"Really?" Liu Jiang asked.

"Of course!" Chen Jin nodded.

Xiao Han on the side watched the conversation between the two and remained silent.

Knowing that the conversation was over, Chen Jincai said, "Liu Jiang, let me introduce to you, this is my brother Xiao Han!"

"Chen Jin's brother is naturally my Liu Jiang's brother!" Liu Jiang arched his hands.

Xiao Han smiled faintly, as if he was an expert outside the world. However, Liu Jiang didn't care and asked bluntly: "Chen Jin, when are you going to shoot?"

"Take a day off and do it tomorrow!" Chen Jin smiled.

"That's good!" Liu Jiang nodded and said, "I order people to prepare food and drink to entertain you!"

Liu Jiang hurriedly ordered the people around him to prepare. He took Chen Jin aside and continued to talk in detail. After all, I haven't seen each other for more than 100 years, and there are so many things to talk about. The two talked in detail. Xiao Han seemed very calm.

It didn't take long for the servant to prepare the food and drink.

The restaurant is like an ancient county palace. There is one table for one person, and there are food and wine on the table.

Liu Jiang sits in the middle, Chen Jin and Xiao Han are separated, and there are two young men accompanying the wine.

"Chen Jin, Brother Xiao Han, if the hospitality is not good, I still look at Haihan!" Liu Jiang toasted.

The bronze wine cauldron is very beautiful and delicate, with beautiful reliefs on it. Three legs, one mouth. Very cute. Xiao Han played with this wine bottle, secretly saying, if this thing is brought back, it should be able to sell a lot of money, right? But, I don’t know if anyone knows the goods in China?


Liu Jiang clapped his hands.

Several gorgeously dressed women filed in immediately, one by one.

One of the young girls leaned against Xiao Han and said, "Master."

"This..." Xiao Han was a little surprised.

"Don't worry, this is a human girl!" Chen Jin was afraid that Xiao Han would be worried, so he said with relief: "Don't look at this place, but there are also humans living in it. It's just a small number. They are chased and killed by ghosts all year round, and they hide deeply. In every ghost mansion, there are human beings living in captivity. Human girls have to work in the ghost mansion, either becoming a maid or a man’s plaything. So, don’t worry!"

Xiao Han breathed a sigh of relief when he heard it.

The girl looked at Xiao Han in surprise, and said, "Master, are you... also a human?"

The girl seems to have a lot of knowledge and is not afraid of all kinds of ghosts. In the ghost mansion, she has seen many ghosts, but never seen anyone. Xiao Han is the first one she has ever seen. Because she touched Xiao Han's hand, she felt as warm as herself. This was the heat of blood.

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded.

The girl trembled suddenly, bit her red lips, and knelt down: "Master, take me away!"

Humans, who wants to be in such a ghost place? Not to mention serving some ghosts all the year round, you still have to be punished, and you will be executed if you are careless, and the way of execution is also very scary, you will be divided by a group of ghosts, and your soul will be sucked up by them.

Xiao Han was shocked.

Liu Jiang was immediately angry: "Come here!"

"Yes!" Two ghost soldiers with knives broke in.

"Drag it!" Liu Jiang was angry.

Two ghost soldiers armed with swords immediately stepped forward to arrest people.

"Master, no!" The girl grabbed Xiao Han's arm.

The face full of tears is very lovely. The girl is very beautiful and her figure is very good. Moreover, he is very young, probably only eighteen years old. What a pity to be executed at a young age? With such a face and such a figure, I don't know how many men in the country are willing to work for her, but she was born in the wrong place. In this ghost mansion, not only no one cares about her, but may be executed at any time.

"Wait!" Xiao Han said.

"Brother Xiao Han, what's the use of such a **** woman?" Liu Jiang frowned and said, "It's better to kill, and you can distribute some food to the people below."

Feeding on people is indeed terrifying.

Xiao Han couldn't help trembling all over, and he said embarrassingly: "Since the elder brother calls me a brother, can you give me a face, this girl, I want it!"

Liu Jiang was taken aback, he turned to look at Chen Jin on the side.

Chen Jin smiled and said: "Big Brother, there is a saying in the world, called a beautiful lady, a gentleman is so beautiful. If he likes it, you can give it to him. Anyway, you don't lose anything."

"Never mind!" Liu Jiang nodded and said, "Since Brother Xiao Han likes it, then I will give it to you."

When the girl heard this, she hurriedly knelt down, and squatted her head vigorously, "Thank you, Lord Ghost, thank you Lord Ghost."

From **** to heaven, maybe just that.

He had to be put to death before, but now he is free. She was naturally so excited.

"Humph!" Liu Jiang snorted coldly.

At this time, Chen Jin held the wine glass and said, "Xiao Han, congratulations on getting another beautiful woman."

"Big Brother laughed at me." Xiao Han smiled bitterly and said: "I just can't stand it, I don't want to..."

At this time, the other girls were also pleading.

At this time, Liu Jiang said: "Only this time, never next time. If anyone dares to speak again, he will die immediately!"

The bright eyes of those girls dimmed immediately.

Xiao Han was helpless, he could save one person, but he could not save a few of them. Even if they can save a few of them, they can't save the thousands of girls in hell. Therefore, Xiao Han was helpless. After all, this is the underworld, since it is the underworld, we must abide by the rules and rules of the underworld.

"Okay, let's continue drinking!" Liu Jiang said.

The girl nestled happily in Xiao Han's arms. At this moment, Xiao Han is everything in her mind, because from this moment, she belongs to Xiao Han. She will follow where Xiao Han goes. Xiao Han is everything to her and her master.

This kind of girl has been indoctrinated with servility thoughts since childhood. They also know that they will be slaves to others since they are young. Once they reach the age of eighteen, they will begin to serve all kinds of men. However, this girl was lucky, she was free when she served a man for the first time.

"What's your name?" Xiao Han asked.

"I'm just a slave, no name." The girl shook her head.

"No name?" Xiao Han looked surprised and said, "Or, I will give you a name?"

"Really?" The girl was overjoyed when she heard it. The ability of a slave to have a name is a reward from the master.

"Just call it Xiao Ruyue!" Xiao Han smiled: "Your eyes are so beautiful, they look like a crescent moon when they smile."

"Thank you master for giving the name." The girl knelt down and said silently, "Xiao Ruyue, Xiao Ruyue..."

The other girls looked at her enviously one by one, what an enviable thing to be able to get free.

After the banquet.

Chen Jin and Liu Jiang, as well as the two other young men who accompanied the wine, all went to the room with their girls in their arms.

"Let's go too." Xiao Han said.

"Yeah!" Xiao Ruyue nodded, she carefully helped Xiao Han, and then walked towards the room.

The room is not very luxurious, just a very ordinary room, but compared to the ghost mansion, such conditions are already considered good. For most people, it is the norm to live without meals, even if they have a house, the family will not be rich.

In the hell, fighting all the year round, the people don't have a living, and they are destitute.

After Xiao Han lay down, Xiao Ruyue began to untie Xiao Han's clothes.

"Don't!" Xiao Han stopped.

"Master, let me serve you." Xiao Ruyue blushed.

"No need!" Xiao Han shook his head. He hugged Xiao Ruyue, pressed her on the bed, and said, "Just sleep like this, and there will be a tough battle tomorrow."

"Yes!" Xiao Ruyue nodded.

After that, Xiao Han fell asleep peacefully.

Holding a soft body in his arms, very comfortable. The eighteen-year-old girl was in her youth and her perfect body. Holding her, there was a faint fragrance, which was very comfortable and helped Xiao Han fall asleep.

Xiao Han was even thinking that it would be nice to get a girl like this, at least she can sleep in her arms in the future, the body fragrance on her body is very comfortable.

Early the next morning.

Xiao Han woke up. Xiao Ruyue has got up, and is standing in the house with a basin of water.

"Why did you get up?" Xiao Han asked.

"Because I want to serve you!" Xiao Ruyue smiled slightly and said, "Master, get up quickly."

Xiao Han got up and washed under the wait of Xiao Ruyue.

Chen Jin and Liu Jiang have already discussed matters in the lobby. For today's battle, the two are discussing strategies.

"I'll give you one hundred thousand soldiers, is that enough?" Liu Jiang asked.

"Enough!" Chen Jin nodded.

Chen Jin is also a ghost king anyway. Although he has been taken away from his mansion, this does not affect his strength. He jumped up, slashed Dama, and said, "Xiao Han, let's go!"

"Is that all right?" Xiao Han asked.

"Yeah!" Liu Jiang nodded and said, "I already started mobilizing soldiers and horses last night. One hundred thousand soldiers and horses are waiting outside the city gate!"

"Go!" Chen Jin took Xiao Han's hand.

Xiao Ruyue followed closely behind.

"What are you doing?" Chen Jin stared at her.

"I..." Xiao Ruyue looked at Xiao Han nervously.

"Let her come." Xiao Han took her hand, Xiao Ruyue hurriedly held Xiao Han's arm, seemingly reluctant to separate.

Upon seeing this, Chen Jin smiled bitterly: "Men and women's personal relationships affect combat effectiveness."

"Don't worry, no." Xiao Han waved his hand.

"All right, I can't control that much." Chen Jin shook his head and said, "Let's go."

Coming out of the Ghost Mansion and out of Wenchuan Mansion, you saw a dense cluster of ghost soldiers outside the city gate. The sword was dignified, and each one was aggressive. It can be seen that this should be a force at the bottom of Liu Jiang's pressure box.

"Chen Jin, my 100,000 soldiers will be handed over to you." Liu Jiang said.

"Good!" Chen Jin nodded and said, "I must live up to my trust."

"Good!" Liu Jiang nodded.

Then, it was a practice wine.

Chen Jin stepped on a tall horse, and Xiao Han also pulled Xiao Ruyue on the horse. Subsequently, the large force advanced.

Xiao Ruyue trembled when she saw so many troops: "Master, where are we... going?"

"Go to war!" Xiao Han smiled.

He didn't have much idea about this kind of battle, he just watched it in costume dramas. As everyone knows, this kind of cold weapon also killed many people. However, these were ghost soldiers, and there were no humans, so Xiao Han couldn't feel the cruelty of this kind of battle. Even if those ghost soldiers died, they just turned into a smear of dust, without the **** pleasure.

(End of this chapter)

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