The weasel is very angry now, several middle-level demon kings dare to act wild in front of it.

What’s more, that big-headed ghost actually inserted its magic weapon into his life gate.

If it wasn’t for the weasel’s intentional or unintentional exercise there, I’m afraid it would have defeated it with one blow.

The gate of life is very important to monsters like them.

If it weren’t for their elder sister Qingtong, the weasel would have torn them to pieces.

“What do you want to do? I didn’t provoke you.”

Suppressing the desire to be furious, the weasel had no choice but to humble himself. There was no other way, the other party could have a big demon king as a backer.

But it swears, it won’t just let it go. Wait for it to break through the big demon king, and then find its place again.

The big-headed ghost king stretched out his hand to grab back its steel fork magic weapon, and said strangely, “Isn’t this the weasel that once pursued big sister’s head? What a coincidence.”

“Yes, yes, yes, it’s quite a coincidence.” The two-horned golden-eyed beast and the Beak King of the North Sea looked at each other.

The previous worm demon had already fled away.

The weasel was aroused by their eccentric tone, and said gloomily, “What do you mean? Why did you sneak attack me?”

“No reason, I see you are unhappy.” The big-headed ghost king said with a look of disgust: “You, a weasel without transformation, have the courage to chase after our eldest sister. Who gave you the courage? Ba la la little demon fairy?”

The Beak King of the North Sea asked puzzledly: “Second Brother, who is the Little Demon Fairy Balala? The Great Demon King?”

The angry-looking big-headed ghost king scratched his head, with a confused expression on his face: “I don’t know, so I couldn’t help but yelled out.”

The two-horned golden-eyed beast said helplessly: “Second brother, that’s not the point, okay? The point is that the weasel is already the peak demon king, didn’t you realize it?”


“Well, we were just passing by. By the way, I’m still cooking at home.” The Big Head Ghost King smiled awkwardly, as if he suddenly remembered something.

With one hand behind his back, he secretly gave a thumbs up.

This is the secret signal they prepared when they came. It means that if they can’t beat them, they should slip away first.

The three monsters took a few steps back in a tacit understanding.

But before they took a few steps back, they felt something hit behind them.

“Did I let you go?”

The weasel’s cold voice came from behind them.

“My mother! Why are there two weasels?”

Looking back at the two weasels in front and behind, the big-headed ghost king and the three demon kings suddenly felt their hairs stand on end.

“This is… the hair-plucking technique of Aolai Kingdom!” The big-headed ghost king stared at the weasel and shouted fiercely.

The eyes of the two weasels exuded an evil light, and their expressions were ferocious: “Get out, it’s a clone technique.”

“It’s over, this time we are dead.”

The Beak King of the North Sea held his heart with a look of despair.

The weasel gave a dark smile, licked the corners of its mouth, and approached them greedily.

“Since you are so anxious to die, I will eat you first. When I break through the Great Demon King, I will definitely capture that bitch Qingtong.”

“Damn! How dare you flirt with our eldest sister, you are doomed today!”

The angry big-headed ghost king roared: “Brothers, transform!”

“Okay, second brother.”

The eyes of the Beihai bird beak insect king and the double-horned golden-eyed beast emit red light, and the three monstersShouted: “Supernatural powers, Dharma looks at heaven and earth!”

As soon as the words fell, the bodies of the Three Demons swelled violently. In an instant, it grew to three times that of the weasel, and what was even more frightening was that the demon power had reached the peak of the demon king.

The current situation is that three peak demon kings PK two peak demon kings.

Seeing this, the weasel swallowed: “Tu Shan’s Dharma Aspect World is a lie.”

As expected of a weasel, no matter what time it is, life-saving is the first priority.

His eyes twirled crazily in their sockets, and he already had the thought of running away.

The three demon kings smiled coldly and stared at the weasel in front of them.

“Why, do you want to run away now?” The big-headed ghost king with angry eyes snorted coldly: “Don’t think we don’t know, the one in front is the real body.”

The weasel in front rolled its eyes and said, “No, the one in the back is the real one. Look back, it has already escaped.”

The three demons were not moved by the weasel’s words, and slowly approached it, fisting with both hands.

The two-horned golden-eyed beast proudly said: “Today, even the gods can’t save you. Give up resistance, and the three of us can take it easy.”

“You…you can’t do this.” The weasel kept retreating with a frightened look.

The Three Demons squinted their eyes and laughed loudly.

What they didn’t notice was that the weasel’s eyes flashed with a glimmer of conspiracy success.

On a big tree not far from here, a blue beaked beast the size of an apple leaned against the tree trunk, leisurely watching the battle below.

Suddenly, it moved its eyes, looked at the direction in which another weasel was leaving, and got up to chase after it.

But he looked at the direction, shook his head, and sat back.

With so many directions, that weasel chose the worst place.

Wang Yu, who was on his way, stopped abruptly, his eyes glowed with gold, and his expression became more playful.

I only heard Wang Yu say: “We don’t need to go, just wait here.”

Qingtong was puzzled, but she didn’t ask. In her opinion, all the young master’s decisions are justified.

As my secretary, I shouldn’t question the young master’s decision.

Thinking of what Aunt Bai Ling had said to her, Qingtong blushed and her heart beat faster, and she didn’t dare to look at Wang Yu beside her.

Fortunately, Wang Yu was in contact with the beak beast at this time, so he didn’t pay attention to Qingtong’s expression.

He learned from the beaked beast that Wang Yu understood the situation there, and knew that the real body of the weasel was fleeing from their side.

“Peak Demon King, I don’t know if I can beat him.” Wang Yu licked his lips, clenched his mahogany sword tightly, full of fighting spirit.

The only thing that makes him regret is that after repeated battles, many cracks have appeared on the Taomu sword. Wang Yu probably won’t last long.

And the weasel is running quickly in the woods.

He was very proud of himself: “Those three idiots are too easy to deceive. How can a monster as steady as this king use his real body to hunt for food.”

“Hehehe, my lord is worthy of being a monster at the level of a military division. With a little trickery, he can fool them around. It doesn’t matter if you are strong, but your brain is a good thing.”

The weasel yelled excitedly, and it took a while to calm down.

A question suddenly came to mind, how did they find its location.

Is it a coincidence?

The weasel ran and thought, but he couldn’t think of any clues.


“Wait, there’s a sound ahead.” Weasel slowed down sensitively, hesitating whether to go over and have a look.

“Master, this chicken smells so good.”

“That is, the chicken roasted by Master Ben is absolutely authentic.”

There was a conversation between a man and a woman in front.

Accompanied by a strong smell of meat, the weasel’s stomach constantly emitted hunger desires.

“It smells like grilled chicken.”

The weasel was so greedy that it salivated, squatted down, and slowly crawled forward.

Qingtong squatted on the ground, carefully observed the surroundings, and whispered to Wang Yu, “Master, is that weasel really back?”

“Shh~ it’s here, the plan has started.” Wang Yu moved his ears, stretched out a hand, and whispered, “Come here quickly.”

When Qingtong heard Wang Yu’s words, her ears turned red and she struggled for a long time.

Only then slowly leaned towards Wang Yu, half of his body buried in his chest, and Wang Yu naturally hugged Qingtong’s waist.

She admired in her heart: “What a thin waist.”

Leaning on Wang Yu’s chest, Qingtong only felt her face was hot. Smelling Wang Yu’s masculine scent made her breathe a little short.

“Master, why do we have to do this?” Qingtong asked in a mosquito-like voice.

Wang Yu smiled secretly, he wouldn’t say it was to take advantage.

Leaning close to her ear, he said righteously: “Of course it’s for catching monsters. When that weasel gets close, you can attack it with your poisonous thread and poison it.”

“But…but wouldn’t it be better for me to hide and attack? What’s more, that weasel knows me. If it doesn’t recognize me, wouldn’t the young master’s plan be abolished?”

Qingtong curled her lips: “I think the young master just wants to take advantage of me.”

“Eh…” Wang Yu was embarrassed for a while, Qing Tong was not as easy to deceive as Tu Shan Susu.

Wang Yu was quick to gain wisdom: “That’s because, I’m sure it won’t be fooled by me alone. Now we are a young master from a rich family, and we are traveling here with his lovely female companion.

You also know that the weasel is a very cunning creature. Once it senses something is wrong, it will definitely not be fooled. “

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