Even if these dozens of hundreds of giant spiders were killed all at once, Xiao Han, who consumed a huge amount of aura in his body, would definitely not be able to cope with the next wave, which would be very dangerous.

The outer shell of a body is extremely hard, and the ordinary sword to be broken is certainly not as simple as Xiao Han's Sky Sword. It is for sure to spend more hands and feet.

At this moment, Xiao Han felt that it was necessary to reassess the combat effectiveness of these giant spiders.

If you come from an ordinary Qi refiner in the Nascent Soul stage, without a powerful magic weapon to protect you, you will encounter these 14 giant spiders that look like well-trained spiders, and you may not be able to escape the end of death. .

At this moment, the fourteen giant spiders surrounded by Xiao Han were roaring at the same time. Before launching the attack, the fourteen giant spiders waved their sturdy forelimbs and lifted the black sand on the ground, and then coincidentally. Xiao Han surrounded him in the encirclement.

Xiao Han seemed to have guessed that these giant spiders would repeat their tricks. More than a dozen giant spiders raised the sand and waved the soil at the same time, causing a circle of sand and rocks to rush towards Xiao Han, and the momentum was also very shocking.

If Xiao Han had never encountered giant spiders before, and had experience fighting giant spiders, at this time, he would definitely have a gray face made by the high sand before he could not resist. He hadn't waited for him to react. After coming, fourteen giant spiders were killed at the same time, and then they were caught off guard.

Fortunately, Xiao Han had a little understanding of the attacking methods of these giant spiders before, and now he won't be forced to rush into this situation.

Before the giant spiders attacked at the same time, Xiao Han took advantage of their encirclement circle getting smaller and smaller, and drifted past a gap in the encirclement circle, lifting his leg and hitting the nearest giant spider viciously. Kicked.

Xiao Han's kick just now was quite structured. It was like a volley shot when playing football, and the whole movement was extremely smooth.

The man who kicked the giant spider on Xiao Han's foot turned upside down, and after tumbling more than a dozen times in mid-air, he buckled and fell on the sand not far away.

Xiao Han’s figure was missing from the eyes of those giant spiders. Although the dust that had just been lifted up so that the scene in the encircled circle was completely unclear, these giant spiders did not seem to rely on their eyes to see things, and waited until Xiao Han kicked. When turning over the giant spider closest to him, the other giant spiders around him had already turned around. They were crawling very fast on the sand, and in a blink of an eye Xiao Han was surrounded by them.

And the giant spider that fell on the ground after being kicked by Xiao Han flopped a few times and then reversed, climbed up three times and twice, and merged into the encirclement of those giant spiders. Look at it. The appearance did not seem to have been damaged.

Xiao Han curled his lips helplessly, and kicked the spider hard by himself. There was no sign of injury.

You know, with Xiao Han’s current cultivation base at the peak realm of the Nascent Soul Stage, even though he did not try his best with that kick just now, the Qi refiner at the peak stage of the Nascent Soul Stage kicked, not to mention a person, it’s just a head. Cows can also be kicked, not to mention this giant spider with only grinning laughter.

However, the giant spider just ate Xiao Han's heavy leg, and it did nothing at all, and it did not affect its combat effectiveness at all. However, standing Xiao Han now has a trace of soreness on the back of his feet. Han happened to kick on the giant spider. The hard shell made the giant spider not hurt, but it hurt Xiao Han's instep.

Cocoa can imagine how hard the shells of these giant spiders are.

Xiao Han shook the Sky Sword in his hand, and had a new understanding of the combat effectiveness of these giant spiders.

The shell is hard, and it is no problem to defeat a few giant spiders with his own hands and hands, but if he wants to defeat a dozen giant spiders in front of him with his hands and hands, then Xiao Han will have to do his best.

Thinking about it all, the 14 giant spiders hissed in their mouths, and began to surround Xiao Han again. This time they didn’t use their forelimbs to raise the black sand on the ground like just now. They seemed to know how to use this trick. It didn't work against Xiao Han, so the fourteen giant spiders resolutely gave up their tactics.

These giant spiders are as big as a millstone, with a total of six legs, of which the four legs under the lower abdomen are relatively thinner, at most the thickness of Xiao Han’s wrist, but the remaining two forelimbs are thicker and longer than those The four legs responsible for supporting the weight of the whole body and walking are much longer. The most important thing is that the two forelimbs end with two sharp thorns. According to Xiao Han’s estimation, these two thorns should be these. The hardest part of a giant spider.

Moreover, even if this giant spider does not use the forelimbs to attack, there are some sharp teeth on its mouth, and the left and right opening and closing are like a few large scissors, even if it is not stabbed by the two sharp thorns, it is Its mouth was bitten, and it is estimated that Xiao Han's physical strength will also be injured.

Xiao Han's current physical strength can be considered formidable, although it can't compare to the kind of monk who specializes in body training, but ordinary sharp weapons and attacks really don't have much effect on his body.

Seeing that these giant spiders were about to rush up, Xiao Han was about to greet him with a sword in the sky for the first time, and suddenly found that the fourteen giant spiders were half of the giant spiders, that is, the seven giant spiders stopped and started in Xiao Han was wandering around, and the remaining seven giant spiders attacked Xiao Han. Seven or eight giant spiders waved their two forelimbs at the same time, and they looked quite scary.

The most important thing is that the two forelimbs of these giant spiders are sturdy, but they are also very long. They are at least 1.5 meters long when fully extended, and Xiao Han is very flexible.

Another point is more tricky. These giant spiders walk very fast on this soft sand and are not affected by the sand at all. However, if people’s feet are stepped on the sand, it will still be affected more or less. The speed of walking, the exertion of energy, and the accumulation of energy are declining. People with weaker strength are easily stabbed by these giant spiders.

Fortunately, Xiao Han's body is fast, and the impact on this kind of sand is not great, so these giant spiders have no way to suppress Xiao Han in speed.

Xiao Han can completely sever the forelimbs of this giant spider with the Sky Sword. One or two is no problem, but at the same time, seven giant spiders and 14 spear-like things attack, even if Xiao Han can cut half of them with a single knife. , The remaining sharp thorns can also threaten Xiao Han.

Seeing that the two giant spiders rushing in front had already attacked Xiao Han, Xiao Han cut off the forelimbs of these two giant spiders with a single sword, and several green blood pillars soared in the air.

Xiao Han cut off the forelimbs of these two giant spiders with the Sky Sword, and the account of the palm holding the Sky Sword was also swelled by the feedback from the injury of the Sky Sword. It seems that if Xiao Han is using the Universe Bag The few ordinary swords and knives that Lipenglai Island prepared for him were not the forelimbs of the giant spider, but the sword in Xiao Han's hand.

After slashing the two giant spiders at the front, Xiao Han kicked the two giant spiders one by one. The sharp thorns of the five giant spiders behind him and on the left and right have already attacked Xiao. If Xiao Han doesn't dodge at a position less than one foot away from Han's body, ten sharp thorns can pierce him through his heart and fly.

Xiao Han had no way to chop off ten sharp thorns at the same time, so when he kicked the two giant spiders in front of him with one foot one by one, he swung the sky sword around him and swung all the ten sharp thorns away. Then the whole person rolled to the ground and slipped out of the circle of five giant spiders.

However, Xiao Han just rolled from the center of the encircling circle to the periphery. The giant spiders guarding the periphery wielded sharp thorns and attacked Xiao Han. The connection was very smooth, and the offensive wave after wave, these giant spiders were each other. The cooperation is very tacit.

As a result, Xiao Han could not continue to dodge. There were a few giant spiders in front of them, and giant spiders were blocking them on all sides, and these giant spiders stood nearly half a person tall. Coupled with the tacit understanding, it looked like Xiao Han seemed to be fighting fourteen well-trained fighters.

The combat effectiveness of these giant spiders is still very limited. As the number increases, with tacit cooperation, the combat effectiveness will increase exponentially. Xiao Han no longer dared to face this battle with a casual attitude. Xiao Han said that the combined attack power of the fourteen giant spiders surrounding him is no less than that of an ordinary Nascent Soul Qi refiner.

Faced with another giant spider that was surrounded by swarms of bees, Xiao laughed coldly. These giant spiders are reptiles. People always have many disadvantages when fighting against these reptiles on the ground. Fortunately, these giant spiders are fast, but Xiao Cold is faster than them.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han saw that the two giant spiders that he had kicked one by one before rolled and fell outside the encirclement circle. Now those two spiders are turning their bodies from the ground, ready to climb over and join the battle group again. .

Xiao Han didn't even think about it, he jumped high, and came to one of the giant spiders. Xiao Han directly held the sky sword and stabbed it fiercely.

Xiao Han leaped high, and the Sky Sword with a ball of fire slammed into the back of the giant spider from top to bottom. Xiao Han stepped on the giant spider under his feet and pulled it out. At the moment of the sky sword, a green **** water surged out from the back of the giant spider. Fortunately, Xiao Han had already taken precautions. Otherwise, this fountain-like green **** water would spray Xiao Han again.

(End of this chapter)

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