There Are Monsters Next Door

Tu Shanya lowered her head and clenched her fists secretly, unable to calm down for a long time.

Tu Shanrong tilted his head, looked at her with green eyes, and slightly raised the corner of his mouth, “He said, my sister is more suitable to wear blue.”

After speaking, he turned and left.

Leaving Tu Shan Yaya standing where she was, she grabbed the jug behind her back and took two sips. Wiping his lips with the back of his hand, he whispered to himself, “Since you think it’s not suitable, why didn’t you tell me in person?”

The voice was very crisp, but the words gave people a deep sense of dissatisfaction.

“Hmph, I don’t remember how long my sister hasn’t spoken?”

It turned out that Tu Shan Rongrong didn’t leave, but appeared behind Tu Shan Yaya, holding a green umbrella and smiling.

Tu Shan Yaya didn’t have any accidents. She put her arms on the wall. At this time, she didn’t use Tu Shan’s Thousand Miles Sound Transmission Technique, and said, “What plan do you have?”

“I’ve already thought about it.” Tu Shan Rongrong said, “I don’t know if my sister still remembers that kid in pink who went bankrupt just to see you?”

“I’m still not confused about what happened a few hours ago.”

Tu Shan Rongrong said: “According to my investigation, that kid is not simple.”

Tu Shan Yaya stared at Tu Shan Rongrong, a little impatiently said: “Your topic has gone too far.”

“Not far, not far.” Tu Shan Rongrong waved his hand, straightened his face and said: “The kid has a house, which is next door to him, and he has already given it to his sister. And Bai Yuechu is also in that city, listen I said that I have grown up, sister, you should understand what I mean.”

“Really? Then do as you said. After waiting for so many years, it’s time for my little sister to get married.”

Tu Shan Rongrong squinted his eyes, covered his mouth with one hand and smiled softly: “I’m afraid he will tremble when he sees you now. If it’s really his reincarnation, it will be more and more interesting.”

“Hmph! If you’re not sure, don’t rush to a conclusion.”

There was a chill in Tu Shanyaya’s eyes, as she thought of something unpleasant.

“Phew~ I’m finally back.”

Wang Yu, who arrived home safely, immediately lay down on the bed. It was already early morning, and after a tiring day, he closed his eyes and fell asleep in a daze.

The next day, he was woken up by a loud noise.

“Everyone, move quickly and move all these things in. Before the head of the house comes, the house must be cleaned.”


Then there was a sound of moving things.Wang Yu buried his head in the quilt, but he couldn’t isolate the sound from outside at all.

Stretching out his head to look at the time, it was less than four o’clock.

He was so angry that he kept rolling on the bed, and finally he couldn’t sleep, so he put on his clothes and walked out angrily.

He wants to see who has no eyes, and dares to disturb his sleep.

Arriving on the balcony on the second floor, Wang Yu watched a group of people next door busily busy. What was even more exasperating was that someone actually sang.

Immediately, he shouted: “Hey, can you make a little noise, do you know it’s disturbing the people?”

The group of people fell silent immediately, and all looked at Wang Yu upstairs next door.

At this time, Wang Yu really saw clearly, my god! Where are those people, they are clearly a group of monsters!

Cow demons, rabbit demons, snake demons, etc. are all in a mess, and Wang Yu feels a little flustered when he sees them.

Although he has seen many monsters in Tushan City, but suddenly being watched by so many monsters, as an ordinary person in his previous life, he felt a little hairy thinking about it.

Swallowing secretly, Wang Yuqiang pretended to be calm and said, “Then what… you guys continue, I was just joking, haha~”

After finishing speaking, he quickly returned to the room, walking around with a somewhat uneasy expression.

“Strange, why is there no sound?” Wang Yu listened for a while, but didn’t hear any sound outside.

But this didn’t make him feel at ease, on the contrary, it made his hair stand on end, with crazy images in his mind.

Thinking about the possibility of those monsters standing in front of the balcony of his house, as soon as he opened the door, those monsters…

Wang Yu felt a little weak in his legs. He found his century-old mahogany sword and held it tightly in his hand.

After waiting for a few minutes, there was still no movement outside. This made Wang Yu’s heart suddenly lifted.


At this moment, there was a crisp sound of something falling on the ground downstairs.

Wang Yu’s face turned pale. Thinking of Butler Liu living on the first floor, his first thought was that something might have happened to Butler Liu, otherwise there would be no movement at all.

Gritting his teeth, Wang Yu carefully pushed open the corridor door, put the mahogany sword on his chest, and slowly went downstairs.

Safely walking to the first floor, Wang Yu looked around cautiously, leaning against the wall, and walked to Butler Liu’s room step by step.

Walking to the door, Wang Yu couldn’t help but took a deep breath, grabbed the handle with one hand, and turned it gently.

Slowly opened, a heart was beating violently, and the mahogany sword was in his hand, flashing electric arcs.

Whenever there is a situation, Wang Yu promises to respond immediately.

Pushing open the door, there was no sign of Butler Liu. Wang Yu felt a chill in his heart, could something have happened.


There was another sound, and Wang Yu heard it came from the kitchen. In this quiet room, it was particularly harsh.

Fumbling along the wall, Wang Yu tensed up when he heard the crackling sound from the kitchen.

Gathering up his courage, he raised his mahogany sword and rushed in.

“Monster, I want your life!”

Steward Liu, who was holding a small fat fish in his hand, was taken aback and said, “Master, where are the monsters?”

Wang Yu was also dumbfounded, and immediately realized that he might have guessed wrong. Looking at the little fat fish who broke free from Steward Liu’s hands while he was not paying attention, he was looking at the broken bowl on the ground.

What I still don’t understand is the sound that Butler Liu accidentally made while catching fish.

Knowing that it wasn’t the group of monsters who would do it, Wang Yu breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately said anxiously: “Uncle Liu, we don’t know why a large group of monsters suddenly came to the next door. Let’s report to the monster police.”

Butler Liu touched his mushroom head, and said naively, “Master, you are talking about them! They are citizens of Tushan, and they have been registered here, so they cannot hurt people.”

“That’s it, I dare you to scare myself all the time.” Wang Yu curled his lips, these guys actually made him extremely nervous.

“Wait! You just said they belonged to Tu Shan? What are they doing here?”

For some reason, Wang Yu became very sensitive to the word Tu Shan. He thought to himself, why did his neighbor appear? Could it be Tu Shan’s conspiracy?

There are always people who want to harm me.

With this in mind, Wang Yu asked Steward Liu about it.

Wang Yu thought, since Steward Liu knew they came from Tushan, he should know their purpose.

Sure enough, Butler Liu really knew about it. He said, “It’s not a big deal. You still remember that nympho young master?”

Wang Yu nodded. He remembered that there seemed to be a scene behind that little nymphomaniac, but he hadn’t seen it in his previous life.

Butler Liu continued: “That house belongs to their family, but it is now owned by Tu Shan. I heard from them that in the near future, several adults from Tu Shan will live there temporarily. I didn’t ask who it was. .”

“Oh, so that’s the case.” Wang Yu’s hanging heart finally fell. Since it has nothing to do with him, it doesn’t matter.

After breakfast, Butler Liu suddenly took some photos for himself.

Wang Yu looked at a few pictures curiously, all of them were pictures of beauties. This made him look at Butler Liu with a strange expression, and said, “I never expected that Uncle Liu would actually collect so many pictures of beauties. You should always take care of yourself.”

No wonder he couldn’t even catch the fish. It’s a lie. Shaking his head, Wang Yu suddenly found that there were some small characters behind these photos.

Taking a closer look, Wang Yu subconsciously read: “Han Meimei, female, eighteen years old. She lives in Xiaoluo Villa District, her parents are still alive, and she is engaged in…”

Halfway through the reading, he couldn’t read any more..

Looking up at the very simple and honest Steward Liu, Wang Yu warned, “I said, Uncle Liu, you can’t force him. If you like, you can go after him. You can’t do anything illegal.”

Butler Liu looked bewildered, and said, “Young master, why didn’t I understand what you were talking about?”

“You’ve already found out the horoscopes of other people’s birthdays, and you’re still pretending you don’t understand?”

Wang Yu flipped through the backs of several pictures, and it turned out that they were all about their details.

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