Transformation, the Fox of Qingqiu

“Sister, Fan Yunfei seems to have taken my little sister and the others away.”

On the roof of a certain building, Tu Shan Rongrong kept looking through the binoculars.

“Hmph, it’s a mess.”

Tu Shan Yaya had to watch this scene with interest, without any intention of helping.

“It’s okay!” Tu Shan Rongrong opened the binoculars and said with a smile, “It’s not in vain that I performed several earth escape techniques to send my little girl to Bai Yue.”

“However, I’m curious that he would come here to participate in a blind date.”

Tu Shan snorted coldly: “Isn’t this more proof that he is not the person we are looking for?”

“You can’t draw conclusions so early, sister.” Tu Shan Rongrong still squinted his eyes as always: “Fan Yunfei’s sandstorm is a bit far away, it will be more interesting if we take a closer look.”

“Mission content: Haibian Fan Yunfei, at least if Fan Yunfei maintains his human form, Haibian can’t be less than one minute.”

Wang Yu, who was hiding in the sand, felt a headache when he thought of this task. Why did I pick it up with a brain, so much wind and sand.

Thinking about it with his ass, he knew that Fan Yunfei was not easy to mess with, so he sighed, and even if it wasn’t easy to mess with. With such a generous reward, it would be a heinous crime to miss it.

“Phew… It’s a good thing it was packed well, and no sand got in.” Bai Yue hugged his food happily.

Tu Shan Susu, who was buried in the sand, came out and shook her head.

In the darkness, Fan Yunfei, dressed in a blue robe and red trousers, came out.

The sand in his hand twirled crazily, pushed forward, and the swirling sand rushed towards Tu Shan Susu.

If he was hit by the high-speed rotating sand, his body might be torn apart in an instant.

Bai Yueyue grabbed Tu Shan Susu’s back collar and flew into the air.

“Hey, this sand demon is so powerful, add two dozen colorful sticks, or I won’t save you.” Bai Yue said bargainingly.

Tu Shan Susu, who was being carried by him, had a rare witty moment: “But, if I die now, my brother won’t be able to get the candies from before.”

“What?” Bai Yue said angrily, “You shouldn’t have the same IQ.”

Tu Shansusu responded with a smile.

“Tu Shan, are you going to… mess up my affairs…?”

Fan Yunfei’s hands were whirling in the wind and sand, his eyes were burning with anger. If he hadn’t arrived in time, he would have to wait for hundreds of years.

“Wait, your opponent is me.”

Wang Yu’s voice came from the sand not far away.

Pushing the sand off his head, Wang Yu crawled out.

After patting his clothes, Wang Yu said, “If you want to bully Sister Susu, you have to pass me first.”

Well, he just wanted to use this as an excuse. We are just people, and we have to find some excuses for fighting.

Everyone looked at Wang Yu in unison.

Of course, Tu Shan Rongrong and Tu Shan Yaya are no exception.

There was some coldness in Tu Shan Yaya’s eyes: “At this moment, he is still showing off his abilities.”

“Not necessarily, maybe he still has some hole cards.”

After hearing this, Tu Shan Yaya said unhappily: “Just trust him so much, and you won’t be afraid of his death.”

“Hey…” Tu Shan Rongrong smiled.

“You…you want to block…the prince?” Fan Yunfei felt that he hadn’t made a move in the past few years. They had forgotten that he was the strongest prince in the Western Regions, Fan Yunfei!

“Forget it, there’s still more than a minute left. Since you want to replace that little demon fox, I’ll give it to you.”


After Fan Yunfei finished speaking, all the sand in a radius of ten miles started to move.

It turned into a tornado sandstorm of several feet, covering an area of ​​one kilometer by wind and sand. Accompanied by the high-speed rotation of the tornado sandstorm, each time the wind and sand rotates, the area expands a little.

Fan Yunfei controlled the tornado sandstorm and quickly attacked Wang Yu.

Carrying a super strong wind, Bai Yue hurriedly took Tushan Susu away for half a kilometer, and the suction gradually decreased.

Tu Shan Susu, who was caught by Bai Yueyue, said with a sad face: “It’s over, the kind-hearted big brother is going to die. Brother Taoist, go and save big brother, or you will really die.”

“If you don’t save me, I’ll ruin my perfect plan and make him suffer.” Bai Yueyue had no intention of saving Wang Yu at all. According to his thinking, it would be good if he didn’t make trouble at this time.

Want to save him? That’s impossible.

“If you don’t save me, Susu’s candy won’t be given to you.”

At the critical moment, Tu Shan Susu took out his trump card.

Bai Yue looked at Tushan Susu in his hand speechlessly, it shouldn’t be! How did this little idiot become so smart one after another.

It doesn’t fit her setting…

Compared to them, Wang Yu’s side is a bit miserable.

The whole body is spinning in the tornado sandstorm. This week, there seems to be a gravitational force, and the body will float upward unconsciously.

“Too bad, I didn’t expect that this guy would amplify his moves as soon as we met. He’s still too unsteady.”

Wang Yu didn’t know what Fan Yunfei was thinking. Ever since he signed the reincarnation extension, he can only use two minutes of demon power every day. Don’t deal with Wang Yu quickly, and wait for him to turn back into a dirt dog… Bah, it’s a sand fox, and he will be abused by the other party.

Therefore, we mustCome on, end the fight quickly.

Wang Yu sighed, “Why bother, why force me to act?”

“You… what do you… mean?”

Fan Yunfei stammered.

“Since you asked sincerely, I will answer you mercifully.” Wang Yu lowered his head, held his forehead with one hand, and posed a pose.

“In order to prevent the world from being destroyed, to protect the peace of the world. Carry out the justice of love and truth, the cute and charming justice character, I am…”

“Sandstorm, let’s go!”

Obviously, Fan Yunfei couldn’t wait.

The wind and sand surrounding Wang Yu slapped him instantly. All the sand in a radius of several kilometers was pressed down.

Wang Yu couldn’t help but think of a certain ninja’s funeral in a sandstorm. What does it mean when the sand turns? You just shoot a large cloud of sand from the sky, isn’t it delicious?

After so many tricks, they ended up crushing people with sand.

“It’s so heavy, I feel like I can’t breathe.” Thinking like this, Wang Yu didn’t dare to stay any longer, and used the Qingqiu Fox experience card.

Originally, Wang Yu’s hill-like pile of sand was buried, but a thunderbolt suddenly fell from the sky and struck on it.

Tu Shan Susu: “Huh? This sand fox’s ability can also summon lightning?”

Bai Yuechu: “No, I’m afraid it’s the legendary lightning strike.”

Tu Shan Yaya: “It’s weird.”

“Ding, the strength of the host has been increased to 80%. In the middle of the tribulation, all skills will be unlocked.”

“Obtain the Qingqiu sword.”

“Randomly obtain Taoist supernatural powers, Divine Sword Yu Lei Zhen Jue (from Zhu Xian)”

[Ten minutes, please master it carefully]

“So strong, this power is so strong!”

As expected of the Fox of Qingqiu with 80% strength, if he were to deal with the former him now, he might be able to easily throw a stone and end the battle.

“Ten minutes, I’m going to beat Fan Yunfei violently!”

A cruel smile appeared on the corner of Wang Yu’s mouth. If he dared to bury him with sand, if he didn’t beat him, his face would be full of chrysanthemums, and he would not be called Wang Yu.

The mahogany sword in his hand has turned into a Qingqiu sword, with purple thunder attached to the sword body, which is really beautiful.

Holding the Qingqiu sword, Wang Yu made a magic stroke and drew a circle on the spot.

The amazing thing is that even though there is sand all around, Wang Yu doesn’t feel it at all, it’s like flat ground instead.

Standing in the circle, Wang Yu could see the sand around him, his body moved slightly, and the next moment he tore open the sand and rushed out.

Walking through the air, Wang Yu was wearing a purple robe, holding a purple sword, and his face was like still water.

The only thing that made Wang Yu a little depressed was that his ears turned into those of a fox demon.

The thousand-year-old fox’s skin is handsome, but it doesn’t look like a human being.

Tu Shan Susu looked at Wang Yu, and said cutely, “Big brother is also a vixen.”

After Wang Yu heard this, he almost killed him without raising his sword. You are a vixen, and your whole family is a vixen.

Brother, with this skin effect, not everyone with fox ears is a vixen.

Fan Yunfei’s expression changed, his eyes were serious. It’s not because the opponent has become a fox, but because the opponent’s strength is much stronger.

Wang Yu didn’t hesitate, time waits for no one.

You must know that the system requires Hai Bian to transform into Fan Yunfei in human form, who knows when the other party will transform back.

There was only one minute, and Wang Yu didn’t dare to stay.

At the beginning, there was a green lotus sword aura. This sword aura was several feet in size, and 100% of the sword intent was fully activated, and the scene was suddenly turbulent.

The huge sword energy was drawn towards Fan Yunfei. Fan Yunfei’s face was pale because he found that he was locked. He has a feeling that this move can only be resisted.

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