No matter what means the other party uses, Xiao Han, as the saying goes, the soldiers will cover the water.

Leaving the airport, Xiao Han went to Hanmen to eat.

Hanmen Restaurant has an office in the university town. All the financial and administrative work of the six chain restaurants in the provincial capital is upstairs in the restaurant in the university city. Li Fangrui has been managing these restaurants. Li Fangrui also turned from a ignorant girl who had just graduated from university to a woman who could be alone.

A few days ago, Li Fangrui learned from Yang Lu that Xiao Han was the behind-the-scenes boss of the horrible shadow. The girl almost fell off her jaw in shock. She began to work hard to remember whether she was disrespectful to Xiao Han in any way. After thinking about it for a long time, I finally didn't remember it.

"Xiao... Mr. Xiao. You are here!" Li Fangrui saw Xiao Han come in and hurriedly stood up.

"Don't be so polite!" Xiao Han said awkwardly when he heard it, "You should call me Xiao Han!"

"Ah..." Li Fangrui stood awkwardly in front of Xiao Han.

"Don't stand, sit down." Xiao Han sat down in the chair and said, "I'm here to see the financial situation in the first half of the year!"

"Good!" Li Fangrui hurriedly handed over the financial statements to Xiao Han.

Xiao Han glanced, and the performance in the first half of the year seemed to be pretty good. Several restaurants in the entire provincial capital add up to a net profit of over 8 million and a gross profit of nearly 4 million. This is also good news. The money in the provincial capital is indeed much better than in Linjiang.

After reviewing the accounts at the Hanmen restaurant, Xiao Han was going to other Hanmen restaurants to check the situation.

However, when he came out of the restaurant, a black BMW stopped in front of Xiao Han.

"Sister Xiaoya." Xiao Han looked at Li Xiaoya in surprise.

"Smelly boy, long time no see!" Li Xiaoya's face was full of red light, brilliant light everywhere.

I can see that Li Xiaoya is in a good mood.

"Hehe..." Xiao Han smiled, and then said, "Sister, what can you do with me?"

"Get in the car!" Li Xiaoya raised her delicate chin, and said, "I will tell you on the road."

"Yeah!" Xiao Han was really worried and had nowhere to go. Li Xiaoya just came to find herself, Xiao Han was still eager. He quickly got into Li Xiaoya's car.

Li Xiaoya kicked the accelerator and went out.

I went directly to Li Xiaoya's group company.

"Sister Xiaoya, is there a happy event?" Xiao Han asked.

"No!" Li Xiaoya nodded, and then said: "I recently went to Hong Kong for a while and negotiated a business with a company in Hong Kong. So I am very happy!"

"So that's it!" Xiao Han was amused when he heard it: "It turns out that I won a business!"

"No!" Li Xiaoya nodded and said, "So, I plan to pay back all the money I owe you today."

"Sister, don't you need to be in such a hurry?" Xiao Han was a little unhappy when he heard it: "Although you have passed the difficult period now, some places still need money. Working capital is very important for a company. Important, isn't it?"

"Yes!" Li Xiaoya nodded, and then said: "But, I don't want to owe you so much."

When Xiao Han heard this, he hurriedly said, "Sister, you have helped me so much, so it is only natural that I will help you this time!"

"No matter what, I will order Finance to transfer the remaining 10 million to your company's account!" Li Xiaoya smiled, and then said: "From then on, I won't owe you any more money!"

"Sister, what are you talking about!" Xiao Han smiled slightly and said, "That's right. Have you found the person behind you who framed you?"

"I don't need to check it!" Li Xiaoya's face was cold.

"Who?" Xiao Han asked.

"Liu Hao!" Li Xiaoya said.

"Is it him?" Xiao Han is naturally familiar with this name. He is Li Xiaoya's loyal suitor. I have always wanted to pursue Li Xiaoya, but it's a pity that Li Xiaoya doesn't seem to have any favors with her.

"Yeah!" Li Xiaoya nodded.

"Then why don't you call the police?" Xiao Han asked back.

"It's no use calling the police!" Li Xiaoya sighed, and then said: "Liu Hao's father is a member of the provincial party committee and has a background. What if I call the police?"

"Can you only indulge him so much?" Xiao Han asked.

"Hey..." Li Xiaoya sighed, and then said: "So, I can't help it."

"This person must be got rid of!" Xiao Han gritted his teeth, and said: "He is so uncompromising, he will definitely use this method to deal with me in the future."

"Xiao Han, you still don't provoke him!" Li Xiaoya sighed and said: "The reason why he has been against me is because he likes me. If it is you, he will definitely use all means to deal with you. !"

"Sister, to deal with such a person, you must use a different method!" Xiao Han squinted his eyes and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely have a way!"

"Don't mess around!" Li Xiaoya said.

"Hey, of course I won't mess around!" Xiao Han smiled slightly.

In the office, Xiao Han sat opposite Li Xiaoya. The two looked at each other, and Li Xiaoya's eyes were full of spring, and she seemed very shy. She hurriedly got up to make coffee for Xiao Han.

"Can you add sugar?" Li Xiaoya asked.

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded.

Li Xiaoya made the coffee and sent it to Xiao Han. She bent down and put the coffee on the coffee table.

When he bends down, the collar opens, and the two seductive beasts inside look very beautiful. Xiao Han glanced at it, and immediately felt extremely comfortable, his eyes straightened. Looking straight at the collar of Li Xiaoya's clothes.

When Li Xiaoya got up, she saw Xiao Han's straight eyes, and her face suddenly became red.

"Hey..." Li Xiaoya tweeted, then whispered softly: "Little pervert!"

"Sister, I..." Xiao Han's ears are extremely sensitive. When he heard Li Xiaoya scolding himself, he immediately blushed. He explained embarrassingly: "I...I didn't mean it!"

"Yes, you didn't mean it." Li Xiaoya snorted softly, and said, "Sorry, not daring!"

When Li Xiaoya said so, Xiao Han immediately understood.

"Hehe..." Xiao Han smiled and said, "Sister, okay? This is the office!"

"Without my permission, who would dare to come in?" Li Xiaoya asked back.

"That..." Xiao Han smiled and said: "Then I can come!"

"Come on, brat!" Li Xiaoya's face was hot and her heartbeat accelerated.

Xiao Han hurriedly stood up, and then walked towards the opposite sofa. His heart was extremely excited. Li Xiaoya is a charming young woman, such a woman is very attractive to any man. He looked very excited, but also very excited.

"Is it really possible?" Xiao Han asked.

"If you don't want to, don't come!" Li Xiaoya pursed her lips.

Li Xiaoya was talking about this, Xiao Han would naturally not fail, he hurried over, and then sat down beside Li Xiaoya. Although it is not the first time that two people have done this kind of extravagant things, this time after a few months, Xiao Han naturally seemed a little jerky.

Xiao Han sat beside Li Xiaoya and moved his hand gently to Li Xiaoya's thigh.

Li Xiaoya was wearing a black uniform and a short skirt covering her hips. When she sat down, her thighs were almost exposed. Of course, this exposure is just right. It is not very exposed.

Hands gently stroked the smooth, slippery thighs.

Li Xiaoya's skin suddenly appeared pink. She leaned on the back of the sofa, her eyes blurred, her hand tightly grasped Xiao Han's arm, while she wanted Xiao Han to touch her inner thigh, she kept squeezing Xiao Han's hand to prevent him from touching further. Touch yourself.

It was already this time, Xiao Han would naturally not give up easily, his hands kept moving up, and finally stopped at Li Xiaoya's chest. He gently stroked Li Xiaoya's chest, not only that, Xiao Han also unbuttoned Li Xiaoya's collar, and got his hand inside. Pinch the two **** full of proud things.


Li Xiaoya suddenly took a deep breath. She clenched her teeth, and when Xiao Han stroked herself, her body shuddered. Especially when Xiao Han's fingers pinched her own crystal, she couldn't help trembling even more.

"Xiao Han..." Li Xiaoya whispered in her mouth.

Li Xiaoya's body is a sensitive physique. Of course, this so-called sensitivity is also targeted, not sensitive to anyone. On the contrary, if it is not the person Li Xiaoya likes, her body will not only fail to respond, but will be very resistant.

Li Xiaoya likes Xiao Han in her heart, so she is very sensitive to Xiao Han. When Xiao Han touched her with her hand, she felt that her body was trembling sensitively.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?" Xiao Han asked curiously.

"Don't ask, hurry up!" Li Xiaoya bit her red lips lightly.

"Hehe..." Xiao Han immediately understood what was going on when he heard it, and he rushed forward without hesitation.

However, because it is in the office, it can't be too arrogant. Therefore, Xiao Han could only lift up Li Xiaoya's skirt, and then began a fierce battle.


In the office, this is a public occasion. However, at this time in this office, there is an intestinal battle going on.

And outside the office, there are more than a hundred employees at work.

Li Xiaoya tried to suppress her voice, making her voice as small as possible. However, Xiao Han looked very ferocious. Li Xiaoya almost couldn't restrain her emotions. She clenched her teeth and tried to keep herself quiet.

In the end, Li Xiaoya simply let go of her voice. She knows that the sound insulation of this office is still very good.

In the office, Xiao Han let go of his skills to fight. And exhausted all his energy in a crazy attack. Li Xiaoya looked very fierce. She crawled on the desk and greeted Xiao Han's attack. Her body was covered with delicate sweat. Although there is air conditioning in the office, strenuous exercise makes the body emit a lot of heat. Therefore, they seem very intense.

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