The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 821: Snatch token

Several people were stunned.

The demon raiser of Kunlun School.

The purple python is not extraordinary at first sight, mysterious level, 9th Dan!

It was almost infinitely close to the earth-level monster. The purple python spit out red letters, as if it might swallow several people at any time.

"Raising a demon clan?" The calabash boy smiled and said: "It's really interesting, this time the league competition is really not in vain."

"People from the Kongtong faction?" The grimace man smiled and said: "It is rumored that there are unicorns in the Kongtong faction. I don't know if it is true!"

"True and false, have something to do with you?" The calabash boy sneered.

Kongtong school advocates Taibaijinxing. Located in the central region of the motherland, hidden in the deep mountains and old forests, living a life that is indisputable in the world. Kongtong School is as mysterious as Xuanyuanmen. It is said that the Kongtong school has alchemy, and it is rumored that the Kongtong school has unicorns.

Unicorns belong to the ancient beasts, heavenly monsters. The strength should not be underestimated. Although celestial nine-stage beasts such as Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu are not tolerated, the power of unicorns is probably only the masters of the Mahayana period dare to contend.

"Hehe..." The grimace man smiled and said, "I already have more than two hundred tokens. Just take away a few hundred tokens from Ye Longxuan. Hehe, I'm sure to be the first. So , Don't fight with me."

"If you say it's yours, it's yours?" The Calabash Boy said dismissively: "My Kongtong faction has never given up."

"I won't stop either." The masked man held the knife in his hand tightly.

The three looked at each other. No one is willing to convince anyone.

"You are not my opponent!" The grimace man showed a grimace, and then said: "With Zimang there, you don't even want to leave here."

The calabash boy smiled and said: "There is a mere purple mang, I don't care about it."

"Don't want to scare me!" The masked man was still in awe.

The three of them can be regarded as the best in this competition. Everyone is in the realm of Jin Dan, but in this realm, there are high and low. Of course, in addition to his own strength, spirit beasts, weapons, magic weapons, spirit tools, supernatural powers... all of these affect the overall strength of a monk.

Although the Grimace Man is also in the Golden Core Stage, he possesses a powerful Zimang, which is a powerful spirit beast of the 9th stage of the Profound Grade. Therefore, from the current point of view, the opponent's strength is obviously stronger than the other two.

However, Calabash Boy is a Kongtong faction, and his strength should not be weak. As for the masked man, it seemed that he came from a different path. The three dared not test easily. The grimace man frowned and said, "You better get out of the way, otherwise, my spirit beast will swallow people."

Having said that, Zi Mang seemed to understand the master's meaning, he immediately raised his head and confided in the red letter with a hideous look.

The masked man quickly passed the treetops aside and stood on the top of the tree. Holding a steel knife in his hand, he coldly snorted: "Are we really bullying?"

Gourd boy, put your hands together, and the gourd lid will be opened soon.


Black insects flew out of the gourd, not bees, nor moths. If you look closely, this bug is a bit like a rhino, the size of a thumb, with a small black horn on the top of the head, with wings, the small black horn can release electricity, and its mouth can bite its prey. The electric energy released by a bug is not large, but when thousands or even hundreds of thousands of bugs swarm up, that is the real horror and the real exaggeration.

The dense worms immediately wrapped the gourd boy, forming a huge protection. But after the worm took shape, it immediately became a black solid object, indestructible.

"Good habit!" The grimace man saw such a scene for the first time.

"What the **** is this?" The masked man frowned.

At this time, the solid defense layer opened a small window, and he could see half of the face of the young gourd. He smiled slightly and said: "If you want to fight with me, break my defense first!"

Obviously, he was very confident in his defenses and considered himself unbreakable.

"Okay, then let me come!" The grimace man roared.

Without waiting for his master's order, Zi Mang had already jumped up.

A cloud of purple energy gathered in his mouth.


The group of purple energy smashed toward the Calabash Boy. The half of Gourd Boy's face was immediately covered. There was a loud noise, white smoke filled. When the smoke is gone. Everyone looked over curiously. It was discovered that the black sphere still exists on the scene.

"Damn it!" The grimace man looked ugly.

"Hey..." The masked man grinned, and said, "Look, it's hard for you."

"You have the ability to go!" The grimace man yelled.

"Okay!" The masked man snorted coldly and said, "If I break his defense, will Ye Longxuan's token belong to me?"

"Humph!" The grimace man hummed softly. No answer, it seems to default.

The masked man's face condensed, and the steel knife in his hand immediately gathered colorful aura. Then, he jumped down from the top of the tree, holding the handle of the knife in both hands, and slammed towards the black ball. The steel knife in the hands of the masked man is extraordinary, this is definitely not a common product. It can be seen from the hanging light on the steel knife.


With a loud noise, the steel knife fell.

Smoke and dust filled.

When the smoke is gone. Everyone saw the masked man holding a steel knife, standing breathlessly in front of the black sphere, and the black sphere was still intact.

"Oh my god, this defense is too strong."

"The Kongtong faction has another rising star."

Many people were watching from a distance. Did not dare to participate in the battle, after all, it was the battle of masters, and it was the battle of the pinnacle of Jindan masters.

The masked man saw this scene with a serious face.


Suddenly, with a crisp sound, there was a gap in the black sphere.

"It's on!" everyone exclaimed.

The solemn color on the face of the masked man was swept away, replaced by joy. He smiled and said: "Hahaha...I broke your defense. Yelongxuan's token belongs to mine!"

After speaking, he swiftly ran towards Ye Longxuan on the treetop.

"Stop!" The grimace man shouted angrily, "I didn't agree."

"You just agreed." The masked man glared at him.

"I didn't speak just now!" The grimace man raised his mouth slightly, as if he was saying, you have the ability to bite me.

At this time, the sphere disappeared, and the young gourd looked gloomy, and said: "He agreed, but I didn't!"

"Fuck, what else are you talking about, do it!" The masked man roared, and he quickly swept towards Zimang.

The calabash boy was silent. Watching the two start a melee.

After fighting for a while, the two of them were in a truce again. In their current state, no one dared to make any effort. After all, they were afraid that they would be picked up. The three are discussing how to solve it.

Suddenly, a figure came slowly.

"He doesn't belong to you!" Xiao Han's voice came.

The three of them turned their heads and looked at Xiao Han with a surprised expression. This guy has ragged clothes and hardly any intact skin. The hair is standing upside down, like a big hedgehog.

"Who are you?" the three asked in unison.

"Yelongxuan was defeated by me." Xiao Han said.


The three of them suddenly took a breath, and the unremarkable guy in front of them turned out to be the one who worshipped Ye Longxuan. They all found it incredible, but they had to believe it.

"You have become like this, dare to come and grab Ye Longxuan's token from us?" The grimace man gave Xiao Han a disdainful look.

"Give it all to me..." Xiao Han was brewing a trace of anger, and roared: "Get out!"

The voice is loud and the momentum is amazing.

The three of them were startled by Xiao Han's roar.

"Uh..." The three of them all turned to look at Xiao Han.

At this time, the masked man said, "Why, let's kill this kid together. This kid is a threat, he can defeat Ye Longxuan!"

"That's a good idea." The Zimang man nodded.

The calabash boy did not make a sound, but stood aside.

When the masked man and the grimace saw that the gourd boy was silent, they simply joined forces.

"Boy, get out if you are interested!" Grimace smiled: "Know that you are amazing, but now you have half your life left. Believe it or not, we will kill you now. It's not illegal or illegal to kill here. !"

"Hehe..." Xiao Han smiled, showing two rows of white teeth.

The masked man held the steel knife tightly, and might launch an attack at any time.

Two against one, this is inherently very unfair. Besides, Xiao Han has consumed most of his strength. No one knows how long he can hold on to this body. But now we have to face two powerful opponents. Although the opponent is not as strong as Yelongxuan, the effect of one plus one is always greater than two.

"Go to hell!" The masked man rushed up first. The steel knife flashed a scorching light.

"Huh!" Xiao Han carried the wishful stick in one hand and suddenly greeted him.

Although the injury was not minor, but Xiao Han would admit defeat without replacing Xiao Han. The prey you defeated, no matter what, I have to keep it. No one will give up easily. What's more, Xiao Han is a proud monk.


There was a loud noise, golden light radiated.

The two weapons collided and ejected a huge rebound force. The face of the masked man sank and said, "That's amazing."

The grimace man gave a cold snort, and then said: "Fuck, let me come if you can't do it!"

Zi Mang took off quickly, opened his mouth wide, and swallowed towards Xiao Han swiftly.

Xiao Lenglin snorted and said, "Just rely on you as a waste?"


Before the opponent rushed over, Xiao Han had already greeted him. Holding the iron rod in both hands, holding the iron rod in one hand, he slammed it.


A muffled sound, this loud noise, slammed the opponent's head severely. The python suddenly became confused, and was stunned and wobbly.

(End of this chapter)

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