"Why don't you eat it?" Lan Yudie hummed softly: "You can produce and sell yourself."

"Uh..." Xiao Han stopped speaking immediately.

Blue Yudie took a deep breath and said, "You bastard!"

Although Xiao Han vented a lot, the guy did not feel weak because of it. He still had a long spear, optimizing the sky. Upon seeing this, Lan Yudie wiped the remnants of the corner of her mouth, pursed her mouth, and said: "You guy, you are all satisfied, why are you still going to stop!"

"Who makes you so attractive?" Xiao Han looked at her evilly.

In fact, when Lan Yudie was working hard just now, Xiao Han's hands didn't stop, instead, he firmly grasped her twin peaks and kneaded frantically. Although Blue Yudie felt pain, she could only endure it. After all, she wanted Xiao Han to have a good memory. And don't want him to regret not getting himself.

"Fuck you!" Blue Yudie was so tired that she said: "A good break, don't think too much. I'm exhausted."

After speaking, Lan Yudie immediately put on her pajamas.

Xiao Han also stretched out comfortably. It was a comfortable enjoyment. Xiao Han really wanted to do it again. It is estimated that after killing Lan Yudie, he would not be able to serve himself like this anymore. At least tonight, there is no hope.

Xiao Han looked helpless.

"Rest early!" Lan Yudie smiled and said, "Good night!"

After speaking, Lan Yudie turned and left.

Looking at the back of Lan Yudie, Xiao Han started to think of something in his head. Think about today. At the dinner table today, Dad Lan said that with Jiujin, although both Mother Lan and Yudie Lan said that they had drunk too much and were drunk. However, Xiao Han understood that all this was planned. What Papa Lan said was definitely not a truthful statement after drinking. It is a temptation.

It is true that I am doing such a big business, and I am afraid that it is a bit uneasy for who I am.

Xiao Han thought for a moment, and he thought about it for a long time. Xiao Han can touch his conscience and swear to the sky that his feelings for Lan Yudie are true. Therefore, he was determined to deal with Blue Raindie. However, the Lan family were not at ease. Therefore, he must make some statements.

Although he escaped a disaster last night, Xiao Han didn't think it was a disaster. But he has not stood the test.

After thinking about it, how can we convince the people of the Lan family that they love Lan Yudie? After thinking for a long time, Xiao Han finally had a bold idea. That is to transfer part of the shares of the Hanmen Group to Lan Yudie. In this way, it should be possible for the people of the Lan family to boldly give Blue Yudie to themselves.

With this thought, Xiao Han quickly fell into sleep.

Until the next morning.

It was a very quiet morning, and no one quarreled Xiao Han.

However, when Xiao Han woke up, he heard outside sounds.

"Xiao Yu, isn't mom doing it for you too?" Mother Lan's voice came.

"Mom, don't worry." Lan Yudie said distressedly: "Xiao Han is still a student, and I'm still his teacher. If we get married and pass it on, how ashamed?"

"What's the shame?" Mother Lan was anxious: "Isn't it a normal thing for men to be married and women to be married?"

The two argued for a while. Although the voice was very small, Xiao Han heard it really. The voice came from the next room. It seemed that Blue Raindie didn't want to argue with her mother anymore, so she stopped talking, but said nothing.

"Okay, stop arguing between you two." Dad Lan interrupted.

Xiao Han couldn't listen anymore, so he got up. When leaving the room, the three of the Lan family hurriedly got out of the room.

"Xiao Han, are you up?" Lan Yudie was still in a suspender nightdress.

"Yeah." Xiao Han nodded.

"There are toothbrushes and towels in the bathroom, which you used last time." Lan Yudie said.

"Okay, I'm going to wash 簌." Xiao Han nodded.

"Go!" Lan Yudie nodded and said: "I'm going to make breakfast."

After that, the girl hurried to the kitchen.

Xiao Han was washing 簌 in the bathroom. After washing 簌, Lan Yudie came over with a glass of water.

"Drink water!" Lan Yudie smiled and said: "A glass of water in the morning will clear the body of impurities."

"Thank you!" Xiao Han nodded.

Lan Yudie raised a smile at the corner of her mouth, and said, "What are you polite to me!"

The breakfast has been handed over to Mother Lan. When Father Lan went for a walk early in the morning, he bought some breakfast, soy milk, steamed buns and fried dough sticks. Mother Lan is frying poached eggs and making some pastries.

Before long, a table of breakfast was on the table, which was very delicious.

"Our breakfast hasn't been so rich in a long time." Father Lan said excitedly.

"Dad, who told you not to say nice love words to my mom?" Lan Yudie smiled and said, "My mom has soft ears. You should usually coax her so that she will do it for you. Windy breakfast!"

"Oh..." Father Lan sighed and said, "This is all about old couples, right? Who still feels this way?"

"What's wrong with the old man and wife?" Lan Yudie pursed her mouth and said, "Love words will never expire. You, you really have been in class for a lifetime, but your brains are not at all active."

"Haha..." Papa Lan laughed when he heard it.

"You should coax her more." Lan Yudie smiled.

"Yes!" Father Blue nodded.

Lan Yudie raised a smile at the corner of her mouth. She took Xiao Han's arm and said, "Xiao Han, let's have breakfast."

"Okay!" Xiao Han nodded.

Lan Yudie smiled, with a smile on her lips.

At the table, the four of them had breakfast and chatted. It's also lively, Lan Dad and Xiao Han talked loudly, while Lan Mother and Lan Yudie whispered to each other.

When everyone was on the rise, Xiao Han suddenly coughed and said, "Uncle, Auntie, Xiao Yu, I have something to say!"

The original lively dining table suddenly became quiet.

Father Lan put away his smile and looked at Xiao Han with a solemn expression. Mother Lan and Lan Yudie also put away their smiles. The two looked at him curiously, not knowing what he wanted to say. Xiao Han has never been a serious person, but today he is very serious. This makes them a little strange.

"What...what do you want to say?" Lan Yudie asked.

"I have considered the question raised by my uncle and aunt yesterday for a long time!" Xiao Han glanced at several people.

Lan Yudie's face flushed. Did Xiao Han decide to get a marriage certificate with himself?

"Then...what are you planning?" Dad Lan didn't tell the result directly, but asked Xiao Han's thoughts.

"Xiao Yu is right, we are still young, I am not even the legal marriage age!" Xiao Han gave a wry smile, and then said: "And now I am still Xiao Yu's student, she is my head teacher. To some extent Above all, this is not ethical. Besides, Xiao Yu is still studying for a Ph.D. and my career is just getting started. Therefore, we are considering getting married at this time, which is out of date. So..."

"Don't..." Upon hearing this, Father Lan said hurriedly, "We didn't force you. If you don't want to, we can discuss it."

"Dad, let him finish talking!" Lan Yudie said solemnly.

There is no moment more heartache than this time, because she already has an ominous premonition. Xiao Han said so much and made such a big preparation, he just wanted to tell the final result! Under such tone and premise, there is only one final result, and that is breaking up. Lan Yudie felt a pain in her heart. Although Xiao Han hadn't said it yet, she already felt it.

Not only did Lan Yudie feel it, but even Father Lan and Mother Lan felt it. They suddenly regretted it, regretting that they forced Xiao Han to marry yesterday. If it weren't for being too tight yesterday, what happened today would not happen.

"Xiao Han, you must be cautious before you do anything or say anything!" Mother Lan said solemnly: "Although our Lan family has no money and power, we still have our backbone. Some words, It's hard to collect water!"

"Yes!" Father Lan was sulky, his face deep. His palms slapped heavily on the table.

"Xiao Han, you don't need to care about anyone's feelings, just say what you are in your heart!" Lan Yudie said.

Xiao Han smiled and said, "Uncle, aunt, Xiao Yu, you all misunderstood."

"What's the misunderstanding?" the three said in unison.


At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Who's here?" Father Lan looked surprised.

"Go and open the door!" Mother Lan urged.

Opening the door, a man in a suit and leather shoes, carrying a briefcase, and a pair of gold glasses stood at the door. He smiled and asked, "Excuse me...Is Xiao Han here?"

"Ah..." Father Lan was taken aback for a moment, and said awkwardly: "How do you know that Xiao Han is here?"

"Oh, he asked me to come!" The man smiled slightly and said, "I am the head of the Legal Department of the Hanmen Group. My name is Li!"

"Hello, hello!" Father Lan nodded hurriedly, and then said: "Please come in!"

Seeing Lawyer Li coming in, Xiao Han stood up and said: "Lawyer Li, are you here?"

"Dong Xiao." Lawyer Li was very respectful.

"Come, sit down." Xiao Han greeted.

The family moved from the dining table to the living room.

Everyone didn't understand what Xiao Han meant, why all of a sudden called the lawyer, so the Lan family of three also hurriedly moved in. Xiao Han sits in the middle of the sofa, Lawyer Li sits on the side sofa, Lan Dad is next to Xiao Han, and Lan Yudie and mother sit on the extreme side.

"Xiao Han, what exactly does this... mean?" Father Lan asked suspiciously.

"Uncle, Auntie!" Xiao Han glanced at a few people, and then said: "I know that you have never assured me. However, I do love Xiao Yu very much. So, in order to prove my love for her, I plan to take my hand I ceded part of the equity to Xiaoyu. This proves my love for her!"

(End of this chapter)

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