Xiao Han looked up at the darkened hall behind the Patriarch’s ancestral hall. Only then did he discover that the back of the hall was not completely dark because of insufficient light, but because there was actually a dark smoke wall behind the hall. All positions are filled up.

How could there be a cloud of black fog in the ancestral hall of the Patriarch on Penglai Island?

And the strangest thing is that this black mist will not disperse, and it completely occupies all the positions behind the hall. It seems that there is a clear boundary. There is no trace of black fog in front of the Patriarch's tablets in the Patriarch's ancestral hall, but behind the tablets is The dark masses can be described as Weijing and clear, without interfering with each other.

After entering the ancestral hall of the Patriarch, Xiao Han discovered that besides Lu Xuan and the Great Elder, there was actually one person in the hall.

This man was wearing a gray gown and was short in stature, but his arms were unusually long. Normal people's arms naturally fell down, at most to the thigh position, but the two arms of this man actually reached the knee position, the key to his back Not hunched.

Xiao Han once heard people say that in the Buddhism of the secular world, the Buddha has thirty-two aspects. The ninth aspect of the thirty-two aspects is that the hands are longer than the knees. This is the noble aspect of the man. It is said that the ancient Chinese Three Kingdoms period Liu Bei's hands are over knees.

When Xiao Han saw this man’s appearance clearly, he was also secretly startled. The man’s beard and hair were all white, and his face was covered with wrinkles. The most terrifying thing was that in the part of his eyes, a scar was connected from the left eye to the right. Eyes, it can be seen that his eyes are completely blind, and he should have been destroyed by a sword.

After Lu Xuan took Xiao Han and the great elder into the ancestral ancestral hall, the two gates of the ancestral ancestral hall automatically closed slowly. If the incense on the ancestral hall were not for the strong incense and the two pairs of incense candles were burning, the inside would simply be I can't see anything clearly, let alone seeing this weird man standing at an altar.

Lu Xuan took the elder to kneel on the futon in front of the altar, the blind old man took three fragrances and handed it to Lu Xuan's hand.

Lu Xuan stretched out her hand to take it, and thanked her softly, and then raised the three incense sticks in her hand, and worshipped the ancestors of the previous generations on Penglai Island.

Xiao Han vaguely heard that when Lu Xuan thanked the blind old man, she said five words: Thank you, Uncle Zu.

Shi Bozu?

Lu Xuan called this person Master Lu, which means that this blind stranger is Master Lu Xuan's uncle, and his seniority is quite high.

When Lu Xuan and the Great Elder knelt down to worship the ancestors of Penglai Island, Xiao Han did not kneel down with him, but stood quietly behind Lu Xuan, staring at the blind old man intently.

Although the blind old man looked old and could not see things, Xiao Han vaguely felt a very strong sense of oppression on him. This kind of oppression was something Xiao Han had never encountered before.

In this way, there is only one possibility, that is, this blind old man looks very inconspicuous, but his cultivation level is actually much higher than Xiao Han.

Xiao Han is already at the pinnacle of the Nascent Soul Stage, and is only one step away from the Transition Stage. As long as he encounters a suitable opportunity, he can break through the Nascent Soul Stage and enter the Stage of Transition. If this blind elderly person can give Xiao Han's faint sense of oppression showed that this blind old man was at least in the state of transforming gods.

Xiao Han was also secretly shocked by the appearance of this blind old man. Penglai Island is worthy of being a cultivation sect that has been passed down for thousands of years. In this humble ancestral temple, there is a master of the transformation stage. This should be Penglai. The bottom of the island.

Originally, Xiao Han thought that in the entire Penglai Island, the highest level of cultivation was the island owner Lu Xuan. Then his strength at the pinnacle level of the Nascent Soul Stage could still suppress Lu Xuan. Now it seems that Xiao Han is on the entire Penglai Island. Maybe even the top three are not in the top three. Apart from this blind old man, who knows if there are other old monsters like this blind old man hidden on Penglai Island.

Xiao Han quietly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he didn't relied on his own strength to be stronger than Lu Xuan last night. He did something indescribable to her. Otherwise, he might be killed by Penglai Island. These hidden old guys gave a hang.

Taking advantage of the time when Lu Xuan and the Great Elder were offering incense to the ancestors of Penglai Island, Xiao Han was quietly looking at the blind elders, and the blind elders also turned their heads slightly, seeming to be investigating Xiao Han's details.

Lu Xuan stood up after paying homage to the ancestors of Penglai Island, bowed slightly at the blind old man, and said with a serious face: "Uncle Shi, this is the Xiao Han I invited. Please take him into Penglai Wonderland!"

The blind old man also bowed slightly and whispered softly: "Island owner is polite, just leave it to my old man!"

When the blind old man spoke, Xiao Han couldn't help but frown. The blind old man's voice was too ugly. It was not only a hoarse voice, but it was like an old machine that lacks lubricating oil. The weird sound made sounds very harsh.

"Xiao Han, this is my uncle master, let him take you into Penglai Wonderland!"

After speaking, Lu Xuan led the great elder out of the ancestral hall without waiting for Xiao Han to reply.

After coming out of the ancestral ancestral hall, in addition to the Penglai Island disciples who were with Lu Xuan and the great elder before, there is now another disciple waiting outside the ancestral ancestral hall.

After the great elder came out, the man first bowed to Lu Xuan, and then moved to the ear of the great elder and whispered the news to the great elder.

After that, the elder nodded gently, waved his hand, and signaled the disciple to retreat first.

After that, Lu Xuan led the great elder and the others slowly back. Only then did the great elder walk to Lu Xuan’s side and whispered: “Island Lord, the disciples of all the major sects have arrived on our Penglai Island. , They are all in the hall waiting for the island owner to be summoned!"

Lu Xuan nodded and asked, "How many people have come?"

The elder replied softly: "Except for Wudang, Huashan, Kunlun, Kongtong, and Emei each with five disciples, the rest of the schools, large and small, also have 60 or 70 people, which should be close to 100. People!"

Lu Xuan glanced blankly at the floating island in the distance, sighed softly without showing a trace, and said, "That's good, take me to meet them!"

The elder hurriedly bowed and said, "Island owner please!"

After Lu Xuan stepped forward, the great elder turned her head and looked at the direction of the Patriarch's ancestral hall, with a weird smile on her mouth.

Under the guidance of the great elder, Lu Xuan came to the hall behind the floating island. When Lu Xuan came in, young disciples of various sects came forward to bow.

In addition to the famous sects of Wudang Sect, some small sects also sent several young masters to Penglai Island.

The Wudang faction was naturally led by Ye Longxuan. He successfully broke through on the top of the volley and entered the Nascent Soul Stage. Moreover, Lu Xuan knew that with her strength, he now It’s not necessarily Ye Longxuan’s opponent. In addition to Ye Longxuan, there are five Wudang Sect disciples standing behind him. Although they seem to be a lot worse than Ye Longxuan, they are also considered to be among the major sects. First-class young master.

In addition, Huafeng is the leader of the Huashanmen, the Kunlun faction is led by Wang Mang in a leather jacket, the Kongtong faction is led by Ouyang Bing carrying a big gourd, and the Emei faction's leader is with Xiao Han. Ye Yu, who is a skin lover, stood behind Ye Yu and Ye Yu and two other female disciples of the Emei School.

These are the best among the younger generation of disciples among the major sects of cultivation. They are the most powerful and decent, so they are seated on both sides of the hall, while the other disciples of the small sects stand at the bottom of the hall. .

Because the seats in the hall are limited, except for the top masters such as Yelongxuan, Huafeng, Wang Mang, Ouyang Bing, and Ye Yu, who have places to sit, the rest are all standing.

And even if these little sects want to be a seat, they dare not to shoot at the top masters like Yelongxuan. Therefore, although many people are a little dissatisfied, they dare not say anything. Many informal people are directly here. Sitting on the floor in the hall.

Lu Xuan sat down at the top of the hall and looked at the young masters from all walks of life in the hall. After a slight smile, she said loudly: "Everyone, Penglai Wonderland has been opened and you can enter it at any time. When you visit by the sects, you have already said very clearly that Penglai Wonderland was once a forbidden place on Penglai Island. Now Penglai Wonderland is open for treasure hunting and exploration. My purpose is only one. I hope you will find one for me. Treasures, neon clothes feathers.

Except for the neon clothes and feathers, all the treasures you find in the Penglai Wonderland belong to you. Moreover, those who can bring the neon feathers and feathers back to us on Penglai Island can become the honorary elders of our Penglai Island, and will be with me in Penglai. The island will share honor and disgrace.

However, after all, it is to explore and hunt treasures in Penglai Wonderland. After you enter, Penglai Island is not responsible for ensuring your safety. It is your own responsibility for life or death. Do you have any objections? "

A black-faced man who didn't know his name stood up, arched his hand at Lu Xuan above, and smiled: "Lord Lu, please rest assured, Penglai Wonderland was originally a secret place on Penglai Island, now you Penglai Daoguang invites all the gates of the world to send in to hunt for treasures. The treasures we find belong to us. We are grateful that Penglai Island is too late. How can you blame you? Besides, risks and opportunities coexist. After entering the Penglai Wonderland, it is of course to find the treasure. It’s up to us, everyone said, right?"

The words of the black-faced man resonated with everyone, and everyone stood up and expressed their attitude.

If Xiao Han were here, he would be surprised and speechless. When did Lu Xuan invite so many young masters from the school to enter, why didn't he know at all?

(End of this chapter)

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