The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 869: Future son-in-law

Zheng Youming smiled and said, "You will not be easy for your future son-in-law."

"I..." Father Lan looked helpless and said, "To be honest, I don't really know him very well!"

"Okay, don't do this, today is your daughter's birthday, why don't you start the show?" Zheng Youming said.

At this time, music rang from the venue.

Father Lan hurriedly stepped onto the stage and said with enthusiasm: "Dear guests and friends, welcome to the scene to celebrate our beautiful lady Miss Lan Yudie. Today is not only Miss Lan Yudie’s birthday, but also her PhD graduate. Day. It can be said to be double happiness..."

Father Lan was very happy, everyone looked at him.

"Please eat, drink and have fun!" Dad Lan shouted.


Everyone took hold.

The evening is very hearty, buffet, drinks, drinks, fruits, everything.

Xiao Han became the target of the audience's attention, who made him a golden boy. Just a high school student, but owns such precious diamonds. The most enviable thing is that he owns such a large diamond and did not sell it to the British royal family. Instead, he kept it for himself, and even cut him up and gave it to his girlfriend.

Any woman in the world would probably be moved by Xiao Han's behavior. Such behavior really makes people feel incredible.

As any man, I am afraid that he would sell that huge diamond and then use the money to buy all kinds of gifts that make women carnival.

Unfortunately, Xiao Han is not a layman, but a monk.

The so-called monk has no desire or desire, pursues strength, and pursues peak.

The party is over.

Lan Yudie was so happy that she was almost drunk. This evening at the party, Lan Yudie was the happiest woman in the audience, not only because Xiao Han gave him such an expensive necklace, but also because Xiao Han made it for her. With a sigh of relief, the same female classmates and even female colleagues who worshipped money would never dare to make irresponsible remarks to themselves from now on.

"Xiaohan, you send me back." Lan Yudie said.

"Good!" Xiao Han nodded.

Everyone is gone, and the rest of the staff are organizing the scene.

Lan Yudie and Xiao Han left the venue hand in hand.

Xiao Han drove all the way towards Fulin Garden.

"Thank you, Xiao Han!" Lan Yudie lowered her head and kept touching the diamond on her neck with her hands.

"Silly girl, thank me for what I do?" Xiao Han asked curiously.

Lan Yudie smiled slightly and said, "Thank you for giving me such an expensive gift."

Xiao Han glanced at Lan Yudie, and then said, "This is what you deserve. As my woman, I will never allow anyone to make irresponsible remarks to him."

"Sorry!" Lan Yudie lowered his eyes.

"Why say sorry again?" Xiao Han smiled.

"Those friends and classmates of mine today caused you a lot of trouble!" Lan Yudie bit her red lips lightly.

"It's okay!" Xiao Han shook his head, and then said: "I'm used to it. However, I still like to keep a low profile."

"Yeah!" Lan Yudie nodded and said, "So, thank you for your gift!"

"Fool!" Xiao Han squeezed her face with his right hand distressed.

"Don't pinch my face." Lan Yudie snorted softly, and then said: "I am a few years older than you."

"So what?" Xiao Han smiled softly, and said, "I didn't become my wife in the end!"

"You!" Blue Yudie bit her red lips when she heard it.

"Why? Not happy?" Xiao Han asked.

"Why?" Lan Yudie smiled, and then said: "Of course not unhappy."

"That's good." Xiao Han nodded.

Lan Yudie smiled, and then said: "My dad secretly asked me today, do you want to return this necklace to you!"

"Haha..." Xiao Han suddenly raised his head and laughed when he heard it.


Suddenly, the two cars flanked from the left and right, and the fronts of the two cars hit the front of Xiao Han's car.


After the collision, the car made a violent noise.

At that moment, the momentum was overwhelming.

In the darkness, that sharp sound broke the void.

"Ah!" Lan Yudie exclaimed suddenly, and Lan Yudie held his head tightly with both hands, for fear of being hurt.

At this time, five or six people got off the two cars.

"Robbery?" Xiao Han frowned.

Xiao Han was already considered a monk in the Golden Core Stage, so naturally he wouldn't be afraid of these guys, so he didn't care too much at all, he was just curious about what the other party came from.

However, what Xiao Han didn't expect was that after the five or six people got out of the car, they immediately took out their pistols and shot them at the car.

Bang bang ......

The bullet penetrated through the car window.

Seeing this scene, Blue Raindie was even more frightened, her voice almost reached the sky, and she almost cried with fright.

A burst of crazy shooting.

The diamond necklace on the blue rain butterfly's neck suddenly emitted a blue light, as if it took the shape of an oval egg. The blue rain butterfly was wrapped in it. The bullets couldn't penetrate the blue defense and fell one after another.

"Enough!" said the leading man with sunglasses: "It must be dead!"

A group of people put away their pistols.

When preparing to retreat.


Suddenly, the car door opened, and then a figure got out of the car.

"Fuck..." The man with sunglasses was shocked and said, "This...this guy is not dead?"

Xiao Lengchun laughed and said, "Even if you die, I can't die!"

Everyone was shocked.

Seeing the gunfire stopped, Lan Yudie hurriedly raised her head, surrounded by glass shavings. And he was unscathed. Lan Yudie was stunned. She lowered her head and looked at her hands in a daze. Not only was there nothing, even a piece of glass **** fell on her body.

"This...what's going on?" Lan Yudie was stunned.

Lan Yudie soon discovered that Xiao Han had gotten out of the car, and the other five or six men surrounded Xiao Han.

"Swearing, this **** thing, not dead?" The man in sunglasses frowned and said, "Our marksmanship is too bad, right?"

"Brother, what are you doing in a daze, let's kill him together." Several people around said hurriedly.

The man in sunglasses sneered, and then said: "Well, this kid must die, not to die."

After speaking, the man in sunglasses looked at Xiao Han and said, "Boy, do you want to die?"

"No!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "I should have asked you this sentence!"

The man in sunglasses snorted when he heard it, and then said: "Fuck you second uncle, believe it or not, I will kill you immediately."

Before the man with sunglasses could speak, a young man behind him took out his gun and shot.


There was a muffled sound, and the pistol was equipped with a muffler. The sound was not loud, but the sound could still be heard from a distance.

The bullet shot straight towards Xiao Han's head.

When the bullet was about to hit Xiao Han's head.


Suddenly, the bullet stopped in the air at a distance of about ten centimeters from Xiao Han. Everyone looked at this scene in astonishment, everyone was dumbfounded and dumbfounded. All of them were dumbfounded.

The man in sunglasses was even more surprised.

"Fuck!" Someone exclaimed in surprise.

The man with sunglasses hurriedly took off his sunglasses, revealing a pair of scowling eyes. He looked surprised and surprised, and said, "This...what's going on?"

"Who knows!" A group of people were dumbfounded.

Xiao Han smiled slightly and said, "I forgot to tell you that I am the God of Immortality."

"Fuck, your mother dare to pretend to be a ghost in front of Lao Tzu!" The man with sunglasses was furious, he took out the pistol without hesitation, and then shot Xiao Han wildly.


A few crisp sounds.

The man in sunglasses didn't believe in the so-called monsters, so he decided to test Xiao Han with a pistol.

However, a strange scene appeared again.

The bullet was blocked by the weird thing again, and the golden spirit pattern seemed to have descended across the air. He couldn't see exactly how the spirit pattern appeared. Therefore, the man with sunglasses looked very surprised and puzzled.

The man in sunglasses took a deep breath, and the whole person was inexplicable, looking very surprised and melancholy.

Did he really see a ghost?

An idea came to mind in the man with sunglasses. Even bullets can't kill the opponent, so what else in this world can kill the opponent?

"Big brother, this... is this kid a ghost?" The man with sunglasses said embarrassingly.


The man in sunglasses swallowed his saliva and said, "Or... let's go."

"Withdraw!" everyone shouted.

Just as they were about to flee the scene, Xiao Han suddenly said, "Did I let you go?"

A group of people stopped.

The man with sunglasses turned his head to look at Xiao Han and asked, "You...what do you want to do!"

"Hey..." Xiao Han grinned and said, "I want you to die!"

"Fuck!" The man in sunglasses heard.


Suddenly, a white cat flashed by. The white cat stood on Xiao Han's shoulders, making a very aggressive roar, and his hair was standing upright, seeming to be an angry cat.

"Fuck, what the **** is this?" Everyone was shocked.

The man in sunglasses was even more frightened.

Rumor has it that cats have something to do with psychic things. Could it be that... this cat is a cat with only problems?

"Run!" the man in sunglasses shouted.

Without waiting for the opponent to leave, the white cat killed it like a flash of lightning.

Xiao Han turned around and waved his hand.

A white mist enveloped the damaged BMW off-road vehicle.

Xiao Han did this because he didn't want Blue Yudie to see this, let alone frighten her. The most important thing is that it's not easy to explain to her when I look back. Therefore, he simply didn't stop doing it, so that Blue Raindie could not see this scene.


The white cat flicked its front paw, and a white glow passed. The man in sunglasses was torn from his back on the spot.

The body of a living person is the favorite food of the ghost king. He didn't dare to mess around before because he was restrained by Xiao Han, but now he has felt the murderous aura in Xiao Han's body, so he immediately understood that these people will undoubtedly die.

(End of this chapter)

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