The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 882: Lang Cai Nv appearance

Xiao Han took the opportunity to kiss him.

Lips and teeth touched, love sparks splashed everywhere.

"Okay, my sister kissed his boyfriend!" Dandan cheered and applauded.

"Smelly boy!" Chen Zihan hurriedly shrank back when he heard it, and then said: "Sir, what are you doing?"

"I didn't mean to watch it!" Dandan snorted, and then said: "Who asked you to kiss in front of me."

"Hmph, I will send you back!" Chen Zihan picked up the little guy and walked home.

Chen Zihan held him while holding Xiao Han's hand.

Xiao Han was also ready. This time he came here and on the road he figured out how to talk to Chen Qiao and Chen's mother. Now that the Jiang family has been shattered, it is logical that he and Chen Zihan are together. It is estimated that their family will not have much resistance.

An old community, on the second floor.

This year's New Year is very lively in a house of more than one hundred and sixty square meters. Chen Qiao leaned on a cane, a group of people at home gathered together to watch TV, and the stove was turned on. In the living room, old and young, playing cards, playing mahjong, the Seventh Aunt and the Eighth Aunt are all celebrating the New Year together. Chen Zihan's grandparents were on the sofa, and the two elders were sitting on the bedding and grilling on the stove, watching the Spring Festival Gala.

"I'm back!" Chen Zihan shouted.

"Oh, I'm back!" Everyone answered without looking back.

"Grandpa, grandma, uncles and aunts, my name is Xiao Han, and I'm happy New Year!" Xiao Han walked in gracefully and gracefully.

Everyone looked up.

In the living room, the noisy sound suddenly quieted down.

Chen Qiao and Chen's mother looked at Xiao Han dumbfounded, with complicated eyes. The others looked confused.

"Grandparents, uncle, uncle, this is my boyfriend Xiao Han!" Chen Zihan smiled slightly.

At this time, a group of people locked their eyes on Chen Qiao and Chen's mother.

Chen Qiao and Chen's mother looked at each other. At this moment, Chen Qiao stood up, leaned on a cane, and smiled: "Xiaohan, are you here too? Come in and see Grandpa and Grandma first."

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded.

Chen Qiao is very resilient. At this time, I can only recognize Xiao Han, the aunt, after all, the Jiang family is now completely shattered. Jiang Yicai ray misappropriated public funds and was arrested for embezzling public funds. It is estimated that the case is relatively huge. The Jiang family's mother and son are even on the streets, displaced and missing. Although Xiao Han is not as good as the Jiang family, they have also been very successful in starting a business. Chen Qiao has inquired that the income of the Hanmen restaurant is tens of millions a year. Xiao Han is still young and the future is limitless.

Xiao Han had seen the two elders, and the two elders were a little confused and could not hear clearly. Chen Qiao spoke in the ear of the old man. The two squinted their eyes with a smile.

"I'm paying New Year's greetings to the second old man." After that, Xiao Han took out two big red envelopes and said, "By the way, give the second old man a gift!"

Two old people and one old man, damn, so much money. A thick wad of banknotes in a red envelope.

Seven aunts and eight aunts watched a plate.

"Oh, this kid has some financial resources."

"Rich second generation? Or official second generation?"

Mother Chen's heart also sank, and a smile finally appeared on her face: "Neither, family, but this child has good abilities. I opened a chain restaurant in Linjiang City and earned tens of millions a year. !"


Everyone suddenly exclaimed.

How old is this kid, and now he can earn tens of millions in a year?

Ordinary working-class people cost tens of thousands of dollars a year. And how old is this kid? The future achievements are certainly limitless.

At this time, Xiao Han took out a stack of red envelopes and said: "This is a New Year's Eve for the children!"

At home, five or six children, big and small, ran over.

One for each.

One ten thousand!

All of a sudden, everyone was stunned, and the shots were generous. This is everyone's opinion of Xiao Han.

Mother Chen was very satisfied, and Xiao Han was generous in his actions, which could be regarded as earning enough face for himself. Fortunately, she has not told them about the marriage contract between Chen Zihan and the Jiang family. I planned to show off this year when I came back this year, but I didn't expect something happened to the Jiang family. So I didn't dare to say that now that Xiao Han came out, he could be regarded as giving himself a relief.

"Xiaohan, why did you come suddenly?" Mother Chen asked.

"Hey..." Xiao Han smiled and said, "This is not here to meet the elders, I will go back to stay old soon."

"I'm coming, just live here." Uncle Chen Zihan said: "We are big, you can live here tonight."

"That won't work!" Mother Chen said, "He and Zihan are not married yet!"

"What does that matter?" The uncle laughed and said, "Let Xiao Han sleep with Chen Qiao, and you sleep with Zihan, isn't that?"

Xiao Han shook his head again and again, and then said: "Don't be so troublesome, anyway, here is a quick trip to Linjiang City, and I will go back in less than an hour."

"Then... sit down and have a cup of tea!" The uncle hurriedly pulled Xiao Han to the table.

Suddenly, more than a dozen people gathered around.

Seventh aunt and eighth aunt came over curiously.

"Xiaohan, what does your family do?"

"How is the profit of your restaurant now?"

"Do you have any plans for your future life?"

"Have you bought a house?"

And so on, these people are very enthusiastic, very eager. I can't wait to ask Xiao Han's family all the details.

Xiao Han is smarter, and he won't easily reveal his identity. Of course, he did not hide something that everyone knew. He said that his family is poor and he has worked hard to start his own business, and he has achieved what he is today. The poor family training classes and the poor family restaurant industries were all created by himself.

Everyone suddenly.

"Young and promising."

"Zihan, you will be happy in the future!"

Everyone admired.

At this time, Mother Chen said displeasedly: "Our Zihan is not bad. After graduating from Harvard University, I will get a lot of money for a month after I come out!"

"Yes, yes!" The old lady nodded.

"Yes!" The second sister-in-law smiled, and then said: "This is the legendary appearance of a talented woman!"

"Actually, Xiao Han's grades are not bad!" At this time, Chen Qiao said triumphantly: "Last year's college entrance examination, everyone still remember the full score candidate? It is Xiao Han!"


There was an uproar in the crowd.

The Chen family is a big family. They all take learning as an example and adhere to the principle of reading. Whoever has good grades will make a difference. This is also the reason why Mother Chen has to let her daughter take the exam for a good university so that she can show off in the family. Now, everyone was shocked to learn that Xiao Han turned out to be the top scorer in the college entrance examination.

"My God, we don't even know!"

"Let me check!"

"It really is!"

Several people turned on their phones one after another, and it was so, really. Most people were stunned, shocked and surprised.

Xiao Han hurriedly said: "No matter how good you study, no matter how good a university you study, you still need to survive in this society with your own efforts after graduation."

"Right right!" Everyone nodded and said, "That's a good point."

The arrival of Xiao Han made the Chen family especially happy. Not only got the big red envelope, but also dug up a lot of news about Xiao Han. It also made everyone look at Xiao Han in awe, shocked and shocked. All of them were so excited that they wanted to let Xiao Han and Chen Zihan get married right away.

Aside, Chen Zihan blushed.

She secretly said in her heart, if you tell you Xiao Han's true identity, don't you still have to be scared?

Perhaps, if you really tell them Xiao Han's identity, they may not believe it. After all, who is right about this kind of thing?

Time passes slowly, and happy times always pass quickly.

Unconsciously, it was already ten thirty.

"Xiao Han, should you go back?" Chen Zihan reminded.

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded.

"I'll give it to you!" Chen Zihan smiled.

"Alright!" Xiao Han got up and left.

Everyone tried their best to stay, but Xiao Han had decided to leave. After all, it was New Year's Eve. It was not good to spend the night outside. Moreover, when she was going out, her mother was especially instructed that she must come back for the night instead of staying outside.

The family sent Xiao Han out the door.

"Tomorrow I will come to pay a New Year greeting to everyone." Xiao Han said.

"Okay!" Everyone nodded.

Chen Zihan sent Xiao Han downstairs.

Downstairs, Xiao Han's car is at the door.

Chen Zihan looked at Xiao Han reluctantly and asked, "Xiao Han, am I really dreaming?"

"Of course not!" Xiao Han shook his head.

"I'm really afraid that all this is a dream!" Chen Zihan looked at Xiao Han seriously and said, "I'm worried that this is a real dream."

"Fool!" Xiao Han said with a smile: "I will see you tomorrow!"

"Yeah!" Chen Zihan nodded.

In the end, Chen Zihan reluctantly watched Xiao Han leave.

Leaving Lincheng, Xiao Han also breathed a sigh of relief. He did not regret his actions. Chen Zihan came back, and she finally returned to her side. Xiao Han was very happy inside. The whole person also seemed very excited.

Along the way, Xiao Han played exciting songs.

the next day.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, according to family traditions, Xiao Han gets up early in the morning to do housework and cook.

There are only two kinds of dishes on the first morning of the New Year, a bowl of cabbage and a bowl of tofu.

The implication is obvious, a clean man.

Although I don’t understand what the traditions of outsiders are, the people in the revival community are such traditions.

After doing all this, Xiao's mother gets up, washes, and eats.

At half past eight, Xiao's mother said: "Xiaohan, let's get back to the Xing community. Wait for someone to come to visit the New Year!"

"Good!" Xiao Han nodded.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, villagers in the Fuxing community all walked the streets and alleys to visit the door for New Year greetings. Mother Xiao is now a well-known figure in the factory. As the saying goes, mothers are expensive with children. Today, Xiao Han is well-known in the Fuxing community, and the people in the factory respect him very much. Therefore, everyone will go to Xiao's family for New Year greetings.

Although it is reality, this society is like this. Who is not like this?

Rich people often fart it is fragrant. People who have no money are farting when they make sense.

(End of this chapter)

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