The Strange Hunting Incident

“Isn’t it?”

Wang Yu looked at Qingtong, scratched his head and said, “I see.”

“By the way, does this Qingtong know me?” Wang Yu asked in a low voice.

Bai Ling on the other end of the phone suddenly fell silent, and it took a while before she smiled and said, “Young Master, don’t ask any more questions. You just need to know that she is the person you trust the most.”

“Oh, all right.”

After hanging up the phone casually, Wang Yu no longer struggled.

Wang Yu felt a little embarrassed looking at Qingtong, and coughed lightly: “Then, my name is Wang Yu, please take care of me.”

Qingtong had a happy expression, and bowed to him: “My name is Qingtong, please take care of me, young master.”

“Master, I will help you change your clothes.” Qingtong walked slowly to Wang Yu’s side, reached out and gently unbuttoned Wang Yu’s clothes.

Wang Yu didn’t resist, but enjoyed it comfortably.

Quietly looking at Qingtong, who was less than half a meter away, and seeing her serious eyes, Wang Yu swallowed secretly.

When did He Cheng, he actually have such a good-looking personal secretary.

“Qingtong, how much is Steward Liu’s salary for you?” Wang Yu asked casually.

Qingtong paused, and said softly, “Young master, Qingtong doesn’t need salary. Qingtong is already very satisfied to be able to follow the young master again.”

Wang Yu’s eyes moved, and he turned on the detection.

“Mission Point-4.”

“Character: Qingtong (spider demon)”

“Level: Early Stage of Great Demon King (Early Stage of Transformation God)”

“Loyalty: 100%.”

“Abilities: fairy silk, weaving clothes, weaving brocade.”

“Spider demon, Qingtong, it can’t be her.” Looking at Qingtong’s information, Wang Yu thought of the spider demon Qingtong in his heart.

Look at her attire again, isn’t she the reincarnated lover of the royal power and wealth, why did she come here from him.

“Strange, why is there an extra loyalty?” Wang Yu stared at the 100% loyalty, wondering what he was thinking.

On the other hand, because Tu Shan Susu completed Fan Yunfei and Li Xueyang’s reincarnation mission, she got a heavenly book from Tu Shan Rongrong.

It’s a pity that the confused Tu Shan Susu lost the Heavenly Book that he had just obtained.

Early in the morning, Wang Yu was called up by Qingtong.

He wanted to experience the feeling of sleeping until he woke up naturally, but when he opened his eyes and saw Qingtong’s pitiful little eyes, Wang Yu’s heart softened.

After experiencing the Qingtong version of serving and changing clothes, Wang Yu admitted that he was addicted.

“I really want to be a salted fish.” Wang Yu thought so.

“Ding, the task is released: get rid of ten demon kings full of evil within one day.

Mission level: ★★★☆☆”

“Mission rewards: mission points +31~51, cultivation base increased by 5%~10%, golden treasure chest x2.”

The sudden task made Wang Yu, who was having breakfast, move his eyes.

Just when I wanted to be a salted fish, a task like this came, what else could Wang Yu say.

“For three-star level missions, the increase in cultivation base has become so little. It seems that it will be more difficult in the future, but there are actually two golden treasure chests.”

Wang Yu put a piece of meat in his mouth, chewed it twice, and said to Qing Tong who was sitting opposite him: “Qing Tong, do you know any evil demon king nearby?”

Qingtong was stunned for a moment, but immediately reacted and said, “Master, there are no evil demon kings around here. After all, this place is not far from the Yiqi Dao League. There are quite a few demon kings, but it seems that there are not many evil ones. No.”

“This is going to be difficult!” Wang Yu couldn’t help feeling distressed when he heard that there was no one nearby.

“Young Master, why are you asking this?” Qing Tong hesitated and asked.

Wang Yu didn’t intend to hide anything, so he told her about his plan to kill some demon kings.

After hearing this, Qingtong pondered for a while, not knowing what she was thinking.

After a long while, he suddenly said, “Master, we can go to Yiqi Daomeng to have a look. There are records of demon kings who do evil in general.”

“Well, it makes sense.”

Quickly wiped out the rice in his hands, Wang Yu went back to the room and started preparing equipment.

Qingtong noticed Wang Yu leaving, her eyelids moved, and she made up her mind. Out of nowhere, he took out a pink flip phone and dialed a number.

“Boss, there is one thing you need to do. IfFuck it for me, you know the consequences. “Qingtong’s voice became a little cold, not like a blushing little girl with a sweet voice in front of Wang Yu.

“Yes, elder sister, I promise to complete the task.” The voice on the other end of the phone said very carefully.

“Qingtong, when you cleaned the room yesterday, did you see my white ancient costume?” At this time, Wang Yu’s voice came from upstairs, and there was a sound of footsteps on the stairs.


He was instructing things to clear his pupils, as if he had done something wrong, he quickly put away the phone nervously, and stammered, “Yes… yes, young master, I… will get it for you right away.”

It just so happened that at this time, Wang Yu walked down the stairs and did not see the scene where Qingtong put away her phone.

Looking at the unfinished meal in front of Qingtong, Wang Yu shook his head and said, “That’s not necessary, you can eat first, just tell me where it is.”

“Ah? It’s in the cabinet on the left side of the young master’s room, in the bottom drawer.” Qingtong’s expression was very strange, and she didn’t dare to look at him.

For some reason, Wang Yu suddenly felt that Qingtong’s expression was very restrained.

That’s right, it’s restraint.

Holding his chin, Wang Yu stared at Qingtong suspiciously.

Seeing that, Qingtong was very nervous, and thought: It’s over, it’s over, it won’t be discovered.

But soon, Wang Yu withdrew his gaze.

Stretched out a finger, held up Qingtong’s chin, and said with a narcissistic face: “You little girl, don’t you have a crush on me, don’t be obsessed with brother, brother is just a legend, hehehe…”

Shaking his head after speaking, Wang Yu walked up the stairs.

Until Wang Yu’s figure completely disappeared, Qingtong was completely relieved, and her face was inexplicably rosy.

He thought to himself: “The young master is still the same, but he doesn’t know when he will be able to recover his memory.”

Thinking of this, Qingtong’s expression became gloomy.

At noon.

On an unknown mountain peak, several blue lights flashed, and a huge crocodile fell to the ground.

A man and a woman stood on a big rock in front of them. The man was dressed in fluttering white clothes, with a handsome face and serious eyes.

At first glance, he looks clean and upright, and the only thing that spoils the beauty is that he actually holds a wooden sword in his hand.

And the woman, dressed in pink, was next to the man, looking at him quietly.

A smile appeared on Qingtong’s small face: “Young Master is really powerful, this is already the ninth one, such a powerful Young Master Demon King can solve it in a few strokes.”

The two of them were Wang Yu, who ran away from home to slay demons, and Qing Tong, who was currently his personal secretary.

When Wang Yu heard Qingtong’s words, he frowned instead of smiling.

Scanning the corpse of the crocodile demon king in front of him, he always felt that something was wrong.

It’s too simple. Along the way, the demon kings Wang Yu has encountered so far seem to be too weak.

He is very clear about his own strength. At the peak of Jindan, perhaps in some low-level martial arts worlds, this can already be regarded as a god.

But a high-level world like the fox demon is simply not enough to look at.

You must know that the Demon King is comparable to the Nascent Soul Stage. Although his sword intent is very powerful, it is not enough to solve it with just a few strokes of sword energy.

A monster who can be wanted by the Ichido League should not be low-handed.

This time I brought Qing Tong here because she is the Great Demon King, just in case.

But it never occurred to him that these demon kings feel no different from chopping vegetables.

Wang Yu’s eyes were full of puzzlement. He planned to waste a Millennium Fox experience card for this mission, but he didn’t expect this to happen.

“Qingtong, who is our last target?” Wang Yu asked.

Qingtong took out a piece of paper, looked at it and said, “It’s a weasel. He calls himself the Yellow King. He often goes to nearby villages to steal things. It’s just that the other party is very cunning and has never been caught.”

Wang Yu thought for a while, and said, “I remember when I read the arrest warrant, there was a water monster not far from here. Let’s kill it first.”

“Ah? This… Young master, let’s go to the weasel first.” Qing Tong hurriedly tried to persuade him.


Wang Yu was very curious.

“That’s… because…” Qingtong’s eyes kept rolling, and she kept looking for reasons in her mind.

She suddenly raised her head and met Wang Yu’s face that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

Where I still don’t understand, my plan was seen through, and I lowered my head in shame.

Qingtong’s small hands kept pinching the corners of her clothes, her body twitching non-stop.

“Master, when did you find out?”

Qingtong’s voice as loud as a mosquito came.

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