Xiao Han was stunned for a moment. The other party just tapped his eyebrows, and he already felt a touch of discomfort. It seemed that something had penetrated into his body from his eyes.

"What did you just do?" Xiao Han asked sharply.

"I lowered my head to you just now." The old Dao smiled and said: "This lowered head is no one but me."

"What do you mean?" Xiao Han didn't understand Maoshan Dao.

"You'll know soon." The old Dao laughed and turned and left.

Xiao Han saw that the other party was about to leave, and immediately stepped forward to stop him.

Unexpectedly, when he first rushed up, the old Tao immediately muttered silently. Xiao Han suddenly felt a splitting headache. He roared: "Old madman, stop for me!"

Relying on his powerful thought power, Xiao Han rushed out, raised his fist with one hand, and smashed the old way back fiercely.

With this fist smashed, Xiao Han thought this old way would fly out immediately. Unexpectedly, when this fist goes down, he feels like hitting a bunch of soft cotton. His own power was dissolved in an instant.

The pain spread from the head to the limbs, and the body soon became unable to move.

The old way also gradually disappeared under the gaze of the onlookers, leaving Xiao Han rolling around in pain.

Blue Yudie was stunned with fright, she didn't feel relieved until the old way was gone, she hurriedly shouted: "Help, help..."

Someone in the crowd called the emergency number.

Not long after, an ambulance whizzed in, pulling Xiao Han to the hospital quickly.

However, after some inspections in the hospital, it was found that Xiao Han did not have any problems. There is no major physical problem at all, and the indicators are also very normal. No foreign body was found in the body.

Xiao Han's pain gradually disappeared. It didn't take long to recover his calm.

"Xiao Han, are you okay?" Lan Yudie said hurriedly.

"It's okay!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "I'm okay, how about you?"

"I'm fine." Lan Yudie shook his head.

"There is a problem with this old way!" Xiao Han gritted his teeth and said, "You must find him."

"But, he is gone, where are we going to find him?" Lan Yudie hurriedly asked.

"There must be a way." Xiao Han said in a hurry.

This old man does have a problem. His slap just now must have brought something into his body. Otherwise, how could he suffer for no reason? Xiao Han is an atheist, and he is very disdainful of things with strange power. However, the appearance of this old way caught him off guard.

After staying in the hospital for a day, Xiao Han chose to be discharged after making sure that he was okay.

Lan Yudie accompanied Xiao Han all the way back to his residence.

"Xiao Han, he...could he be a Taoist priest from Maoshan?" Lan Yudie asked hurriedly.

"What Taoist Maoshan?" Xiao Han was puzzled.

"It's the kind of Taoist who knows spells and can kill people in the air." Lan Yudie hurriedly said: "In the past two years, I heard that some people were killed by Maoshan Taoist priests. And it seems to use a...what... The thing of head-down surgery."

"Really?" Xiao Han said he was calm, but his heart exploded.

Although he didn't believe it, but he clearly seemed to be hit.

"Yes!" Lan Yudie nodded and said: "Or...or else how could you do this?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "If the other party wants to let me die, he will definitely not disarm the spell easily. Moreover, he also said that no one in this world can disarm this spell except him."

"Then what to do?" Lan Yudie was anxious.

"Don't be afraid, there will be a way." Xiao Han said seriously.

Although Xiao Han didn't believe in these things, he had seen it today, so he was a little skeptical. Especially the thing that Lan Yudie told herself made Xiao Han a little bit dubious.

This old way is indeed powerful, at least Xiao Han thinks so.

Before leaving, Xiao Han thought that he had a few hundred jin of power. However, hitting him on the back, as if hitting a ball of cotton, made his strength instantly dissolve. All of a sudden disappeared without a trace. From this point of view, the opponent's strength is definitely beyond doubt.

Until the evening, Xiao Han drove Lan Yudie back home.

Lan Yudie reluctantly gave up, and repeatedly told: "Xiao Han, if you feel uncomfortable, you must call me."

"I know!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "Remember to go to work tomorrow."

"Of course I remember." Lan Yudie nodded.

After sending away Lan Yudie, Xiao Han returned to his residence and began to use the computer to inquire about Maoshan Taoist priests. I checked it on the Internet, and all kinds of mysterious theories made Xiao Han feel scared.

Suddenly, a thought popped into Xiao Han's mind. Could it be that... Is that old Dao also an outsider?

The so-called outsiders are not people in this world. They shouldn't have appeared in this world, but they have appeared in this world. People outside the territory have their own hidden territories and never interfere with the development of this world. Judging from the moves used by the old way, the opponent should not only have these moves. In other words, what he took out should be just some fur, which would not be noticed.

If someone finds out, the veteran will probably be hunted by law enforcement in the extraterritorial world.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han was terrified.

In fact, this was not the first time Xiao Han met someone from outside the territory. The first time he met someone outside the territory was in Liu Sandao's underground boxing ring. Several young people in the capital brought a man of great coax, who claimed to be an outsider, also called a dark angel. Unfortunately, that guy was killed by himself.

But now, he is controlled by others. Was under the head drop technique.

There was a creepy feeling in Xiao Han's heart.

"No!" Xiao Han took a deep breath and said, "You absolutely can't just sit and wait for death. You must find the old man."

If you don't find the descendant, you definitely can't escape from the opponent's spell.

However, even if you find the other party, I am afraid that the other party will not easily help yourself to remove the spell.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han frowned.

How to crack the spells that the old Dao casts on him is the most important thing, and Xiao Han seems very anxious. Xiao Han has been looking for ways to crack his own spells on the Internet, but unfortunately, finding a method on the Internet is like finding a needle in a haystack. It's hard to find at all.

When Xiao Han was at a loss, suddenly, his elbow knocked over a wooden box on the table.


The bead in the wooden box rolled out of it. The beads rolled far away, emitting bursts of shining light. When he saw that bead, Xiao Han suddenly felt dizzy. That bead was the luminous bead that Kato and the others had always wanted.

"How could this happen?" Xiao Han felt a splitting headache.

He had never felt this way before. He didn't know how many times he looked at this bead or how many days he had studied it. However, when I saw this bead today, I felt that my head would explode. Xiao Han covered his head with his hands and fell heavily on the ground.

Although it was painful, he could clearly feel that something seemed to be crawling out of his body.

Xiao Han clenched his teeth, working hard to endure this painful torture. It seemed that the guy in the body was about to escape. Xiao Han Qiang endured the pain. He tried to put the bead back in the box, but he couldn't get close to the bead at all. The closer he got, the more he felt scared and fearful, and he felt more and more afraid. pain.

Xiao Han clenched his teeth, something in his throat was squirming.


Suddenly, Xiao Han had a mouthful of blood, mixed with that mouthful of blood, and a black worm was lying on the ground, seeming to have vitality, and it was creeping gently. When Xiao Han highlighted the bite of blood, the pain in his body was immediately relieved.

When the pain disappeared, Xiao Han felt his body relaxed a lot. He lay on the ground and looked at the glowing luminous bead not far away, which was very bright and thorough. At this time, Xiao Han could not feel the slightest pain.

"Could it be..." A light flashed in Xiao Han's mind.

That's right, it may be that this luminous bead helped him relieve the old way of lowering the head on his body. It must be so, otherwise, there is no way to explain this matter. Xiao Han hurriedly got up. At a glance, he saw the dazzling bright red on the ground, and in that bright red, he could see a black worm slowly wriggling. It makes people feel extremely stimulating and moving.

"What is this?" Xiao Han leaned over.

Looking down, it was a black bug.

"Could it be... this is the spell that the old Dao cast on himself?" Xiao Han frowned.

The so-called spells, like witchcraft, are poisonous to people? Xiao Han looked down at the black worm. The worm was still moving slowly, seeming to want to escape from here. Xiao Han would not give him any chance.


Xiao Han raised his leg and stepped on the black worm fiercely.

The moving worm was quickly trampled on by Xiao Han and turned into a black liquid. It suddenly became a ball of meatloaf.


On the site of dark iron.

Lao Dao was preparing to cast a spell in the room, planning to let Xiao Han die tonight without a place to bury him. The old way gave Xiao Han the head drop technique, the so-called head drop technique was nothing more than planting the most vicious Gu in Xiao Han's body. This kind of Gu is a worm cultivated by the old Dao many years ago. After being put into a person's body by the old Dao, this kind of worm will grow up slowly, and it can follow the control of the old Dao.

Because this kind of bug has been cultivated by the old way since childhood, he can have a wonderful telepathy with the old way. It's easy to be controlled.

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