The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 991: Giant spider

According to Xiao Han’s estimation, his current position is at least a few hundred kilometers away from the foot of the mountain. If Xiao Han rushes to the foot of the mountain with all his strength, even with the rest time, one day’s Time is enough.

However, there are more issues to consider in this way. First of all, there is no spiritual energy in the Penglai Wonderland where Xiao Han is located. If Xiao Han rushes with all his strength, he will need to sit still and adjust his breath for a long time to replenish the vital energy that he has consumed. Only to be supplemented. After reaching the foot of the mountain, Xiao Han will definitely be caught off guard if he encounters some difficult circumstances. At that time, it will be a very dangerous situation for Xiao Han who is not in his peak state.

If Xiao Han walks there by foot, it will take at least three days and three nights. Although Xiao Han consumes a lot of time, it is relatively safer. However, there is also a tricky problem in it, that is, Xiao Han and There is not enough food and drinking water, and I can only bear it when I am thirsty and hungry on the way.

After thinking about it, Xiao Han still feels that the latter option is more suitable for his current situation. Although walking slowly on foot, it is a reliable way. Even if he encounters some dangerous situations on the road, Xiao Han relies on his own strength. , Self-protection should not be a problem.

If it really doesn't work, you may really have to endure the nausea and eat that kind of giant spider meat. In order to survive, this is nothing to do. It is better than losing your life.

Xiao Han began to walk towards the soaring mountain peak, walking on two legs all the way, only when he encountered that kind of extremely wide gully, it would take a long way to go around the deep pit, Xiao Han would Use your own self-cultivation to float past.

In the case that the Hezuo Spirit cannot be replenished, every trace of vitality in Xiao Han's body is precious. If he can climb up with his bare hands, Xiao Han will never leap up gently. He can walk around the gully, Xiao Han will never float past, it can be said that he is cautious to the extreme.

The sun gradually fell down the mountain, and the temperature gradually dropped. As a result, Xiao Han finally did not feel sweaty when he was on the way. Although it was not completely dark, the breeze blowing on the face had begun to be mixed with traces. Coolness.

During the day, the heat waves are sultry, and the low temperature hasn't dropped so much before it gets dark. It seems that after late night, the temperature in this Penglai wonderland may drop below zero.

Xiao Han, as a master of jellyfish university, knows that this is because there is no balance between green plants and water flow. Without these things that can play a regulatory role, the temperature difference between day and night here will be very large, and the temperature during the day is hot. It's suffocating, and the temperature at night is shivering.

Just like on the moon, the temperature during the day can make people cooked, and the temperature at night can freeze people. Although this Penglai wonderland is not that scary, the temperature difference between day and night still makes it difficult for ordinary people to survive in this place.

From entering the Penglai Wonderland to the present, Xiao Han has been walking for two full hours. Fortunately, with Xiao Han’s current strength, walking for two hours in a row, he didn’t feel tired at all. Otherwise, even if Food and drinking water are plentiful, and Xiao Han's body bones are too much to eat for hundreds of kilometers on foot.

After the sun went down, the temperature on the desert began to plummet, and Xiao Han, who was dressed in thin clothes, could not help but shudder.

Walking alone in such a barren place, Xiao Han does not feel tired, but feels very boring. The scenery in the past is the same, either ravine or deep pit, or deep pit or small mountain, or small mountain or ravine, black ash Yes, there are no other colors in the desert. After a long time, people will not be tired, and the vision will start to feel tired.

Now, Xiao Han estimates that he has walked more than ten kilometers on foot. If it weren't for the complicated terrain, Xiao Han almost always walked around, I'm afraid Xiao Han could walk farther.

"Sister Di boldly go forward, go forward, don't look back"

Xiao Han sang a few words on his own. In this empty environment, the melodious singing can spread to far, far away places. Unfortunately, no matter how bad Xiao Han sings, no one will hear it.

Xiao Han couldn't help but muttered secretly: Ouch, I'm going, I'm going to spend a year alone in this place where the bird does not **** and the rabbit is disturbed, and there is not even a person to talk, even if it is food and drink. There is plenty of water, but will it go crazy and bored after a long time?

By the way, forget it, don't mention birds and rabbits in this ghost place. There is not even a single grass. The only living creatures are the two giant spiders that Xiao Han encountered when he fell from the sky.

Xiao Han now has time to think about problems. After thinking about it, he thought of the two giant spiders he had encountered before. After Xiao Han walked for so long, he never encountered the third one again. Could it be said that this giant spider is here? Are all the rare species in Penglai Wonderland?

However, does this giant spider survive by eating? There is not even an ant in the entire Penglai Wonderland, except for the endless black sand and loess, there is really nothing to eat.

Xiao Han was walking towards a high mountain slope. When he was about to climb to the top of the mountain, suddenly, Xiao Han seemed to notice a little movement.

Xiao Han stopped and turned his ears to listen.

There were some faint sounds from the side of the hillside, which sounded like the sound of an animal stepping on the sand. After a while, Xiao Han vaguely heard these hissing sounds.

Xiao Han is now a Qi refiner in the Yuan Ying stage, his facial features are extremely sensitive. It would be an exaggeration to say that the eyes and ears are exaggerated, but within the hundreds of people around, the slightest movement can't be hidden from Xiao Han's eyes.

According to Xiao Han's estimation, the source of the sound is at least three to four hundred meters away from where he is now, that is to say, the thing making the noise is coming to Xiao Han's location.

Listening to the sound, the rustling sound is like the sound of an animal stepping on the sand, and those hissing sounds are very similar to the two giant spiders that Xiao Han encountered before, which beat a millstone. If Xiao Han guessed it If it's right, it should be a few giant spiders coming to him.

The noise and movement are not very loud, and there should not be many such giant spiders.

Xiao Han's current vitality in his body is at its peak, and after two hours of walking, it is equivalent to warming up in advance, so Xiao Han is now in his best state, and it is of course no problem to deal with a few giant spiders.

Besides, Xiao Han had just fallen from a high altitude before, and he was still a little confused. In addition, he was at the bottom of a pit and was staring down at the bottom of two giant spiders, so it took some time to kill the two giant spiders. Hands and feet.

It's different like this now. The view here is wide and the terrain is not complicated at all. In this case, Xiao Han wants to kill a few giant spiders. It is not easy to say that it is not very troublesome, and Xiao Han I have tried to kill two giant spiders before. If you want to kill this giant spider, you don't have to see where it is, you can only stab it in according to his back.

Now, Xiao Han intends to see the situation clearly before making any plans. Since these giant spiders are directed at him, he only needs to wait in place now. Besides, Xiao Han's current location is far from the top of the hillside. There is still some distance, but this small hill is not steep, and the **** is not very large, and those giant spiders have no condescending geographical advantage.

Before those giant spiders appeared, Xiao Han was summoned like a sky sword. After the sky sword appeared, it hovered quietly in front of Xiao Han, bursting out a faint blue light, the sky sword. It seems that the battle is about to be sensed, and the sword body is constantly trembling, making a buzzing sound.

Xiao Han raised his head and looked at the direction of the top of the hillside, waiting for the emergence of these giant spiders. At this time, the best way to cope with the changes is to remain unchanged.

After a while, two giant spiders appeared in the direction of the top of the mountain. They waved two sturdy forelimbs at Xiao Han, and made a hissing noise in their mouths, seeming to be demonstrating like Xiao Han.

It turned out that only two giant spiders came. Xiao Han sneered looking at the direction of Podi. If it weren't for their shells were too hard, Xiao Han would not even be willing to summon the Sky Sword.

It’s weird. Xiao Han encountered two giant spiders before, and now he encounters two giant spiders again. Could it be that these giant spiders like to appear in pairs, or they are a male and a female couple? Well, how else could it happen to be two more?

Thinking of this, Xiao Han held the Sky Sword that had been floating in front of him in his hand, grinned, and began to walk slowly to the top of the hillside.

Anyway, there are only two giant spiders. For Xiao Han, there is no difference between taking the initiative to attack and waiting in place. One is Xiao Han rushing up to kill two giant spiders, and the other is Xiao Han waiting for two spiders to lie in front of him. , And then beheaded two giant spiders, there is indeed no difference.

But for a moment, Xiao Han stopped again, because he found that the two giant spiders above stopped, but there seemed to be noise and movement on the other side of the hillside, that is to say, more than two came. A giant spider.

Sure enough, within a few seconds, two giant spiders of the same size appeared on both sides of the giant spider that appeared before. Now there are a total of four spiders waiting for Xiao Han on the top of the hillside.

Four is four, killing two is killing, killing four is also killing, for Xiao Han, it is just a longer time to talk.

(End of this chapter)

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