said seems to make sense.” Liu Yanyan thought for a while, and said, “It’s also the first time I’ve used that technique, but I can still feel a faint connection with him now.”

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