The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 802: Pay the price

Xiao Han sent her back to the teachers' apartment along the way.

Outside the apartment, several male teachers watched Lan Yudie and Xiao Han come back hand in hand with stunned eyes, looking a little puzzled and surprised.


"When was Teacher Lan so open?"

"This is his student boyfriend, right?"

Many male teachers talked privately, seemingly shameless that Lan Yudie had found a student to be her boyfriend. Even secretly hurt her. However, Blue Rain Butterfly seemed indifferent to these rumors. It has nothing to do with me anyway. If your mouth grows on someone else's body, you can't stop them, right?

Several teachers got together and discussed.

When Xiao Han passed by, he vaguely heard several teachers talking about Blue Rain Butterfly. Suddenly I felt a little upset. Xiao Han casually leaned over.

"Look at this kid, he looks like that, and I don't know what Lan Yudie is after him?"

"Good job!"

Several people chuckled softly.

Xiao Han walked over and sneered: "As a teacher, I didn't expect you guys to like to chew on people's tongue behind your back?"

"You!" A few people didn't expect Xiao Han this guy to come by without realizing it.

Xiao Han's face was gloomy, and he asked, "Is it interesting?"

"I can't say it?" One of the male teachers in a white vest, with a cigarette in his hand, looks like 20** years old, he sneered: "We are wondering, why would Teacher Lan look for you like this? How about a poke ratio?"

"Who are you scolding?" Xiao Han asked.

"I scold you, what's the matter?" The white vest snorted coldly.

"Hey, Xiao Shan, don't attack with words." The teacher on the side hurriedly reminded.


Xiao Han dashed up. Raising the palm of his hand, slapped it down, and said, "You have to pay a price to scold someone!"


Everyone was dumbfounded. Xiao Shan is definitely not good at cursing, but this guy... actually hit someone? Moreover, the person who was beaten turned out to be a teacher. Xiao Shan is no one else. He is the son of Xiao Jieming, director of the Academic Affairs Office. I'm afraid this matter will make a big deal.

"Dare you hit me?" Xiao Shan looked at Xiao Han dumbfounded.

"If you dare to insult others, you must be prepared to be beaten!" Xiao Lun laughed and said, "What if you beat you?"

"You!" Xiao Shan took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, okay, you kid is cruel. I have to kill you!"

After speaking, Xiao Shan immediately rushed towards Xiao Han. The two fought like this.

Xiao Shan is definitely not Xiao Han's opponent. This kid relied on his knowledge of three-legged cats and wanted to make a way out of Xiao Han. Unexpectedly, Xiao Han's two or three kung fu made Xiao Shan go to bed. Xiao Shan lay on the ground, and Xiao Han's feet slammed on Xiao Shan's neck, and asked, "Sure?"

"Go to hell!" Xiao Shan roared.

At this time, a voice came from behind: "Fight, fight!"


Many teachers ran out of the dormitory. Blue Yudie heard it too, so he leaned over to the balcony and took a look. She was immediately dumbfounded when she saw it. She ran down quickly.

"Xiao Han!" Lan Yudie hurriedly shouted: "Stop!"

Seeing the blue rain butterfly coming, Xiao Han naturally stopped. However, Xiao Shan suffered a loss in front of so many people. He would definitely not let it go. Therefore, he rushed forward decisively, without saying anything, and quickly Pounced at the opponent.

The corner of Xiao Han's mouth raised a sneer: "Do you still dare to do it?"

"I am going to kill you **** today!" Xiao Shan, as a teacher, was bullied by a student, so he couldn't swallow this breath.


Xiao Han flashed sideways, his foot gently hooked. Xiao Shan was taken flying by his huge inertia. People hit the flower bed heavily, and they flew out on the spot.

"Ouch..." Xiao Shan screamed.

"You are too weak." Xiao Lian said with a smile.

Fighting broke out on the campus, and the school guards rushed in.

The captain of the school guard, Li Aibin, brought more than a dozen security personnel around.

"What's the matter?" Li Aibin scolded.

"Captain Li, you are here just right." Xiao Shan got up from the ground griefly. He pointed to Xiao Han, and said, "This kid, this kid... It's just that you don't respect the teacher, and even dare Openly beat up the teacher!"

"Ah!" Li Aibin was stunned, looked at Xiao Han in astonishment, and said, " beat the teacher?"

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded and said: "This kid speaks badly behind his back, and he dares to insult my girlfriend, so he deserves to be beaten!"

"You!" Xiao Shan sneered and said, "You have to show evidence when you do something. You say that I'm ill of people and insult your girlfriend. Do you have any evidence?"

"Then you said I hit you, do you have any evidence?" Xiao Han asked back.

"The wound on my body is evidence." Xiao Shan sneered.

"I didn't do this wound. You fell yourself, right? Don't blame me." Xiao Han shot back without hesitation.

Suddenly, there was an uproar at the scene.

"I have evidence." Xiao Shan said angrily.

"So what?" Xiao Han replied disdainfully, "No one's testimony is counted."

"Fuck!" Xiao Shan was anxious.

"Stop arguing, and I will investigate with the Security Department." Li Aibin scolded.

In any case, the power of the school guard is almost equivalent to the police in the school. Therefore, after the school guard issued the order, they all followed back to the Security Division honestly. Although Lan Yudie didn't understand what was going on, through the dialogue between the two people, she roughly understood what it meant. She kept holding Xiao Han's arm, and then said, "You are too impulsive."

"For you, I can die." Xiao Han pinched Lan Yudie's face without fear.

"He is the son of the dean of the Academic Affairs Office." Lan Yu and Dieyu were worried.

"So what?" Xiao Lengchun laughed and said, "Could it be that they can beat me?"

"But..." Lan Yudie thought for a while, and indeed couldn't think of any threat to Xiao Han. She said helplessly: "Well, I don't know what to say!"

Indeed, if the other party wants to expel Xiao Han, it can only be a loss to the school. Xiao Han is already a successful person in his career. Once Xiao Han graduates from school, he can immediately set a high-end example for the school and draw the attention of the school's image. Moreover, in the future, the school wants to sponsor sponsorship, Xiao Han is a big local tyrant.

After thinking about it, Lan Yudie gave up completely. In this regard, the school did not dare to expel Xiao Han easily.

Go to the Security Section and register. Then the school leaders were notified.

When several school leaders learned of this, they immediately felt that the situation was serious. And reported the matter to Chen Aiguo again.

Soon, the school began a meeting to study.

Xiao Jieming was also there, but his face was obviously not very good. Everyone is sitting in the meeting room, the oval conference table, everyone looks very solemn. At this time, Chen Aiguo took the lead in breaking the deadlock and said: "I already understand this matter, and I don't know what you think."

"Principal Chen, Xiao Han should be expelled and the teacher openly beaten. This is a very bad influence!"

"Yes, I also think I should be expelled."

"At the very least, a serious school warning has to be given."

Many leaders think that a warning should be given, otherwise, many students will not take it.

Everyone expressed their own remarks one after another.

"Director Xiao, what do you say?" Chen Aiguo asked at this time.

"President Chen, it is a fine tradition in our country that students respect the teacher and respect the morals. However, Xiao Han not only does not respect the teacher, but also beats the teacher. This is a very bad behavior." Xiao Jieming gritted his teeth: "I know this kid. Very good, is the college entrance examination champion, also got full marks. Even succeeded in starting a business and became a member of the catering industry. However, this does not explain much. It only shows that this kid is rich now, arrogant, extravagant, and even without respect. The following is committed. This was a felony in ancient times. Even now, it seriously covers our campus management regulations. According to the campus management regulations, students should be expelled from school."

Xiao Jieming knew that Chen Aiguo liked Xiao Han very much, and he would definitely try to protect Xiao Han. So, I first stated Xiao Han's fault, then praised him, but finally he moved out of the campus management regulations. This made Chen Aiguo irrevocable.

Chen Aiguo thought for a while, and said, "However, did everyone understand one thing? Xiao Shan was the one who provoked this matter. If he had not insulted Lan Yudie, I am afraid that there would be no future things, right?"

"No matter what the teacher did, if the student hit the teacher, it must be wrong!" Xiao Jieming said.

"You are right to say that!" Chen Aiguo nodded, and then said: "However, there is a reason for the incident. Although Xiao Han made a mistake, it is not an unforgivable sin. As the saying goes, a slap can't be heard. This incident happened in Xiaoshan before. However, Xiao Han acted badly. Therefore, the punishment results are as follows. Xiao Han compensates Xiaoshan for all medical expenses. Secondly, the whole school notified the criticism and warned him."

Chen Aiguo announced the punishment result in an unquestionable attitude.

A bunch of people were dumbfounded.

"This is over?" someone asked.

"Yes!" Chen Aiguo nodded calmly and said beyond doubt, "Well, let's end the meeting."

Soon, the school leaders’ resolutions were passed to the Security Section.

"Okay, the school's punishment decision has come out." Li Aibin finally saw the decision to deal with the study, he was immediately relieved, and said: "Hurry up."

"What punishment?" Xiao Shan asked hurriedly

"You are okay, he will pay you for medical expenses. In addition, the school has notified criticism and warned it!" Li Aibin replied.

"Fuck, how is it possible!" Xiao Shan heard it and said, "It should be expelled!"

"I don't care, this is the school's punishment." Li Aibin smiled, and then said: "You have a problem with the school, don't find me!"

After speaking, Li Aibin drove them out.

(End of this chapter)

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