In the afternoon, Xiao Han refused the Chen family's retention and resolutely returned to Linjiang.

As soon as Xiao Han left, the room was exceptionally quiet.

"Old Chen, did I do too much before?" Mother Chen asked disappointedly.

"Yeah!" Chen Qiao nodded and said: "I told you at the beginning, don't interfere with Zihan's feelings. I also told you, Xiao Han is not ordinary. Unlike other children, he can be successful. Big matter. But you don't listen!"

"I really want to slap my face twice now!" Mother Chen gritted her teeth.

"It's okay, haven't you come here too?" Chen Qiao smiled.

Mother Chen said guiltily: "I feel ashamed to Xiao Han and ashamed to my daughter."

Although everyone doesn't understand what happened, they can guess a general idea. It is probably because Chen's mother is greedy for money and wants her daughter to marry a wealthy person. Who knows, the real wealthy person is Xiao Han.

"Fortunately, Xiao Han's feelings for Zihan are not abandoned." The aunt sneered and said: "It's me for me, do I want to find any beautiful women?"

"Yes, fortunately, Xiao Han is a loyal person to feelings." The second aunt also said.

Chen Qiao and Chen's mother were downcast, especially Chen's mother, they felt extremely guilty. The necklace around his neck is like needles piercing his skin. Very uncomfortable. Especially the words of the family members pierced their hearts. Double your guilt.

Chen Zihan sent Xiao Han downstairs.

"Xiao Han, thank you!" Chen Zihan took Xiao Han's hand.

This time, it is estimated that the family would never make irresponsible remarks.

"You're welcome!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "This time, it is estimated that your mother will be sad."

"Let her." Chen Zihan smiled and said: "My mother used to be so to you, but you gave her such an expensive necklace. Is this a virtue to complain?"

"Haha..." Xiao Han laughed and said, "I just don't want her to bother me in the future."

"You are really bad!" Chen Zihan groaned.

For Chen's mother, Chen Zihan also has his own ideas. Indeed, if it were not for his mother, perhaps the relationship between himself and Xiao Han would not have been so rough. Perhaps the Jiang family will not perish because of this.

Mother Chen never thought that because of one of her actions, she would destroy the Jiang family.

Chen Zihan watched Xiao Han leave, and Xiao Han got into the BMW. The front of the BMW was severely damaged last time, and it has been restored to its original shape after the dealer repaired it.

Xiao Han left.

Didi di...

Chen Zihan's cell phone rang.

"Zihan." On the phone, a man's voice came.

"You are?" Chen Zihan asked suspiciously, his voice was familiar, but there was no remark on the phone.

"I'm Jiang Xiaoliang!" Jiang Xiaoliang said hurriedly: "Where are you now? My phone has changed my number, and too many people are looking for me to collect debts. I have nowhere to go now, can you come out? I'll find you!"

"I..." Chen Zihan was taken aback, and said: "I'm not in Linjiang City. I'm in my hometown. Don't come to me!"

"What do you mean?" Jiang Xiaoliang frowned.

"I want to say, let's break up." Chen Zihan took a deep breath.

"Fuck!" Jiang Xiaoliang was anxious and yelled: "Our Jiang family only fell, so you actually broke up?"

"It has nothing to do with this!" Chen Zihan shook his head and said: "I had no feelings with you. Forcibly staying together will not result. You have to know that twisted melons are not sweet."

"Fuck!" Jiang Xiaoliang was angry: "You want to break up, right? Yes, return the five million that our family gave you!"

"Okay!" Chen Zihan nodded and said, "You provide me with your bank account number. I will pay it back!"

Jiang Xiaoliang was taken aback. With Chen Zihan's ability, she certainly couldn't afford it, so what did she mean? Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaoliang's mind was startled: "Are you with Xiao Han?"

"Yes!" Chen Zihan nodded.

"You bitch, you watch..." Jiang Xiaoliang suddenly became jealous.

Chen Zihan hung up without waiting for the other party to finish cursing.

No matter how Jiang Xiaoliang dialed, Chen Zihan was dead and alive, and finally shut down.

Chen Zihan stood helplessly on the street. Perhaps, this time he will become a well-known woman. What do you think of it in the classmate circle? Thinking of this, Chen Zihan had a headache. Who had his mother forced him to marry Jiang Xiaoliang?

Thinking of this, Chen Zihan was very annoyed.

Now it's alright, Jiang Xiaoliang has come to force the debt. However, she did plan to return the money to Jiang Xiaoliang, but the five million that Jiang Xiaoliang gave to her family has now been spent a lot. His father was disabled, and his mother did not participate in work. All the money was spent on the Jiang family. As a result, things were still more troublesome. What to do because of the insufficient part?

Did you ask Xiao Han?

He would definitely not refuse to ask Xiao Han, but Xiao Han gave himself a huge diamond and also gave his mother an expensive necklace. Now I rushed to ask someone for money. Is this a bit bad?

Chen Zihan was at a loss. After thinking for a long time, she decided to discuss with her father and mother.

Back at home, they secretly pulled the two to the room and told the story.

"It's all your fault!" Chen Qiao looked at Mother Chen.

"What does this have to do with me?" Mother Chen was anxious: "If it weren't for the Jiang family's money, did you think you had such a good life? And you, if you didn't have the Jiang family's money, you could study in the United States. Can you finish your studies?"

Chen Qiao and Chen Zihan both lowered their heads.

"Mom, we didn't blame you!" Chen Zihan hurriedly said, "I just said, how should this matter be solved now?"

"How can I solve it!" Mother Chen replied angrily, "Isn't he Xiao Han rich? Just ask him."

"Mom, Xiao Han gave us valuable things and asked them for money, okay?" Chen Zihan lowered his head.

"What does this have to do?" Mother Chen shook her head and said, "Besides, Xiao Han wants to marry you, so he will get a gift money in the future?"

Chen Zihan was even more speechless, and said, "That's also a future thing. Where can I marry now?"

"Then what do you say?" Mother Chen asked.

"I do not know either"! Chen Zihan shook his head and said, "I don't know what to do now anyway? Jiang Xiaoliang is looking for me all over the world. If I don't marry him, he will let us pay back. However, the Jiang family is like this, how can I marry him? "

"No!" Mother Chen shook her head again and again, and said: "The Jiang family is in ruin and owes a debt to the family. At this time, if you marry, don't you just jump into the fire pit?"

Chen Zihan nodded repeatedly.

"Why don't you find someone to get together?" Chen Qiao said, "It seems that there is still more than one and a half million shortfalls?"

"Who are you looking for?" Mother Chen asked: "Now Chen Zihan, who is in the family, has found a local tyrant. If you ask people to borrow money, they can't ask why? Is it possible to tell the Jiang family? If someone else finds out What do you say about me?"

Mother Chen was naturally unwilling, after all, she also had to care about her own face.

Chen Qiao glanced at Chen Zihan.

Chen Zihan was also at a loss.

"Oh, this happened." Chen Qiao looked speechless and said, "Or, let me figure out a solution. First, return the remaining three million yuan."

"Yeah!" Chen Zihan nodded.

Afterwards, Chen Zihan turned on the phone and sent a message to Jiang Xiaoliang, which meant that he had sent the bank account number and wanted to transfer the money to him.

Not long after, Jiang Xiaoliang called again.

"Zihan, you can't leave me!" Jiang Xiaoliang said hurriedly.

"You and I have no feelings." Chen Zihan shook his head and said: "At the beginning, it was only because of my mother's pressure that she agreed to marry you. Now my mother is not happy for me to marry. Therefore, I will pay you back the money. "

"You!" Jiang Xiaoliang was anxious: "I have put so much effort into you, don't you think you haven't seen it?"

"I also confessed my fate." Chen Zihan smiled bitterly, and said: "I thought I was going to obey my fate, but now I realized that all these fights were just a small joke made by fate on me. "

When Jiang Xiaoliang heard this, he was flabbergasted.

"You send me your bank account number." Chen Zihan sighed and said: "I will return the money to you as soon as possible."

"Are you really so unfeeling?" Jiang Xiaoliang gritted his teeth.

"I'm not unfeeling." Chen Zihan shook his head and said: "We are really inappropriate. It is for the sake of our classmates. If you need my help, I can help you!"

"My dignified Young Master Jiang, do you need your help?" Jiang Xiaoliang was very annoyed.

"I can talk to Xiao Han for you." Chen Zihan said helplessly: "Jiang's villa is now in Xiao Han's hands. If you need it, I can ask him to pay you back temporarily until you pay off the debt. , Return the property right to you!"

"Get out!" Jiang Xiaoliang was furious: "Don't talk about this person in front of me in the future!"

"That's OK, I'll hang up!" Chen Zihan shook his head.

"do not……"

Before Jiang Xiaoliang finished speaking, Chen Zihan immediately hung up the phone, and then turned it off again.

Chen Zihan wondered whether he wanted to change the number again. This number only told a few close friends. Otherwise, if your mobile phone has not been turned on, it is estimated that others will be worried. After making up his mind, Chen Zihan immediately went to apply for a new number.


Drive back to Linjiang City.

When I arrived at the gate of the community, I met a familiar figure.

"Sister Xiaoya?" Xiao Han hurriedly stopped.

"Xiao Han, where have you been?" Li Xiaoya looked at Xiao Han in surprise.

"Hey, of course today is to pay a New Year's greeting!" Xiao Han said hurriedly.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth. He smiled, and then said: "Sister, how come you came to Linjiang City?"

"I was originally from Linjiang City!" Li Xiaoya was wearing a black down jacket, and a pair of black trousers outlined her two slender legs vividly. Li Xiaoya raised a smile at the corner of her mouth and said, "I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Huh?" Xiao Han was surprised: "Why don't you call me?"

(End of this chapter)

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