Xiao's mother gently pushed away Xiao Han's hand, and then gently comforted him from the side.

Xiao Han's inner world opened up, and his hands gradually loosened.

Mother Xiao sat on the edge of the bed and looked at her son with a loving look. Now, her son has grown up and has become a handsome, handsome boy. How I wish I could live with him forever. However, the chicks must leave their mothers when they grow up, let alone their own sons? Sooner or later, Xiao Han will get married and have children. When that happens, he will become an outsider.

"Son!" Mother Xiao gently stroked Xiao Han's cheek with her hand, no one's loving gaze on her face had ever disappeared.


Grandma Liu's funeral is scheduled for July 28th.

On this day, it has been a few days since the Zhongyuan Festival. It is said that this day is a good day and a day for burial. Therefore, the Liu family chose this day. The day was set, and the memorial service was arranged in the cemetery.

Liu Xiaolei took out the money and rented a memorial hall in the cemetery, the most annoying Chang'an Hall. It was filled with dense wreaths, and Grandma Liu's body was placed in the middle, surrounded by a circle of white flowers around the glass coffin.

On this day, most of the residents of the Fuxing Community came. Grandma Liu is a good old person in the Fuxing community. Everyone respects her very much. In addition, she is so old that everyone also came. In a heart that respects the elders.

That day, many people gathered at the gate of Chang'an Temple, densely packed with more than 200 people. Everyone was wearing dark clothes and slowly walking towards here. And lined up and walked towards the Chang'an Temple.

The Liu family received guests before the mourning hall.

Liu Xiaolei cried so much. In the past few days, Liu Xiaolei was really uncomfortable crying, and her eyes were swollen.

Xiao Han and his mother were also in the mourning team. They were at the end of the team and walked slowly towards the mourning hall. Although in summer, although the sun is very big and the temperature is very high, it still can't stop everyone from coming to send Grandma Liu for the last time.

Xiao Han and his mother entered the memorial hall.

"A guest is here." The emcee of the funeral home shouted.

Everyone looked up at Xiao Han and his mother.

"Guests, please bow, bow..." The host of ceremonies was loud.

Xiao Han bowed deeply three times. Then incense with my mother.

The Liu family bowed in return to Xiao Han.

Liu Xiaolei wore linen and filial piety, and white linen cloth on her head. Xiao Han walked towards the other side slowly and calmly said, "Xiao Lei, don't cry, let me down."

"Xiaohan..." Liu Xiaolei threw herself into Xiao Han's arms, choked up and said: "I...my mother has been so hard in this life, and I feel sad when I think about it. Now I finally...finally understand that sentence, called Ziyu Raise but not wait."

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "At least...you still have a father. Your father is old and is suffering from the loss of his partner. You should not cry, but give him some comfort. If you want to be nurtured but don’t wait for a kiss, you can spend all your filial piety on your father. Don’t you?"

"Yeah!" Liu Xiaolei nodded.

It is the most painful thing in life that the son wants to support but does not wait for the relatives. He clearly has the ability and the ability to honor his relatives, but when he is most capable and most brilliant, his relatives leave him. This is the most tragic thing.

Liu Xiaolei took a deep breath and said, "You are right!"

After speaking, Liu Xiaolei put away her tears, and walked slowly towards her father.

Uncle Liu had been sitting on the chair and wiping tears. No one cared how he felt. Everyone bowed to the mourning hall three times when they came, and then went on three sticks of incense and left. Very few left, Uncle Liu kept choking.

"Dad!" Liu Xiaolei walked over and said: "Mom is gone, I will accompany you from now on."

"Stupid girl!" Uncle Liu patted Liu Xiaolei's shoulder lightly, and said, "It's fine if you have a heart."

"No, I will never leave again, nor will I be willful anymore." Liu Xiaolei shook her head and said: "Even if you marry someone, I will only marry in Linjiang City. I will never marry out because I want to be with you. I want to Be filial to you."

"Stupid girl." Uncle Liu hugged Liu Xiaolei, tears kept falling.

In the end, Grandma Liu was cremated and buried in the cemetery. The three brothers and sisters of the Liu family paid for a cemetery.

The eldest son Liu Dajun walked towards the cemetery holding the urn. The cemetery staff has opened the cemetery. As long as the urn is put in, they will immediately seal the cemetery with cement to prevent robbers from stealing it. Ashes.

"Wait!" At this time, Uncle Liu hurriedly shouted.

"What's the matter?" The group stopped immediately.

"Yes...something, I have something." Uncle Liu hurriedly said: "I...I want to go back home and bring something in my wife's grave."

"I'll accompany you!" Liu Dajun said hurriedly.

"Let me go." Liu Xiaolei said hurriedly: "Xiao Han, did you drive the car?"

"Go!" Xiao Han nodded hurriedly, he let go of his mother's hand, and hurriedly squeezed forward.

"Eldest brother, second brother, Xiao Han and I will take my dad home. You will wait here first!" Liu Xiaolei said.

"Yes!" The two brothers nodded immediately.

Since Xiao Han drove the car, they naturally had nothing to say. After all, driving is definitely much faster than walking.

Therefore, they decisively waited in place.

Xiao Han drove the car over immediately, and then took Liu Xiaolei and Uncle Liu to the Fuxing Community.

Xiao Han was always wondering, he asked curiously: "Uncle Liu, what are you going to get home with?"

"One thing!" Uncle Liu said seriously: "This thing is too important to her."

"Oh?" Xiao Han nodded as soon as he heard it, and said, "That's also true. If something is important to Grandma Liu, let this thing stay with her forever."

Liu Xiaolei has never understood what else is important at home.

"Dad, what is it?" Liu Xiaolei asked.

"You'll know later." Uncle Liu wiped his tears.

After arriving at home, there was still some dark smell in that dimly lit house.

Sure enough, it's impossible for this family to have no woman. If Liu Xiaolei is not at home, the house will be messed up. Uncle Liu lives alone now, so the house has become messy again. No one cleans up, a man, and an old man, is even more in a mood to clean up the house. Uncle Liu takes care of Grandma Liu every day, where is the time to clean up.

Liu Dajun has moved out. Liu Xiaolei has invested in buying a house for Liu Dajun. After Liu Dajun's second marriage, he rarely goes home. He works hard every day to make money. He wants to change the house loan earlier so that he can relax. child.

Returning home, Uncle Liu opened a very old box with trembling, and then turned over the contents. Finally, he took out something from under the box, which was wrapped in a black cloth.

Uncle Liu tremblingly opened the piece of black cloth, and then took out a small set of clothes from it.

"Dad, this...what is this?" Liu Xiaolei asked in surprise.

"This is a set of clothes your mother knitted when she was young." Uncle Liu sighed and said: "This clothes was originally worn for the first child, but the child became ill when he was born. The sky is gone. Later, I was afraid that your mother would see things and think about people, so I lost everything about the child, except that this set of clothes made by your mother was left. Now, If your mother is gone, I will put the child’s clothes next to her, so that she can comfort her. Maybe, the child will find her."

Having said that, Liu Xiaolei's tears came down again.

"Dad..." Liu Xiaolei shouted.

At the beginning, the mother suffered such a great pain, didn't the father have it? Not only did he have to endure such great pain, but he also had to take care of his wife every day, and he had to personally throw away all the things of that child. Thinking of this, Liu Xiaolei suddenly felt that her father was a very great person.

"Xiao Lei, let's go quickly." Xiao Han said hurriedly: "Everyone is waiting, waiting for time to be buried."

"Yeah!" Liu Xiaolei nodded.

Afterwards, they hurried to the cemetery.

Upon arriving at the scene, Uncle Liu personally put this set of children's clothes on Grandma Liu's ashes. The staff of the cemetery immediately covered it with a cement board and then sealed it with cement. If you want to open it, you can only find the staff in the cemetery. Otherwise, no one can open it.

At the moment of the burial, there was a white cloud floating in the clear sky of Lang Lang, and the clouds were black. A cold wind blew in.

"Wow, comfortable!"

"It's cool, the weather is really good."

The people who had been blinded by the sun before suddenly felt the cold wind blowing, and they immediately felt cooler.

After the last worship, everyone descended from the mountain. Uncle Liu and his family were still kneeling in the cemetery. Uncle Liu was sitting next to the tombstone, looking at the head on the tombstone. He held his pipe in his mouth, took a deep breath, and said, "My wife, I will be with you soon. You. Wait for me underground."

The cemetery is for two people, right next to Grandma Liu, the cemetery of Uncle Liu has been reserved. Uncle Liu seemed to see where he would be a hundred years later. His heart is extremely peaceful and quiet.

Everyone is gone, leaving Uncle Liu's family and Xiao Han mother and son.

"Old Liu, don't be sad." Mother Xiao calmed down softly and said: "The children are all prosperous, and my aunt has accomplished his merits throughout his life."

"Hey..." Uncle Liu sighed.

"Let's go." Xiao Han said.

The weather is gloomy and the cold wind is gusting. On this hill, it seems that the atmosphere is pressing.

"Let's go!" Liu Dajun said.

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