The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 889: Special guests


Several people swallowed, but no one had the courage to try. After all, the spicy taste of this garlic and the smell after eating it are intolerable to them. Once you eat garlic, you have to brush your teeth more than ten times to get rid of the smell.

Everyone looked very embarrassed and very sluggish.

Zhang Dagu licked a lot of garlic cloves.

"Just eat it." Zhang Feng smiled, and then said: "Let's eat cherries and gnaw apples!"

"Okay!" Zhang Dagu didn't think anything was wrong.

In the dormitory, a few people are noisy.

Liu Bin was eating apples, Zhang Feng was eating cherries he had never eaten before, and he kept complimenting.

"Well, these cherries are really delicious." Zhang Feng said while eating, "I have to save some for Xiaohua to eat."

"No need to stay." Zhang Dagu said hurriedly: "Xiaomei also brought some, maybe they will eat it this time!"

Zhang Feng hesitated, slightly embarrassed.

"It's okay, let's divide these cherries." Xiao Han said hurriedly.

"Okay!" Zhang Dagu nodded.

Zhang Dagu didn't ask for two or three catties for one person. After all, he brought it. His family has an acre of cherry orchard. Therefore, there are endless cherries at home. If he wants, he can send some cherries.

However, how did they know that Zhang Feng wanted to divide some of them because he wanted to take these cherries back to his mother to taste. At home, my mother is a disabled person and has never seen such a delicious food. Moreover, cherries are very expensive in the supermarket. A catty is worth twenty yuan. Such expensive things, let alone my mother reluctant to eat, even myself reluctant to eat. There is rarely a habit of eating fruit at home, and even if there is, it is to buy some cheap fruit when the fruit stand or supermarket is about to close.

These so-called cheap fruits are actually just rotten fruits.

During the Chinese New Year last year, Xiao Han and Liu Bin went to Zhang Feng's house and the fruit they served was rotten oranges.

Xiao Han was so smart that he could see through Zhang Feng's intentions at once.

"Zhang Feng, how much did you earn from working during the winter vacation?" Xiao Han asked curiously.

"We talked about three thousand and five in this book, but Sister Yang gave one thousand and five more, for a total of five thousand!" Zhang Feng smiled.

"That's not good." Xiao Han grinned.

"You kid must be a treat!" Liu Bin nibbled at the apple.

"No problem!" Zhang Feng nodded repeatedly.

He also understood that the reason why he was able to get so much money was entirely because of Xiao Han. If it weren't for Xiao Han, he wouldn't be able to get so much money. As for the treat, it should be. Everyone in the dormitory helped themselves a lot.


A few days after school started.

Xiao Han welcomed a special ‘guest’.

The other party's backing is not small, as can be seen from the dazzling blue Rolls-Royce roadster, the other party's backing is definitely not small.

Wang Han, a typical dude, dressed in a leather jacket, with a pure and charming girl in his arms. There is a necklace that is not expensive but very personal. The hair is meticulous. He is the second generation ancestor of the player, and he also has a strong business acumen. This person is not simple, he is under 30 years old, but he is in charge of a huge listed company and has many industries under his hands.

It is said that this guy is a relatively well-known rich second generation, official second generation, and even...

"Are you Xiao Han?" Wang Han looked at Xiao Han dismissively.

Although Xiao Han created a business myth and built a business empire in less than three years, in Wang Han's eyes, all this is nothing but a fart. For the prince, as long as he is willing, he can create countless poor groups at will.

Wang Han has confidence and qualifications.

However, he never thought that if he was allowed to start from scratch, he would not rely on his family background or his personal connections. Try to create a poor group in three years.

"Yes!" Xiao Han looked at Wang Han in front of him.

"Hehe..." Wang Han smiled and said, "Know me?"

"Who are you?" Xiao Lian laughed.

"Brother Wang, people don't know you!" The girl beside her spoke, with a strong Tianjin accent.

Wang Han sneered: "He doesn't know me? It's normal. Who makes the youngest genius in China?"

"What can you do with me?" Xiao Han glanced at him and said, "If it's okay, I'll leave!"

After that, Xiao Han was ready to leave.

"Stop." Wang Han glared at him and said: "In front of my Wang Han, no one dares to be as arrogant as you!"

"If you have something to say, it's okay to get out!" Xiao Han replied angrily.

Wang Han's face sank, and he smiled: "I came today to tell you that I want the medicine patent of the Hanmen Group!"

"Hehe..." Xiao Han immediately understood when he heard it.

Sure enough, the Wang family came. However, I was never afraid of myself. Xiao Han smiled and said, "I am afraid I will disappoint you, you will never get it!"

"What do you mean?" Wang Han frowned.

"I can't transfer this thing to others!" Xiao Han replied.

"What I want is nothing I can't get!" Wang Han sneered.

"This is the legal system of the Guo Family." Xiao Han said.

"How about a country under the rule of law?" Wang Han glanced at Xiao Han, then played with a stone in his hand, and said: "In a country under the rule of law, the law is made by people. Since it is made by people, it means that people make it. Manipulate. So, your kid is dead!"

Xiao Han frowned, then said: "What do you mean by this?"

"What I mean is very simple!" Wang Han smiled: "Wang Jiaquan is all over the world, to deal with you, how to use a sledgehammer? So, I advise you to hand over the patent honestly, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude!"

"Then what if I don't pay?" Xiao Han asked.

"No?" Wang Han snorted coldly, and said, "If you don't pay, you won't be able to open a poor company."

"Really?" Xiao Han smiled, and said: "Even if it doesn't open, I can't let you succeed."

When Wang Han heard this, his face immediately sank.

After a long time, Wang Han sneered: "Even if you don't start a company, you should consider it for your family and your girlfriend?"

Xiao Han had nothing to do, but when Wang Han said this, Xiao Han suddenly became annoyed: "What do you mean?"

"It's meaningless!" Wang Han grinned and said: "I heard that your kid has several beautiful girlfriends, right?"

Xiao Han smiled, and then said, "Are you threatening me?"

"You can treat it as a threat!" Wang Han nodded.

Xiao Han raised a weird smile at the corner of his mouth, and then said: "In this world, no one is qualified to threaten me."

"Haha..." Wang Han laughed and said, "Boy, you are really rampant, you are really arrogant."

"At least I have rampant capital and arrogant capital!" Xiao Han gave him a flat look.

There was a touch of complexity in Wang Han’s eyes. After a long time, he smiled and said, “If we don’t want the patent in your hand, maybe we can be good friends. But looking at it now, it’s probably impossible. !"

Xiao Lian laughed, and then said: "How can a man be with livestock?"

"Boy, people can be arrogant, but not too arrogant." Wang Han gave Xiao Han a disdainful look.

Xiao Lengren snorted, and then said, "So what?"

"It will die!" Wang Han laughed and said, "You are limited to hand over the patent within three days, otherwise, you can figure it out!"

After that, Wang Han jumped into the car very domineering and drove away.

Seeing the other person leave, Xiao Han had a bad feeling. The other party is obviously coming for the drug patent. If he is not satisfied with him, maybe he will really attack the people around him. No matter what, I must find a way to protect them. Blue Yudie has diamonds, so don't worry about everything, and Chen Zihan also has diamonds, so there is no need to worry too much. There was no doubt that Liu Xiaolei reserved one of two diamonds in her hand.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

These are my own confidence. With these, I don't have to worry about being threatened by the Wang family.


Three days later, Xiao Han didn't care about Wang Han's words at all. Because in his opinion, this is simply a dispensable threat. Since the Hanmen Group invented a patent for immunosuppressive drugs, it has received numerous threat notifications every day.

Of course, most of these threat notifications were sent anonymously by some pharmaceutical companies.

You must know that the emergence of patents for the Hanmen Group's drugs directly threatened the business of these pharmaceutical companies. In their opinion, once this drug turns out, the immunosuppressive drugs they produce will no longer be bought. Therefore, they are very annoyed and strongly demand that the Hanmen Group prohibit the production of this disposable drug for life. . In their view, patients are lifelong consumers. As long as they want to live, they must honestly purchase the immunosuppressive agents they produce.

However, Xiao Han didn't care about these at all.

However, on the third day, the Hanmen Group headquarters ushered in a wave of so-called ‘guests’.

People from the fire brigade came to make a surprise inspection.

"Fire-fighting facilities are unqualified."

"There are not enough fire extinguishers."

"There are hidden dangers in fire fighting equipment!"

"It needs to be closed for rectification!"

People from the fire brigade immediately gave an order and issued a rectification notice. It is required to close indefinitely for rectification. Until the fire-fighting facilities and fire-fighting equipment meet the standards, the doors are allowed to continue to open for business.

"Team Zhang, this...what's going on?" Yang Lu was anxious.

"Nothing!" Captain Zhang shook his head and said: "Your safety risks are great, so you need to suspend business for rectification. I hope you can accept the supervision of the people. Do a good business, and be a good enterprise serving the people!"

(End of this chapter)

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