“Is this done?”

The corners of Wang Yu’s eyes twitched. This kind of operation is actually possible.

“Reward: Mission points +13, cultivation base +5%.”

I looked at the rewards. Although it was completed, the rewards were the least, and there were no treasure chest rewards yet.

“Phew, that’s right. It would be wrong if the reward is the highest if you don’t need to make a move.” Wang Yu had such an expression.

He did this mission on purpose, in order to prove his sudden idea.

Because the system task is only limited in time, Wang Yu wanted to experiment to see if the task would be completed if he did not capture Bai Yue himself.

When this idea appeared at the beginning of Bai, it had been lingering in his mind.

In the end, I decided to experiment. However, it turned out that although the task was completed, the task reward was the lowest.

Subconsciously scanning the system template with his eyes, the sharp-eyed Wang Yu found a plus sign behind the system level.

You must know that this has never come out before. After thinking about it carefully, you can understand that this should be a reminder that the system can be upgraded.

After hesitating for a while, Wang Yu decisively clicked the plus sign.

Then Wang Yu’s eyes went dark, and the template in front of him disappeared, replaced by the five characters “system upgrade”.

Wang Fugui’s side has also ended, but the atmosphere on Fan Yunfei’s side is getting weirder and weirder.


A large hole suddenly exploded on the wall less than one meter to the right of the door.

An obese, 2.5-meter-tall, burly woman wearing a mask with a skull painted on it punched a huge hole in the entire wall.He walked in viciously, with two gun-wielding boys behind him.

“The robbery, the medicine… No, it’s all the money!”

One of the robbers pointed a gun at the house and was stunned for a while.

Although Wang Fugui caught Bai Yueyue, his four avatars of righteous gods hadn’t had time to take back, so…

“Boss…boss, the other party seems a little difficult to deal with, so I said that he shouldn’t come to the hospital to rob.”

The robbers were terrified. They were all ordinary people. They had never seen such a formation before.

Looking at the giant floating in the air, which was their boss, the fat girl, her heart beat a little.

“Boss still needs you to teach him how to do things?” The robber leader slapped the younger brother who was speaking angrily.

“Hmph, you idiot who has the ambition of others. Your boss is also handsome and powerful.”

Grabbing the back with both hands, he carried the bazooka on his shoulders, aiming the barrel at everyone.

Sensing the gazes of the crowd, she thought slightly intoxicated: “Such a handsome opening method must have frightened them.”

“Do you… want to go to prison?”

A strong aura suddenly emanated from Wang Fugui’s body, and his eyes swept over him, making people feel shuddering.

“Damn it, it’s fake, right?” Bai Yue’s jaw dropped in shock: “How could Wang Fugui have such a strong power?”

Meng Erfei was rarely serious. He took out a microphone from nowhere and said loudly: “Yes, this is the true strength of our young master. All along, the young master has been very low-key. The young master has never kissed you for things that can be solved with money.” until hands on.”

Bai Yue observed Wang Fugui in disbelief, and suddenly felt something was wrong. Looking around, there are a bunch of black threads coming out of nowhere on the ceiling, and basically everyone has a few wrapped around their heads.

“What are these?” Bai Yue was puzzled, and looked at Wang Yu, because he was the only one without a black line on his head.

“Boss, don’t get intoxicated. Such a demon power visible to the naked eye is definitely a terrifying monster!” The younger brother who was slapped away by the head of the robber hugged her elephant leg and cried bitterly: “Boss, let’s run quickly. If you don’t run, it’s too late.”

“You bastard, watch me kill them first.”

She aimed the barrel at Wang Fugui, pressed the trigger, and a rocket shot out.

“Small tricks.”

Wang Fugui commanded the four generals of the Mo family: “Third Mo, use your umbrella to block it.”


Among them, the upright god holding a red umbrella opened the umbrella and stood in front of Wang Fugui.

The rocket bounced off the umbrella, was blocked by the umbrella, and bounced off to the side.

Then Wang Fugui took out a small hourglass and threw it out.

The rocket flew into the small hourglass, making a muffled sound, and the small hourglass was blown to pieces.

“Fuck! You god damn it, that’s an endless hourglass of 50,000 ones, it hurts so much!”

Bai Yue shouted, bleeding from the seven orifices.

“Is 50,000 very expensive?” Wang Fugui didn’t take it seriously, “I still have a few boxes of this thing at home, it’s just a bargain.”


Hearing Wang Fugui’s words, everyone’s faces darkened. Nima, this is too irritating.

“Xue Yang, what’s wrong with you?”

In the quiet air, Fan Yunfei’s voice suddenly came.

But Li Xueyang was sitting on the hospital bed trembling with his head in his hands.

The surrounding air seemed to be rioting, and the ground began to tremble. Cracks appeared in the surrounding windows.

“Huh? Why was there a sudden earthquake?” Wang Fugui felt the ground shaking and said subconsciously.

“Master, is this house about to collapse? That would be a serious problem.” Meng Erfei was shocked for a moment, carrying Bai Yue on his shoulders.

“Huh? Cut, what are you panicking about?” Wang Fugui said calmly, “Young master can come to this kind of house casually.”

“Master, that’s not the problem! This is the twelfth floor. If the house collapses, we will fall to our deaths.”

Wang Fugui looked at Meng Erfei calmly.

It lasted for a full five seconds.

Meng Erfei stammered: “Young…Master, did I say something wrong?”


Wang Fugui shook his head and shouted, “Then what are you waiting for, run!”

The two of them took Bai Yue and ran to the door quickly.


A small figure suddenly blocked their way.

Tu Shan Susu yelled with a serious face: “In this situation, can you just run around?”

Wang Fugui: “What do you want to do?”

Meng Erfei: “Little sister, you want to stop me…?”

“Don’t procrastinate, be fast! Everyone squat to the corner, the earthquake is coming.” Tu Shan Susu pinched her waist and pointed to the corner.

“Master, why should we listen to him?” Meng Erfei, who was squatting in the corner, suddenly asked.

Wang Fugui squatted on the ground, put his head in his hands and replied, “I don’t know, I can’t bear to refuse this cute feeling.”

“And all of you, go squat in the corner for me.”

Tu Shan Susu pointed at the rest of the people.


At this time, no one objected.

Only three people didn’t do that.

Li Xueyang hugged her head in pain, Fan Yunfei who cared anxiously, and Wang Yu who had been diving in these two chapters.

“Hey, earth dog. Listen, everyone has black threads of unknown origin wrapped around their heads. Especially the two of you, with the largest number of black threads.”

“I don’t know what these black lines are, but this earthquake, and the bad luck that your millennium Yushuizhu is approaching, are all controlled by these black lines.”

tied upAt the beginning of Bai, he shouted eagerly.

“What?” Fan Yunfei stared, not understanding what Bai Yue meant.

“Damn! Why can that kid see it?” Wang Yu’s jealous flames were burning. He is now a golden core boss anyway, and he didn’t see the so-called black line.

“Is Bai Yueyue’s cultivation level higher than mine?”

Sensing a malicious gaze, Bai Yue’s hairs stood on end.

Turning his head to look in the direction of that malicious gaze, he was surprised that it came from the person named Wang Yu.

“You bastard, I’m already reincarnated, why…why do you still come to pester me!” Li Xueyang roared angrily, and suddenly a dark red mist emanated from his body.

Just looking at it made their bodies tremble continuously.

Wang Fugui covered his head with his hands, and said in a low voice, “Oh my god, what a strong evil spirit.”

“My surname is Wang, let me go quickly, so there may be a chance of survival.” Bai Yue shouted at this time.

“Cut, don’t scare us. Where is the thread, why can’t I see it?” Wang Fugui obviously didn’t believe what Bai Yue said: “I tell you, if you want to trick me into letting you go, and then sneak away, that is impossible.”

“You are unreasonable.”

Bai Yue said angrily.

It’s not how noble he is, but that if he doesn’t stop him, his life will die!

It’s about his own life, Bai Yueyue can’t be sloppy, but let him explain, Wang Fugui just doesn’t believe it.

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