: The Black Fox Empress Doppelgänger Appears

I inadvertently glanced in the direction of the window from the corner of my eye, and I saw a black transparent fox-shaped object.

The whole thing is as big as a palm. If you don’t observe carefully, it’s not easy to be found in the dark place under the window.

Wang Yu swallowed secretly.

“When did it come? Did it discover my secret?”

Frowning, he couldn’t help but not be nervous about this matter. You must know that the existence of the system cannot be known by others.

Wang Yu’s head was calculating crazily. Is there any way to solve it.

As the big boss of the fox demon world, Wang Yu’s impression of it can be said to be extremely deep.

Pretending to put the Ebeak Beast on the table, Wang Yu turned sideways, his eyes inadvertently glanced at the mahogany sword hanging on the wall.

The distance between him and Taomujian was at least one meter, and Taomujian was more than three meters away from the window.

If you want to get the mahogany sword quickly without it noticing it, and then attack it, it will take at least two seconds, but this is impossible at all.

Is the black fox empress a fool?

Obviously not.

Since she began to plot against Tu Shan hundreds of years ago, and she is still alive, it can be said that her brain power is no worse than Tu Shan’s.

And Wang Yu noticed that the system introduced her as the Nascent Soul Stage.

This not only made him a little ashamed, but a clone has the strength of the Nascent Soul stage, so how strong should the main body be.


Wang Yu quickly made a judgment. At present, his current strength in the golden core stage may not be able to beat her.

Maybe Tu Shan Yaya…

Having an idea in an instant, Wang Yu is now praying that Tu Shan Yaya is at home now.

“Ah~ My mouth is dry, go drink some water. Little guy, don’t sneak away.”

Wang Yu got up and stood up, stretched his waist, turned his back and walked towards the water dispenser at the door.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but Wang Yu clearly felt a pair of eyes staring at him behind him.

The beaked beast saw Wang Yu with his back on his back, quickly cut open the void in front of him, and got in quickly.

And the black fox empress who was hiding under the window transformed into a translucent black fox at this time, looking enviously at the Evil Beak that easily sliced ​​through the void.

“It’s really an enviable ability.”

The Black Fox Empress secretly thought that her body should be able to tear apart the void, but she couldn’t do it as an avatar.

Observing Wang Yu carefully, Empress Heihu didn’t find anything strange. Depressed in his heart, he said, “What’s the matter, there’s nothing unusual about this guy? Why do those two coquettish foxes in Tu Shan live next door to him? Is it really just a coincidence?”

This avatar of the black fox empress was ordered to investigate the strange behavior of Tu Shan Yaya and Tu Shan Rongrong these days.

Not long after hiding here, Wei Wei made her a little surprised that Wang Yu actually caught a beaked beast.

You must know that this thing is not easy to catch, and it has a strong life-saving ability. If the thoughts are wrong, it will escape into the void, and it is still a creature that cannot be met.

Gray and autumn’s eyes kept blinking, and just when she let down her vigilance a little, a sense of crisis rose in her heart for no reason.

As a dark place of daily life, her sense of crisis is not weak.

Among the many avatars of the Black Fox Empress, although she is not the strongest, she can still be number one.

Hastily cast the secret technique, and was about to escape.

But to her horror, her body was out of control.

Although it was only two seconds, it was completely enough for Wang Yu.

A wooden sword was inserted into her body under her tearful eyes.

Accompanied by a scream, a group of black shadows rushed out of the window at an extremely fast speed.

Seeing this, Wang Yu exerted all his strength and shouted, “Mrs. Black Fox, where are you running!”

As if she heard Wang Yu’s words, the speed of the black fox empress who turned into a cloud of black mist became even faster.

I was very depressed in my heart: “How did he know that he is the Black Fox Empress, and how did he find her? He is obviously not very strong, yet he can actually hurt me.”

“Black Fox, damn it!”

A cold voice sounded from another villa.

The black fox lady turned pale with fright, quickly adjusted her body, and flew in another direction.

Because she could tell that that voice was a woman that even her own body couldn’t deal with.

“Damn! There was Tu Shan Honghong five hundred years ago, and there will be another Tu Shan Yaya who is stronger than her five hundred years later.” The black fox empress cursed in her heart, but when she turned around, she saw that there was no figure she imagined. , couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, but flew forward without slowing down.

“Ant, where are you going to escape?”

Tu Shan Yaya, who was dressed in a red cheongsam, appeared on the roof of the villa with graceful steps.

With cold eyes, she looked towards the direction where the black fox empress left.

With one hand formed into a claw, he grabbed in the direction of the black fox empress.

A gust of cold air rushed out, and in the desperate eyes of the Heihu Empress, it shot into her body at the speed of light.

I saw that the body of the black fox empress was frozen quickly, and she was frozen in the ice layer in less than a breath.

Wang Yu, who was lying on the window, looked at the black fox empress who was frozen into ice, and gasped.His heart was beating inexplicably: “It’s too strong, I was lucky last time, and I just got the Divine Sword Yu Lei Zhen Jue. If it wasn’t for the power of thunder and lightning, I’m afraid it wouldn’t last long in her hands.”


The Ebeak Beast lying on Wang Yu’s shoulder barked twice.

Wang Yu smiled: “Not bad, I thought you couldn’t catch her just now.”

The Ebeak Beast looked dismissively in its eyes, and proudly raised its head. That appearance seemed to say: “I am the Ebibeak Beast, the Overlord of the Void, how can a little fox compare to me.”

Because of the relationship with the Yashen mirror, Wang Yu can vaguely understand the meaning of the Ebibeak.

Patted the beaked beast, and said to it: “There is also a fox there, do you think it can be dealt with?”

He was talking about Tu Shan Yaya, pointing to the roof next door, Wang Yu was taken aback: “Strange, where is he?”

I saw Tu Shan Yaya, who was standing on the roof, disappeared at some point.

“What are you looking for?”

A cold and familiar voice came from above Wang Yu’s head.

Wang Yu, who was looking for Tu Shan Yaya, not only looked up.

What caught my eye was a pair of snow-white slender legs. Tu Shan looked down elegantly at him.

Of course, this is not the point.

The point is that Tu Shanyaya is dressed in red, and Wang Yu keenly sees a touch of blue.

Wang Yu stared unblinkingly, his body trembled slightly, and a wave of evil rushed from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

Tu Shan Yaya frowned, very puzzled why he didn’t reply and kept staring at herself.

Sensing Wang Yu’s fiery gaze, she looked down at herself. Tu Shan Yaya immediately came to her senses, her complexion flashed rosy, and she took two steps back in embarrassment.

After losing Tu Shan Yaya’s figure, Wang Yu finally realized it. He lowered his head and touched his nose. Fortunately, there was no nosebleed, and he was not only relieved.

Wang Yu never dreamed that Tu Shanyaya, who was dressed in red, would have blue underwear.

ten minutes later.

Wang Yu, with one eye socket blackened, sat on the ground very honestly.

Carefully looking at Tu Shan Yaya, who is like a queen, sitting on the sofa with her legs crossed.

My heart was very cold, and I was beaten again.

Although he was very unwilling in his heart, Wang Yu was not stupid enough to show it.

Staring at Tu Shan Yaya’s hands, the Ebeak Beast that was kneaded into an ugly shape, ignored its pleading eyes. Wang Yu lowered his head cruelly, and mourned for it for three seconds in his heart.

“A dead fellow is not a poor fellow. If you can survive today, little guy, I will pick a fruit from the tree of bitterness for you in the future.” Wang Yu thought to himself.


At this moment, in Wang Yu’s mind, the sad and angry roar of the beak beast suddenly sounded.

It made him startled, and he raised his head to look at the Ebeak Beast, which was trembling in Tu Shan Yaya’s hands and glaring at him.

Only then did he remember that he can now communicate with the beaked beast.

“Sister, that black fox made her run away.” Tu Shan’s Rongrong voice appeared behind Wang Yu at this moment.

“Ah! Isn’t this Young Master Wang Yu? Why are you sitting on the ground?”

Tu Shan Rongrong exclaimed, as if he had just noticed Wang Yu.

Wang Yu forced a smile at her, but cursed secretly in his heart: “It was intentional, this little fox demon definitely did it on purpose. A black-bellied loli, a scheming bitch.”

Tu Shan Rongrong didn’t know that Wang Yu scolded her in her heart, but she guessed a lot with her intelligence. Looking at Wang Yu’s tense little face made her feel very interesting.

Squinting his eyes, Tu Shan Rongrong touched the marks on both sides of his cheeks, and said with a light smile, “Sister, you are really serious. It was so hard for Master Wang Yu to come to visit. How could you let Master Wang Yu sit on the ground?”

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