The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 959: Reward one million

Xiaoyue smiled, and then said, "Really? Try it."

The brawny man gritted his teeth and gained courage and said, "Brothers, let's go together."


The crowd rushed forward.

"Boss, can she do it?"

"These people are all good soldiers and strong generals under the black iron, they are not ordinary small characters."

The people of Ye Shisan were a little scared. This time, if Xiaoyue couldn't lead them out of the siege, it might be in trouble. Hei Tie brought hundreds of people, and they were all masters of the Iron League. There were only more than 100 people on Ye Shisan. The number of people on the two sides is very different, and there is a big difference in strength. Therefore, they all put their hopes on. On Ye Shisan's body. If Ye Shisan can't defeat them, maybe this matter is in trouble.

However, Ye Shisan was not worried. She has seen Xiaoyue's power. There must be something hidden in her strength.

Hei Tie smiled, and then said: "Kill her, reward one million!"

As soon as Hei Tie's voice fell, this group of people was even more strenuous.

Xiaoyue smiled lightly and glanced at the other person.


Suddenly, his hands were scratched and then shaken.

The two movements seemed random, but a dozen people from the other party immediately seemed to have been thrown out by a huge force. More than a dozen people were easily thrown out like more than a dozen small rubbles.

Bang bang bang...

These people landed one after another, screaming again and again, rubbing their arms and legs.


Upon seeing this, the people around showed horrified expressions.

Everyone can't believe it, a girl of fifteen or sixteen has such ability? It is shocking, shocking.

At first, Hei Tie didn't believe what Li Huaishan said, but he didn't believe it until now. I have to say that seeing is believing. Hei Tie swallowed a mouthful of saliva and looked at each other dumbfounded, with a helpless expression: "You...who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am. What's important is that you'd better surrender quickly!" Xiaoyue sneered.

"Fart!" At this time, Hei Tie took out his hole card from his pocket, which was a black pistol. The reason why Hei Tie held a pistol was because he was dependent on his heart, so he dared to face the opponent's strength but still did not move. Hei Tie smiled and said, "You are amazing, can you still have my gun?"

Xiaoyue frowned, looked at each other coldly, and said, "What about a gun?"

"Damn, I am making you arrogant!" Hei Tie pulled the trigger when he spoke.


There was a loud noise, the gunpowder exploded, and the bullet quickly shot towards Satsuki.

Everyone panicked.

Xiaoyue stood motionless and waved gently.

That hot bullet was actually caught between her two fingers. At that moment, everyone was dumbfounded, and everyone looked at Xiaoyue dumbfounded, especially the hot bullet on her finger.

"She... she actually caught the bullet?"

"My God, is she still human?"

Everyone's eyeballs almost popped out of their eye sockets.

The speed of the bullet, let alone catching it, can't even be caught with the naked eye. Unexpectedly, Xiaoyue received this bullet easily. It really makes people feel shocked, shocked.

Not only Ye Shisan, but even Hei Tie himself was dumbfounded. He looked at Xiaoyue dumbfounded, and he glanced down at his pistol. Is there a problem with this gun? Or is it... all of this is acting?

Black Iron hurriedly opened the pistol, and there was indeed a bullet missing from the magazine.

"You!" Black Iron looked at her.


With a flick of Satsuki's hand, the bullet penetrated through the center of her brow. Blood slowly dripped from the black iron eyebrows.


Before everyone reacted, the black iron pen fell straight down.


"Boss, are you all right!"

Everyone quickly ran over, only to find that Hei Tie had died in anger. The bullet penetrated from the center of the eyebrow, and the brain died on the spot. Even if it is rescued at this time, I am afraid that he can only be a vegetative person, not to mention that he has no vitality now, and he can't die anymore.

When Ye Shisan saw this, he immediately shouted: "Brothers, Hei Tie is dead, now is our world, kill!"

"Kill!" When everyone saw this, the army was shocked. Then, a group of people rushed out quickly.

It didn't take long for these people to go crazy immediately.

Seeing Ye Shisan’s people rushing up, Li Huaishan directed everyone to resist, but the group saw that Hei Tie was dead, and their military spirit was no longer there. Therefore, they dispersed all at once. Once someone started to flee. , Soon someone followed to escape, so the Iron League people on the scene dispersed all at once.

The people of Ye Thirteen immediately occupied the headquarters of Dark Iron.

The black iron people disappeared. They didn't know where they went, and the black iron body was also taken away by them.

Ye Shisan was very excited. She didn't expect that she would occupy the headquarters of Black Iron so easily, which really surprised her.

"Boss Ye, what do you do now?"

"Or, chase them down!"

The people below shouted.

Ye Shisan hesitated, she glanced at Xiaoyue, as if asking for Xiaoyue's opinion.

Xiaoyue smiled and said: "This is your business, I will not interfere, I will only help you."

"Okay!" Ye Shisanyi heard it, nodded immediately, and then said: "What else is this talking about? Brothers, follow me to hunt down these shameless people."

"Kill!" Everyone waved their arms.

This night, the provincial capital launched a large-scale killing, killing all quarters.

This night, many people are destined to be unable to sleep.

As soon as Hei Tie died, the entire provincial city was plunged into chaos, and the people of the Iron League were like frightened birds, running around in fright. Some people even packed up and fled from the provincial capital. Some people stayed and continued to resist.

That night, Ye Shisan quickly swept the entire province with people, washing away all the venues of the Iron League. Frozen is to make them dry.

Suddenly, people panic.

In Liu Sandao's teahouse.

Liu Sandao was sitting quietly with King Kong, Bai Hu and others in the teahouse.

The reason why they gathered here in the middle of the night was because of the destruction of Dark Iron. However, another news made Liu Sandao restless.

"Master Dao, now the lady Ye Shisan has stepped on the black iron site." King Kong glanced at Liu San Dao, and then said, "Look, what can we do about this?"

"Talk about it!" Liu Sandao replied.

"Humph!" The Monkey King snorted coldly, and then said: "He is angry, Xiao Han agreed to help us dry the black iron. Now it's fine, the black iron is indeed killed, but, one night thirteen jump Get up and step on the black iron site, but we dare not say anything!"

Liu Sandao smiled and said, "Yes, we dare not say anything."

"Master Dao, what are we afraid of that kid doing?" Bai Hu snorted and said, "Although he is great, but..."

Having said that, Bai Hu dared not say anything. After all, he really didn't know how to say this. In terms of strength, no one in the knife league is Xiao Han's opponent. In terms of financial resources, the Hanmen Group has a market value of nearly 10 billion. In terms of background, Xiao Han's background is unmatched. I am afraid that Mo Shaocong would not be able to bear it. Therefore, they are all a little frightened. All were timid. Those who are scared almost dare not speak.

"Baihu, don't talk nonsense." King Kong glared at him. Baihu is good at everything, but he likes to brag, but King Kong is more pragmatic. He sneered: "Although I really want to defeat Xiao Han, I know I am not his opponent."

"Hey..." Bai Hu sighed, and said, "What should I do if my skills are not as good as humans? Can I just watch the bad luck?"

King Kong smiled and said, "I pretend to know why Xiao Han did this."

"Oh?" Liu Sandao smiled and asked: "You can tell me?"

"The reason why Xiao Han did this is very simple." King Kong smiled and said, "Because he knows that if the provincial capital is really unified for us, the final result will definitely be better than the separation of the two. He didn’t want to let our family dominate, and would rather let the two compete. Ye Shisan is the object of his support!"

"Yeah!" Liu Sandao took a sip of his cigar and said, "I can understand what you say. I think so too."

"What to do then?" The Monkey King asked, "Things are more troublesome than we thought. When the black iron was there before, they could still restrain each other, but now it's fine. Ye Shisan, the lady who took the black iron's place Occupied. The entire provincial capital suddenly became two families. The two oppose each other. How bad is it?"

"Yes, what should I do now?" Bai Hu also hurriedly asked.

"What can we do?" Liu Sandao smiled, and then said, "First of all. Xiao Han is here, we can't mess around. After all, Xiao Han is not something we can offend."

"Yes, Xiao Han is not something we can offend." King Kong also nodded.

Liu Sandao's will to unify the provincial capital has failed, perhaps, this will become a regret for his life.

However, this cannot change anything.


An entertainment club.

This was once the headquarters of Black Iron, but now it has become the headquarters of Ye Shisan.

Ye Shisan stood on a table very domineeringly, wearing leather pants and stepping on a pair of boots, and then said: "Brothers, we are the masters of this place from today onwards."

Ho Ho Ho...

Hundreds of people cheered in unison.

Ye Shisan was so proud, she didn't expect that she would seize all the black iron sites tonight. This made her very excited. She stood on the table and waved her hand, and the scene became quiet since then.

"Boss Ye." At this time, a reckless man said excitedly: "Why don't you let the brothers have a drink today?"

"Good!" Ye Shisan nodded.

In the casino, the worst is the drinks.

Soon, everyone took out countless drinks from the wine cellar. Hundreds of people drank swigs at the scene.

While everyone was drinking, the door of the entertainment club opened, and outside, a shadow was stretched very long by the sun.

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