"You..." Zhou Dalei obviously saw Xiao Han on the side, and he said in astonishment: "This... is your boyfriend?"

"Yes!" Lan Yudie straightened her back.

Zhou Dalei was immediately disappointed, and said: "I thought you still remember the promise between us."

"The promise between us?" Lan Yudie smiled bitterly, and said: "Take it as a young and ignorant one. Everyone has been young, and no one has been ignorant."

"But, we were never ignorant." Zhou Dalei said hurriedly: "We are childhood sweethearts and grew up together. Didn't you forget that?"

"Otherwise, what should I do?" Lan Yudie glanced at Zhou Dalei.

"What shouldn't you do!" Zhou Dalei shook his head.

Zhou Dalei set his eyes on Xiao Han, and he asked, "What does he do?"

"He?" Lan Yudie glanced at Xiao Han.

"I am a student of Lan Yudie!" Xiao Han replied.

When Zhou Dalei heard this, he took a deep breath, looked at Lan Yudie in astonishment, and said, "Xiao Yu, are you too much?"

Xiao Han frowned, then said: "Why is it going too far?"

"Even in a teacher-student relationship?" Zhou Dalei was surprised.

"What happened to the teacher-student relationship?" Xiao Han asked, "Is it illegal? Or is it against ethics?"

"Of course!" Zhou Dalei nodded.

"What are Yang Zhenning and Weng Fan?" Xiao Han glanced at him with disdain, and then said, "They are the role models for our people across the country."

"You!" Zhou Dalei was immediately dumbfounded.

Professor Yang Zhenning and Weng Fan have indeed aroused discussion among the people across the country. This love was once regarded as a model by many people. But now, Xiao Han regards it as advertised. This made Zhou Dalei completely dumbfounded. Because Weng Fan is a student of Professor Yang Zhenning.

Of course, in many people's minds, Yang Zhenning is a man and Weng Fan is a woman. Therefore, it is only natural for them to be together. However, now Lan Yudie is female and Xiao Han is male. Therefore, it gives people a sense of abnormality and a sense of violation of ethics.

"What are you?" Xiao Han has never had a good impression of such people.

Zhou Dalei took a deep breath. He resisted the depression in his heart, and then asked: "You have no education and no income, how do you raise Xiaoyu?"

"How do you know that I have no education? How do you know that I have no income?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"You're just a student, how can you earn money? How can you get your academic qualifications if you haven't graduated?" Zhou Dalei vowed loudly.

"Hey..." Xiao Han smiled and said: "Then tell me, where do you come from?"

"Do you know the Hanmen Group?" Zhou Dalei sneered: "Recently, the Hanmen Group has become famous internationally. Humph, it will definitely become an internationally renowned enterprise group in the future. I am the Hanmen Group who introduces technology. My treatment It’s not something you can match."

"Up to it?" Xiao Han frowned.


The Blue Rain Butterfly on the side couldn't help laughing.

Zhou Dalei really underestimated Xiao Han. Xiao Han is the chairman of Hanmen Group and the founder of Hanmen Group. Zhou Dalei was just working for Xiao Han. Although they are technology-introduced talents, the salary is very high, but how high is it? Can you surpass the founder? Little did he know that everything he had was given by Xiao Han.

"Forget it, I won't fight with you!" Xiao Han waved his hand and said, "You go!"

After all, they are employees of their own company, or technical talents introduced by Yang Lu and the others, so I can't drive them away like this.

"What do you mean!" Zhou Dalei was anxious, he thought Xiao Han looked down on himself, which made Zhou Dalei anxious.

In any case, I am also a talented person imported from abroad, belonging to the high-paying class, and I still take a "knife." That's shining dollars. Ordinary people who have this qualification to take?

"It's not interesting!" Xiao Han shook his head and said: "You are not qualified to talk to me, let alone tell me this or that."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Han took Lan Yudie and turned and left.

"Stop!" Zhou Dalei was anxious.

Lan Yudie looked at Zhou Dalei coldly, and then said, "Dalei, you are enough. He is not only my boyfriend, but also my fiance. If you keep entangled like this, don't blame me for being rude. "

Zhou Dalei was a little depressed when he heard it.

I can only watch them leave in front of me.

Zhou Dalei was so angry that he couldn't fight.


He lifted his foot and kicked it on the tire.

"Ouch!" Zhou Dalei screamed.

Lan Yudie and Xiao Han left hand in hand. Zhou Dalei was a little depressed. He thought he would be able to reconcile with Blue Yudie this time, but he never thought that when he left, he was so decisive and walked so mercilessly. Now that he comes back, how can he easily get forgiveness from Blue Raindie?

After leaving, Xiao Han asked curiously: "This guy wouldn't be your boyfriend before, right?"

"Forget it, it doesn't count!" Lan Yudie smiled bitterly.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Han asked curiously.

"When I was in high school, I had a good feeling and a little ambiguity." Lan Yudie smiled and said: "The love at that time was still very pure, and I had never even held hands. Not to mention the current kissing..."

Xiao Han believed this very much. After all, love in high school was really simple. Not to mention Lan Yudie, who was a few years earlier, even Xiao Han's high school at this time was very conservative. What's more, the blue rain butterfly?

Lan Yudie grinned: "It's you. I heard that you were in love when you were in high school. Did you hold hands and kiss you when you were in high school?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Xiao Han shook his head.

Lan Yudie sneered and said: "It doesn't matter, anyway, I already know it, you say it or not, I already know it."

"Don't talk nonsense." Xiao Han shook his head awkwardly.

Lan Yudie didn't know where he heard that Xiao Han had a girlfriend when he was in high school, so he grabbed this and attacked Xiao Han. Xiao Han who got him was a little helpless and depressed. Every time I was said by Blue Raindie, I couldn't refute it.

However, Blue Rain Butterfly can also grasp a degree.

The two walked hand in hand on the street.

The business is in a mess. Although the business in the university city suffered the winter vacation, the business was bleak. However, all the waiters in the university town were dispatched to other restaurants. It's the New Year's Day, every family treats guests to dinner, and everyone gathers in the restaurant. Classmate gathering, colleague gathering, family gathering...

The restaurant located in the pedestrian street has a large population, and long queues have already formed at the entrance of the restaurant.

"This restaurant tastes good."

"The service industry is good!"

"The key is affordable prices!"

The people in the queue are discussing that there is absolutely nothing to say about the service of the poor restaurant, and the price is close to the people, various affordable policies, and various convenient services. They are all very good and good to people.

Xiao Han and Lan Yudie walked to the door and saw that the restaurant was doing well.

"Many people." Lan Yudie was speechless.

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "Or, go in and help?"

"Okay!" Lan Yudie nodded hurriedly.

Xiao Han pulled Blue Yudie and walked inside immediately.

The restaurant is busy.

It's steaming hot and full of heating. Zhang Feng was wearing a short sleeve, wearing the uniform of the Hanmen restaurant, jumping up and down. Carrying the tray, the dishes are the dishes ordered by the guests. Zhang Feng's hands and feet are fast, and his movements are also very agile. After all, he is a practicing family. The action is quite fast.

"Zhang Feng!" Xiao Han shouted.

"Yo, Xiao Han?" Zhang Feng looked at Xiao Han in surprise and said, "Why are you here?"

"No!" Xiao Han nodded and said: "Come and see you. How about it?"

"Very good!" Zhang Feng nodded and said, "Business is good here."

Xiao Han nodded repeatedly, and then said: "Yes, you can see it!"

Zhang Feng said with a smile: "I have no time to talk to you, I have to hurry up."

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth: "I'll help you!"

Zhang Feng smiled and said, "Okay!"

Zhang Feng nodded repeatedly.

Then, a group of people began to get busy. Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth. Blue Yudie also joined the ranks of waiters. She took off her down jacket and changed into working clothes in the restaurant. Suddenly, there was a bright color in the restaurant. Blue Rain Butterfly became a beautiful touch in the restaurant. Many people took out their cameras and started taking pictures. Blue Rain Butterfly is very beautiful, and the photos are posted on the Internet and netizens call it the most beautiful waiter.

The busyness of the restaurant is a bit envious.

"This restaurant owner should be very profitable, right?"

"Isn't it?"

"You might not know it? This restaurant is owned by a large group company. It has been very popular recently!"

"Oh my God, it turned out to be the Hanmen Group."

Many of the people in line at the door seemed to know this well, and they were shocked.

The Hanmen Group is a very powerful and very profitable enterprise group. I did not expect Hanmen Catering to be a company under the Hanmen Group. Of course, the most surprising thing is that the Hanmen Group has now developed a new drug, and this new drug has a huge international impact, which is very shocking.

Of course, they don't know that immunosuppressive reagents can not only treat transplant problems, but also the future research and development directions. For example, some incurable diseases can become the future direction of the Hanmen Group.

This is the real money-making project. It is also a side that many people will pay attention to in the future.


The United States.

Slack is in full swing to apply to the US government.

The situation in the United States, one of the congressmen named Engels learned of this, he personally found Slack, and asked him to meet in a coffee shop.

The two met in the cafe.

"Mr. Slack, hello!" Engels smiled slightly and said, "I heard that you are an employee of the Hanmen Group?"

"Yes!" Slack nodded and said: "Your Excellency, you are not here to check if I have tax evasion, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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