The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 977: Neon clothes

From the trivial matter of receiving a small one-heart-returning pill, you can see the difference between the famous sect and the ordinary sect. The small is the big one, and the level of strength can also be distinguished by their reaction.

The disciples of the famous sect are very strict in their words and deeds, and they are also very restrained and rational in their words and deeds. Whenever they encounter something, they will cooperate with each other more tacitly.

However, some ordinary schools are different. Sometimes they are more self-centered. Normally, they don’t seem to matter. Once a critical juncture is encountered, the disciples of the famous schools can easily quarrel with their enemies, twist them into a rope and perform better. power of the team.

The ordinary martial art is much worse at this critical moment.

Lu Xuan went on to say: "Well, Penglai Wonderland can be entered at any time. I don't know if you would like to rest on our Penglai Island for a night and recharge your energy? Or enter Penglai Wonderland directly.

The previous disciple of the Xuanjian Sect held the ** Qi Qi Pill in his hand, and said with joy: "Lord Lu, we are here to hunt for treasure, not to recharge our energy, we can't live anymore. Let’s ask the Lord Lu to take us directly to the Penglai Wonderland. When we return in triumph, it’s not too late to entertain us."

His words made everyone present laugh and nod their heads.

Right here, Wudang Sect disciple Ye Longxuan, who had not spoken all the time, suddenly asked, "Lord Lu, didn’t you say that Xiao Han would also enter the Penglai Wonderland?"

After Ye Longxuan said this, Ye Yu, who had been sitting on a chair with her eyes closed, suddenly opened her eyes, and two sharp killing intents broke out in her eyes. Even the look on her face was extremely cold, standing beside Nightingale. His brows frowned slightly, seemingly surprised at Ye Yu's performance.

Even after Cong Ye Yu and Xiao Han met once, Ye Yu’s whole person was like a different person. As long as he mentioned Xiao Han, his eyes showed terrible hatred.

Lu Xuan is also clear about the grievances between Ye Longxuan and Xiao Han. When Ye Longxuan heard that Xiao Han would also enter the Penglai Wonderland to explore, Ye Longxuan promised to come down and take someone there. Penglai Wonderland.

It seems that this Ye Longxuan is mainly for trouble with Xiao Han.

Lu Xuan smiled slightly and said, "Xiao Han has already stepped into Penglai Wonderland before you!"

Ye Longxuan sneered, stood up directly, and said with great pride: "Then please lead the way, Lord Lu Xuan, let's go to Penglai Wonderland now."

The crowd applauded in a sudden, and stood up one after another, urging Lu Xuan to take them directly to Penglai Wonderland.

The great elder standing next to Lu Xuan coldly scanned the people in the hall. Among the nearly 100 people, after one month, how many can come out?

However, they chose the road themselves, and whether they live or die has nothing to do with our Penglai Island.

In the ancestral temple of Penglai Island, Lu Xuan left Xiao Han after handing over Xiao Han to the blind elder. Xiao Han was a little surprised. Someone led him into the Penglai Wonderland?

In this case, Xiao Han would feel more relieved.

After Lu Xuan took the great elder out, the blind old man grinned and asked: "Little guy, you are already at the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage at a young age. It's not easy!"

Although Xiao Han couldn't figure out the depth of the blind old man, he didn't feel any hostility from his body. Only then did he relax. When Xiao Han heard the blind old man admire him, he folded his hands and smiled: "Old The predecessors have been awarded!"

The blind old man sighed lightly, with a look of pain on his face, and then said slowly: "Little guy, just don't die inside!"

Xiao Han was taken aback for a moment.

Don't die in it?

This blind old man must know something, otherwise he wouldn't have said this suddenly.

Xiao Han pondered for a moment, arched his hands at the blind old man, and said with a smile: "Boy, I am about to enter the Penglai Wonderland, please give me some advice from the seniors!"

"I can't talk about pointing, but the old man really wants to say something to you!" The blind old man waved his hand, and then said with his machine's rubbing voice: "I am the only one alive for nearly five hundred years. The person who came out of Penglai Wonderland."

Xiao Han was surprised and speechless. In the past five hundred years, the only person living out of Penglai Wonderland?

In other words, only this blind old man ever came out of Penglai Wonderland alive? What is there in Penglai Wonderland? Is it so dangerous?

And Xiao Han remembers that Lu Xuan once said that Penglai Island paid a heavy price in order to find the neon feathers lost in Penglai Wonderland. All generations of island owners sent a large number of people into Penglai Wonderland, but almost no one was alive. Walking out of Penglai Wonderland, the blind old man said that he walked out of Penglai Wonderland alive, it should be true.

Xiao Han stared at the calm face of the blind old man, and said sternly: "Old man, do you know something? Please tell me the old man."

"Don't worry, I really want to say that when the old man entered the Penglai Wonderland, he was not as powerful as yours. With your pinnacle of the Nascent Soul Stage, it is not difficult to get out of the Penglai Wonderland alive.

This time, the owner of Lu Island invited you to Penglai Wonderland, just to find a treasure of our Penglai Island. The purpose of entering Penglai Wonderland was the same as yours. Unfortunately, I not only did not find the neon feathers, I am still in Penglai. I lost my eyes in the fairyland. "

Damn it, the eyes of this blind old man are really blind in Penglai Wonderland.

The blind old man seemed to remember the painful experience in Penglai Wonderland that year. He frowned and had a solemn expression, which made the wrinkles on his face deeper.

The blind old man sighed softly and said: "Passing through this black fog, you can see a road. If you walk down that road, you can see the entrance of Penglai Wonderland. Of course you have to Be careful. Many people have died before seeing the entrance, not to mention entering the Penglai Wonderland. Remember, in Penglai Wonderland, your first task is to save your life, and the second is to find the neon feathers, little guy, Whether it’s life or death depends on your own good fortune."

Xiao Han stared at the expressionless blind elder, grateful in his underwear. As a stranger who had never met, it was quite good for the blind elder to say so much to himself.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han clasped his fists and bowed deeply at the blind old man, and said with a serious face: "Thank you, senior, for pointing me to the maze. If the kid can come out of Penglai Wonderland alive, he will definitely come and thank senior immediately."

Xiao Han is such a person. The kindness of dripping water will be reported by the spring. Although this blind old man speaks coldly, his words make Xiao Han feel very warm.

The blind old man stood in front of the black fog, hesitated to speak, and muttered for a moment before he whispered: "The Penglai Wonderland was because of the last war, and countless people died in it, leading to Penglai Wonderland. In the middle, there was a lot of ghosts and ghosts. The great monks who died in Penglai Wonderland wandered in Penglai Wonderland in groups, and the predecessors who entered it called the wandering ghosts "evil spirits." ,

In addition to the evil spirits, there are some great masters whose cultivation bases are close to the tribulation period. The obsession before death allows them to retain a trace of remnant souls without turning into evil spirits. If you have enough opportunities, you may be able to obtain them. The heritage may also be. "

"Thank you for your advice!"

Xiao Han remembered the words of the blind old man without missing a word, arched his hands at the blind old man, and stood in front of the black fog behind the ancestor's shrine.

Although there is no obvious barrier, the black mist is like being blocked by an invisible wall, and there is no sign of crossing the boundary. From top to bottom, it is like a dark barrier, completely covering the back of the hall. Fill up.

Xiao Han discovered that the reason why the light in the ancestral hall of Penglai Island was very dark was related to this black fog. At the back of this hall, almost all the space was occupied by this black fog. The fog seems to be able to absorb light.

Standing close, he could even see that this black mist was not static. He thought it was billowing thick smoke generally rolling in mid-air. If it weren't for this dark mass, Xiao Han even thought This dark mass is a living thing.

"This is a treasure that has been used to guard the entrance of Penglai Wonderland on Penglai Island for thousands of years. It is called the fog of nightmare. Only by smoothly passing through this thick fog can we see the colorful piece of the entrance of Penglai Wonderland. The light curtain, otherwise, you can only get lost in this thick black mist for a lifetime."

Even the entrance to the Penglai Wonderland is guarded by a treasure. It seems that the Penglai Wonderland was indeed the greatest guarantee for the practitioners in the Penglai Island.

Xiao Han nodded solemnly, indicating that he would be careful, only then stepped into the black mist.

The traces of black mist felt cold after touching the skin. Even Xiao Han, a monk at the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage, could not help but shudder.

In the black fog, he couldn't see his fingers, not even the slightest light. Xiao Han kept walking straight ahead with his instinct. Because of the darkness in the black fog, Xiao Han slowed down as much as possible to avoid hitting the objects in front of him. If you look outside, you can see that Xiao Han is moving forward almost step by step.

Only when you get here can you feel it, this black mist is colorless and tasteless, except for a slight icy feeling, it is almost imperceptible.

The blind old man said just now, this thing is called Nightmare Fog?

Is it just a cloud of colorless, odorless and insensible black mist? A treasure used to guard the entrance of Penglai Wonderland?

I don't know what kind of mystery there will be.

(End of this chapter)

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