The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 942: I will kill you

As for the feelings in the world, who cares so much? However, Xiao Han has only stepped into the ranks of cultivators after all, so it is impossible for him to cut off those feelings at once.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.


"I go!"

Zhang Feng and Zhang Dagu suddenly jumped off the bed.

"It's your kid!" The two were excited.

"Am I going to be kicked out by you?" Xiao Han smiled.

"Why?" The two hurriedly shook their heads and said: "This bed, no one except you can enter."

"Good brother!" Xiao Han smiled.

Xiao Han came back, and the 101 dormitory was gathered together again.

"Where did your kid go?" Liu Bin asked.

"Yes, where did your kid go?" the others asked.

Xiao Han glanced at a few people and said, "Didn't you say you went to the United States?"

"Don't fool us!" Liu Bin snorted coldly, and said: "Mr. Lan came back once in the middle. We asked about your situation, and she said you didn't go to the United States."

When Xiao Han heard it, his face was embarrassed, and he didn't expect that Lan Yudie would come back halfway.

"Haha..." Xiao Han laughed and said, "The United States is so big, one east and one west. I didn't tell them about my trip to the United States."

"Then what are you going to do?" several people asked.

"It's just talking about one project." Xiao Han replied.

Others are a little unbelieving. However, Xiao Han was already talking about it, and even if they didn't believe it, it would be hard for them to keep asking.

"Dagu, you guys go to the supermarket to get a box of cold beer." Liu Bin said, "I ordered some skewers at Meituan takeaway. We won't go out on such a hot day. Why not get together in the dormitory? ?"

"Okay!" Zhang Dagu nodded.

Then, afterwards, everyone acted individually.

Zhang Dagu went to the campus supermarket to carry two cold beers over, and Meituan Takeaway also sent a large bag of skewers. In the dormitory, a table was put together with a lot of meat and a lot of food on the table.

There is a lot of food, most of which are grilled meats. There are also two cases of cold beer.

"Damn, this is how you should live this day!" Liu Bin was excited.

Zhang Feng grinned and said: "I haven't eaten or **** this summer, but when you see cold beer, you have sex."

A few people were seated, cold beer one after another.

No words, no talk, no talk.

Two cases of beer are only twenty-four, and they are finished in the blink of an eye. Zhang Dagu ran to the supermarket again and brought two more cases of beer.

Liu Bin is not good at drinking. Before the first box of beer was finished, this guy was slightly drunk. When the first case of beer was finished, he had already fallen. The second case of beer was because Zhang Feng and Zhang Dagu were going to fight together, so the two drank extra vigorously. Appears extremely excited and excited.

The corner of Xiao Han's mouth raised a weird smile.

He chuckled, and then said: "You two have not yet figured out a high and low for the wine?"

"He can't drink me!" Zhang Feng said.

"Nonsense." Zhang Dagu blushed, his veins violent, and said: "You see if he can't beat me physically, how could he drink me?"

"Who told you that drinking is better than physique?" Zhang Feng said disdainfully: "Drinking should be better than talent. Moreover, you didn't drink to beat me last time."

"You are ashamed to say last time!" Zhang Dagu began to fight back.

The two of them quarreled endlessly.

Xiao Han watched the excitement.

It wasn't long before these two guys fell down. As for who wins, who loses, and where is it divided?

Watching the two drink, Xiao Han put the two on the bed, and then began to clean up the messy battlefield. After cleaning, Xiao Han walked around the campus. There will be a holiday in one week. Maybe, after a holiday, I won’t come again. Even if I come again, I’m afraid I won’t be a student anymore.

This summer, Xiao Han decided to get up and go to Penglai Island.

However, before going to Penglai Island, there are some things to deal with. Therefore, Xiao Han decided to talk to Lu Xuan and go to Penglai Wonderland, I am afraid it will be delayed for a few days. The opening day of Penglai Wonderland is very long, it shouldn't matter if it is delayed for a few days. Of course, the most important thing is that since I have agreed to her, I will never refuse.

Sure enough, Lu Xuan received Xiao Han's news and nodded in agreement.

After all, Xiao Han's trip to Penglai Wonderland might have gone without returning. Once there is no return, I am afraid that there are many things in this world that can't be explained.

This week, Xiao Han was busy taking exams at Shuimu University.

Although it may not be here in the future, as a student, we still have to work hard to do well. Naturally, I cannot be absent from the final exam.

The exam lasted for three days.

At the end of the exam, everyone started to pack their things home.

At the school gate, a girl in a white dress walked towards the school.

"Classmate, do you know Xiao Han?" the girl asked.

"Sorry, I don't know!"

After the girl entered school, she asked everyone if she knew Xiao Han.

"Classmate, do you know Xiao Han?" the girl asked.

Liu Bin looked at the girl in front of him, not only to describe it as beautiful, but also as a stunner in the world. He asked in surprise: "You...what do you want Xiao Han for?"

"Oh, I am his friend, I have something to find him!" the girl said.

"What...what's your name?" Liu Bin asked. I took the opportunity to ask about the name of others, this is Liu Bin's little abacus.

"My name is Ye Yu!" the girl said.

"Yeyu?" Liu Bin smiled and said, "Good name, it's really good, it's a good name. Xiao Han and I live in the same dormitory. Why don't you go with me. I'll take you there!"

"Okay!" Ye Yu nodded.

Later, Liu Bin took Ye Yu to the dormitory. Along the way, he asked Ye Yu Xihan warmly.

"Yeyu, have you eaten yet? Would you like to have dinner together at night?" Liu Bin asked, "After dinner, I invite you to go to the movies!"

"Not interested!" Ye Yu shook his head.

Liu Bin was a little embarrassed and was rejected by the beauty. He was really embarrassed. He smiled and said, "I and Xiao Han are very good friends. Don't worry, I won't have intentions for you."

"Yeah!" Ye Yu was expressionless.

Seeing Ye Yu didn't speak, he had to give up.

After walking for more than ten minutes, I finally arrived at the dormitory building.

Because it was a holiday, the dormitory administrator saw Ye Yu come in and didn't say anything. After all, society is so open now, and now it’s a holiday, who still manages girls entering the boys’ dormitory?

Entered the dormitory.

"Brothers, see who's here!" Liu Bin winked.

Zhang Feng and Zhang Dagu looked up.

"Oh, it's so beautiful!" the two exclaimed.

The beauty of Ye Yu is indeed a bit refined, as if it were a fairy. A beautiful long hair falling down like a waterfall, slender eyebrows, a pair of eyes like stars like a bright moon, a pretty Yao nose, pink cheeks slightly dizzy, delicate lips, white like a creamy melon seed face is shy and affectionate, delicate and not delicate. The snowy skin with the slightest flaws is beautiful, with a fragile figure and a powerful aura.

After all, he has just stepped into the ranks of immortal cultivators, so his temperament is extraordinary. The aura is compelling.

Xiao Han also found something wrong with Ye Yu. Although he didn't know him, this woman didn't seem to be an ordinary person. But a... immortal cultivator!

"Who is Xiao Han?" Ye Yu's face was cold.

"Me!" Xiao Han glanced at her.


A short sword flashed in Ye Yu's hand, and the sword's edge pointed directly at Xiao Han's neck and said, "You pervert!"


Everyone in the dormitory was dumbfounded.

Liu Bin was shocked by this scene. He said embarrassingly: "Ye Yu, you... didn't you say that Xiao Han is your friend?"

"I don't say that, would you take me here?" Ye Yu sneered.

"You... aren't you cheating me?" Liu Bin said embarrassingly, "Is there any misunderstanding between you? Xiao Han is not good. I want to see if he is drunk and treats you. Did you do that kind of thing? Oh, what kind of society is this? It doesn’t mean that two people have slept. Of course... You can ask Xiao Han to marry you when you claim rights, but... I want to tell you, Xiao Han has a girlfriend..."

Liu Bin babbled a lot on the sidelines.

Ye Yu's face grew redder.

"Shut up!" Ye Yu glared at Liu Bin and said: "What nonsense are you talking about, who said I slept with him."

"Um..." Liu Bin was also dumbfounded, and he said embarrassingly, "If you weren't asleep by him, why would you call him a pervert? Xiao Han is a shameless person, he... is still a relatively positive person."

"Get out!" Ye Yu roared.

This **** is getting more and more ridiculous.

Xiao Han looked at her with a smile and said, "Who are you?"

"Who am I?" Ye Yu sneered: "I am Ye Yu, the senior sister of Nightingale."

"Oh..." Xiao Han laughed when he heard it, "It turns out that you came to me to settle the account because I saw Nightingale naked again?"

Apart from this matter, Xiao Han seemed to be unable to find anything else.

"What!" Ye Yu was shocked, and said: "You... you pervert, you actually saw Nightingale's body completely, this... this stupid girl didn't tell me. You bastard, I killed you!"

After speaking, the sword in Ye Yu's hand stabbed over.

Xiao Han disdain, he easily avoided the opponent. And turned over, stupefied that Ye Yu threw Ye Yu on the head of the bed. The left hand presses the opponent's sword holding hand. The right hand presses the opponent's chest.


Somewhat soft!

Xiao Han looked down and found that his hand was clutching the opponent's left chest. He was a little surprised. The girl's chest looked flat, but why was it so full and proud when she was holding it?

Ye Yu also found something wrong.

"Ah!" Then, there was a shocking, sobbing scream in the room.


"My ears are almost deaf!"

In the dormitory, the other three people covered their ears. However, Xiao Han's hand grasped the opponent's chest, but it appeared very conspicuous and dazzling.

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