The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 644: Looking for Liu Xiaolei

"Yes!" Xiao Mingguo nodded.

Sent away Xiao Mingguo's family.

Xiao Mingguo's wife stared blankly at the watermelon and nuts on the table. When Xiao Minghua's family came in, she was still going to hide. Who knows, they didn't eat a piece of watermelon or a nut from beginning to end. After the person left, she felt that all this was an irony.

"Oh..." Xiao Mingguo sighed heavily while sitting on the sofa, and said, "We are all promising. Our Xiao family children are all promising."

"That's not because Xiao Han is taking care of him." His wife snorted coldly.

"Take care?" Xiao Mingguo sneered, and said: "If you were you, would you put an incompetent person in such an important position as a manager?"

"I..." His wife was stunned.

"Okay, it's not a matter of care." Xiao Mingguo smiled: "When I took the sea to work on the Shenzhen construction site last year, I discovered that this kid is smarter and not as stupid as it seems."

"Yes, yes!" His wife nodded and said: "People's children are smart, but our family ambitions are not smart!"

"He?" Xiao Mingguo turned his head to look at Xiao Zhicheng, and said, "It's really smart, but it's just a little smart."

"Oh..." Xiao Mingguo's wife sighed. She was silent for a moment, and then said: "Old Xiao, can you talk to Xiao Han and give him something to see if we can get us My son also got Hanmen Technology to be a little leader. The salary is not more than 10,000, just more than 5,000."

"Xiao Han is not a fool!" Xiao Mingguo sneered, and said, "He is willing to raise a casual meal?"

"You just eat free meals!" Xiao Zhicheng was immediately dissatisfied. He snorted coldly and said: "Why do I eat free meals? I can't keep that supermarket every day. When will I be free?"

"Your mother or your daughter-in-law in the supermarket can do it alone. What are you doing idle every day?" Xiao Mingguo said heavily.

When Xiao Zhicheng heard this, he was speechless. Only one person can be silent on the sofa.

"Okay, what are you doing with the murderous child all day long?" Xiao Mingguo's wife gave him a very dissatisfied look.

"I just hate iron but not steel!" Xiao Mingguo said helplessly.

"Or..." Xiao Mingguo's wife smiled, and said, "Tomorrow we will go to the second brother's house. No matter what, we must also consider the future of our children."

"People will definitely not agree!" Xiao Mingguo sighed.

"How do you know?" Her wife glared and said, "Maybe our old faces are worth a few cents."

"Okay, go for a walk tomorrow." Xiao Mingguo nodded.


Early the next morning.

Xiao Han got up early, he drove to Haoshi, and bought some fruits and nutrients. It took more than two thousand yuan in one breath, and Xiao Han didn't feel any pain at all. Nowadays, money is just a symbol for Xiao Han. There are tens of millions of circulating funds in the card, which is a huge amount of funds for any company. Of course, for listed companies, tens of millions is just drizzle.

People's Hospital, Intensive Care Unit.

Grandma Liu's health is not as good as the day, and she was already in bed a year ago. Today, the condition has suddenly deteriorated and people have entered a state of dying. The doctor has given a critical illness notification, cardiopulmonary failure, terminal stage.

Basically, death has been pronounced.

"Uncle Liu!" Xiao Han went in with a gift.

"Xiaohan..." Uncle Liu held the pipe. Although he held it in his mouth, he never smoked it because smoking was forbidden in the hospital and he couldn't do without his wife. No one knew when she left suddenly. Uncle Liu showed a rare smile and said, "Xiaohan, why are you here?"

"My mother said that Grandma Liu's health is deteriorating, so I'll take a look!" Xiao Han put a bunch of gifts on the bedside table.

"You are interested." Uncle Liu couldn't help wiping tears.

"What's going on?" Xiao Han asked hurriedly.

"My mom is going to die soon!" Liu Dajun, who had been guarding outside, sighed, and said: "Heart and lung failure, terminal stage. The doctor has given a critical illness notification, and now the oxygen is on. Once the oxygen is cut off, people will Gone."

"Huh?" Xiao Han was stunned. Unexpectedly, the condition had deteriorated to such a situation, which made Xiao Han a little unacceptable: "Then...what should I do?"

"What can I do?" Liu Dajun was sloppy. He sat on a chair and said, "I can only suffer this way. I have already notified my second brother to come back quickly, but the younger sister can't find anyone. There is no contact information. , I don't know where this girl is."

Xiao Han lowered his head. If it weren't for himself, Liu Xiaolei would not leave.

"Then I will go to Shenzhen to find her back!" Xiao Han said.

"You don't know where she is!" Liu Dajun sighed and said, "Shenzhen is so big, where are you going to find?"

"There is always a way!" Xiao Han said seriously.

Liu Dajun thought for a while, then took out a few photos, and said, "My little girl went to my house and sent a few photos. It's in Shenzhen. See if you can help you!"

Xiao Han took the photo. The first one was taken at the door of Shenzhen Window of the World. Obviously, it didn't have much effect. The last two are with the background of a supermarket. Although I don't know if it has any effect, it is always useful to bring it.

"How long can Grandma Liu last?" Xiao Han asked.

"I don't know!" Liu Dajun shook his head and said, "Maybe it's always like this, maybe I'll leave in a few days. I'm here to give my mother the last time."

When Xiao Han heard it, his heart felt sorrow.

Although he knew that everyone was born, old, sick, and died, but watching the people around him leave, he felt more or less sad. Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "No matter what, I will definitely get Xiao Lei back."

"Okay, please." Liu Dajun nodded.

In fact, he didn't have much hope for Xiao Han. But I still have to say thank you.

Liu Dajun sighed and continued to lower his head.

Xiao Han glanced at Grandma Liu through the glass, then turned and left.


The gate of the revival community.

Xiao Han’s BMW car was parked at the door. Now, Xiao Han doesn’t need to be too low-key. People in the Fuxing community know that Xiao Han is promising now. He started a company and drove a BMW. Everyone who came and went greeted Xiao Han.

At this time, Li Da Pang came galloping on a motorcycle.

"Xiao Han, what can you do with me?" Li Dafang hurriedly asked, the car didn't stop.

"Quickly throw the car here, let's go!" Xiao Han said.

"Where to go?" Li Dafang didn't hesitate, and jumped directly into the BMW car.

"Go to Shenzhen." Xiao Han smiled.

"Fuck, what are you doing running so far?" Li Da Pang asked in astonishment.

"Go to Liu Xiaolei!" Xiao Han replied, "Grandma Liu is going to die, but this girl has no news."

"Yeah, why did Liu Xiaolei leave?" Li Dafang hurriedly asked, "I haven't figured out this question. Is it related to your kid?"

"Don't ask!" Xiao Han drove straight to the high speed.

After getting on the highway, the car headed straight towards Guangzhou.

It is about 500 kilometers from Linjiang City to Shenzhen, and it takes five or six hours to drive. It is ten o'clock in the morning, and it is estimated to be there at four or five o'clock in the afternoon. The reason why I brought Big Fatty Li was because there was a facilitator between the two. Moreover, driving for a long time requires one person to rotate.

Along the way, the speed was kept at 120 kilometers.

At 3:30 in the afternoon, the car arrived in Shenzhen and got off from the exit of Shenzhen Futian Expressway.

After arriving in Shenzhen, Xiao Han realized what is called a traffic jam and stayed silent for 30 minutes.

"Damn, what the **** is this?" Li Da Pang was agitated and couldn't help cursing: "I've been away in such a traffic jam every day, and ghosts don't want to stay in such a place. It's disgusting. Up."

Traffic jams are easy for people to get road rage, and Li Da-pang has already got road rage just after getting off the highway.

Looking at the front **** lights, Xiao Han felt for the first time that a big city like Shenzhen is indeed not suitable for human living. The housing price of such a place turns out to be seventy to eighty thousand square meters, even as high as one hundred thousand square meters. It's too exaggerated. Where can the average working class afford it? I simply can't afford a house here, so the top ten people who work here are rented houses.

To work in Shenzhen, it takes two or three hours to take the bus every day, and these two or three hours are wasted. Although they have higher wages than second and third-tier cities, they have to bear higher consumption and higher rents than second and third-tier cities. However, people still have a dream heart.

It only took four or five hours on the highway, but when I got to this ghost place, the traffic jam was stuck for two hours.

Turtle arrived at a hotel in Futian District at an average speed.

"Damn, it's all night." Li Da Pang said helplessly.

"Yeah." Xiao Han nodded and said: "Let's go to eat first, and then go to this supermarket after dinner."

"Are you sure this supermarket is in Futian District?" Li Da Pang asked.

"I checked, this supermarket only has Futian District and Longhua District." Xiao Han smiled and said: "I checked the pictures on the Internet. The background is the same as this supermarket in Futian District, so I chose to be in Futian District. Get off the high speed."

"So you have been prepared." Li Da Pang smiled.

"I never fight unprepared battles." Xiao Han turned and entered the hotel.

After checking in at the hotel, the two ate something casually in the restaurant, and then proceeded to the supermarket.

Since Liu Xiaolei will appear in this supermarket, and more than once. That means the place where she lives should be centered around this supermarket. Or just around the supermarket.

(End of this chapter)

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