Xiao Han was a little distressed when he heard it.

Zhang Fei is the God of War. How can a human being defeat him?

If it were to use soul orbs, this kid would have long since turned into a pool of black water, just like his guardian. If you don't use soul orbs, how can you defeat him? After struggling for a long time, Zhang Fei had already rushed over and killed himself for several rounds.

Xiao Han was a little distressed and depressed.

However, for the sake of the opponent's strength, Xiao Han decided to include Zhang Fei as a strong general anyway.

Therefore, he immediately stepped forward to fight.

After several rounds, the two drew a tie. However, Zhang Fei did not seem to use all his strength. It was a few tentative attacks.

"Boy, if you have only these strengths, you will undoubtedly die today." Zhang Fei laughed.

"Really?" Xiao Lian laughed. He took out a red symbol and said, "I will show you a good show today!"

After speaking, Xiao Han leaped into his fingers.

In the sky, blood clouds rolled over. The scene was very tragic and terrifying.

Zhang Fei looked up and said, "What's the matter?"

Xiao Han has been wrapped in golden light, forming a protective shield.

Zhang Fei raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and said, "Little thief, dare to play tricks in front of Grandpa and see how I can kill you!"

After speaking, Zhang Fei raised his spear and stabbed at the opponent fiercely.


The spear pierced the light shield without any reaction. Zhang Fei was shocked: "Damn it, what is this? It is so hard that even my spear can't be broken. What a hell!"

After a while, Jieyin was completed.

In the sky, blood clouds formed a huge vortex.

"Damn, what is this?" Zhang Fei was shocked.


Suddenly, a dragon chant came.

"Oh my God, Dragon!" Zhang Fei was dumbfounded.

A golden dragon descended into the sky.

Zhang Fei is the most brave general in history, and he is known for his boldness.

Therefore, he jumped up and rushed to meet Jinlong quickly.

"Sure enough, brave and inexorable!" Xiao Lian laughed.

With the power of ghosts, how can you compete with Golden Dragon? The consequences can be imagined.

Sure enough, Jin Long rushed towards Zhang Fei, the divine power immediately made him unable to resist, and immediately fell down. He was shot into the brick and stone on the spot, and directly into the ground a few feet deep.


Zhang Fei was almost embedded in the ground. He vomited a mouthful of blood and said: "Ok... what a powerful attack!"

If Zhang Fei had just tried to hide, or exhausted his defenses, he wouldn't end up like this, but he would instead rush to fight head-on. This is the typical courageous but insidious. The power of Jinlong, let alone his kind of ghost commander, even if the ghost is coming, he dare not fight easily.

Xiao Han walked over and sneered: "Zhang Fei, can you take it?"

"I...I..." Zhang Fei nearly died and said, "I'll take it!"

"Are you willing to mess with me now?" Xiao Han asked.

"I...I do!" Zhang Fei nodded.

"If that's the case, let's admit it!" After finishing speaking, Xiao Han acknowledged the servant with blood drops.

Zhang Fei honestly agreed.

In fact, Xiao Han didn't expect that this road would be so smooth, except for the energy in his body when he just got the seal, there was almost no obstacle. Of course, if Zhang Fei is not brave and intrepid, maybe he will not succeed easily. With his ability, if he tries his best to avoid the attack of the Golden Dragon, maybe he can save himself, even if he can’t save himself, at least he can stay More than half of the power.

And just to summon supernatural powers, Xiao Han almost emptied all the power in his body, so he was still more afraid in his heart. If Zhang Fei was not reckless just now, but chose to be sensible, maybe he would be dead.

However, reality is reality. I am also grateful to reality that I met Zhang Fei, otherwise I changed it to Zhao Yun or Zhao Yun, maybe I would be dead.

Zhang Fei could only nod his head honestly and agreed. He didn't expect that this magical power could be so powerful. It's just that, living in **** all the year round, I have never seen magical powers, no one knows that magical powers are so capable, and they can't beat the opponent with their full strength.

"Never mind!" Zhang Fei said with a sullen breath, "I can't beat you anyway, it's okay to be your subordinate."

Zhang Fei struggled to get up from the ground, and then shook the dust on his body. Although injured, as long as you recuperate well, you can definitely recover.

"Hehe..." Xiao Han smiled and said: "Go, order the troops outside Chengwang County to withdraw and welcome people outside the city into Chengwang County's handsome mansion!"

"Yes!" Zhang Fei nodded honestly.

Afterwards, he went out without a word.

Before long, the soldiers outside the city ceased fighting.

Chen Jin has been working hard to delay the troops. Unexpectedly, during the **** battle, the troops started to retreat in an orderly manner.

"Did... he succeeded?" Chen Jin was shocked.

The troop retreat means that Xiao Han may have succeeded. Chen Jin's face was unconcealed with excitement. In the carriage behind. Xiao Ruyue exclaimed: "Oh my God, are they retreating?"

"Miss, they are retreating!" The soldier on the side nodded hurriedly.

"This..." Xiao Ruyue shouted, "This...is this true?"

"Yeah!" The soldier nodded and said, "The adult must have successfully defeated the handsome ghost!"

"This is too fast, right?" Xiao Ruyue was a little weird.

In fact, she has never been very optimistic about Xiao Han. She didn't expect Xiao Han to succeed so soon. And at such a fast speed, he won the ghost commander of Chengwang County. Not only Xiao Ruyue, but even the ghost soldiers who came with them and regarded death as homecoming felt incredible.

The battle between ghost kings takes days and nights.

And in hell, I haven't encountered such a thing for too many years.

The ghost king challenges the ghost handsome!

This is definitely the biggest scene in a thousand years. Of course, no one can be optimistic. For thousands of years, not many people have been able to succeed. Few ghosts are often defeated by ghosts. Once Guishuai was defeated, his fate was very miserable. Of course, the defeat of the King of Ghosts will be equally miserable. The way of death is terrible, but also terrible.

Therefore, no one will challenge easily, if it is not for complete certainty, no one will easily fight for life.

This time, Xiao Han challenged the ghost commander with a human body. The most important thing is that he even succeeded. This is what everyone thinks is incredible. They all found it unbelievable. It's really puzzling.

Before long, the soldiers evacuated like a tide.

Then, a light horse came out of the city.

"Who is Chen Jin?" the leading soldier shouted.

"I am!" Chen stepped in.

"Master Guishuai invites Chen Jin and his party to enter!" the leading soldier ordered.

"Yes!" Chen Jin was still a little uneasy.

Although the soldiers retreated, he didn't know whether Xiao Han had succeeded. If Xiao Han had failed, it would have been miserable. If Xiao Han succeeds, that's all, it's affirmative to be appointed as an official.

Chen Jin led his troops into Chengwang County.

In fact, he had already sensed it when his supernatural powers were lowered. However, he never thought that this was Xiao Han's ability. The King of Ghosts has never seen Xiao Han show supernatural powers.

He entered Chengwang County smoothly, and the road was unimpeded, and he also entered the handsome mansion smoothly.

The traces of the battle are still there. Outside the hall, there was a mess, and a large number of soldiers were clearing the dead bodies on the scene and repairing the damaged ground and walls.

Xiao Han is visiting the hall.

This place is obviously much better than the ghost mansion. The ground is covered with jade and there is a garden behind it. It is a luxury to have such a garden in a place like hell. Xiao Han was very satisfied, not only that, but there was also a glimpse of the spirit pond in the garden. The water in the spiritual pond is very thorough, as cold as a thousand-year-old ice cave. The most important thing is that the aura contained in the water here is very rich and abundant.

"Yes, it's a good place!" Xiao Han took a sip of water, heartily. Full of aura.

At this time, Chen Jin came in.

"Master!" Xiao Ruyue hurried over.

Chen Jin hurriedly walked in and said, "Xiao Han, you...you succeeded!"

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "I succeeded. Although I won some fluke, at least I won, didn't I?"

On the side, Zhang Fei looked up at the sky, as if he heard nothing.

From the moment Xiao Han drops his blood and recognizes his servant, Zhang Fei is destined to become Xiao Han's subordinate and a puppet under his control. Once Xiao Han is dead, both Zhang Fei and Chen Jin will be wiped out. Including Satsuki.

"Great!" Chen Jin cried with excitement.

Unexpectedly, life went so smoothly, which is incredible. Xiao Han smiled and said, "Don't get excited, you will soon become the ghost king."

"Yeah!" Chen Jin nodded.

Chengwang County has the top ten ghost kings below, and Zhang Fei is one of them. As for Wenchuan Mansion and Dujiang Mansion, they are all little ghost kings. Now that the master of Chengwang County has changed, news will soon spread from Chengwang County. By then, the top ten ghost kings under Chengwang County, including more than a dozen ghost kings under Chengwang County, will come. celebrate. And send a gift. Also need to accept the jurisdiction of the new ghost commander.

As long as Xiao Han is willing, he can deprive any ghost king of his fief at any time and give him to himself.

However, the next sentence of Xiao Han made Chen Jin excited.

"Of course, your status is definitely not only here." Xiao Han looked at Chen Jin seriously, and then said: "Because you will become a handsome ghost in the future!"

"Huh?" Chen Jin was shocked.

"Yes!" Xiao Han stood on the top of the handsome mansion, looking down at the entire Chengwang County, and then said: "Because, I want to challenge the ghost!"


Not only Chen Jin, but Zhang Fei and the others were dumbfounded.

If Xiao Han defeated Zhang Fei, it was just good luck, but Guijun was no ordinary person. In that distant imperial capital, the ghost monarch is an extremely mysterious existence. Moreover, the existence of ghosts is definitely not something ordinary people can deal with.

(End of this chapter)

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