"No problem!" Hei Tie nodded.

"It's rare to be so old and tireless with women." Qin Xiaotian said sarcastically.

"Some old men do like this." Hei Tie immediately laughed when he heard it, and then said: "So, don't be surprised."

Qin Xiaotian smiled and said, "How come I am not strange, I am just laughing at him."

Fang Hao frowned all the time.

"Hey, why do you keep frowning and not speaking?" Qin Xiaotian asked.

"I just think the spell that the old man has just cast is a bit weird?" Fang Hao frowned, and said, "Did he use any tricks or tricks?"

"Don't worry about the techniques he used, and don't care about the tricks he used." Qin Xiaotian smiled: "As long as he can use these methods to deal with Xiao Han, I think it will be fine."

"Yes!" Hei Tie nodded, and said, "Our goal is to make Xiao Han die. As for what the old man uses, it has nothing to do with us, you know?"

"Hmm!" Fang Hao nodded.

The three of them had been discussing in the meeting room, and they were still a little taboo about the old man's mysterious spell.


Xiao Han has been busy in recent days.

During the summer vacation, the Hanmen restaurant was still expanding wildly. In just half a month, two Hanmen restaurants were about to open. Moreover, they opened one day before and after, which seemed very nervous.

In this way, there are even ten poor restaurants in the provincial capital.

Among the ten poor restaurants, the most profitable are the No. 3 and No. 4 shops, because these two shops are in the best locations. Although the business of Yihaodian in University Town is usually good, there is a low season and a peak season every year. The off-season is winter vacation and summer vacation. Once it's winter or summer vacation, there are very few restaurants in the university town, and only the surrounding residents will go to eat.

However, once it is a holiday, the staff of Yihaodian will be transferred to other restaurants to help.

After finishing the day's work, Xiao Han returned to the university town. He plans to finish these few days and return to Linjiang City after the two opened restaurants stabilize. In any case, Linjiang City still has his own mother. It is also right to go home and see my mother.

When returning to the university town, suddenly, a figure blocked his way.

"Xiao Yu?" Xiao Han looked at Lan Yudie in surprise.

"Boy, how long have you not seen me?" Lan Yudie asked.

"It's not too long." Xiao Han jumped out of the car excitedly, and then said excitedly: "Where have you been during this time?"

"Hehe..." Lan Yudie jumped up excitedly.

The two hugged tightly. Xiao Han hasn't seen Blue Raindie for a long time. This girl has been out of touch recently, and her mobile phone can't get through, and she doesn't reply to text messages. Xiao Han thought something was wrong, but think about what could happen to a big living person. Even if something happens, someone will call yourself, right? Coupled with the recent opening of several restaurants, so he really can't be distracted.

In desperation, he had to devote himself wholeheartedly to his work.

"What are you doing recently?" Xiao Han asked.

"Blind date!" Lan Yudie smiled.


When Xiao Han heard this, he raised his hand and hit Lan Yudie's **** fiercely.

"Ah!" Lan Yudie exclaimed, she groaned: "You...you bastard, why are you hitting me?"

"This hitting you is already considered light." Xiao Lengren snorted, and said: "I already forgive you. I will dare to say that next time and try it!"

Lan Yudie pursed her mouth and said, "Well, I was wrong. Actually, I have been busy with my doctoral thesis recently."

"How is it?" Xiao Han asked.

"Handed in, wait for the notice." Lan Yudie grinned.

"That's good." Xiao Han took Lan Yudie's hand.

"You seem to be very busy recently?" Lan Yudie asked.

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded, and said, "I have been so busy recently that several restaurants have opened at the same time. There is not enough staff, and I can't recruit so many people at once."

"Fool, why don't you ask me for help?" Lan Yudie smiled and said, "Anyway, it's summer vacation, and I'm just looking for a job. How about? Would you like to hire me?"

"It's too hard, I'm afraid you can't bear it!" Xiao Han said.

"I am not afraid of hardship." Lan Yudie raised her arm and said: "I am also a female man."

Lan Yudie was willing to help herself, and Xiao Han was very moved. Xiao Han was very satisfied to find such a girl.

"Fool, if you are busy with your doctoral thesis, how can I delay you?" Xiao Han gave her a distressed look.

"I'm not afraid!" Lan Yudie smiled.

"You are not afraid, but I love you!" Xiao Han said with concern.

"You don't need to hurt me so much, I really want to help you." Lan Yudie said seriously: "I have already thought about it. I intend to help in your restaurant for the remaining one and a half months of the summer vacation."

"Since you insist on helping me, go to the office to work." Xiao Han said.

"That won't work, I have to fight on the front line." Lan Yudie said earnestly: "Service work is the most challenging."

Seeing that Lan Yudie was so persistent, Xiao Han had no choice but to agree. However, in Xiao Han's view, the Blue Rain Butterfly should only be fresh for a while. After she really takes up the post, I am afraid she will change her mind again. After all, service work is not really that easy.

Xiao Han drove to the university town with Lan Yudie. Then left the car in the university town, and the two took a walk in the university town.

When the surrounding students are on vacation, the university town seems very deserted. At this point, the university town can be said to be a crowded time. However, now it is so few and deserted to see a few students walking around. Few shops on the street are open. Even if it opened, it was deserted.

"Really deserted!" Lan Yudie muttered.

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "It's very deserted!"

At this moment, a veteran with a weird costume came to face him.

This old Taoist is holding a whisk, wearing a gray robes, a hat on his head, and a smile that is not a smile on his face.

Such a person walking on the street naturally attracts the attention of others.

"Xiao Han, look quickly, that person is so weird." Lan Yudie pointed to the old man who came oncoming.

"Yeah." Xiao Han nodded.

Just as the two were about to spare the old way, they found that no matter how they went around, they still couldn't get around the old man. When Xiao Han was about to turn around and leave, Lao Dao took the initiative to walk over and said with a smile: "Donor, I am an old Dao of Qingfeng, I have some magic power. I don't know if I can count it as a hook?"

"Taoist can tell fortune-telling?" Xiao Han asked back.

"You know a thing or two!" Old Tao said hurriedly.

"Since you only know one or two, then forget it." Xiao Han shook his head and said: "Fate has always been controlled by yourself. How can you figure it out?"

Xiao Han saw from a distance that this old Dao was full of evil spirits, so he believed in his heart that this guy should not be a good person. He originally planned to stay far away from him, but he didn't expect this old thing to come up on his own initiative, which made Xiao Han couldn't get rid of it.

"Haha..." Hearing the old way, he shook his head: "You are wrong. Fate is always doomed by heaven. As the saying goes, Hell makes you die for three watchdogs and will never leave you for five watchdogs. Young man, you It's better to count it."

After listening to the old ways, Xiao Han was even more sure that the other party was bad.

Xiao Han turned to look at Lan Yudie, and said, "Xiaoyu, you...you go back first."

"Why?" When Lan Yudie heard it, said: "You will let him count it for you. I will pay for you. Daoist, how much does it cost?"

"If it is the upper sign, the fee is one hundred yuan. If it is the lower sign, it is free." Old Dao smiled lightly.

"Then you give him an upper sign." Lan Yudie doesn't understand fortune telling at all. I just thought it was just a laugh from a blogger. As everyone knows, today this old Daozhi is not here, but is killing his life.

"Girl, you can count as a lottery, but he can't do it." The old Dao stroked his beard lightly.

"Why?" Lan Yudie hurriedly asked.

"Xiao Yu, go quickly." Xiao Han's tone increased a bit, his fists clenched tightly.

"I'm not going." Lan Yudie shook his head and said: "I just want to see what kind of hangout the master can figure out for you."

"Don't look at it, no matter what the calculation is, I will sign today." Xiao Lian laughed.

"Young man, it seems that you understand well." Old Dao smiled slightly.

Xiao Han raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and then said: "It seems that you are a bad person today."

"So, you'd better let me count it for you." The old way smiled, and then said: "Maybe I can help you solve this disaster."

"Okay!" Xiao Han simply stretched out his hand and said, "You help me see if my hit is fatal."

"I don't need to look at my hands." Old Dao shook his head.

"Then what are you looking at?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"I only need to look at your face." The old Dao smiled coldly and said: "You can know when and what month you were born, and you can know if your hit is a catastrophe."

"Haha..." Xiao Han was immediately happy when he heard it: "Okay, look at it."

Xiao Han simply leaned forward.

The old way pretended to take a serious look for a moment, and said: "You are born in Yinnian Maoyue, tsk tsk...This is the life of the lone star of the evil spirit, the evil is hit, there is disaster... And, just today!"

"I know!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "The one who wants to kill me has already arrived."

"Hehe..." The old way smiled, his hands were quick and his eyes were quick, and he patted Xiao Han's eyebrows lightly. Said: "Boy, you must die today."

(End of this chapter)

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