Ren Qing smiled at Jiang Hao very enthusiastically and said:"It's my birthday in a few days. I hope you can come to my birthday dinner."

This is Ren Qing's 24th birthday, which is also a benchmark age. , so Ren Qing hopes that Jiang Hao can spend this birthday with her

"……"Jiang Hao did not answer immediately because he knew that as Ren Qing, many people from the business circle would show up at this dinner. Jiang Hao did not like the kind of occasions where people exchanged drinks and flattery.

However, someone just gave me two villas. Wouldn't it be too unkind to refuse to agree to such a small thing?

Ren Qing saw Jiang Hao's hesitation, so she quickly said:"Are you worried about being too noisy? At that time, I will arrange a small hall, just like the last cocktail party in Xiamen City, with a few familiar people Let’s chat with my friends, there won’t be too many people disturbing me."

Having reached this point, Jiang Hao was too embarrassed to refuse, and he didn’t have much to do recently, so he had plenty of time.

"Okay, I will go." Thinking of this, Jiang Hao smiled and promised. At the same time, in his heart, Jiang Hao also began to think about what it would be better to give to Ren Qing. After all, it would be better to attend other people's weddings.

You can't go to a birthday party empty-handed.

Seeing Jiang Hao agree, Ren Qing breathed a sigh of relief, and the smile on his face became stronger. He looked at Jiang Hao and said:"At 5:30 on Friday night, Peacock Hotel in Xihang City, you must come oh."

Although he knew that Jiang Hao was not a person who broke appointments, Ren Qing still warned him.

"Don't worry, since I agreed, I will definitely not break the promise. I plan to buy some furniture first, fill up the new home, and then leave first." As Jiang Hao said, he stood up and prepared to leave.

Ren Qing smiled and said:"As expected, I heard people say that home is This is a warm haven for people. Even people with your status like Jiang Hao are so passionate about their home. Jiang

Hao smiled and said:"This is natural. After all, no one likes to live on the street or be dependent on others, right?" That’s it, see you Friday night!"

"Okay, I'll take you out." Ren Qing agreed with a smile, and then accompanied Jiang Hao towards the outside of the sales hall.

Fang Dongyang naturally followed quickly.

At this time, Fang Dongyang's mind He was still a little confused.

Fang Dongyang also knew about Greentown Real Estate and Ren Qing.

He did not expect that Ren Qing would give away two villas worth nearly 100 million in total!

Moreover, it seemed that, Ren Qing's attitude towards Jiang Hao was still respectful.

It seemed that she still failed to realize how powerful her cousin-in-law was!

Not only Fang Dongyang, but everyone in the sales office was even more shocked at this moment.

However , , when Jiang Hao and the others were there just now, they didn't dare to say anything.

After Jiang Hao and the others left, the guests at the sales office couldn't help but start talking.

"Who is Mr. Jiang just now?"

"Do you think it is Miss Ren who has fallen in love with the man named Jiang?"

"I don't think so. It seems that Miss Ren is somewhat interested in trying to please him!"

"Isn't that right? I thought I was wrong at first?"


Jiang Hao naturally didn't know that everyone was talking about it after they went out.

After a while, a group of three people arrived at Fang Dongyang's car.

Jiang Hao and Ren Qing said goodbye again and then sat in the passenger seat.

Fang Dongyang got into the driver's seat, but because he was thinking about something, he didn't start the car directly.

Jiang Hao raised his head, glanced at him, and said,"What are you doing standing still? Drive quickly, don't waste time here.""

"Oh, okay, brother-in-law!"

When Fang Dongyang heard Jiang Hao's words, he quickly agreed, ignited the ignition, and didn't dare to slack off at all. He quickly started the car.

When they were fishing before, Jiang Hao didn't give Su Mo and Su Daqiang any face, and knocked Su Fang Dongyang was shocked by the fact that Ren

Qing took the initiative to please Jiang Hao when he saw Jiang Hao, and finally got two villas for free, which made Fang Dongyang feel even more like he was dreaming.

From Ren Qing After talking about"free house payment", Fang Dongyang has been in a trance, always feeling like he is floating on the clouds.

"Brother-in-law, can you really get these two villas without spending a penny?"

Although he saw Jiang Hao closing his eyes as soon as he got in the car, as if he was resting, Fang Dongyang couldn't help but ask.

"What?"Hearing Fang Dongyang speak, Jiang Hao opened his eyes and asked. He didn't hear clearly what Fang Dongyang said just now.

Fang Dongyang asked his question again, and this time Jiang Hao heard it.

Jiang Hao said angrily:"Isn’t it just two villas? It’s not like your family can’t afford it, so what’s the fuss about? Fang

Dongyang suddenly said:"How is that the same? Being able to afford it and others offering it as a gift are completely different things." You said, Miss Ren, is she in love with you? What if cousin Qingxue knows?……"

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