The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 874: Stock market changes

"Don't worry, he will sell it." Xiao Han grinned.

In fact, two months ago, Xiao Han was already in the process of making arrangements. He knew that there was basically no big problem in trying to bring down the Meida Group. The foundation of Meida Group is now unstable and the development is too aggressive. Da Group claims to have a market value of 2 billion. However, there is some moisture in the so-called 2 billion, and the Mida Group is now vigorously developing real estate. Recently, the bubble has become more severe. After all, Mida Group is a listed company. Therefore, it is claimed that Mida Group is tens of billions of assets.

As everyone knows, of these tens of billions of assets, 5 billion is water, and of the remaining 5 billion, more than half are borrowed from banks, and some are private financing. Once there is a problem with the capital chain, then the Mida Group will inevitably be very miserable. Just like a tall building with a hundred stories, once the foundation collapses, it will inevitably collapse.

Xiao Han started the layout two months ago and seems to have seen a firework blooming brilliantly.

After wandering around the company, Xiao Han was very satisfied.

In three years, he went from a poor student to the richest man in Linjiang City. I am very satisfied with my results, but now the only flaw is the existence of the Jiang family.


Jiang's Villa.

Jiang Yicai was very happy.

"My child, what are you so happy about?" Madam Jiang frowned.

"Hey!" After Jiang Yicai entered the door, he immediately put the briefcase in his hand on the sofa, and while taking off his jacket, said: "The negotiation with the Hanmen Group has reached the final stage. If there is no problem, the other party will give us Meida Group. Inject 500 million."

"Oh my God!" When Mrs. Jiang heard it, she was overjoyed and said: "Good thing, good thing!"

"Hey, this matter hasn't been written yet." Jiang Xiaoliang came in from the outside.

Jiang Xiaoliang returned from Tsinghua University's early vacation. Jiang Yicai called his son to come back to take charge of a project. The purpose is to improve his son a lot, so that he can quickly improve his abilities. As long as his son's abilities improve, he will find a way to get his son into the company and let him hold an important position in the company. Sooner or later, let him become the chairman of Mida Group.

Now, the major shareholders of Mida Group are really not easy to manage. If they don't make some achievements, they will be ousted.

Nowadays, the LeTV Group has a lot of trouble.

The tortoise grandson Jia Yueting made five billion dollars and ran to the United States with his sister-in-law. Although this matter has nothing to do with me, the situation of LeTV Group is somewhat similar to my own. Jiang Yi was worried about becoming the second Jia Yueting. So, he started crazy financing. Two months ago, the relevant person in charge of the Hanmen Group found himself, hoping to invest in the Meida Group and purchase the equity of the Meida Group.

Hearing this news, Jiang Yicai was naturally very happy. As long as there is capital to enter, one's own projects will not worry about losing money, let alone the collapse of Mida Group. So, he was relieved. Today, Jiang Yicai is increasing his horsepower to negotiate with the Hanmen Group. Hope the other party can reach an agreement.

"Why didn't you make any difference?" Jiang Yicai laughed: "The other party has been talking with us for two months, which shows that the other party is still very sincere. Otherwise, who would spend such a lot of manpower and material resources to talk to us nonsense?"

"That's true." Jiang Xiao brightened his head.

Jiang Yicai smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth: "Son, there are many things worth learning!"

"Dad, I will work hard!" Jiang Xiao brightened his head.

"By the way, when will Zihan come back?" Jiang Yicai asked.

"I heard it's the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month!" Jiang Xiaoliang replied.

"That's good!" Jiang Yicai nodded, and then said: "When you come back, you call her to come and have a meal at home. After all, you are also married now."

"Dad, there is good news!" Jiang Xiaoliang smiled.

"What good news?" Jiang Yicai asked.

"Zihan will be able to graduate in the second half of the year." Jiang Xiaoliang grinned and looked very proud: "She said that she will have enough credits soon. As long as she has enough credits, she can graduate early and get a diploma book!"

"Good thing." Jiang Yicai said with a smile: "Only foreign universities have such an enlightened education policy."

"Yeah!" Jiang Xiao said brightly, "I also want to graduate from Tsinghua University in advance. However, Tsinghua University does not allow it. You must have completed four years of training, and you have to get enough credits, otherwise you won't be awarded a book And degree certificate."

Jiang Yicai smiled and said, "How can you compare to Zihan? Your level is far worse. It is better to study honestly for four years, and then graduate and come back to take over my work."

"Hey, I know!" Jiang Xiao pointed out,

Jiang Xiaoliang likes Chen Zihan very much, saying that separating the two places can increase the relationship. In addition, Chen Zihan doesn't care about Jiang Xiaoliang, and has a feeling of wanting to catch him. Therefore, Jiang Xiaoliang tickles even more. I can't wait to see Chen Zihan right away.

However, Chen Zihan had to be delayed until the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month. This will take three days.

The Jiang family is happy, hoping to become an investment that attracts the Hanmen Group. In this way, the Meida Group can at least tide over the current difficulties. Now, the Mida Group has looked down upon those small investors. He doesn't care about the investment of millions or tens of millions. Now I am fully absorbed in the negotiation with the Hanmen Group. As long as the investment of the Hanmen Group is pulled, it can be delayed for a long time, and when the Mida Group is relieved, it can skyrocket.

However, the tragedy happened soon.

The twenty-first of the twelfth lunar month.

Hanmen Group issued an announcement, completely suspending negotiations with Meida Group. It not only announced the interest rate liabilities of Meida Group this year, but also announced the debt ratio of Meida Group. All of a sudden, the stock market is changing rapidly.

Jiang family.

It's cold.

Jiang Yicai sat on the sofa and watched the news that was constantly being broadcast on the TV. He wanted to die. He didn't expect the mall to change so much. He thought for a long time, it seems that there are not so many interests between himself and the Hanmen Group, and there has never been any festival between each other. Why does the Hanmen Group do this kind of detrimental thing? Even if the other party refuses to invest, there is no need to stab yourself in the back.

Didi di...

The mobile phones on the coffee table have never stopped, the phone in the company, the phone of the debtor, the phone of the bank dunning.

From the moment the Hanmen Group made the announcement.

Meida Group has gradually stepped into the footsteps of LeTV Group.

When the cold wind blows, Jiang Yi just feels his body is cold. At this time, Jiang Xiaoliang hurried in, and while running, he shouted: "Dad,'s not good, it's not good, the debtors of the company have come to blow up the money, the supplier came to collect debts, and the bank came. I have dunning, what should I do?"

Jiang Yicai wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "Don't worry, there will be a way!"

"Now the group company is almost crowded!" Jiang Xiaoliang was extremely anxious.

Jiang Yicai took a deep breath and said, "First, go and meet President Chen of China Construction Bank. Xiaoliang, now in the extraordinary period of the company, you have to play a big role. You should go to the group company to stabilize the people's hearts."

"Yes!" Jiang Xiao brightened his head.

During the two years of college, Jiang Xiaoliang has indeed grown a lot, so now he is also very hardworking and hardworking. Very hard work. However, with these alone, he obviously can no longer fight Xiao Han.

Now Jiang Xiaoliang, although very successful, has a family, background, and education. However, the gap between him and Xiao Han is like a firefly and Haoyue. How can the firefly compete with Haoyue?

Jiang Xiaoliang hurried to the Meida Group Building.

The Meida Group Building was in chaos, and people from all sides gathered. Suppliers, debtors, banks...many people come to call for payment, requiring payment must be settled at the end of the year. However, the Mida Group does not have a lot of funds at all. The Mida Group, which claims to have a market value of 10 billion, now has only 10 million in its account. This tens of millions is not enough for the supplier’s payment, let alone the debtor and the bank’s hundreds of millions of principal and interest.

"Repay the debt, pay the debt!"

The supplier is holding a sign.

Representatives of debtors and banks entered the office to negotiate.

Jiang Xiaoliang hurriedly got in from the crowd.

Suddenly, someone shouted: "He... he is Jiang Yicai's son, so you can't let him go!"

Immediately, a group of people quickly surrounded Jiang Xiaoliang and refused to let him leave.

"You...what are you doing around me?" Jiang Xiaoliang was anxious.

"Huh, you are the chairman of Meida Group. Meida Group owes us money, that's what you owe us!" The average person yelled, "Repaying debts, it is natural and righteous, why? The kid still wants to run!"

"I'm not the chairman of the Meida Group. My dad owes you the money. Go to him!" Jiang Xiaoliang yelled, "Besides, now you are surrounded here. What's the use? Meida Group has no money now." for you all!"

When everyone heard it, they were even more panicked.

"Fuck, Mida Group has no money!"

"It's over, our payment, trouble..."

"How to do?"

A bunch of people were anxious.

"Hit him!"

"Yes, clean up his son!"

Afterwards, these suppliers were not polite, and they beat and kicked Jiang Xiaoliang. If the security hadn't stepped forward in time to drag him out of the crowd, I'm afraid he would really not survive. This group of suppliers, one by one, is like a wolf and a tiger.

Jiang Xiaoliang was beaten with a bruised nose and swollen face, and went upstairs in embarrassment.

In the office upstairs, in the large office, the employees were silent, like needles.

Yesterday the chairman was still full of confidence. Unexpectedly, the situation will change today. The Meida Group is facing the biggest crisis in its history. If it is not passed in time, I am afraid... Meida Group will face the fate of collapse.

(End of this chapter)

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