“Brother, I want to go too.”

The girl in orange came out with a cold expression.

Wang Quan Baye sternly refused: “Absolutely not, you just stay at home.”

“I don’t!” The girl raised her stubborn eyes and looked at him without giving in.

“Hmph! Even if you don’t take me with you, I will follow you secretly.”

After the girl finished speaking, she turned and left.

King Quan Baye stared at the girl’s back, and finally sighed.

Butler Fei didn’t interrupt from the beginning to the end.

Seven days later, the coffin was buried in the ground.

Nine days later, the girl in orange looked at the tombstone quietly, on which was engraved: Tomb of Wang Quanyu.

Staring blankly at the tombstone in a daze.

He held a red hilted sword in his hand, and this sword was his favorite. Although it is not without a powerful magic weapon, it is a gift from the girl to him.

The two had a marriage contract since childhood and lived together since childhood.

But the girl has always regarded him as an idiot brother in her heart. The boy is weak and doesn’t like fighting. Let her be since she was a child, and give her any good things as soon as possible.

In his memory, the boy had never cried. Every time she was wronged by her father, the girl would come to him.

The relationship between the two is very good.

But the young girl is proud and is very against this marriage. Therefore, the girl gave him a sword and made up her mind not to step into the boy’s yard for two years.

Until a few days ago, Jin Renfeng, the eldest disciple of the master of Shenhuo Village, the leader of the Taoist sect, came to challenge him.

No one in Wang Quan’s family could beat him, and they all lost. Even the swordsmanship that the girl had always been proud of lost to him in a few moves.

Just when the girl was disheartened, the boy appeared.

I saw him again two years later, dressed in white and with a sword. Standing in front of her, fighting against the golden wind.

In that battle, everyone present was shocked.

Who would have thought that Wang Quanyu, known as the sick young master, would have comprehended Jian Xin.

Although the level of mana is not as good as that of Jin Renfeng, Wang Quanyu, who has comprehended Jianxin, is still equal to Jin Renfeng.

But it’s a pity that Wang Quanyu’s training time is too short. Moreover, he has never fought with anyone, and his fighting skills are not proficient.

Jin Renfeng noticed a gap, and slapped his chest with a palm.

Just like that, Wang Yu, who had just crossed over, went directly into the coffin.

“Ding, the system is successfully connected!”

“Start transferring memory!”

Wang Yu, who was bored in every possible way, was taken aback for a moment, and then a flood of inexplicable memories appeared in his mind.

Severe stinging pain came. If it wasn’t for his inability to feel his body, Wang Yu would definitely go crazy.

Fortunately, this feeling came and went quickly.

After recovering, Wang Yu began to sort out his memory.

Now he seems to be standing in the perspective of God, watching those strange pictures.

In the end, the picture remained on a girl in orange clothes…

“Nimma, am I dead?” Wang Yu couldn’t help being a little dazed, and then said angrily, “System, hurry up and explain to me, or we won’t be finished.”

[Sorry, it was a system error. 】

【Because the host was noticed by Tiandao on the way back to the past, the system arranged a catastrophe to cut off the connection between the host’s body and soul. 】

“Separation of soul and body?” Wang Yu said, “Isn’t that death?”

【yes. 】

“I’m your uncle!” Wang Yu couldn’t bear it anymore and said, “My perfect life! You let me die when I was in high spirits?”

“It’s over, I’m still so young.” Wang Yu felt so sad: “My little Qingtong, I haven’t spent all my money yet, and I still have great ambitions to do.”

[The host shouldn’t be so depressed, it’s only been three years, the system can compensate the host for a chance to travel through the small world for free. 】

“Then it’s settled, we’ll just wait for your words.” Wang Yu was secretly happy when he heard it. Fearing that it would repent, he said quickly.


Wang Yu waited for a long time, but he didn’t hear the system’s voice. He asked cautiously, “System, is it still there?”

It wasn’t long before the voice fell.

“Ding, small world shuttle card x 1.”

“Small world shuttle card: You can randomly travel to a small world, and soul wear props.”

“Use… No, wait!” Wang Yu thought for a while and asked, “System, there won’t be any accidents this time, right?”

The voice already clearly contained strong distrust.

【#, no, small worldThat’s it, the system is still fine. 】

[May I ask if the host uses it? For a period of three years, it will be automatically sent back after three years. 】

“Three years, isn’t it a bit short? Also, in three years, my body in this world won’t rot, right?” Wang Yu remembers those time travel novels in the past. Doesn’t it mean that the time in each world is different? ?

And three years later, the ghost knows if this body can still be used.

[The host doesn’t have to worry, with the host becoming a god, three years is just a nap. The host has also discovered that the cultivation system of the host is different from that of the people in the world of fox demons. 】

Wang Yu asked suspiciously: “What’s different? If you want to talk about the difference, there’s not a single trace of my cultivation that comes from my cultivation.”

[The system is determined according to the standard of immortality in the big world, so if the host’s cultivation in the realm of transformation into a god is placed in a certain cultivation world, he can live for thousands of years. But the rules of the fox demon world are different. Unless the host breaks through the realm of human immortality, he can only live for two or three hundred years if he dies. 】

“What do you mean all of this has anything to do with it?” Wang Yu became more and more confused when he heard it. Instead of talking about his physical body, how could it be related to the laws of the world.

“You’re saying that, if I do a few more tasks, my cultivation will be improved soon?” Wang Yu asked puzzled.

[Let’s show the host the strategy. 】

“What? You still have a strategy?” Wang Yu would definitely be sweating profusely if he could sense it in his physical body. It seems that he didn’t understand this system at all in the past.

“Wait, aren’t you going to teach me some messy memories again?” Wang Yu said vigilantly. It feels really painful, like holding a syringe and stabbing your butt hard.

And this process slowed down a hundred times, so sour, Wang Yu really didn’t want to experience it again.

[Don’t worry, the system is gentle this time. 】

“do not……”

Before he finished speaking, he felt the familiar tingling again, which made Wang Yu want to scold his mother very much now.

After finally getting through it, Wang Yu was sure that he was in vain.

Recalling the memory in his mind, Wang Yu realized that there was still something about this system.

Traveling through 3,000 large, medium and small worlds, the strongest auxiliary system ranked 666th in the system rankings.

And there are some basic essentials about time travel.

The only thing that made him a little dissatisfied was the ranking, which didn’t even make it to the top 100.

Seeing this, Wang Yu suddenly thought of a question: “Aren’t there many system owners in this world?”

The system was silent for a while before giving a vague answer.

[The host’s authority is not enough, please ask the host to explore by himself. 】

“Huh! Why do you think so much?” Wang Yu forced himself not to think about those distant things. He was lucky enough to encounter a system, so there was no need to be disappointed.

“System, use the Small World Shuttle Card.”

【Host, happy journey! 】

The next second, Wang Yu lost consciousness.

“Hope is an interesting world.” This was Wang Yu’s last thought.

Under one person, in a secluded small mountain village.

It was night, the stars were shining brightly overhead, and a crescent moon illuminated the entire earth.

At this time, the moon was dark and the wind was high.

The back mountain of the small mountain village is the cemetery of their ancestors for generations.

Originally, there were no special festivals here, and very few people would show up.

But today we welcome a special guest here.

A girl with long orange hair and a white dress walked slowly in the jungle.

If there were pedestrians passing by at this time, they would definitely be scared to death.

“Well, even if you get rid of them, it’s really annoying.” The girl bounced around for a walk in the woods, and before she knew it, she came to the cemetery group in the small mountain village.

After the girl saw it, her eyes lit up.

He looked up and looked around. When he saw a big tree, he took two steps and jumped five meters.

Jump onto a thicker branch.

Looking down at the cemetery below.

Looking around with bright eyes, he murmured, “It’s strange, how come such a big cemetery doesn’t have much yin energy?”

“Could it be because of the terrain? Forget it, it’s what matters.” The girl thief laughed and quickly made a seal with her hands: “Come out, my little cuties!”


After the words fell, the girl pushed her palm out.

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