"Are you scared again?" Xiao Han showed a calm smile.

The Yin Ling was behind Shrek, as long as he wanted to, he could restrain Shrek at any time so that he had no room to fight back.

"I didn't!" Shrek roared and jumped up again, quickly rushing towards Xiao Han.

However, what is unexpected is that.

Xiao Han moved with the shadow at this time, he quickly rushed to Shrek, waved his fist and smashed toward Shrek fiercely. Shrek was just about to wave his fist to meet Xiao Han's attack, but he found that he couldn't move at all. The legs can be opened, and his hands seem to be firmly held by something, and there is no way to make a fist.


Xiao Han shook his fist several times, then he jumped up and kicked in the air.


Shrek's body weighing 180 kilograms flew out like a full-filled balloon, and hit the guardrail heavily.


The guardrail was immediately broken by Shrek's heavy body and fell down at that time.

Shrek looked dumbfounded, and he was dumbfounded.


My chest was tight and my throat was sweet. A mouthful of blood came out, and Shrek spurted blood on the spot.


The scene was in an uproar again, but this time no one spoke.

After a long time, a foreigner roared: "Fuck, hit a fake punch."

"Fake punches, fake punches!"

Everyone on the scene suddenly became angry, and everyone screamed. Suddenly drove everyone's emotions.

The security at the scene was dispatched immediately to maintain order at the scene. As long as they don't mess around, they shout at will. .

Scarface was a little anxious, he stood up with a ‘chug’, and then quickly walked towards the ring. Walking directly into the ring, he walked to Shrek's side and roared: "Shrek, what's the matter with you?"

"Boss, I... I don't know what's going on?" Shrek said helplessly: "I feel as if an invisible person is sneaking on me. I...every time I want to take a shot, I get caught. Tied up."

"Huh?" Scarface was surprised when he heard it.

"It must be... he must have used witchcraft!" Shrek really couldn't find a reason, and could only find such a reason.

"Trash!" Scarface gave him an angry look, and then said: "Stand up for me, hit me hard. Hit me to death."

"Yes!" Shrek nodded helplessly.

After being severely reprimanded by the boss, Shrek naturally couldn't slack off, he could only force himself to cheer up and take this battle seriously.

Shrek took a deep breath and said, "Boy, no matter what tricks you play in a few days, you are dead today."

"Really?" Xiao Han smiled indifferently: "I don't have enough strength, but say that others are playing tricks?"

"You!" Shrek was a little angry when he heard it.

"Put away your rhetoric and take some practical actions!" Xiao Lian laughed.

Shrek looked at Xiao Han coldly.

He always felt that Xiao Han in front of him had a feeling of uncertainty, as if the person in front of him always had a mysterious feeling. Shrek had just prepared to attack, but he immediately calmed down. He pondered for a while, could it be that the man in front of him really came from the mysterious East? He has an incredible spell?

Shrek had stayed in the East before, but he was not in China, but in Thailand.

Shrek first played black boxing in Thailand. Thai black boxing is more popular than Myanmar. But for some reason, he was sold to Myanmar. From the previous boss to the immediate boss, it has been Stayed in Myanmar.

When I was in Thailand, Shrek had seen mysterious people who could beat people in isolation and even control objects with their minds.

However, the young man in front of him didn't seem to be beating people in isolation, nor did he control things with his mind. He seems to have cast some kind of magic on his body. Every time at a critical moment, he will always be bound by something, let himself be captured and beaten like a meat shield by the opponent.

However, the man I saw last time in Thailand was an elderly man. Although he was powerful, he was gray-haired. But the person in front of him was a young man in his early twenties, and he obviously didn't have that kind of power. You know, it takes a lot of time for a person to cultivate such a powerful force, and it also requires a lot of binding force. This is a very painful thing for a person's life.

When Shrek thought of this, his heart immediately relaxed for a moment. He glanced at Xiao Han, and then said, "Hey, take your life!"

This time, Shrek decided to use the combat power at the bottom of the box to fight Xiao Han.

"Come on!" Xiao Han put on a posture of confrontation.

This time, Xiao Han decided to use his strength to defeat the opponent instead of using Yin Ling to assist him. Yinling can protect itself at critical moments, so when there is no need to be exposed, it is better not to be exposed.

Xiao Han took a deep breath and coldly greeted the opponent's attack.

Shrek didn't panic, he suddenly changed his direction and walked around Xiao Han. Xiao Han has been standing still.

"What are you doing?"

"Hurry up, don't waste time."

"Fight, fight!"

There was a sorrowful sound in the audience. Some screamers even started yelling. However, Shrek and Xiao Han have been standing in the ring and still haven't started fighting.

"Shrek, go!" Even Scar Man couldn't wait.

Shrek walked around behind Xiao Han, seeing Xiao Han didn't care.


Suddenly, Shrek rushed up quickly. At a distance of five meters from Xiao Han, he suddenly kicked his right leg and his figure jumped, and his whole person quickly jumped from the ground. The right foot kicked towards Xiao Han's back fiercely.

Xiao Han seemed to have eyes on his back.

With Yin Ling's existence, Xiao Han could know Shrek's attack through Yin Ling's perception.

Xiao Han suddenly bent down, Shrek looked shocked, he didn't understand, how did Xiao Han know that he was close at hand?


Shrek jumped up from the top of Xiao Han's head. The whole person flew out quickly.

At that moment, Shrek flew out with his whole body.

However, Xiao Han was quick-eyed and grabbed Shrek's pants from behind Shrek.


Shrek flew out fiercely.

Xiao Han was holding Shrek's beach pants, and there was a vacuum inside Shrek. A huge bug was swaying in the air, still carrying black forests.


The scene suddenly burst into joy and cheers. Everyone laughed wildly.

Shrek flushed, and yelled, "Return it to me."

"If you have the ability, come up and grab it." Xiao Han replied with disdain.

Shrek covered his crotch with his hands, and even the pants were gone, how could he fight? Shrek always felt his face flushed a bit, he clenched his teeth, his face was annoyed, his face flushed, he gritted his teeth and said, "You...what are you going to do?"

"On the ring, it depends on your strength." Xiao Han smiled.

Shrek frowned and looked angry, but at this time he had nothing to do with Xiao Han.

"You return the pants to me first." Shrek said helplessly: "After returning them to me, we will have a good fight!"

"You are not my opponent!" Xiao Han humiliated each other heartily, saying: "I despise the two kinds of people most in my life. The first is black, because blacks are the laziest people in this world, and they are also the worms in this world. ; The second type is racial discrimination."

"You!" Shrek heard that this involved racial discrimination, and it was also a kind of humiliation, a vicious humiliation. Where did Shrek swallow this bad breath, he was angry at the time: "Asshole, you go to die!"

On one occasion, Shrek ignored his key parts being watched.

On the audience stage, many people secretly took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

You know, taking pictures is prohibited here. Boxing ring owners are also afraid of being reported. Although they are under their own control, once it is overexposed, especially after being exposed internationally, international public opinion will definitely put pressure on the Myanmar government. At that time, the Myanmar government forces will come over. Now, that little strength alone is obviously not enough.

Shrek quickly rushed over.

This time, he once again used the long legs he is best at.

Shrek is more than 1.8 meters tall and has very long legs, which is the advantage of Africans. This is why Africans always get good results on the running sports field.

Shrek jumped up, his legs attacking.

"Whirlwind legs?" Xiao Han frowned.

This should be Shrek's fighting skills at the bottom of the box, because such fighting skills are very complicated. If ordinary people don't practice for a few years, or even more than ten years, they can't use such a skilled whirlwind leg. This kind of attack has a great advantage, that is, it is invincible, but if you are within the range of your attack, you will basically fall. Moreover, once the opponent uses the whirlwind leg, it is difficult for the opponent to catch it, and the only way is to escape.

However, Xiao Han did not intend to escape. He intends to break the enemy head-on, and only in this way can he win the recognition of the audience. Otherwise, if you avoid it, others will only think that you can't beat Shrek.

Xiao looked at each other coldly.

"Xiao Han, be careful!" At this time, Wen Xiaobao hurriedly shouted.

"Shut up!" Scar Man glared at Wen Xiaobao.

Wen Xiaobao can only be speechless. Even though his family can call the wind and rain at home, this is a foreign country, and it is Myanmar. The most important thing is that this place is still under the control of armed forces.

(End of this chapter)

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