Li Da Pang heard inexplicably from the side, he asked curiously: "Xiao Han, what is going on?"

"This beast insults my mother!" Xiao Han said with gritted teeth.

"Ah?!" Da Pang Li suddenly widened his eyes and said angrily: "Fuck, brothers, cut him!"

Where Li Da Pang could hold back the bad breath in his heart, he led this person to Chen Ming on the spot. Chen Ming was so frightened that he hurriedly shouted: "Block...Block...Block them, don't...Don't let them come!"

Big fat Li's stomach fire, this guy is too beast, right? Even Xiao's mother must be bullied.


The steel knife in Da Pang Li's hand quickly criticized the opponent. A security guard fell down with a knife. The security guard at the back hurriedly made up. However, the other party had a steel knife in their hands, and they were holding long watermelon knives, each of which was sixty centimeters long, which was really scary. Moreover, the opponents are almost always desperate attacks. These people are all young and do not understand the value of life. The group of security guards are all middle-aged. Almost everyone has wives and children. They all know the value of family and life. Therefore, after a shock, more than a dozen security guards ran outside the office.

"Fuck, this bunch of useless rubbish!" At this moment, Chen Ming broke into an angry roar.

The security captain's face was also very ugly. He looked at the escaped security guards coldly and cursed: "Damn, these unfamiliar white-eyed wolves."

Chen was obviously very upset, and he was also very angry. This anger stems from his inner fear and fear. The security guards are gone, who will protect their own safety, so at this time he is a little scared and afraid.

"Fuck, useless waste, I haven't enjoyed it yet!" Li Da Pang yelled.

Xiao Han walked towards Chen Ming slowly, the security captain blocked Chen Ming, and then said: "Little brother, don't mess around, it's not good for you to move him. It's time to stop, otherwise, Si Ye No one can protect you from being angry!"

"Chen Ming's mistakes, someone should take responsibility!" Xiao Han said indifferently: "He is also an adult, and he has made a mistake. He should be punished."

"What do you want?" the security captain asked.

"Unload one of his arms." Xiao Han's expression was cold, and he spit out a word neither light nor heavy.

"Are you crazy?" the security captain asked sharply.

"No, I'm not crazy!" Xiao Lianchun laughed and said, "I will never make him feel better if he bullies me. I will not make him feel better if he bullies my mother. He even dared to insult my mother. I must take off his arm."

"You have to think carefully." The security captain asked coldly.

"I have already thought very clearly." Xiao Han looked at the security captain disdainfully, and then said: "No one can stop me, the gods block and kill the gods, and the Buddha blocks the killing of the Buddha."

"Although you have the courage, I won't let you succeed!" The security captain was determined to protect Chen Ming. In any case, as an employee of the excellent labor dispatch company and the security guard here, he is obligated to ensure the safety of the boss. Therefore, he must find a way to protect him.

The most important thing is that Chen Ming has the kindness to know him. If it weren't for Chen Ming, he wouldn't have been able to find such a good job, and he wouldn't be a security captain. Although Chen Ming is a bad person, he is also lustful. However, he is his boss after all, and he has taken care of himself.

"If you want to stop, I don't mind putting you down first!" Xiao Han's face was filled with anger. Xiao Han's eyes were red, and he held the iron rod tightly in his hands. He looked at each other coldly, and then said, "Take it!"

Xiao Han rushed out one step at a time, and the iron rod in his hand quickly slammed into the opponent's head.

The security captain took a step back in a hurry, and then, the baton in his hand quickly threw it towards Xiao Han. The two weapons collided, not as intense as imagined. The plastic rod reduced the impact of the iron rod, and the two moved quickly between them.

Xiao Han's eyes are like a pair of radar scanning the opponent's path, and his brain is like a supercomputer, frantically calculating the opponent's location, Xiao Han is catching the opponent's flaws.

Everyone will have flaws, but the number of flaws, the size of the flaws, once caught, then this blow will inevitably leave the other party dead.


Xiao Han's eyes lit up. At this time, the security captain was landing in midair. Xiao Han avoided the opponent's blow, and then Xiao Han quickly rushed towards the opponent. At that instant, the security captain's pupils suddenly shrank. Because in the process of falling, he has almost lost any ability to resist. Not only that, he also found that Xiao Han's attack speed has almost reached the limit that a person can reach.


Suddenly, Xiao Han's iron rod fell from the sky, and the security captain moved his head almost reflexively.


The iron rod fell on the opponent's shoulder, and there was a sound of bone cracking.

"Ah!!!" The security captain let out a tragic cry.


After Xiao Han landed, he kicked the security captain's chest. The security captain screamed while clutching his shoulders. The wound on his head hadn't healed yet, and a new wound had been added during this meeting. The security captain was so painful that he could hardly stand up.

However, Xiao Han did not continue to embarrass him, but turned and walked towards Chen Ming.

Chen Ming was dumbfounded with fright, a **** wound on his head. At this moment, he could no longer feel the pain of the wound on his head. He seemed to have an ominous hunch, which made himself more uneasy.

"Xiao Han, you...what do you want to do?" Chen Ming looked at Xiao Han timidly.

"You bullied my mother, as her son, I naturally want to avenge her!" Xiao Han's eyes were cold and his tone was cold.

Chen Ming took a deep breath, and then said, "Don't... don't... can't I make a mistake?"

"Since you are wrong, then you have to accept punishment for your mistakes!" Xiao Han looked at Chen Ming seriously, and then said: "You are a man, you are an upright man. Therefore, you must accept punishment. !"

"No, no, I'm not a man." Chen Ming hurriedly shook his head, and then said: "I bully women and employees, I...I have done so many bad things, how can I be considered a man?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't admit it now!" Xiao Lian laughed, and then said, "Fat, give me the knife!"

"Okay!" Li Dapang stepped over, handing the steel knife in his hand to Xiao Han, and then said: "This knife is sharp. With a single cut, he can definitely cut off his hand alive. Use it with confidence. Right."

"Good!" Xiao Han nodded.

Chen Ming was scared and walked away. It's a pity that Da Pang Li and the others will not let Chen Ming escape easily. Several people immediately blocked Chen Ming's path, twisted his arm, and directly pushed him to the ground.

"Sample, want to run?" Chen Ming said disdainfully, "It's not that easy."

A weird smile appeared on the corner of Xiao Han's mouth, and then said: "Chen Ming, why didn't you think about it now when you bullied my mother?"

"Don't... don't..." Chen Ming said hurriedly: "Brother, good negotiation, good negotiation, I will give you how much you want!"

Xiao Han completely ignored the other party and waved at Li Da Pang.

Da Pang Li immediately put Chen Ming on the execution platform, and then sneered: "Boy, it's too late to beg for mercy at this time. We don't need money, we just need your arm."

The posture has been set, everything is waiting for Xiao Han to slay.

Xiao Han walked towards Chen Ming slowly. Chen Ming was already so scared that he was sweating. He looked at each other nervously, and then said: "Xiao Han, let me go, I apologize to your mother, I will go Please come back, your mother, I won't dare anymore..."

At the end, Chen Ming was so scared that he almost cried.

A man in his thirties and almost forty years old was almost crying at this time. It's hard for him.

Li Da Pang glanced at Xiao Han, he was a little surprised, because he felt the substantial cold light bursting from Xiao Han. It was a powerful anger, and this effort gradually turned into a murderous aura. Moreover, murderous awe-inspiring.

"Xiao Han, you... are you really going to chop off his arm?" Li Da Pang asked in astonishment.

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded and said: "It's hard to vent my hatred if he keeps his arm."


Da Pang Li was a little scared, after all, he was only a ten** year old. Where can he withstand such a big horror, although Li Da Pang looks fierce and vicious, he has never hurt anyone in a real sense.

Xiao Han walked over slowly, and in the office, the group of brothers Li Dafang had brought looked at Xiao Han with trepidation.

The steel knife in Xiao Han's hand was slowly raised.

"!" Chen Ming closed his eyes in fright.


With the knife in his hand, Chen Ming's arm was slashed by Xiao Han. Blood suddenly poured out frantically from his severed arm.

"Ah!!" Chen Ming suddenly screamed, but after not screaming for a long time, people fainted immediately.

Da Pang Li was stunned, and the others turned pale with fright. Especially those young people with immature complexions. They have never done anything bad. They didn't expect to follow Li Da Pang to hurt people today, and they also broke their arms. This kind of thing simply makes people feel panic.

"Xiao Han, he... he won't die, right?" Li Dapang fainted when he saw the other party, frightened.

"I can't die!" Xiao Lenglin laughed, and said: "At most, it's just fainted."

"Then... Then what should I do next?" Li Da Pang is already Liushen Wuzhu. He has been completely disrupted. Don't look at this kid who is usually carefree, but at this time, he is already scared. Up.

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