The Beaked Beast Suspecting the Beast’s Birth

The little nurse rolled her eyes at the two of them, and walked outside.

“Hello, may I ask that Young Master Wang should be this room?”

Li Xueyang’s voice came from outside the door, it should be talking to the little nurse again.

“Wang Fugui, right? He’s inside.”

“Don’t call me by my name!”

Wang Fugui, who was lying on the hospital bed, who was dying, suddenly yelled.

Wang Yu, who was closest to him, was almost deafened by him.

There was silence outside the door for two seconds.

The little nurse walked back with a gloomy face. Following her was the cautious Li Xueyang.

“Don’t you know this is a hospital? Don’t you have the courage to make loud noises?” The little nurse had a ferocious face, with resentment on her head.

“Crack, clap clap clap + 99…”

A series of applause, accompanied by Wang Fugui’s screams, seemed so ear-piercing.

Several people clearly felt the little nurse’s anger.

“Who told you to yell so loudly, hold back for me.”

“Do you know that my wife may have her wages deducted because of your yelling?”

“I let you scream, I let you scream, I’m so mad.”

The little nurse, whose anger dissipated in her heart, left refreshed.

And Wang Fugui has fallen into a severe coma.

They didn’t notice that the sky above the entire hospital was enveloped by a transparent blue monster.

Even Wang Yu didn’t notice it.

“Wang…Master Wang Yu, we…” Li Xueyang lowered her head with a blushing face.

“What’s wrong?” Wang Yu looked at her strangely.

“No… nothing.”

Li Xueyang looked away, changed the subject and said, “Is Young Master Wang alright?”

Wang Yu turned his head, stared at Wang Fugui carefully and said, “It should be fine.”

Li Xueyang looked at the indifferent Wang Yu, feeling empty in his heart.

“Li Xueyang, you are here to confess your love. You must catch Wang Yu.” Secretly cheering herself up, Li Xueyang opened her mouth before she could say anything.


Severe stomach cramps appeared, Li Xueyang screamed, knelt down beside the bed, opened his mouth and bit the unconscious Wang Fugui’s arm.

“Ah! Ah! Pain, pain, pain—!”

Wang Fugui opened his eyes instantly, sat up, and kept yelling.

Wang Yu hurriedly called the doctor, and hurriedly dragged Li Xueyang and Wang Fugui into the operating room.

They didn’t know that earth-shaking changes had taken place outside.

The huge body of the beaked beast covers a small half of the city.

“Sister, do you really ignore them?Bad luck, if it sticks on, I’m afraid it will really kill people. ”

“You know my sister’s principles. I won’t do anything without money.”

On the tallest building in the city, Tu Shan Yaya closed her eyes in boredom.

Tu Shan Rongrong looked curiously at the few people running not far away: “Sister, Yiqi Daomeng claims that this is the most accurate search in five hundred years.”

Tu Shan Yaya opened her eyes: “I have been wrong for five hundred years, do you still expect me to believe them?”

“It’s true, then we now…”

“Woo la la woo la la…”


“Boom boom boom boom…”

The beak beast roared crazily over the city, but it was strange that no one noticed it, as if it didn’t exist at all.

Twisting its body triumphantly, the Ebeak Beast kept beating its chest with both hands, pretending that I am very fierce.

“It’s so noisy!”

Tu Shan Yaya’s icy voice became more serious, and a white cold light came, and hit the Ebeak Beast’s face fiercely with a swish sound.

Evil Beak Beast: “…”

I’m a beaked beast, I never expected it.

I just went out today, and I, who was showing off my handsome figure, was actually slapped in the face.

Unbelievably covering his plump face, the Ebeak Beast was stunned for a moment.

Am I not a beaked beast?

Am I without a body?

Why does it hurt?

Could it be that I’m a fake Ebeak Beast?

The beak beast was beaten by Tu Shan Yaya, and it was a little suspicious of the beast, squatting on the ground and drawing circles on the ground sadly.

“Oh, I almost forgot about you.” Tu Shan said with a smile, “Then…the art of the fox demon.”

“Demon camera!”

Both hands form sword fingers, and they are raised to the temples through the air. With both hands propped up, a huge pink camera appears above Tu Shan Rongrong’s head.

“Please keep smiling.” Tu Shanrong raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a sweet smile.


The Ebeak beast posed in a pose, pinched its waist with one paw, and put the other paw handsomely in front of its head.

Three seconds later, Tu Shan Rongrong’s demon camera slowly shrank, turning into a miniature necklace.

Holding the photo he just took in his hand, he looked at the picture seriously and said, “The Evil Beak has no substance. Anyone who steps into its body will be bound by bad luck. Sigh! My little sister seems to be in trouble.”

“I’m leaving. I still have tasks pending.”

Tu Shanya had no expression on her face, she turned around and was about to leave.

“Sister, won’t you help me? I’m afraid Bai Yue, the beaked beast, can’t handle it alone.” Tu Shan Rongrong stopped her and asked suspiciously.

“It’s still the same sentence, if you don’t have money, don’t do it.”

Stretching her waist, Tu Shan Yaya walked down unhurriedly.

“Well, I hope they are safe.”

“Misfortune, sometimes, can really kill people…”

“Damn, what are you doing running so fast?”

On the road, Bai Yueyue, who was carrying Tu Shan Susu on his back, the three quickly ran towards the hospital.

Fan Yunfei said: “Let’s go, I always feel that something is wrong.”

“It’s you who worry too much, but when I think of Wang Fugui vomiting blood, I’m happy. Haha, I’ve never seen him so embarrassed.”

When Bai Yueyue thought of Wang Fugui vomiting blood, he laughed wildly.

“Beep beep——”

In the middle of the road, a large truck rang the bell frantically.

The truck driver awkwardly held the steering wheel: “Sorry, the steering wheel fell off.”

Bai Yue said: “This is… what?”

“I know it’s a truck.” Fan Yunfei squinted and said sarcastically.

Bai Yueyue shouted, “Who cares about this, stop it quickly, didn’t you see that it was about to hit us?”


Fan Yunfei glanced at the truck less than two meters away, and slapped his right hand on the ground with sand.

Under the location of the truck, a large stream of sand gushed out from the ground and directly pushed the truck up.


In the end the truck fell down.

“Hehe… After taking back the magic weapon, my strength has really increased.”

“However, in terms of what we’ve encountered along the way, we shouldn’t be so lucky.” After Bai Yue finished speaking, the back door of the truck suddenly opened.

There was a “boom”.

The three of them were directly crushed under the car door.

“What is this? It’s so strange.”

In the hospital, Li Xueyang was lying on the hospital bed, raising his hand to look at the ball that was half like a glass ball.

“This is the Millennium Royal Water Bead.” Wang Yu leaned against the window and said slowly: “It is the magic weapon of reincarnation and continuation of fate between you and a sand fox in your previous life. With this thing, you can get half of that sand fox Demon power.”

“Reincarnation…what is it?”

“Let Wang Fugui explain to you.” Wang Yu threw this question to Wang Fugui who was lying on another hospital bed.

“Ahem…don’t call me by my full name.”

Although he was too weak to look good, Wang Fugui was still furious when he heard someone calling his full name.

“Oh, are you still so energetic? Shall I call that little nurse over?” Wang Yu raised an eyebrow at Wang Fugui.

“do not.”

Hearing Wang Yu said that he wanted to call the little nurse, Wang Fugui was frightened on the spot.

Sighing, Wang Fugui explained to Li Xueyang: “Reincarnation and continuation of fate is when humans and demons swear to the tree of bitterness together, using the memory of the demon and human’s love and part of the demon’s power as sacrifices, enclosing them in their own magic weapon, and borrowing the fox demon The magic power splits the magic weapon into two, and if a human dies holding half of the magic weapon, the magic weapon will be reincarnated with the human soul.

People who are reincarnated later willBorn with half a magic weapon, after birth, with the help of the props and power of the fox demon, people and the demon can restore the memory of the previous life and achieve a marriage. This is the reincarnation of the fox demon. ”

After hearing this, Li Xueyang fell silent. He lowered his head and looked at the half-thousand-year Royal Water Bead in his hand, his heart was in turmoil.

Wang Yu and Wang Fugui in the room did not bother her, and she could only digest these by herself. It is useless to talk too much, and they are not qualified to discuss right and wrong.

“Huh, it seemed to light up just now?”

Li Xueyang, who had been staring at Yushuizhu for thousands of years, said in surprise.

Then, the upper bottle fell and hit Li Xueyang on the head.

Wang Yu watched this scene quietly, and there were not only some memories in his eyes.

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