The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 954: Dead pervert

Slums, this kind of place is likely to be the place where something went wrong.

As the president of Huihong Group and a woman, Li Xiaoya must have attracted the attention of many kidnappers. They will inevitably focus all their attention on Li Xiaoya. After they tied Li Xiaoya, they immediately transferred her to this Chaotic place. Then she was held hostage to ask for money.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han jumped up.

"Xiao Han, where are you going?" Mo Shaocong hurriedly asked, waiting for news.

"There is news." Xiao Han said hurriedly.

"Does the police have news?" Mo Shaocong asked.

"No, no!" Xiao Han shook his head and said: "My people have news, I have to find a place!"

"I'll go with you!" Mo Shaocong said hurriedly.

"Alright!" Xiao Han nodded.

That night, Mo Shaocong has been with him waiting for news at the police station, and the police of the task force have never rested, but have been studying the case. There are also people from the Criminal Investigation Team outside searching for clues. But there was no movement.

Xiao Han was very moved by Mo Shaocong's actions.

The two went out quickly.

Mo Shaocong drove straight towards the slum.

After the two arrived in the slum, Xiaoyue distinguished the smell on the spot. The journey was relatively difficult, and dogs barked in the slums. Because of the arrival of strangers, all the dogs locked up here barked.

However, when Xiaoyue flicked his sleeves, the dogs immediately became quiet, lying on their stomachs, not daring to move.

"This little girl is amazing." Mo Shaocong said in surprise.

"Hehe, she will do it twice." Xiao Han smiled.

"Really?" Mo Shaocong laughed when he heard it, and then said: "I didn't expect this girl to be able to martial arts, it's amazing!"

It can be seen that Mo Shaocong likes Xiaoyue very much.

Xiaoyue is 163 meters tall, with good body proportions, good face, and white skin. She is a typical oriental beauty. Any man likes it.

Before long, Xiaoyue locked a dilapidated house and said, "It's here!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "I'll go and see!"

After speaking, he quickly walked towards the house.


Kicked the door, and then quickly walked in.

Mo Shaocong followed closely.

Mo Shaocong pinched his nose as soon as he arrived at the door. There was a smell of sour rot. Xiao Han didn't care so much either.

"Who?" Suddenly, a man's voice came from the room.

When Xiao Han heard this, he kicked the door of the room immediately.

In the room, the lights are bright.

A man is comforting himself in a set of women's underwear.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Han and Mo Shaocong were dumbfounded.

Xiaoyue was also stunned, and she said embarrassingly: "This...this man's underwear Li Xiaoya's."

"I'm going!" Xiao Han was dumbfounded.

Mo Shaocong on the side was also dumbfounded: "This...Is there something wrong with this person?"

"Damn, this is a pervert!" Xiao Han cursed, originally wanting to kill him with a palm, but think about it, everything is equal. He had to hold back the evil spirit in his heart, turned around and left.

Mo Shaocong asked in surprise: "How did you find here?"

"Big Brother, let's go elsewhere!" Xiao Han said hurriedly.

"Where to go this time?" Mo Shaocong asked hurriedly.

"Go...Xiliuhe Villa." Xiao Han said hurriedly.

"Yeah!" Mo Shaocong nodded.

After that, Mo Shaocong drove, and this time, he drove all the way, going through a red light all the way, speeding all the way.

Soon, the car arrived at Xiliuhe Villa.

However, the property management of this villa is relatively strict, and most people cannot enter. But who is Mo Shaocong? Will he care about the management of these properties?


The car didn't slow down at all and rushed in. The front of the Porsche didn't break the lifter.

"I'm going, who is this? Are you drunk?"

"do not know!"

"Then what should I do now?"

The security guard at the door was dumbfounded, and could only watch the Porsche disappear into the community.

"Anyway, it's been filmed, and I will find them tomorrow to settle the account!"


Now that he is drunk, the security guard also knows that he was drunk. The owner who can live here is either rich or expensive. Now go to trouble with them, maybe they killed you with alcohol, people with connections and background, killing you is like killing a pig. When they wake up tomorrow, they might apologize and lose money. At least it's better than the one you're looking for.

The car stopped at one of the villas.

"The smell here is much stronger." Xiaoyue said hurriedly, "Master, I can be sure that Li Xiaoya must be locked here."

"Really?" Xiao Han frowned and said, "Who is so bad?"

With that, Xiao Han stepped forward.

The entrance is an anti-theft gate, and there is also anti-theft monitoring.


Xiao Han smashed.

Liu Hao was sleeping in a daze.

Suddenly, the assistant ran up in a hurry and shouted: "Mr. Liu, it's not good, it's not good!"

"What's the matter?" Liu Hao asked hurriedly.

"Xiao Han and the others are here, and Mo Shaocong and Master Mo." The assistant hurriedly said, "What should I do now?"

Liu Hao hesitated and said, "Hurry up and move people to the cellar. Don't let people find out."

"Yes!" The assistant nodded repeatedly.

Li Xiaoya slept in a dazed manner. She felt that she was trapped with a rope, and then she carried it out. Finally moved to a gloomy and dark place. Li Xiaoya was already a little confused from hunger, dazzled, and could not see anything at all. I just felt that there were two figures shaking in front of me.

Seeing that the other party never opened the door.


Xiao Han was angry.

He clapped his hands. Two anti-theft doors weighing a thousand catties were knocked down easily by Xiao Han. Mo Shaocong was dumbfounded and dumbfounded. His face was shocked. The weight of these two doors knows that there are tons, and with a fixed force, it takes at least a thousand catties to break this door.

Ordinary people have a strength of two to three hundred catties. Some people who have been practicing martial arts since childhood, and those who are successful in martial arts can have a strength of five hundred catties. more than. Shocking, horrifying.

Xiao Han quickly walked in.

At this time, Liu Hao quickly walked out with a few people.

"Xiao Han, is it you?" Liu Hao frowned, and said, "What do you want to do? Break into my house at four or five in the morning? Is there a brain problem?"

"Is Li Xiaoya **** by you?" Xiao Han asked sharply.

"What are you talking nonsense?" Liu Hao frowned.

Xiao Lengren snorted, and then said, "I'm talking nonsense? Haha...Do you think I don't know?"

"I don't know what you are talking about!" Liu Hao snorted coldly.

"Xiaoyue, search!" Xiao Han waved.

Xiaoyue was just about to break in.

The two black men immediately blocked Xiaoyue's way.

"Get off!" Xiaoyue said sharply.

"Hey, little girl, you are very beautiful!" The black man made a mockery.

Although she didn't understand what they were saying, Xiaoyue immediately shot them flying when she reached out. Xiaoyue walked in quickly. However, after searching inside, nothing was found. This made Satsuki a little surprised.

"How is it?" Xiao Han asked hurriedly.

"Not found!" Xiaoyue shook her head repeatedly.

Xiao Han was a little surprised: "Didn't you say it's here?"

"Yes!" Xiaoyue nodded and said: "It's really here, but I searched all the rooms here, and I didn't find any trace of Li Xiaoya."

"That's weird." Xiao Han frowned.

Xiaoyue, as a mysterious-level spirit beast, couldn't be mistaken. He firmly believed in Satsuki's judgment. As for why Li Xiaoya was not found here, it must be because she was hidden by the other party. Therefore, Xiao Han had some doubts. What is the reason for being hidden by the other party?

"Girl, did you make a mistake?" Liu Hao sneered, and said, "How can I kidnap someone else if I'm the president of a listed group?"

"Xiaoyue, don't panic, you can look for it seriously." Mo Shaocong said hurriedly.

"Yeah!" Xiaoyue nodded, she immediately calmed down, and then seriously began to search again.

Mo Shaocong watched curiously.

Satsuki closed her eyes and searched around.

Before long, she opened her eyes and walked towards the front left. However, the front left is clearly a wall, and she said puzzledly: "It's strange, why is this a wall? My judgment is here..."

Xiao Han took a look, and there was a corner not far away, and there was a hidden door at the corner.

"Here!" Xiao Han pointed to the secret door.

The assistant was obviously taken aback. He turned his head and looked at Liu Hao. Liu Hao smiled and said, "It's just an underground wine cellar, nothing!"

"Open the door!" Mo Shaocong said.

"You said let me open the door?" Liu Hao said disdainfully: "Why should I listen to you?"


Before Mo Shaocong could speak, Liu Hao pushed with both palms. Immediately, the red wooden door was shaken open immediately. The door opened and it was a step to the underground. Several people quickly walked down. Xiao Han quickly saw Li Xiaoya curled up in the corner.

Li Xiaoya lay weakly on the ground, completely unconscious.

Hungry for two days and two nights, almost dripping in. She has entered a state of auditory hallucinations.

"Xiao Ya!" Xiao Han hurriedly shouted.

Li Xiaoya lay motionless on her stomach.

Xiao Han quickly walked over and saw the flashing red talisman, he immediately understood that the other party must have locked Li Xiaoya in this dungeon because there was no way to relieve the threat of the red talisman, and Xiao Han used his hand. With the wave, the threat of the red talisman was immediately relieved. At that moment, Xiao Han immediately picked up Li Xiaoya and walked out.

Seeing Xiao Han coming out holding Li Xiaoya, Liu Hao's face was gloomy.

"Battle!" Xiao Han glared at Liu Hao, and said, "If Li Xiaoya has any mistakes, I will definitely ask you."

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