The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 635: Seller asks for glory

"Xiao Han, don't you think it tastes good?" Yang Jinfeng blinked.

"It's really not very good!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "The food here is much better than here!"

"Really?" Yang Jinfeng blinked his eyes and said, "How delicious is it?"

"The color, fragrance, and taste!" Xiao Han described in one sentence.

"Wow!" Yang Jinfeng couldn't help but marvel when he heard it.

The food in Wulanzong is mainly boiled. Even the meat is just boiled and sprinkled with some fine salt. Although it has a meaty taste, it does not have enough taste and aroma. No wonder Xiao Han disliked it.

Xiao Han didn't want to continue eating after eating some, because this kind of meat was too greasy.

This guy Duanmuci ate it, as if tasting something delicious on earth.

"Xiao Han, when will you stay and I will go to taste the delicacy of your hometown?" Yang Jinfeng said with a smile.

"Okay!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "I will definitely let you taste it if you have a chance!"

"Yeah!" Yang Jinfeng nodded.

After dinner, Xiao Han stood on the top of the mountain and watched the sunset.

"Xiao Han, take me up." Yang Jinfeng shouted while standing under the mountain.

Xiao Han watched her shake, he shook his hand, Yin Ling quickly rushed towards Yang Jinfeng. Yang Jinfeng jumped up and quickly jumped on top of the Yin Ling, and the Yin Ling quickly rushed to the top of the mountain with Yang Jinfeng.

After reaching the top of the mountain, Yang Jinfeng was very happy.

"What is this?" Yang Jinfeng pointed at the Yin Ling.

"A spell!" Xiao Han replied.

"You know how to use spells?" Yang Jinfeng was even more surprised.

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "I'm not proficient, just know something."

"Hehe, really amazing!" Yang Jinfeng was even more curious about Xiao Han. This girl is only eighteen years old, she has a very good body, arched in front and tilted back, with a bow and arrow on her back. Quite a heroic spirit.

Xiao Han glanced at Yang Jinfeng, and then said, "I have a chance to take you to our world!"

"Yeah!" Yang Jinfeng nodded.

The sun soon set, and the setting sun on the horizon sank to the horizon in a stick of incense. The sky gradually darkened.

Just when Xiao Han was about to go down.

Suddenly, there was a sound of fighting in the direction of the hall.

"What sound?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"It seems like..." When Yang Jinfeng heard it, his eyes suddenly widened: "There is...someone fighting!"

"Go down and take a look!" Xiao Han took Yang Jinfeng's hand and quickly jumped down. Yin Ling led the two quickly and ran straight towards the hall.

Outside the main hall, the second elder and a group of disciples are besieging the main hall frantically.

Duan Mulei is also impressive.

"Second elder, I didn't expect... you would rebel!" Duan Muci led more than a dozen people to stand outside the main hall.

"Hey, Duanmuci, those who know the current affairs are handsome!" The second elder held the ordinary Fangtian painted halberd in his hands, and said: "I will surrender to me now, and I will have a great reward when I look back. Otherwise, wait until I kill the old thing. I'm afraid you can only become a prisoner!"

"Hmph, don't think about it!" Duanmuci snorted coldly, and said: "How can I be the kind of seller who asks for glory."

"I don't know the current affairs." The second elder snorted coldly, and said: "Shoo me!"

Whoosh whoosh...

Countless arrows shot in the direction of the main hall.

Duanmuci's people fell one after another. Seeing that he was about to die, Duan Muci immediately retreated into the hall with him.

"Kill me!" Duan Mulei roared.

"Kill!" a group of people shouted.

At this time, Xiao Han and Yang Jinfeng came quickly, and Yang Jinfeng hurriedly shouted: "Brother, Master."

Duan Mulei looked up and said, "Junior Sister!"

"You..." Yang Jinfeng quickly saw the situation at the scene. She snorted and said: "Duan Mulei, I didn't expect that you are such a person!"

"Junior sister, listen to me!" Duan Mulei said hurriedly: "The head is already old, and his strength is far inferior to the second elder. Why don't we follow the second elder. When the second elder masters Wulanzong, our future is limitless!"

"Humph!" Yang Jinfeng glanced at him disdainfully, and then said: "Who cares about you!"

Duan Mulei looked at Yang Jinfeng, frowned, and said, "Junior sister, this is what you said."

"Success!" Yang Jinfeng was furious, and the bow and arrow in his hand quickly shot out.

Duan Mulei immediately blocked the opponent's attack.

"Junior sister, why are you doing this?" Duan Mulei took a look at her, and then said: "The person who knows the times is a handsome man. Now the second elder has control of the entire Wulanzong. You continue to be stubborn and do not do anything to you. benefit!"

"Stop talking nonsense!" How could Yang Jinfeng care about the other party. The bow and arrow in her hand shot two arrows again.

"Hmph, since you are so stubborn, don't blame me for being rude!" After speaking, Duan Mulei rushed up quickly.

The speed was very fast, Duan Mulei took off.

Yang Jinfeng was obviously not used to close combat, because she was holding a bow and arrow in her hand. Duan Mulei held a big knife in his hand. Therefore, after a few rounds, Yang Jinfeng suffered a big loss. Duan Mulei shot Yang Jinfeng down from midair in a surprise attack.

"Ah..." Yang Jinfeng kicked the opponent.

Seeing that Yang Jinfeng was about to fall from midair. Suddenly, a black light flashed. Then, the black light actually supported Yang Jinfeng, and firmly caught the opponent, and then brought Yang Jinfeng to Xiao Han's side.

Seeing his opponent suffered a loss, he didn't want to be rescued.

"It's you?" Duan Mulei took a cold look at the other person, and then said: "You outsider, dare to interfere in our Wulanzong internal affairs!"

"This is not something within Wulanzong!" Xiao Han smiled and said, "This is also my Xiao Han's business!"

"What do you mean!" Duan Mulei stared at Xiao Han.

"Don't you understand what I mean?" Xiao Lian laughed and said: "I tell you, from today onwards, I am a member of the Wulanzong and a disciple of the head. Now, if someone dares to rebel, I naturally Can't stand idly by!"

"Okay!" Duan Mulei smiled, and then said: "Unexpectedly, you dare to enter Wulanzong now. Very well, then I will kill you first!"

After speaking, Duan Mulei quickly rushed towards Xiao Han.

At this time, Yang Jinfeng shot several arrows towards Duanmulei again and again. And said: "Xiao Han, you have to be careful of him, his sword skills are very powerful, superb and unpredictable."

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "Don't worry, I am going to walk for the sky today."

After all, Xiao Han sacrificed his wishful stick.

The wishful stick has become a weapon in hand. The most important thing is that this wishful stick can be used, although Xuanyuan Sword is also good, but it hasn't had time to study it. Now it's a battle that concerns one's own life, and a little carelessness may lose his life. Therefore, he had to bring his spirits up.


Xiao Han carried the wishful stick and quickly rushed towards the opponent. The two weapons collided.

The opponent's broadsword was very sharp, but Xiao Han's wishful stick was also very hard and indestructible.

Xiao Han raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth. He smiled, and then said, "How do you feel?"

Duan Mulei's arm was numb, and he used all his strength just now. Unexpectedly, the force that bounced back after the knife was not small, as the so-called killing one thousand, self-defeating 800. My arm is very painful.

Duan Mulei took a deep breath and said, "Hey, killing you is easy!"

"Try it!" Xiao Han carried the wishful stick, and with the assistance of Yin Ling, he almost flew away.

Duan Mulei doesn't have the flexibility of Xiao Han. He can only guard his every direction to prevent Xiao Han's sudden sneak attack. Xiao Han moved quickly, and suddenly, Xiao Han fell from the top of Duan Mulei's head.


Duan Mulei hurriedly grabbed the big knife in his hand to resist.

When Xiao Han's stick went down, Duan Mulei almost didn't stop it.

Duan Mulei gritted his teeth and roared: "Damn, you go to die!"

After speaking, Duan Mulei rushed out quickly. Xiao Han was caught off guard, he hurriedly resisted with a wishful stick. The opponent's knife cleaved a few breaths in the air.

"Xiao Han, be careful!" At this moment, Yang Jinfeng hurriedly shouted.

Whoosh whoosh...

At the same time, Yang Jinfeng quickly shot out a few rays of light.

The arrow shot towards Duanmu Lei.

When Duan Mulei saw this, he flipped back and forth several times before evading Yang Jinfeng's attack.

"Leave me alone!" Xiao Han looked at the unfavorable situation below, and said hurriedly: "You go to help Duanmu give them first, I will support him here."

"Then you be careful!" Yang Jinfeng said hurriedly.

"Yeah!" Xiao Han's face was solemn. Once the main hall is broken by the opponent, I am afraid that the disciples of Wulanzong will soon lose the confidence to resist. Once the disciples of Wulanzong surrender, the consequences will be disastrous.

Yang Jinfeng swiftly rushed towards the direction of the hall, the arrow in his hand shot out several rays of light.

At this time, Duan Mulei returned to the battlefield. He gave Xiao Han a cold look and said: "Xiao Han, why don't you take refuge in us. Once the second elder takes control of Wulanzong, he will definitely give you a great reward, how?"

"Sorry, I have no interest in traitors!" Xiao Han shook his head.

"Toast, not eat or drink fine wine!" Duan Mulei became angry from embarrassment.

The two fought fiercely again.

This time, Xiao Leng calmed down. He used his strengths. After calming down, Xiao Han's brain started to calculate the opponent's mistakes frantically. He needed to observe the opponent's loopholes. Once the opponent showed flaws, Then, he can easily break through the opponent's defense.

In the next battle, Xiao Han always focused on defense, supplemented by attack.

When Duan Mulei saw Xiao Han's offensive turn to defense, he suddenly thought Xiao Han was not strong enough, so he was very vicious in terms of aura. The attack also appeared even more fierce, and the big knife in his hand forced Xiao Han to slash left and right, stupefyingly to back Xiao Han repeatedly.

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