The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 659: Bloody violence

"We are about to go in." Mo Shaocong reminded.

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded.

Afterwards, the two immediately walked into the hotel.

Sure enough, many people poured into the underground boxing arena.

However, this time the security opened a door, a red-carpeted staircase, which was spacious and crowded. Xiao Han and Mo Shaocong also walked down this channel. The lights on both sides are very bright.

It was the first time for Xiao Han to see the appearance of this boxing field. The field was very large, with a big ring in the middle, surrounded by audience stands, and the scene could accommodate thousands of spectators.

"It's **** lively!" Mo Shaocong laughed.

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded.

"Oh, there is also a handicap." Mo Shaocong saw the place where the bet was placed from a distance. In this place, the boxing field is always accompanied by the casino.

"Do you want to try?" Xiao Han asked.

"Forget it." Mo Shaocong shook his head and said, "When you come back on the court, I will go for the next million."

"Okay!" Xiao Han grinned and said: "Brother Mo, are you not afraid of losing?"

"First of all, I believe you won't let me lose. Besides, even if I lose, there is not much money!" Mo Shaocong laughed.

Not long after, two people appeared on the stage.

Both are shirtless and very domineering. One of them is full of muscles, his head is bare, and his leg muscles are very developed. The other is wearing a pair of red shorts. Although they are not as muscular as the opponent, it seems that the opponent is extremely flexible and agile when looking at the opponent's activities on the field.

"Big brother, who do you think will win?" Xiao Han asked.

"That big guy." Mo Shaocong smiled and said, "You see that he is muscular and has strong leg muscles. At first glance, he is a strong man. I guess he can win."

"Not necessarily." Xiao Han shook his head and said: "I think that another person can win. You see that he is very flexible and agile. Very good."

"Yeah!" Mo Shaocong nodded and said: "Let's wait and see."

"Okay!" Xiao Han nodded.

If you want to defeat the opponent, you must first understand the opponent. If you don't know the opponent, how to beat the opponent?

Soon, the live battle began.

The fierce man was indeed very fierce, with a fist full of hundreds of kilograms of power, and when one fist went down, the floor drill on the battle platform was cracked. And his opponent is not weak. The opponent moves quickly and moves quickly. He attacks the opponent from time to time, which causes a lot of trouble to the opponent.

Both sides exploded with all their strength on the scene, attacking in a frenzy.

The fierce man can defeat his opponent only once, as long as he grabs the opponent's body, a fist can end the opponent's life.

Therefore, in the battlefield, luck is also very important.

The two sides appeared to be evenly matched. The attack of the strong man is obviously more powerful. The short attack is more flexible. Therefore, the battle between the two sides seemed very fierce. It also looks very exciting.

On the battlefield, especially under such circumstances, luck often determines a person's success or failure.


When everyone was watching carefully, suddenly, the strong man hit the short man's side chest with a fist.


The short man vomited a mouthful of blood, and the whole person flew out. At that moment, the short man almost flew out. Obviously, the power of this punch has not fully erupted, but it has already caused the opponent to spit out blood.

After the short man fell to the ground, he quickly jumped up with the strength of the fall, and he squatted far away. The brawny man smiled, with a triumphant smile on his face. Obviously, being able to attack the opponent has already given him hope of victory.

"You lost." The strong man smiled.

"No!" The short man shook his head and said, "I can't tell who will win or lose."

At this moment, the short man jumped up in an instant, and quickly flew towards the strong man.

The short man decided to use his flexibility and use his agile speed to restrain the opponent's strength. He dodged from left to right, quickly dodges the opponent's fist, and rushed directly in front of the opponent.


The short man's fist slammed into the opponent's temple.

After a few punches, the opponent's head was broken and he was stunned. The brawny man's fists were completely incapable, or, when his fists fell, his opponent had disappeared.

Seeing the brawny man getting more and more furious, the short man quickly avoided him.

"Asshole, I'm going to kill you!" the strong man roared.

The short man sneered, then said, "You can't kill me."

"Presumptuous!" The strong man rushed up then.

He is like a tank charging and trapping on the battlefield, madly advancing, advancing, and advancing towards the enemy's camp.

Unfortunately, in such a battlefield, power alone is obviously not enough.

As the saying goes, martial arts in the world will never break.

As long as you have speed, you can suppress the opponent's strength to a certain extent, so that the opponent's strength cannot be displayed.

The speed of the short man is very fast, his speed has made the opponent's strength nowhere to vent.

The brawny man is being teased and teased on it like a bull. Even though he weighs two hundred jins and is infinitely powerful, he can smash the floor with one fist, but he still has no room to play. As long as he can't beat the opponent, then he will never be able to successfully defeat the opponent.


The brawny man not only couldn't hit the opponent with his fists, but was constantly hit by the opponent's fists and feet, and was attacked by the opponent time and time again, and was beaten by the opponent with almost no room to fight back. Although the short man's punching power is not great, but with countless stacks, even a cow will be knocked down by it.

"Damn." The brawny man seemed to be a little angry, he looked very impatient.

He has been beaten countless times by the opponent, but his fist hit the opponent's chest once, but also failed to hit the opponent. This made the strong man extremely anxious. The most important thing is , The audience outside the field seemed to be impatient, even his boss kept shouting outside the field: "Kill him, kill him."

If you don't kill the other party, I'm afraid I will be beaten to death by my boss if I go out alive.

Thinking of this, the brawny man had to give up.

"Damn it." The brawny man simply went out, gritted his teeth and roared: "Bastard thing, I'll kill you!"

This time, the strong man rushed out decisively.

The brawny man also knew that his speed was not as good as opposing, so not long after he rushed out, he quickly rolled towards the place. The body rolled on the ground, not only increased his speed, but also paralyzed the opponent visually, making the opponent a little at a loss.

Sure enough, the short man was temporarily paralyzed by the opponent. However, seeing the brawny man is close to him. He took two steps back decisively.

However, the short man was obviously not confused by the opponent. He quickly kicked his feet and stamped his feet heavily on the opponent's head. At this time, the strong man kicked his legs and stood up quickly. Once up and down, both of them are powerful.


The strong man's neck was twisted.


The strong man who had just stood up suddenly fell down, his neck was broken, and he immediately suffocated to death. When the medical staff on the side rushed to rescue, someone ran up immediately and muttered a few words in the ear of the medical staff.

The hospital staff nodded and immediately took out a needle tube from the medical box next to it, and injected it into the arm of the strong man.

"What to inject?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"Potassium cyanide." Mo Shaocong replied.

"What the hell?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"It's a kind of drug, very poisonous." Mo Shaocong smiled, and said: "This kind of underground boxing ring usually suffers serious injuries or unrecovered injuries. The boss usually chooses to give up. Even if a person is saved, he may not be able to continue to fight for himself in the future. Moreover, he will need to spend a huge price to save him. Maybe he will have to continue to support him after he is alive. Therefore, they simply give up and simply give them. injection**."

"It's cruel." Xiao Han frowned.

"Yes." Mo Shaocong nodded and said, "In the eyes of these bosses, this kind of fighter is just like the cockfighting and bullfighting they raise. You can give up at any time if you don't want it. They definitely don't want to be treated if they are seriously injured."

"It's so profitable." Xiao Han sighed.

Mo Shaocong smiled, and then said: "The underground boxing arenas are the same everywhere. Because of the cruelty, it is forbidden to set up boxing stadiums in China, and even the underground boxing stadiums are strictly investigated, in order to fundamentally prevent such things from happening."

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded.

One died, drag one away.

After one game, change one immediately.

Until ten o'clock in the evening.

At this point, a person on the ring stepped up, grabbed the microphone from the host, and shouted: "Audience friends on the scene, hehe...There is a **** duel tonight, do you want to watch it? "

"Yes!" The scene was cheered, it was very lively, and everyone stood up excitedly.

The last game of the day is very wonderful and crazy.

"Today, it is still our black Shrek playing." The man shouted.

Ho Ho Ho...

There was a cheering sound at the scene, everyone yelled, rogue whistles, screams...the scene was jubilant.

Then, a dark-skinned man with a size of eight meters tall came out from the backstage. With his appearance, the scene was cheered. Shrek is a typical black man. This guy is wearing a pair of beach pants with a naked upper body and a lot of hair on his chest.

This guy has a lot of wounds on his body, new wounds and old wounds. There is an inch on his head and he is still carrying a roll.

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