After a long time.


Suddenly, with a crisp sound, Xiao Han seemed to have broken through that barrier.


Xiao Han let out a sigh of relief.

After breaking through, he actually stepped into the Nascent Soul Stage, and from then on, he was a cultivator. Suddenly like the primordial infant period, it means that one's lifespan has grown to five hundred years. As long as you don't want to die, you can live for five hundred years.


Suddenly, dark clouds rolled in the sky, and thunder and lightning were hidden in the dark clouds.

"This..." Chen Jin, who was far away in the imperial capital, saw a scene not far away, and he was shocked: "Breakthrough...he actually succeeded!"

Breaking through the Nascent Soul Stage means that Xiao Han's strength has risen sharply, and that his abilities have risen sharply. Similarly, it also means...the first heavenly calamity of the cultivator has arrived. The Yuan Ying period is the first calamity of the cultivator. You must physically resist the bombardment of the sky thunder. Although it was only one, it was difficult to resist.

Xiao Han stood on the top of the mountain, looking up at the dark clouds rolling in the sky, and said, "Is this a catastrophe?"

According to legend, once you step into the ranks of immortal cultivators, you must accept God's catastrophe.

Cultivators go against the sky. God does not allow such a powerful force to exist. The stronger the power, the more ruthless the Heavenly Tribulation will be. In the Yuan Ying period, there was only one sky thunder. Once it reached the Tribulation Period, hehe... ninety-nine and eighty-one sky thunders. Can't avoid it, can't accept it.

There are very few people who can reach the tribulation period, and the people who can really endure the catastrophe are even rarer. For tens of thousands of years, there seems to be no one. Last time, the only person who shocked Yu Nei was Xuan Lingzi. Xuan Lingzi set the record for the youngest immortal cultivator with his awesome talent and cultivation base, and he easily reached the tribulation period. He has also become the most hopeful immortal cultivator in tens of thousands of years to successfully overcome the catastrophe.

However, even with Xuan Lingzi's amazing talent and cultivation base, he couldn't resist the advent of Heavenly Tribulation. In the end it turned into a smear of dust and fell into these five realms.

"Come on!" Xiao Lian laughed.

The dark clouds rolled, and in that dark cloud, there seemed to be faint lightnings. They gathered together to form a lightning that was as thin as an adult's arm.


Then, the flash of lightning fell.

Xiao Han looked up at the top of his head, as if a purple angry dragon opened its huge mouth, trying to swallow himself.

And just when Xiao Han was ready to resist.

Suddenly, the soul orb blocked Xiao Han's head.


The lightning struck down. The soul orb immediately swallowed all that purple lightning. At that moment, the transparent soul orb seemed to turn purple. Inside, a group of purple energy wandered in the soul orb, as if trying to break the taboo, but couldn't get it.

A frightening thunder fell, the dark clouds quickly dispersed, and the sky returned to a gloomy tone.

In hell, there will be no sunshine forever. In hell, it seems that the sky will always be hazy, which makes people feel extremely depressed and painful.

Xiao Han took a deep breath.

"Is it just gone?" Xiao Han looked at the sky leisurely.

At this time, a voice came from the foot of the mountain: "Xiao Han..."

Chen Jin's voice contained a touch of worry and concern.

"I'm not dead yet!" Xiao Han replied.

At this time, Chen Jin led people to rush up the mountain quickly. After seeing that Xiao Han was safe, Chen Jin breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's fine if it's all right. I'm going to have an accident because of you!"

"Tian Lei, what are you afraid of?" Xiao Han replied with disdain.

"You..." Chen Jin took a look at Xiao Han and found that Xiao Han seemed to have nothing to do with it. The body is also intact. Chen Jin was a little surprised: "Tian Lei didn't react to you at all?"

"By the way, how do you know this is a catastrophe?" Xiao Han asked.

"I have been in contact with a cultivator." Chen Jin replied, "From now on, you are also a cultivator."

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded.

Entering the Nascent Soul Stage, Xiao Han feels that his body has become heavier, as if he has shouldered more responsibilities and burdens.

"You have made such a big noise here, it is estimated that the ghost has already known it." Chen Jin replied: "Before the ghost thought that he wanted to disarm you for a few days, and now you have become a cultivator. It is estimated that I will not continue to neglect."

"Alright!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "Summon you sooner and go back sooner."

Several people went down the mountain and received the news immediately. The ghost will be summoned.

Chen Jin smiled and said, "That's too accurate."

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded and said: "Let's go, let's go see him."

Chen Jin followed Xiao Han towards the Ghost Monarch Mansion.

The soldiers at the door did not dare to stop, they all knew that Xiao Han was the ghost commander of Chengwang County. If you still don't give face at this time, it is estimated that the ghost will be pushed to kill. Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, he grinned, and then said: "This road is also unimpeded!"

"You are a handsome ghost, who will stop you?" Chen Jin smiled: "Is really tired of living?"

"Hehe..." Xiao Han nodded and said, "Unexpectedly, the ghosts in the Ghost Mansion are the same as the people in the world, they are people with the kind of worldly mentality, their kindness is afraid of hardship, and the greedy heart."

"Yes!" Chen Jin nodded and said, "As long as there is an interest, it is the same."

The Guijun Mansion is very large, and under the leadership of a special person, he shuttles all the way and enters it.

After walking for a long time and not knowing how many steps they have climbed, they finally arrived outside a hall.

Not far away, a figure wearing a white gold silk robe stood in the distance.

"Master Guijun, the ghost commander of Chengwangjun has arrived." said the leader.

"Hmm!" Jinsipao waved his hand.

The leader immediately retreated.

Xiao Han was standing at a distance of five meters from the figure. He didn't know why, he felt that this figure had a kind of intimacy. Soon, Xiao Han finally knew the reason, and he felt the breath and heartbeat of the other party.

"Are you a human?!" Xiao Han said boldly.

Unexpectedly, the other side turned around.

Sure enough, it was a human, and it was a young human. It seems that he is only in his thirties. With a gentle smile, he said: "Yes, I am a human being!"

"Oh my God!" Chen Jin almost lost his legs.

The ghost who has always ruled **** is actually a human? This is too shocking, right? You know, in hell, no one has ever heard of this news.

Xiao Han smiled and said, "It's strange, you are a human being, and the ruler has been in **** for tens of thousands of years?"

"Yes!" The man smiled slightly and said, "Aren't you also a human? You have also become the ghost commander of Chengwang County."

"No!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "My goal is to become the master of Ghost Monarch Mansion."

"If you want it, send it to you." The man smiled and said, "But, are you willing?"

"Why not?" Xiao Han asked.

"Become a ghost, manage the order of the underworld, and maintain the peace of the underworld." The man glanced at Xiao Han, and said: "I have discovered your ambition since you entered the hell. You walk step by step, just a little bit. The world of months became the master of Chengwang County. Don’t you think it’s strange?"

"What?" Xiao Han hesitated.

"All of this is just me helping you." The man smiled slightly and said, "For the day we meet!"

"Impossible!" Xiao Han shook his head.

"What's impossible?" The man smiled and said: "After you entered hell, everything was just arranged by me."

"Xiao Ruyue is the person you arranged by my side?" Xiao Han suddenly woke up.

The man laughed and said nothing.

Xiao Lengchun smiled and said, "What are you doing so much for?"

"Don't you want to take over the position of Guijun?" The man smiled, took a blood-red token from his arms, and said: "This is the token that commands the Guishuai of the 36th county. You. Just get it and you can become a ghost, how?"

Xiao Han was taken aback, and said, "What do you want?"

"Me?" The man smiled slightly and said, "My name is Cangbai Mountain. I came to this ghost mansion ten thousand years ago and became a ghost monarch. I hid in this ghost mansion to avoid the punishment of heaven. I have already stepped through it. During the period of the catastrophe, but he dared not to cross the catastrophe."

"Ang?" Xiao Han's body trembled when he heard it.

He even pretended to replace the ghost monarch and become the master of this underworld. He suddenly found himself a little idiotic about dreaming. If he really wants to fight Cangbai Mountain, he is obviously not the opponent's opponent. He has surpassed the existence of the Tribulation Period, that is to say, he is a real fairy-like existence. But he had just broken through the Nascent Soul Stage, and he could barely be regarded as a cultivator. In front of Cangbai Mountain, he didn't even count a fart.

"I haven't been to the outside world for a long time." Cang Bai Shan looked up at the gloomy sky.

"Why don't you go?" Xiao Han asked.

"I want to go, too." Cang Baishan gave a wry smile and said: "No matter what, I can't escape the shackles of these five realms."

"How can I escape the shackles of the Five Realms?" Xiao Han asked.

"Give you the position of ghost prince!" Cang Baishan smiled lightly and said: "Didn't you always want to be the position of ghost prince? Now, I will give you it."

"I..." Xiao Han was dumbfounded.

He didn't expect that after he entered this ghost realm, he knew exactly what he did, what he thought and wanted. This is too scary, right? How much patience should it take to be able to do such a move?

Could it be that this is the strength that immortals possess?

Xiao Han couldn't help taking a deep breath.

"What? You regret it?" The man's face sank.

"No!" Xiao Han shook his head.

"Since there is no regret, then be prepared to become a ghost." Cang Baishan restored his gentle and elegant smile.

"It's just that if I become a ghost, can I go out?" Xiao Han asked hurriedly.

"That's your business." Cangbaishan laughed and walked away.

Looking at the back of Cangbai Mountain, Xiao Han suddenly felt an indescribable feeling. He turned to look at Chen Jin and said, "Is this... a trap?"

(End of this chapter)

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