"Come on!" The armored man triumphed.

It seems that after angering Xiao Han, there is a certainty of victory. As everyone knows, this time, he has annoyed Xiao Han.

Xiao Han held the iron rod in both hands, raised it high, and slashed towards the opponent fiercely.

The armored man wrinkled his brows, and he was very confident in his strength. Therefore, he clenched his teeth and fry Xiao Han with a spear to greet him.


The two crashed together, and the sound was like thunder.

A burst of smoke billowed, Xiao Ding and others got up one after another. There was a white mist in front of them, and they couldn't see exactly what was going on.

"What about seniors?"

"Senior won't have an accident, right?"

Several people were a little worried, and ran into the thick smoke.

When the smoke cleared, everyone was dumbfounded.

Half of the armored man was buried in the soil, and an unbelievable look appeared on his face. He stared at Xiao Han blankly, his face dumbfounded.

"You..." Blood dripped from the corner of the armored man's mouth.

"I said, your strength is not bad, but you are not my opponent!" Xiao Leng Leng snorted, and said: "Hand over the token, and spare you not to die!"

"I... I pay it!" The armored man nodded hurriedly. He panicked and took out the token from his pocket.

Xiao Han took the token, sneered, and said, "There are a lot of tokens in your pocket."

"I..." A panic flashed across the armored man's face. Obviously, he was taken aback by Xiao Han.

"Hand over it all!" Xiao Han said.


The man hurriedly handed over all the tokens from his pocket, and said awkwardly: "There is only so much!"

"Really?" Xiao Lengren snorted and said, "Xiao Ding, go search!"

"Yes!" Xiaoding hurried over.

After a search, Xiaoding said: "Only one of his own remains."

"Pick it!" Xiao Han said.

Xiao Ding immediately pulled his token out of his pocket. At this time, the locator on the armored man was immediately activated. The man in armor had a gloomy face and said, "Boy, I remember you!"

"If you don't kill you today, you are not only not grateful, but also dare to threaten me?" Xiao Han stared at the other side, showing murderous intent.

"Senior, someone is coming!" Xiaoding said.

"We withdraw!" Xiao Han said.


Xiao Han didn't bother to pay attention to the other party, and didn't have any deep hatred with him, and Xiao Han was not a murderer.

As soon as Xiao Han and others left, someone immediately appeared on the spot. He glanced at the armored man and smiled: "Oh, is Xiongtai going to bury himself?"

The armored man was too lazy to speak, but looked at each other with an angry look. He thought about it and said: "Someone just defeated me. He took more than ten tokens from me. I suspect that they are on them. There are a lot of tokens. So, seize the opportunity."

Upon hearing this, the man asked, "Really?"

"I have already retired by force, of course I won't lie to you!" The armored man gave a wry smile.

"Okay." The man raised his eyebrows and quickly chased him out.

When he left, Xiaoding had already taken off the token from Lin Hai and activated the locator. Someone will be found soon, Lin Hai still has some breathing, and it is estimated that he will not die. As long as the rescue team comes, he will be rescued soon.

Taking advantage of the shining sun in the early morning, Xiao Han and others rushed toward the darkness quickly. The speed is very fast. There has just been such a big noise, and it is estimated that some people from large sects will soon be attracted to check the situation.

The game has entered the second day, and the people of the small sect are basically eliminated, and the rest are some powerful individuals, and some people of the big sect are still competing in the jungle. The people you meet next will probably be tricky people. There are only three people in the Golden Lion Gate, plus Xiao Han, only four. This is not bad. Several people rushed for several kilometers, then found a tree hole and hid.

Simply rest and eat some dry food. Then continue on the road.

"Senior, why do we keep on the road?" Xiaoding asked.

"First, it is to reach the central area of ​​the island. It is said that there are good things there." Xiao Han replied: "Second, it is to avoid being noticed. Therefore, we need to constantly change positions. Think about it, we all There is a positioning device, that is to say, the people on Penglai Island are very timely about our movements. If they have the intention to cheat, hehe... I think it is difficult for us to escape."

"Then..." Xiao Ding was stunned when he heard it, and said: "If this is the case, why don't we take the locator?"

"It's not the time yet!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "If you take the locator off now, they will definitely find out. Besides, this is just my guess. I believe there will be results tomorrow!"

The next day, although the small sects were all driven out, there are still some sects with good strength and individuals still here. According to Xiao Han's speculation, at least half of the people were eliminated, and the remaining one-third or so were carrying a lot of tokens. Defeating one person can take away a lot of tokens from them. Therefore, it is estimated that the disciples of the Dazongmen are looking for people everywhere and start to **** the second wave of tokens frantically.

Xiao Han is not in a hurry to grab tokens, he just wants to go to the middle of this island to see if he can gain anything.

The deeper you go, the darker it gets. Light can hardly penetrate this dense jungle.


In the darkness, there was a roar of wild wolf and the roar of wild bear. Tore through the dark air. It makes people feel horrified.

"Senior, do we... have to move forward?" Xiaoding said embarrassingly.

"Of course!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "Don't be afraid!"

I don’t know when, there was a cat on Xiao Han’s shoulder, a snow-white cat, and the cat’s appearance was very docile, but his eyes were different from ordinary cats. Ordinary cat eyes were either Black, or yellow, but I have never seen such a red-eyed cat, with red eyes, as beautiful as rubies.

A group of people walked in hard.

Going deep, you can hardly see any people. So that I entered it, and couldn't move forward.

"There is a seal here." Xiaoding said hurriedly.

Several people took a step forward, but were knocked back, as if what was in front of them was an invisible wall. There is no way to get through.

"Really?" Xiao Han was a little curious, and he walked toward the invisible wall. What is strange is that Xiao Han went through without any effort.

"Senior, you..." Everyone seemed very curious.

"Strange, how can I come over?" Xiao Han asked.

Everyone seemed extremely curious, Xiao Ding and others tried again, only to find that they had no way to pass through that invisible wall, as if they were blocked by something mysterious. Xiaoding was a little depressed: "It's a hell, why can't you make it?"

It was clearly face to face, but the voices of each other's words were heard truly. However, they were like people from two worlds, with Xiao Han standing inside and Xiaoding standing outside. The two groups looked at each other like this.

"Damn it." Xiao Han looked surprised, he returned again, then grabbed Xiao Ding and stepped over together.

This time, a magical scene reappeared, and under Xiao Han's leadership, Xiao Ding unexpectedly stepped past it. Xiao Han smiled and said, "That's all right!"

After that, Xiao Han was able to make artillery, and soon brought the other two people over. The four continued to move forward. After passing through this wall, the few people seemed extremely relaxed, and the next road didn't know why it seemed so much easier. There is no block, after passing through a jungle is a map of Pingchuan.

Several people just stepped out of the jungle.


Suddenly, several cold lights came over.

"Be careful!" Xiao Han hurriedly shouted.

"Ah!" Xiao Ding and his companions were attacked, they were blown up without any suspense, Xiao Ding's arm was injured, and the other two had their legs broken on the spot because of their low strength.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Han was dumbfounded.

At this time, a man quickly rushed over with a pair of knives. Obviously, the other party didn't want to fight for a long time, but only wanted a quick fight. Because a long battle will only be very detrimental to yourself. Xiao Lengren snorted and said angrily: "Sneak attack? What a hero!"

After speaking, Xiao Han gritted his teeth and greeted him.

The two sides competed several times, and the other side was quite strong.

"No wonder you can pass through the protective array." With a scar on the man's face, he sneered, and then said: "It seems that the strength is indeed extraordinary. To be able to pass through the protective array, is it at least in the golden period?"

"So, you are also in the Golden Core Stage?" Xiao Lian looked at him.

"Yes!" The man sneered.

"It seems that you can fight me!" Xiao Han smiled.

The man squinted his eyes and said, "Come on, you guys are enough for me to make up a hundred tokens."

Xiao Han squeezed like a shadow, his palms were sweating, and it was the first time to discuss with a master of the Jin Dan stage. Although Xiao Han didn't understand the other side's background, there should be young disciples in the Jin Dan stage, right? It's just that I don't know which sect this guy belongs to.

However, now Xiao Han doesn't care that the other party belongs to the same school or school. Today I must defeat the opponent. Xiao Han had such a strong thought in his heart. Xiaoding and the others are injured, that can only blame them for their lack of strength, and if they lose here today, I am afraid they will only make people laugh.

Xiao Han glanced at the other party and said, "Then show your strength."

The man snorted coldly, and the two knives slashed out a round of white light, which was thrown towards Xiao Han.


The rays of light contain tremendous energy. Once hit, he must die.

Xiao Han was cautiously dealing with each other.

"Do you want me to come!" The Ghost King said.

"No need!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "I will let you come now, that would be too sorry for my Golden Core Stage strength."

(End of this chapter)

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