Goodbye Hongzhong

“The heads of ten demon kings are all here, do you have any questions?”

Qing Tong on the side looked at the shocked woman, and subconsciously curled her lips.

“No… please wait a moment, I’ll ask a professional to test it.” The woman apologized to Wang Yu and ran away in a hurry.

In the hall of Yiqi Daomeng, although there were not many people, there were some Lingling scattered.

Seeing the huge monsters on the ground, the pot exploded in an instant.

“Damn, is it true! Isn’t this too exaggerated?”

“It’s a lie, right? It should be ten little monsters.”

“Fart, based on my experience in killing demons for so many years, these ten are definitely at the level of demon kings.”

“Impossible, these two are so young, they don’t look like that kind of masters.”

A middle-aged man in a leather jacket said to the other person: “You are stupid! Maybe he is a powerful monster. You still don’t believe my judgment. You will know when the appraiser arrives.”

The middle-aged man looked confident.

Seeing how confident he was, everyone recognized him as an old man who caught monsters, so they didn’t say much.

After all, most of the people who came here to pick up the mission knew each other. Except for a very small number of people, everyone will choose to form a team when accepting tasks.

Killing monsters is risky, especially for monsters that do evil. It is common for them to suffer casualties.

Bounty hunters like them walk on the edge of a tightrope.

You can only be extremely careful, otherwise it might disappear if you don’t pay attention.

“Xiao Li, where is the person you mentioned?”

A voice that was somewhat familiar to Wang Yu came from a corner not far away.

Wang Yu looked curiously in the direction of the voice.

A white-haired man followed the staff member just now.

Wang Yu was taken aback for a moment, and then said pleasantly, “Brother Hongzhong!”

That’s right, the person who came here was Hong Zhong who had met him once and chatted very well.

Hongzhong didn’t expect to see him here, so he smiled faintly: “Long time no see, your phone number is taken away, I thought you would contact me soon, but I didn’t expect to see you for almost a month Call me.”

“Haha, isn’t it a little busy recently?” Wang Yu was very embarrassed. At first, he just wanted to ask for a phone call. If he hadn’t met Hongzhong today, he would have almost forgotten about it.

However, when everyone who had been joining in the fun saw Hong Zhong’s arrival, the atmosphere quieted down by coincidence.

The cigarette dangling from the mouth of the middle-aged man in the leather jacket subconsciously fell to the ground.

He said in disbelief: “Cheat…you’re a lie, the Red Squadron Leader can actually laugh?”

Turning around, he said to a young man, “Hit me.”

The young man was taken aback for a moment, “What did you say?”

“Stop talking nonsense, hit me quickly.” The middle-aged man urged.

The young man can’t turn his head around a bit, this is too weird.

He assures that today is the weirdest thing he has encountered this year, no, these past few years.

Without hesitation, the young man swung round, and slapped the middle-aged man’s face with his mouth.

Make a “pop” sound.

“This…you asked me to hit you.” Afterwards, the young man regretted it a bit.

Looking at the bewildered eyes of the other party, and seeing a pistol pinned to his waist, the young man swallowed subconsciously.

When the other party didn’t react, he quickly got into the crowd.

Within three meters, the surroundings of the middle-aged man were empty.

Everyone looked at him like a fool.

By the time he realized it, he could no longer find the young man.

Subconsciously touched the half of the face that was beaten, the middle-aged man’s face was flushed, and he screamed with anger.

The abnormal behavior of the middle-aged man strengthened everyone’s opinion, and they left one after another.

In an instant, the hall was empty.

Hongzhong has brought Wang Yu and the two to the second floor.

After Hongzhong’s introduction, the second floor is a resting place for entertaining guests.

The three of them found a seat by the window, sat down, and Hong Zhong ordered three cups of milk tea.

The milk tea will be served soon.

During this period, Hong Zhong’s gaze stayed on Wang Yu.

Wang Yu looked awkward.

After the milk tea was served, Hong Zhong looked away and said, “It’s really strange, why do you feel the aura of a strong person on your body?”

“Ah?” Wang Yu was taken aback, he wouldn’t have discovered anything.

But obviously he was thinking too much, Hong Zhong shook his head and said, “Maybe I was thinking too much, last time I met you were an ordinary person with low mana.”

Wang Yu smiled on the surface, but became serious in his heart. Secretly said: “I’m careless, my cultivation base has improved a bit fast, but luckily he didn’t notice.”

“By the way, were you the one who killed the ten demon kings?” Hong Zhong asked.He took a sip of milk tea and asked.

“That… yes.” Wang Yugang wanted to say that he killed it, but immediately reacted and said, “It was the beautiful lady next to me who killed it.”

Pointing at Qing Tong who was sitting on the side, when Wang Yu called her a beautiful lady, her ears turned red,

Hong Zhong looked at her, feeling a little familiar.

“Miss, I seem to have seen you somewhere.” A gleam flashed in Hong Zhong’s eyes.

Don’t see that Qingtong is very gentle in front of Wang Yu. Once other people were present, he became very cold.

Then I heard Qingtong’s voice say calmly: “My name is Qingtong, the young master’s secretary. Besides, I haven’t seen you before.”

“Qing Tong? Such a familiar name.”

Hongzhong thought about it, but still couldn’t remember where he heard it. So I didn’t think about it after thinking about it, and turned to look at Wang Yu with a smile and said, “I didn’t expect to meet you here.”

Anyone who is familiar with Hongzhong knows that Hongzhong only smiles when it is compatible with friends.

“I didn’t expect that either.” Wang Yu asked curiously, “Brother Hongzhong, aren’t you a demon policeman? Why are you identifying the corpse of a monster here?”

“That’s it.” Hong Zhong replied without thinking, “Because the appraiser has something to do, so I came to help. After all, I am a demon policeman, and I can still recognize most monsters.”

Wang Yu nodded after listening.

Taking a sip of the milk tea, Wang Yu suddenly whispered, “That…Brother Hongzhong, does Yiqi Daomeng sell magic weapons?”

“What? You want to buy a magic weapon?” Hong Zhong said.

“It’s true that Yiqi Daomeng can buy a magic weapon, but I don’t know what type you want to buy.”

Wang Yu rested his chin in his hand and said, “A sword and a magic weapon that can hide mana.”

“This is simple. I will take you there after receiving the reward. Most people can only buy some low-level magic weapons when they go to the Magic Treasure Pavilion, but because of your special status, and I will lead the way, you can enter the third floor of the Magic Treasure Pavilion, which is The place where high-level magic weapons are stored.”

“That’s really a big thank you to Brother Hongzhong.” Wang Yu said in surprise.

His mahogany sword is only an intermediate magic weapon, and it’s easy to use. If it weren’t for the cracks in the sword body, Wang Yu didn’t plan to change the magic weapon.

After chatting for a while, I saw the waiter named Xiao Li walking over with a thick stack of banknotes.

Looking at the posture, at least three to four hundred thousand.

The woman came to Hongzhong, lowered her body and whispered: “Captain Hong, the liquidity here is not enough. This batch of funds will be delivered in the afternoon. Can you discuss the transfer?”

After hearing this, Hong Zhong nodded and said, “I understand, you don’t need to worry about the rest, just go about your business.”


The woman put the money on the table respectfully and withdrew.

Since the distance between the tables was not large, although the woman’s voice was very low, both Wang Yu and Wang Yu were not ordinary people, so they could hear it clearly.

But he doesn’t care, money is just a string of numbers to him now.

There’s no way, Dad Cheap left him too much money. Even if he has been a prodigal, Wang Yu will not give up.

Of course, as a poor man in his previous life, Wang Yu rarely spent money recklessly, even if he is rich now.

Except for the time when Tu Shan Rongrong pitted him…

That’s a million!

Wang Yu’s heart hurts when he thinks about it. Why did he give it away in a feverish manner?

Thinking of this, Wang Yu’s face suddenly drooped.

Depressedly, he took a few deep breaths.

Not long after, a few people left the front building of Yiqi Daomeng and walked towards the back.

Along the way, Wang Yu looked at everything around him in shock.

I didn’t see green water and green mountains, but I saw mountains of gold and silver.

Pointing to a golden rockery not far away, Wang Yu tremblingly said, “That can’t be made of gold?”

“you guessed right.”

Hong Zhong replied while walking.

Wang Yu’s jaw almost didn’t drop in shock. What did he see.

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