The Ultimate Mystery of the Bai Family

“That’s right. This is a secret that my Bai family does not pass on. Once used, it can destroy corpses and wipe out traces.”

Bai Qiuen adjusted his glasses with his index finger, and a sneer formed at the corner of his mouth.

Hold the big red ticket with two fingers, and put it in front of your eyes.

“The ultimate mystery of the Bai family – lick the dog!”

With a loud cry, Bai Qiuen kept licking the big red ticket with his tongue.

It wasn’t until it got a little wet that he shook it in front of Wang Yu’s eyes and said triumphantly, “Look, now your evidence is gone.”

Wang Yu was stunned for a while, and there was this operation.

“It’s yours.” Wang Yu gave it a thumbs up and said to the onlookers: “Everyone has seen it too, I believe you probably won’t want such money, I hope you will tell each other when you go back One sound.”

“You’re right, I didn’t expect this person to have such a hobby. IThe family runs a restaurant, so hurry up and take a picture, and he won’t be allowed in in the future. ”

“It’s too scary. Will he have an infectious disease?” A little fox demon said worriedly: “My house is open to the Yaoxin Zhai. I’ll go back and tell my parents that this person must not be allowed in.”

“Oh my god! Didn’t that person have dinner at my house just now, and I charged him a lot of dollars.” A somewhat burly woman exclaimed, “No, I have to go back and get disinfected.”

Because of Wang Yu’s words, Bai Qiuen became well-known in Tu Shan. Every shopkeeper, including those who set up small stalls on the street, will have a photo of Bai Qiuen in front of them.

Bai Qiuen and the dog are not allowed to enter.

“Boy, you are slandering!”

Bai Qiuen was so angry that he was half dead. At this moment, two silver fox guards, one on the left and one on the right, took his arms and lifted him up.

Bai Qiuen struggled with his legs and shouted, “Hey, I’m a citizen of Tushan. What are you guys doing?”

One of the silver fox guards said: “It’s okay, I just take you to disinfect, and it will be over soon.”

With that said, without giving him a chance to resist, he turned around and left.

“Uncle, I will give you the one hundred yuan.” Wang Yu shouted.

“Ding, the mission is complete.”

“Task scoring: complete within ten minutes, perfect scoring.”

“Mission rewards: mission points +8, cultivation base +6%, reward a bronze treasure box. It has been issued, since the host has not turned on the storage function, please sign for it in time.”

The moment the reward was issued, Wang Yu clearly felt that the mana in his body had increased by more than ten times in an instant, and it gave him a feeling that the mana in his body was full.

Quickly checked, and found that the cultivation base has changed from 4% at the beginning of Qi training to 10% at the peak of Qi training.

“As expected of the system, this is the feeling of cheating.” Wang Yu was pleasantly surprised, but he didn’t forget to ask the system some of his doubts.

“I said system, how do you evaluate this perfection?”

“Task evaluation is divided into four levels: bad evaluation, general, excellent, and perfect. The system will arrange a time limit for releasing tasks. If it is within the time limit, the evaluation will be perfect. If the time limit is exceeded, but not more than double the evaluation will be average. If it exceeds double, it will be regarded as a bad review.”

“What if it’s not finished?” Wang Yu asked.

“Mission failed, no reward.”

“Does that mean there is no punishment?”

Wang Yu was thoughtful. When he was reading novels, the protagonist would be punished in various ways for mission failure. He didn’t expect his system to be quite human.

Wang Yu said: “Get the bronze treasure box.”

“Ding, the bronze treasure chest is being opened…”

“Congratulations to the host for getting: Acquired intermediate magic weapon – century-old mahogany sword.”

Centuries-old mahogany sword: The mahogany sword is a magic weapon of Taoism, which has the function of warding off evil spirits and town houses.

[Is it equipped? 】

“This thing…”

When Wang Yu got this thing, should he say he was lucky? Or is it bad luck?

“Forget it, it’s still a magic weapon, equip it.”

As soon as he finished speaking, your wooden sword suddenly appeared in his hand.

The whole body is bronze in color, and there are some black lines on it, like veins, which are regularly printed on the mahogany sword.

Holding it in his hand and looking it over carefully, Wang Yu suddenly couldn’t help injecting mana into it.

For a moment, the black lines on the mahogany sword released slight electric arcs, which surprised Wang Yu for a while.

“Good baby!”

Wang Yu’s eyes lit up. Let alone the power of this thing, it looks good.

“Big Brother, I have received the mission!”

Tu Shan Susu, who received the task, happily jumped and ran over.


Wang Yu, you will get a reminder that the system task is completed, so you are not very surprised.

However, what made him a little curious was that Fan Yunfei was the prince of the sand fox, so why did his mission stay in the present.

But thinking about it, it seems that Fan Yunfei was kicked out because he couldn’t inherit the throne.

And his secretary, Wang Yu forgot what his name was.

Looking at the happy Tushan Susu, Wang Yu couldn’t help touching the camera hanging on his chest.

Such a commemorative picture, of course, should be taken as a souvenir!

Then she revealed evil… Bah!

A sincere smile.

“Susu, look here.” Wang Yu said.

Tu Shan Susu: “Ah? What?”




After taking more than ten photos in a row, Wang Yu nodded in satisfaction. I thought to myself, I still need to leave some negatives for Tu Shan Yaya and Tu Shan Rongrong, but I can’t take all of them at once.

“Did I forget something?”

Wang Yu thought of it belatedly.

Then he slapped his head and was shocked: “No, I almost forgot about the big thing.”

Tu Shan Susu scratched her head in doubt. What’s wrong with this big brother?

“Damn it, which direction is the Tree of Misery coming from?”

Wang Yu walked back and forth anxiously, and asked Tu Shan Susu beside him, “Susu, do you know where to go to the tree of bitterness?”

“The bitterness tree?” Tu Shan Susu tilted his head, moved his ears, and pointed to a direction in the sky: “Isn’t that the bitterness tree?”

Wang Yu looked up, and a huge tree appeared not far away.

The tall and straight tree of bitterness seems to be supporting the entire city of Tushan.

“My good fellow, I’m afraid this tree is going to become a spirit.” Wang Yu couldn’t help complaining.

The first feeling that this bitterness tree gave him was that it was too tall. The tallest building in the entire Tushan City can only be regarded as its younger brother.

“This isOur first specialty of Tushan, big brother wants to see it too? “With Wang Yu’s help, Tu Shan Susu received the first mission of Hu Sheng.

She was very grateful to him and said, “Why don’t Susu send you there with a bunny?”

“Tutu? How can there be any rabbits?” Wang Yu looked around, but didn’t see any rabbits.

At this moment, the sunlight behind Wang Yu seemed to be blocked by something. Turning his head curiously, his hairs immediately stood on end.

A three-meter-tall rabbit stood silently behind him. Two big black eyes stared at him without blinking.

There was a black line on Wang Yu’s forehead: “This shit, is it a rabbit?”

“Gu Gu~”

The huge rabbit sat on the ground, and touched its ears with two paws in a very human way.

Tu Shan Susu didn’t know when the rabbit ran over his head, and shouted at him: “Big brother, do you want me to send you there with a rabbit?”

“No…no need, I’ll go by myself, it’s not far anyway.” Wang Yu rejected Tu Shan Susu, and walked towards the tree of bitterness sullenly.

Twenty minutes later.

Wang Yu looked up at the tree of bitterness, which was not close at all, and suddenly felt powerless.

“I would have agreed to sit on the rabbit if I knew it earlier.” Wang Yu supported the ground with his peach-wood sword in his right hand, and took a few breaths.

“Eh? Is this an antique shop?”

Wang Yu suddenly saw a shop selling ancient costumes next to him, glanced at the mahogany sword in his hand, and thought about buying himself a set of ancient costumes.

Just do what you say, Wang Yu went in with a mahogany sword.

The boss is an old goat wearing glasses. Seeing Wang Yu rushing in with a sword, he was startled.

“Ah! My waist!”

The old goat was clutching his waist in pain, while Wang Yu kept laughing beside him.

The old goat, who came back a little, sat on the bench and sighed, “Young man, you scared me to death just now.”

“Hehe, surprise, surprise!” Wang Yu smiled and said, “I’m here to buy clothes.”

The old goat coughed a few times: “The clothes are all here, go pick them out yourself.”


Wang Yu walked to the front of the shelf and looked at the rows filled with all kinds of ancient costumes, his eyes brightened for a moment.

“I said, you are so old, why don’t you hire a few people to help you work?”

While picking out clothes, Wang Yu started talking.

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