Li Xiaoya is busy with work. At the end of the year, many things have to be busy, and the entire group company has also entered a frenzied operation. Almost everyone is busy and everyone is frantically performing their duties.

As the person in charge of Huihong Group, Li Xiaoya is also busy on the front line.

The company has a lot of work to be busy, and a lot of things to do. You should know that Huihong Group has a large number of suppliers outside, and these suppliers came to Li Xiaoya to ask for the account as soon as the end of the year was negotiated. Li Xiaoya didn't panic. The company was not short of money anyway. Of course, not short of money did not mean that money could be given randomly.

The supplier’s money can’t be settled in one go. You have to recover your account, otherwise, it’s useless to say more.

"Mr. Li, Red Star's money has not been settled for us." Xiaomei said helplessly.

"What did Mr. Liu of Red Star say?" Li Xiaoya was not in a hurry.

"He said that he can't get the money now." Xiaomei was a little annoyed, and then said: "Look...what do you think we do now?"

"What to do?" Li Xiaoya hesitated for a while, and said: "It's okay, I'll go and ask for the payment in person!"

It is really difficult to ask for money. By the end of the year, everyone is eager to use money. Any large company needs a lot of capital turnover, and the boss can't wait to split the money into two and spend it. Unfortunately, once the money is torn apart, it is no longer considered money.

"Yes!" Xiao Mei nodded.

Just as Xiao Mei was about to go out, the beauty at the front desk knocked in.

"Mr. Li, there is a gentleman named Xiao Han who wants to visit you." The beauty at the front desk is well-proportioned and very beautiful. The front desk lady of Huihong Group was selected. As the company's first impression, Li Xiaoya paid great attention to it. Not only need height, but also looks. The posture should be well-proportioned and the face should be nice. And also know all kinds of office software, and occasionally need to deal with some documents. After all, spending thousands of dollars to come here is not for display.

"Xiao Han?" Li Xiaoya was taken aback for a moment.

"That's the agent in lj city." Xiaomei reminded hurriedly.

"Ah!" When Li Xiaoya heard this, she jumped up and said hurriedly: "I'll pick him up."

After speaking, Li Xiaoya hurriedly walked out.

"Ms. Li is so anxious?" Xiao Mei was a little surprised. She had never seen Li Xiaoya so anxious and enthusiastic. Why does Xiao Han appear so anxious and enthusiastic when he comes? It seems that I can't wait to see Xiao Han.

At the front desk of the company, Xiao Han is resting in the sofa area. There is also an agency fee of 300,000 yuan in the bag.

"Xiaohan!" Li Xiaoya shouted from a distance.

"Sister Xiaoya." Xiao Han hurriedly stood up and walked towards Li Xiaoya smiling.

"Why are you here?" Li Xiaoya asked.

"Isn't this to pay the agency fee of 300,000 yuan?" Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "The shop in Lj City has been renovated, and the business license and tax-related materials are also being processed."

"Really?" Li Xiaoya was a little surprised, but she didn't expect Xiao Han to move so fast.

"No." Xiao Han nodded and said, "I can't help but, it's Christmas soon. I plan to have a promotional activity on Christmas Day."

"This is good." Li Xiaoya smiled: "Go, go to my office and talk."

Xiao Han followed Li Xiaoya into the office. The office was very large. The two of them sat in the office. Li Xiaoya smiled and looked at Xiao Han, and said, "I got 300,000 yuan so quickly? And I bought a family at the pedestrian street in Lj City. For the store, the funds should be no less than one million, right? How did you get so much money in a short time?"

"Can it be kept secret?" Xiao Han grinned.

"Uh..." Li Xiaoya looked at Xiao Han in surprise.

"Sister Xiaoya, don't worry, all my money is clean money. There is absolutely no penny from the wrong path." Xiao Han said seriously.

"I believe you!" Li Xiaoya nodded, she smiled, and then said: "Actually, I didn't intend to take you for the 300,000. As long as you talk to me, I won't want this agency fee. Xiao Han, why don't you try to speak up? Sometimes, one sentence can make people less detours."

Xiao Han kept smiling, Li Xiaoya looked at Xiao Han curiously.

Xiao Han didn't seem to be like a 19-year-old child at all, but like a 29-year-old, even 39-year-old fox. There was a touch of indifferent confidence in his eyes. That kind of mature breath is not like a young teenager can pretend. On the contrary, she could feel the mature and steady aura of an old man from him. This aura made people feel that he was not younger than you, even older, and older than you.

Li Xiaoya looked slightly surprised.

"Sister..." Xiao Han looked at Li Xiaoya and said, "One sentence can indeed make people lose their lives. But it will also make people lose their faith and meaning in life. Although Xiao Han has no money, I I never take shortcuts. Because I know that the meaning of life lies in the process, not the ending. Maybe if I speak, my sister will waive my 300,000 agency fee, but I also lost it for this Three hundred thousand struggles, and even the accumulated life experience from these three hundred thousand."

Li Xiaoya was stunned and dumbfounded.

She absolutely did not believe that this would be the philosophy of life spoken by a 19-year-old boy. Yes, maybe one sentence can save a lot of things, but this sentence also makes a person lose a lot of life experience, lose some friends, and lose a piece of life meaning.

Li Xiaoya was a little surprised. In the process of doing business, didn't she always adhere to her principles and adhere to her bottom line? It is precisely because of these principles and bottom lines that my business is getting bigger and bigger and my business empire is flourishing.

"Xiaohan, thank you for the lesson you taught my sister." Li Xiaoya said seriously.

"Sister, you can really make a joke." Xiao Han smiled and said: "Where can I dare to teach you, you are the chairman of Huihong Group. I'm just a student."

"Don't judge heroes by success or failure." Li Xiaoya smiled and said: "Besides, three people must have my teacher. You just gave my sister a vivid one. I have to thank you very much!"

"Sister, I'm here to do business!" Xiao Han smiled and said, "I'm not here to chat."

Li Xiaoya smiled and said, "Don't worry, this matter will definitely be handled for you."

When Li Xiaoya came forward, things were done quickly, 300,000 cash was handed over to the finance, Xiao Han got the coveted contract. Not only that, Li Xiaoya decided to send Xiao Han one hundred of the latest Apple mobile phones in the early stage. Among them, more than 20 models of mobile phones, as well as Apple's other electronic products, have also been listed.

"Sister, I still pay." Xiao Han smiled.

"I said no." Li Xiaoya smiled: "The total payment is more than 800,000 yuan. You can give it to me after you recover the cost."

"But, I didn't do this business." Xiao Han said embarrassingly.

"I'm not afraid that your capital turnover will be difficult?" Li Xiaoya calmed down: "So, you will go back to Lj City quietly. I will send a staff member to your store to guide you. Give your sales staff a system. Training to let them know some of Apple’s products, including the functions of these products."

"Okay." Xiao Han nodded.

Li Xiaoya smiled and said, "Let's eat with me tonight."

"I..." Xiao Han thought for a while, and said, "I have to hurry back to lj city."

"What's the rush?" Li Xiaoya smiled and said: "Since you are determined to do business, you can't just think about some things. You have to learn how to play in the mall. You understand?"

"But..." Xiao Han looked embarrassed.

"A beautiful lady invited you to dinner, shouldn't you be a gentleman?" Li Xiaoya looked at Xiao Han with a smile.

"Okay!" Xiao Han could only nod his head.

No way, who made Li Xiaoya a woman, and she was still a beautiful woman, Xiao Han almost couldn't refuse her being beautiful. Xiao Han understands that if he refuses Li Xiaoya at this time, it is tantamount to losing face. Xiao Han obviously can't help but give face, right?

"It's pretty much the same." Li Xiaoya grinned.

Not long after sitting in the office, Li Xiaoya received a call.

After hanging up the phone, Li Xiaoya's complexion was a little uncomfortable. Xiao Han clearly saw it. He asked curiously: "Sister, what's wrong?"

"Encountered a little trouble." Li Xiaoya frowned.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Han asked curiously.

"President Liu of the Red Star Group owes me a sum of money. He said that he had to accompany him to drink before he would give it to me." Li Xiaoya sighed slightly and said: "Today, I must go to this game. If you don’t return the millions of money, you will lose a lot."

"Repaying debts is a matter of course. He doesn't pay any money." Xiao Han asked, "He must also pay for the legal process."

"Look at you!" Li Xiaoya glanced at Xiao Han, and said: "At first glance, you don't understand some of the rules in the mall. If you really follow the legal procedures, he will naturally have to pay, but at the same time, you have also lost a high-quality Customers, not only that, you may also lose a lot of potential high-quality resources. Understand?"

"I..." Xiao Han smiled awkwardly.

"The shopping mall is like a battlefield." Li Xiaoya replied, "Xiaohan, you do me a favor tonight, okay?"

"What can I help you?" Xiao Han asked curiously.

"You will be my boyfriend at night." Li Xiaoya looked at Xiao Han shyly, and then said: "I'm afraid Mr. Liu will give a banquet this time. He is my suitor, but this person is not right, I don't want to be with him. There are too many concerns."

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