The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 971: Impartially enforce the law

Zhang Cuishan's face turned ugly when he heard Xiao Han actually asked him to stand up and tell him what happened. He looked at Xiao Han with a bitter face, and the meaning was obvious. Didn't this push him Zhang Cuishan into the fire pit?

Zhang Cuishan is just an ordinary disciple of Penglai Island. One has no backing and no background. If he really tells the story of the matter in front of so many people, he will definitely offend Elder He and Elder, and both at the same time. Elder, how can he stay on Penglai Island after Zhang Cuishan?

All the disciples on Penglai Island looked at Zhang Cuishan.

Lu Xuan looked at Zhang Cuishan, a young disciple on Penglai Island, and said coldly: "Zhang Cuishan, just say how things happened. If there is half a lie, I will immediately abolish your cultivation level and throw you in. Feed the fish in the sea!"

Lu Xuan's words were very heavy, except for Zhang Cuishan, even the expressions of Elder He and the Great Elder became even more ugly.

The meaning of Lu Xuan's words is already very clear, that is, let Zhang Cuishan tell the truth, don't take any side, otherwise, don't talk about Xiao Han and the elder, she, the island owner, will not take him lightly.

The remarks just now are not only a warning to Zhang Cuishan, but also an encouragement to Zhang Cuishan, encouraging him to tell the truth.

Zhang Cui is not stupid. Of course, he clearly understood the meaning of Island Master Lu Xuan, but in this way, he still offended the Great Elder and Elder He.

At this moment, an older disciple from Penglai Island who was standing in the crowd suddenly shouted: "Junior Brother Zhang, how did the matter happen, can you tell me exactly? I believe the island owner will handle it impartially. of!"

"Yes, Brother Zhang, just tell the truth, we will support you too!"

"Yes, Brother Zhang, we support you!"

Next, there was a burst of encouragement from the crowd, and many people shouted: "Brother Zhang, we support you"

Now that things have progressed, Xiao Han has almost achieved his goal, so a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

According to Xiao Han's consistent character, a disciple on Penglai Island would be killed if he was killed. Even Lu Xuan couldn't help him. Why should he make things so big?

In addition to being made things difficult by Li Xiao for no reason, Xiao Han wanted to let out a sigh of anger, the reason why the matter was made up was because Xiao Han had other considerations.

I'm going to Penglai Wonderland tomorrow. Xiao Han still doesn't know what's going on inside. Xiao Han will have to take it with him for at least a year, so he needs a lot of supplies.

However, arranging accommodation today will be secretly stumbled by people, which means that the great elder is a person who must be reported, and the materials that Xiao Han needs in Penglai Wonderland are prepared by Penglai Island. If the elders of the Great Dao were careful in this, then Xiao Han might have to suffer a lot of dark losses in Penglai Wonderland.

For example, if there is a fire that is used for ignition,

The food you eat is moldy!

The supplies that could be used for a year were used up in less than half a year! This material has not been prepared, and the quantity of that material is missing.

If you don't want to avoid things like this, Xiao Han might have trouble doing everything in Penglai Wonderland, and he might be life-threatening.

If he only found out in the Penglai Wonderland, that Xiao Han would only have to cry. After all, the place Xiao Han went to this time was probably a place completely unsuitable for human survival. Otherwise, Lu Xuan would not offer to help. Xiao Han prepared the materials needed inside.

Maybe the people who entered before died in it because they died of starvation, thirst, and exhaustion? After all, once Penglai Wonderland enters, it will take at least one year for the next exit to open. One year has passed inside and only one month has passed outside. However, Xiao Han's current realm is still unable to live without eating or drinking for a year. Go down.

Therefore, the best way is to make this matter a big deal. The bigger the trouble, the better. The trouble is out of control, so that everyone knows that Xiao Han is not easy to provoke, and let those who hide behind, such as the elders. This kind of messenger dare not act rashly, so that Xiao Han's interests can be guaranteed the most.

Anyway, at the end, just let the beautiful Island Master Lu Xuan take care of everything.

Believe in Lu Xuan's cleverness, Xiao Han will mention it a bit later, Lu Xuan should know why Xiao Han did this.

To say it is also to die, not to say it is also to die. With so many encouragement from the brothers on Penglai Island, Zhang Cuishan confided in his heart and spoke out in front of everyone according to the process of what happened, even Xiao Han and Li Xiao The dialogue between them was repeated verbatim, and even the movements and expressions of Xiao Han and Li Xiao when they spoke were imitated vividly.

Zhang Cuishan was only half talking. The face of Elder He, who had been squatting on the ground and crying, had become unsightly, and the face of the Elder had become very gloomy, but the Elder was not worried that he would send someone to suggest that Li Xiao would make things difficult for Xiao Han. The matter will be exposed. Anyway, Li Xiao is dead, and the person responsible for notifying Li Xiao is his confidant. Other than that, no one knows what role he played in this matter.

"Xiao Han was wrong in this matter, but this Li Xiao also took the blame. He couldn't blame others. The man has died and there is no way to recover it. So he treats Li Xiao's family according to the treatment of dying in the line of duty. This is the case. Right!"

"The island owner is wise!"

"The island owner is wise!"

A burst of enthusiastic cheers broke out among the group of disciples, and everyone praised the fairness of Island Master Lu Xuan.

And Elder He Changgong and Elder He's face turned quite ugly, and he treated Li Xiao's family according to the treatment of being killed in the line of duty? Li Xiao's parents died, and only his uncle is the only one. Does caring for his family mean caring for him?

Besides, the words of the Lord Road Island, in the final analysis, have only one meaning-and the mud. In short, in short, Li Xiao is looking for death by himself, no wonder others.

Lu Xuan looked at the passionate Penglai Island disciples below. She knew that Li Xiao's death not only did not arouse the indignation of the disciples, but made the disciples feel very happy, and she was relieved.

Before that, Xiao Han had already considered this situation. After killing Li Xiao, Xiao Han originally came with the mentality that dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water. Anyway, no one on Penglai Island is better than his own. People with higher realms existed, even Lu Xuan couldn't help him, and even if Li Xiao killed him, he would kill him.

But later, when I saw Zhang Cuishan venting at Li Xiao’s corpse and looking at him with a look of indignation, Xiao Han thought about it and thought of using the voice of the masses to resolve the matter. By the way, he could also warn those secretly facing him. Spoilers.

Therefore, Xiao Han didn’t just accept it, but took advantage of this juncture, “Lord Lu, I’m here to be your guest on Penglai Island. I was made things difficult for me for such a small thing, you said. I entered the Penglai Wonderland, and the materials in the materials were all prepared by you on Penglai Island. What if some people with ulterior motives move some hands and feet on it in order to fix me, then after I entered the Penglai Wonderland, wouldn't I be stunned? "

Xiao Han's words made all the disciples of Penglai Island take it seriously. Even their disciples on Penglai Island would inevitably be rectified in secret, let alone Xiao Han, a foreigner.

Lu Xuan is a delicate woman. From Xiao Han's words, she already knew that Xiao Han meant something, and knew that Xiao Han was worried that someone would be disadvantageous to his trip to Penglai Wonderland.

"This Xiao Han is our distinguished guest on Penglai Island. He will enter the Penglai Wonderland instead of me tomorrow. No one can interfere with him. Otherwise, he will be dealt with according to the rules." After Lu Xuan finished speaking, she looked at the elder intentionally or unintentionally. .

"Xiao Han, come with me!"


The disciples on Penglai Island suddenly heard a burst of exclamation, and the eyes of Xiao Han were full of envy, jealousy and hatred. Why?

Because the owner of Lu Xuan Lu has never taken the initiative to invite people to her floating island, even the great elder has something to ask for instructions on the floating island. It was the first time that Lu Xuan was invited to the floating island.

Had it not been for Lu Xuan for being a lofty island owner, this would not have been an exclamation, and these disciples on Penglai Island would have been ready to booze.

This is so, Lu Xuan’s face still has an imperceptible blush, but because Lu Xuan is really on the floating island, it’s a little far from below, besides, there is no man on the entire Penglai Island who dared to go straight. Staring at Lu Xuan happily, even the elder did not dare.

Others didn't dare, but Xiao Han dared. Xiao Han not only dared to stare at Lu Xuan directly, but also picked her chin with his hand before. Now Xiao Han is still impressed by the softness of the start!

Today, Xiao Han’s fight on Penglai Island did not cause dissatisfaction on Penglai Island. Instead, the atmosphere of Penglai Island was refreshed. Among the disciples of Penglai Island, no one was bullied or bullied. Now, even some of the elders who are usually aloof are amiable when they see ordinary disciple disciples. Although this kind of amiable appearance is not known sincerely or in disguise, at least ordinary disciples no longer need to look at others. The face acted.

None of the old guys in high positions are stubborn people. This time Li Xiao’s death and Elder He’s injury are completely due to the usual arrogance and domineering, and they never put ordinary disciples on I was used to the troubles that came out in my eyes, otherwise I wouldn't have suffered such a big loss on Xiao Han.

(End of this chapter)

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