"Junior Brother, did you succeed in breaking through?" A man hurried over.

"Yeah!" Ouyang Bing nodded and said, "I have broken through. Now, I am already a monk in the Yuan Ying stage."

"Oh my God!" The man was shocked.

In fact, the entire Kongtong school was not optimistic about Ouyang Bing's entry into the Nine Nether Lands to cultivate, including Ouyang Bing's master, and he was not optimistic about Ouyang Bing. He always persuaded Ouyang Bing not to go to Jiuyou Land to die. Put a good talent and don't waste it.

After all, Ouyang Bing has understood supernatural powers, which is already considered a very powerful existence in the mainland cultivation ranks. Since it is already so powerful, why not make good use of supernatural powers and have to fight for a result with a high probability of death?

However, Ouyang Bing insisted on not realizing it, and had to break into the land of Jiuyou.

Now, he came out alive.

The man looked at Ouyang Bing incredulously, and said, "Junior Brother, you... are so amazing!"

At this time, many disciples of the Kongtong faction rushed over after hearing the sound, and seeing Ouyang Bing coming out, they found at a glance that Ouyang Bing's strength had grown immensely, and they all felt incredible.

"too frightening."


"Brother Ouyang, you are simply our idol."

The disciples of the Kongtong faction exclaimed one after another, and the whole group was so excited.

The head of the Kongtong faction also came after hearing the news. When he saw Ouyang Bing, he almost cried with excitement: "God bless me Kongtong, God bless me Kongtong. Great, great. , Finally... we finally turned out a genius!"

When Ouyang Bing's master saw this scene, his eyes were flushed with excitement.

The Kongtong faction was almost about to fall out of the top ten sects, and now it's fine, and finally a cultivator of the Nascent Soul Stage has appeared. This is definitely shocking news on the mainland.

A few days ago, the Kongtong faction received good news from Wudang and Kunlun faction.

For Wudang and Kunlun, of course it is good news, but for Kongtong it is a worrying thing. Kongtong School is one of the top ten sects, but there is no master or genius among the new disciples. This is definitely not a good thing for Kongtong School.

Nowadays, Kongtong has produced a master of Yuanying stage. This is great news.

"Quickly!" The leader of the Kongtong faction said hurriedly: "Telling... to the major sects, it is said that Kongtong faction Ouyang Bing successfully entered the Nascent Soul Stage."

"Yes!" The disciples nodded one after another.

When the news came out, it was shocking. Everyone feels incredible, think this is an incredible thing.

"What's wrong with this world?"

"Suddenly there are three young monks in the Nascent Stage, is this too fast?"

"It's too good. I haven't been a master in the Yuanying stage for decades. It's better now, and there are three more at once. I heard that the Wudang kid is more good and he also understood the fairy law. This is really amazing. "

"Why do I have a hunch that something is going to happen in this monk circle."

Many people talked about it, and many people were more concerned about things in the monk circle.

At this time, it was overcast in Huashan.

A young man is sitting on an abrupt stone, undergoing the baptism of heaven and earth, absorbing the aura between heaven and earth. The top of Huashan Mountain is full of aura, but extremely dangerous. Those who can come here must have strong strength.

It is said that hundreds of years ago, a fairy statue of the Huashan School was sitting here.

Therefore, the young man wants to comprehend the aura of the immortal and feel the power of a true immortal cultivator.

This one is more than one hundred days.

Motionless, like a stone. People who don't know thought it was a stone sculpture.

After more than a hundred days of precipitation, Hua Feng's body was covered with dust. The grass sprouted on his head. Body heat, coupled with a thick layer of ash on the head, the seeds of the grass came out easily.

A gust of wind blows...

Suddenly, Hua Feng's eyes opened.

In those eyes, there seemed to be endless vicissitudes and resentment.

"No..." Huafeng gritted his teeth and said: "Why, I didn't break through?"

For more than a hundred days, I sat here like a statue, motionless, absorbed the essence of heaven and earth, and reached the realm of bigu that only cultivators have. However, the realm did not move in the slightest, and it was still the peak of the Golden Core period. It seems that the Yuanying stage is close at hand, but it just can't reach that hurdle.

Hua Feng took a deep breath and looked at the sky coldly.

"Why is it so unfair to me?" Hua Feng's voice was very soft, but with immense resentment.

The wind is very light and the clouds are very light.

However, Huafeng's anger seemed to burst.

Huafeng is a disciple of Huashanmen, not the kind of disciple that is cultivated. Huashan Gate has countless disciples, and there are also many talented disciples. Many talented disciples have easily reached the Golden Core Stage realm under the cultivation of the power of Huashan Gate to lift the entire sect. But no one has ever been able to step through the Yuan Ying period. As for the Huashanmen, no one among the young disciples has ever broken the infancy stage. This is absolutely unforgivable.

Because Huashan Gate is one of the top three major schools in the top ten sects.

Today, Wudang, Kunlun, Kongtong. The disciples of the three younger generations of sects already have masters in the Nascent Soul Stage, which has a huge impact on the entire sect. The younger generation is the pillar of the sect and the mainstay of the sect. If the younger generation cannot be talented, this would be a big blow to the sect. This is why one of the sects will do their best to train a disciple.

You know, among the big sects, as long as a disciple of the Nascent Soul Stage comes out, the strength of this sect can be preserved. And if there is a disciple of the Nascent Soul Stage in the small sect, then he can jump into the ranks of the big sect, and no sect dare to underestimate it.

Hua Feng has always been a much-welcome disciple in the sect, of course, this has something to do with a person's talent.

A sect selects the disciples to be cultivated, and must be tested for talent. And Huafeng was brushed down by the talent test at the beginning, and it was even considered that it would not have very good results in the future practice. Therefore, Huafeng was abandoned by Huashanmen. In other words, the Chinese style in Huashan may live a mediocre life.

However, Huafeng is not a person willing to be mediocre at all. He wants to use his own efforts in exchange for progress, and to fight for a future with his own strength.

But this time, Huafeng was disappointed.

He did not expect that when he thought he could break through and firmly believed that he could succeed, he did not expect that he would fail.

"Hey..." Huafeng seems to have been used to this failure.

For him, along the way, his efforts have surpassed too many people, and surpassed too many people. Compared to the so-called talented players recognized by the sect, his efforts are ten times more than theirs, and his sweat is a hundred times more than them.

Hua Feng took a deep breath, then said: "I must break through, even if not now!"

Huafeng is a very determined person, and also a very hard-working person. Huafeng never cared about suffering or suffering. He just wanted to be able to step into a higher realm, hoping that he could step into a stronger realm.

From the top of Huashan.

"Yo, isn't this Chinese style?"

"I heard that he is going to hit a higher level."

"I don't know what happened!"

"It looks like it failed!"

At Huashan Gate, many disciples laughed one after another, pointing to Huafeng one by one.

"Hmph!" The group of people laughed, and then said with a smile: "I really want to be a idiot dreaming, and I want to become a cultivator? Just rely on him? How can a person with flawed talent make a breakthrough? "

Facing the accusations and ridicules of Huashanmen disciples, Hua Feng's performance was calm and calm.

He walked slowly down the mountain.

This Huashan, he couldn't stay any longer.

Even when he went down the mountain, Hua Feng knew that his surname was Hua, a disciple of the 129th generation of Huashan Gate. This is something he cannot forget.

Watching the Huafeng go down the mountain.

"Cut, does he really consider himself a disciple cultivated by the Huashanmen?"

"Yes, you're so arrogant, is it the same thing to treat yourself?"

Even if Hua Feng left, they still laughed at them, and these people, like Hua Feng, are also disciples at the bottom of Huashan Gate. They have no talent. Even if the monks get started, they can only do some chores and then have to practice. In their entire life, they cannot achieve anything if they take the initiative.

However, Huafeng is different. Huafeng is now at the peak of the Golden Core Stage. If the elders of the sect learn about it, they will definitely try their best to win Huafeng.

It's a pity that tens of thousands of Huashanmen disciples, how can they pay attention to them one by one. The senior officials of Huashanmen only care about the talented disciples, they are not in the mood to pay attention to the lower disciples like Huafeng. For them, it doesn't matter if there are fewer disciples at the bottom.


Because of Xiao Han's disappearance, all the major sects failed to find Xiao Han, and a farce of unhappy dispersal ended.

However, no one thought that Xiao Han would come back three months later.

The entrance of Mizuki University.

A BMW off-road vehicle drove slowly into Mizuki University and stopped in the parking spaces of the faculty.

Then, a man in a white linen shirt got out of the car.

"Xiao Han!" a voice came.

Xiao Han turned to look, and it turned out to be Liu Yiyi. Liu Yiyi saw Xiao Han's car from a distance. She hurriedly said, "It's really you?"

"Yiyi?" Xiao Han looked at Liu Yiyi in surprise, and then said: "I didn't expect to meet you here!"

"Why are you back?" Liu Yiyi looked at Xiao Han in surprise, and said: "I remember you said before that you won't be back until after the summer vacation."

"Hey..." Xiao Han smiled and said, "Don't you want to see me in advance?"

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