The corpse girl Liu Yanyan

This is a weird thing.

According to the strategy given to him by the system, shouldn’t he inherit the memory at the beginning of the game?

“Could it be that the way I opened it was wrong?”

Wang Yu considered whether to lie down and get up again.

“System, are you here?” Wang Yu called softly.

It’s a pity that there is no system response.

Wang Yu knew that the system had dived again.

Since the binding of the system, Wang Yu has had very little active communication with the system. He has always thought that this system is not artificial intelligence.

He skillfully opened the system template, but the familiar interface disappeared, replaced by an unfamiliar name.

Name: Bai Qi (Zombie)

Strength: no bones

Ability: Summon Bone Soldiers

Mission points: 22

【Conversion function】

Just when Wang Yu was shocked, a message suddenly came from the system.

[The host has ten seconds to choose a magic weapon of the main body. 】

Magic weapons: Mahogany Sword, Iori Mirror, Heart Mirror, Dao Sword, Hidden Qi Belt.

[Ten, nine, eight… five, four… two, one…]

[The host didn’t make a choice, the system randomly selected one. 】

[Choose item: Iori Mirror. 】

“Wait, I…” Before Wang Yu could respond, the system left a farewell and dived again.

No matter how he called this time, the system didn’t come out.

It made Wang Yu dumbfounded for a while.

Feeling himself has now become a zombie. If he remembers correctly, boneless bones seem to be a relatively high level among zombies.

“Isn’t this the world of some zombie movie? Could it be that I’m the final boss?” Wang Yu thought, and realized that the girl who attacked him just now wanted to run away.

Wang Yu moved instantly and appeared behind the girl. Patting her on the shoulder lightly, Wang Yu obviously felt her body stiffen instantly, and her body was still trembling slightly.

Liu Yanyan was in the mood to cry at this time, being caught by a wild vampire zombie, everyone knew it was going to be cold.

What’s more, as a member of a family of exorcising corpses, the first time a zombie is born, she must see blood!

“Girl, are you okay?” Wang Yu asked.

“You put your hands away, and my aunt will be fine.”

Of course, she didn’t have the courage to say this. She turned her head stiffly, and said in a trembling voice, “It’s… not bad!”

“Suck if you want, but can you be gentle and leave me a whole body?” Liu Yanyan said with a stiff expression, gritting her teeth to cheer herself up. Anyway, I’m going to die today, and even if my aunt dies, she wants to die more beautifully.

After making up her mind, Liu Yanyan turned around and faced Wang Yu. A pair of big eyes stared at him with a surprised expression: “You… you, you, are you alive?”

She saw that the zombie in front of her was not the bronze-faced one she had imagined, but a skinny zombie.

On the contrary, the other party’s face was fair, and his body didn’t look like a zombie. A pair of dark eyes stared at her strangely.

“its me?”

Wangyu pointed at himself, looked at Liu Yanyan’s nervous little eyes, and smiled, “Of course it’s a zombie!”

“How is it possible!” Liu Yanyan said with a look of disbelief, “Even if you are flying stiff, it is impossible for you to be as human as you are.”

“There is no heartbeat, and the body is so hard, so strangely stiff.” Liu Yanyan immediately turned into a curious baby, touching and pinching Wang Yu’s body.

There was no trace of fear at all until he saw a mark on Wang Yu’s forehead that was as big as a thumb and like a red star..

“This is my corpse-controlling mark. Could it be that I succeeded?” Liu Yanyan closed her eyes and carefully sensed the mark, as expected, she could feel it.

Immediately said happily: “In the future, I will also be paralyzed! Let’s see who dares to bully me.”

Then surrounded him and kept touching him.

That way, as if looking at a beautiful work.

Wang Yu stretched out a hand speechlessly, and flicked it lightly on her forehead, causing Liu Yanyan to cry out in pain.

This is a problem girl.

Wang Yu is sure and sure, this girl definitely has something wrong in her heart. He is an evil zombie anyway, even if she may be a Taoist priest, she can’t be like this.

The most important thing now is to figure out what world you are in now. But judging by the girl’s dress, Wang Yu guessed that it should be a modern world.

“Hey, big man, what’s your name?” Liu Yanyan asked.

“Wang Yu.”

“Wang Yu? I haven’t heard of it. Which dynasty are you from?” Liu Yanyan pinched her chin, carefully recalling that there didn’t seem to be a single name of Wang Yu in history.

Looking at Wang Yu up and down, Liu Yanyan said: “Looking at your outfit, the golden iron mail armor, your status should not be low. How could there be no such name as Wang Yu in history for a general who was well established during his lifetime?”

Wang Yu thought to himself: “It’s strange to be talented, but listening to her language, this world seems to be Chinese, but fortunately it’s not foreign.”

Considering the lonely men and widows here, Wang Yu decided to do something.

“Let’s go, let’s go back to the hotel first.”

Liu Yanyan took Wang Yu’s hand and walked down the mountain.

Wang Yu felt a little shy in his heart. If it wasn’t for the fact that the zombie had no heartbeat, Wang Yu felt that he would be blushing.

When we met for the first time, this girl dragged him into a room, which was too exciting.

This is the first time we have met, girl, you are too bold!

However, he was surprised to find that his body was too strange. Doesn’t it mean that zombies are unconscious?

Why did he vaguely feel the temperature from the girl’s hand.


However, what surprised Wang Yu even more was his power. Although it was different from mana, it was intuitively much stronger than his body.

Even Tu Shan Yaya at her peak, Wang Yu now has the confidence to deal with it with one punch.

Of course, this may also be his illusion.

But having said that, it’s really not close to the village below the mountain. After running for a while, Wang Yu thought it was slow, and amidst Liu Yanyan’s exclamation, he grabbed her waist and flew up easily.

In the starry sky in the middle of the night, gusts of cold wind howled past.

“Hey, I don’t seem to be afraid of heights anymore!”

Wang Yu licked his lips, and there was a smile on his white and tender face.

Looking up at the starry sky, Wang Yu was so proud: “I want to see how high I can fly!”

With a loud laugh, Wang Yu quickly got up. From a distance, it looks like a missile flying straight into the sky.

As he got higher and higher, the surrounding air became thinner and thinner, but Wang Yu is now a zombie and doesn’t need to breathe at all.

Just when Wang Yu wanted to fly up, he suddenly remembered that he was still holding that girl.

At this moment, the girl’s whole body tightened, her limbs were like octopuses, and she hugged him tightly. His lips were purple, and his body was trembling non-stop.

“Cold…so cold…”

“Oops, forget about her!”

Wang Yu was so excited that he forgot about her.

Secretly annoyed, Wang Yu didn’t dare to fly upwards. A blood-red mist emanated from the body, wrapping the two of them in it, completely isolating the cold air outside.

It wasn’t until the girl’s body temperature gradually returned to normal that Wang Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

He also counted on asking the girl for information, but he couldn’t let her die. What’s more, from the beginning to now, Wang Yu doesn’t like killing people very much.

If such a beautiful woman loses her life because of his mistake, Wang Yu believes that he will blame himself for a long time.

Looking down at the girl, she found her pair of phoenix eyes glaring at him angrily. Wang Yu smiled awkwardly, and quickly changed the subject: “Girl, what’s your name?”

“Hmph! I won’t tell you!” Liu Yanyan rolled her eyes, and her temper suddenly came up.

Wang Yu’s eyelids twitched, and he suddenly said playfully: “You have to think carefully, this place is very high from the ground, if you say that I let go suddenly…”

“You dare! I’m your master.” Liu Yanyan yelled, but she felt that Wang Yu’s arm was loosening, and she begged for mercy: “My name is Liu Yanyan.”

Liu Yanyan was so aggrieved in her heart that she didn’t dare to say any threats. The ghost knows what’s going on in this zombie’s mind.

Wang Yu frowned, feeling that the power in his body was being consumed at a speed visible to the naked eye, but the power in his body was too much to hold up.

So it shouldn’t be a problem to stay here for a short time. The distance from the ground here is about 1,000 meters, according to Wang Yu’s estimates.

If you really let go, it will definitely become minced meat.

Wang Yu looked at Liu Yanyan, whose face was pale with fright, and wasn’t teasing her. Then the body sank quickly, and fell to the bottom of the mountain in a short while.

Under Liu Yanyan’s guidance, she quickly found the hotel where she lived.

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